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and done in the cause of inquisition for heresy against the said John Hus, there being first a faithful and full account of the commissioners deputed in this cause by the sayings of which witnesses

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it evidently appears, that the same John Hus has openly taught many evil scandalous and seditious dogmas, and dangerous heresies this holy Synod, invoking the name of Christ, and having only God before its eyes, does by this definitive sentence which is contained in these letters, pronounce, decree, and declare, the said John Hus to have been and to be, a true and manifest heretic, and that he has publicly preached errors and heresies long ago condemned by the Church of God . . . . in which, with a hardened mind he has persisted for many years, scandalizing Christ's faithful people by his pertinacity, since, omitting the intermediate ecclesiastical judges, he has put in an appeal to our Lord

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de et super hæresi contra prædictum Joannem Hus, habitis et factis, habita per prius fideli et plenaria commissariorum in hujusmodi causa deputatorum relatione per quorum testium dicta apertissime constat, eumdem Joannem multa mala, scandalosa, seditiosa, et periculosas hæreses dogmatizasse in publico . . . . Christi nomine invocato, hæc sacrosancta Synodus Constantiensis, solum Deum præ oculis habens, per hanc diffinitionem sententiam quam profert in his scriptis, pronunciat, decernit, et declarat, dictum Joannem Hus fuisse et esse verum et manifestum hæreticum, ipsumque errores et hæreses ab Ecclesia Dei dudum damnatas de publice prædicasse . in quibus

per annos multos perstitit animo indurato, Christi fideles per suam pertinaciam scandalizans, cum appellationem ad Dominum

Jesus Christ, as the supreme judge,

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fore for the foregoing and many other causes, this holy synod pronounces the aforesaid John Hus to have been and to be a heretic, and by these presents does adjudge and condemn him as a judged and condemned heretic; reprobating the said appeal as injurious and scandalous, and a mockery of ecclesiastical jurisdiction. Therefore this holy Council of Constance declares and decrees the same John Hus to be deposed and degraded from the order of priesthood and all other orders with which he is honoured This holy Synod of Constance, considering that the Church of God hath nothing further that she can do, decrees to leave John Hus to the secular judgment, and that he be so left to the secular court.

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nostrum Jesum Christum, tanquam ad judicem summum, omissis Ecclesiasticis mediis interposuerit. Idcirco propter præmissa et alia plura præfatum Joannem Hus hæreticum fuisse et esse hæc sancta Synodus pronunciat, et tamquam hæreticum judicandum et condemnandum fore judicat et condemnat per præsentes; dictamque appellationem tamquam injuriosam et scandalosam et illusoriam jurisdictionis ecclesiasticæ reprobando

Idcirco hoc sacrum Concilium Constantiense eumdem Joannem Hus ab ordine Sacerdotali, et aliis ordinibus quibus existit insignitus deponendum et degradandum fore declarat et decernit . . Hæc sancta Synodus Constantiensis Joannem Hus, attento quod Ecclesia Dei non habeat ultra quid gerere valeat, judicio sæculari relinquere, et ipsum curiæ sæculari relinquendum fore decernit. -Conc. xii. 128-9.

SESSION XXI.-Of Jerome of Prague.

In the name of God. Amen. .

It appears moreover from the premises that the same Jerome adheres to the aforesaid condemned persons Wickleff and Hus, and to their errors, and that he was and is an abettor of them: for which cause the same holy Synod decrees that the same Jerome be cast forth as a decayed and dry branch, not abiding in the vine; and pronounces, declares, and condemns him excommunicated and anathematized as a heretic, and relapsed.

Session XXI.

In nomine Domini. Amen.

Constat insuper ex præmissis eumdem Hieronymum prædictis Wickleff et Hus damnatis et eorum erroribus adhærere, illorumque fautorem fuisse et esse: propter quæ eadem sancta Synodus eumdem Hieronymum palmitem putridum, aridum, in vite non manentem, foras mittendum decernit; ipsumque hæreticum, et in hæresin relapsum, excommunicatum, anathematizatum pronuntiat et declarat, atque damnat.-Conc. xii. 191-2.


That notwithstanding the safe conducts of Emperors and Kings, &c. inquisition concerning heretical pravity may be made by the competent Judge.

The present holy Synod declares that no prejudice or impediment can or ought to arise or be presented to the Catholic faith, and ecclesiastical jurisdiction, by reason of any safe conduct through the emperor, kings, or secular princes, granted to any heretics, or persons under report of heresy, thinking so to recall the same from their errors, by whatsoever obligation they may have bound themselves: but that it be lawful for the competent and ecclesiastical judge, notwithstanding the said safe conduct, to inquire concerning the errors of such persons, and otherwise duly to proceed against them, and to punish them as far as justice shall advise, if they

Session XIX.

Præsens sancta Synodus ex quovis salvo conductu per imperatorem, reges, et alios sæculi principes, hæreticis, vel de hæresi diffamatis, putantes eosdem sic a suis erroribus revocare, quocumque vinculo se adstrinxerint, concesso, nullum fidei Catholicæ vel jurisdictioni ecclesiasticæ prejudicium generari, vel impedimentum præstari posse, seu debere declarat; quo minus, dicto salvo conductu non obstante, liceat judici competenti et ecclesiastico, de hujusmodi personarum erroribus inquirere et alias

shall pertinaciously refuse to revoke their errors, even if relying upon the safe conduct, they shall have come to the place of judgment, to which otherwise they would not have come; nor does the person making such promises, when he shall have done all in his power, remain hence under any obligation whatever.

contra eos debite procedere, eosdemque punire, quantum justitia suadebit, si suos errores revocare pertinaciter recusaverint, etiam si de salvo conductu confisi, ad locum venerint judicii, alias non venturi: nec sic promittentem, cum fecerit quod in ipso est, ex hoc in aliquo remansisse obligatum.-Conc. xii. 169–170.

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FLORENCE, A.D. 1438.

SESSION XXV. (Of Purgatory.)

In the name, then, of the Holy Trinity, Father, Son, and Holy Ghost, with the approbation of this sacred General Council of Florence, we deAlso, that if any true penitents shall depart this life in the love of God, before that they have made satisfaction by worthy fruits of penance


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Session XXV.

In nomine, igitur, Sanctæ Trinitatis, Patris et Filii et Spiritus Sancti, hoc sacro universali approbante Florentino Concilio diffinimus.

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Item, si vere pœnitentes in Dei caritate decesserint, antequam dignis poenitentiæ fructibus de com

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