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CANON V.-(On Papal Supremacy.)

Renewing the ancient privileges of the Patriarchal Sees, with the approbation of the holy universal Synod, we ordain that next after the Church of Rome, which, at God's disposal, obtains the principality of ordinary power over all others, as being the mother and mistress of all Christ's faithful people, the Church of Constantinople have the first place, that of Alexandria the second, of Antioch the third, and of Jerusalem the fourth, saving to each its proper dignity so that after that their chiefs shall have received from the Roman pontiff the pall, which is the ensign of the fulness of the pontifical office, and had an oath of fidelity and obedience administered to them, they may themselves freely grant the pall to their suffragans, receiving from the same for themselves the canonical profession, and for the Church

Canon V.

Antiqua patriarchalium sedium privilegia renovantes, sacra universali Synodo approbante, sancimus ut post Romanam Ecclesiam, quæ, disponente Domino, super omnes alias ordinariæ potestatis obtinet principatum, utpote mater universorum Christi fidelium et magistra, Constantinopolitana primum, Alexandrina secundum, Antiochena tertium, Hierosolymitana quartum locum obtineant, servata cuilibet propria dignitate: ita quod postquam eorum antistites a Romano pontifice receperint pallium, quod est plenitudinis officii pontificalis insigne, præstito sibi fidelitatis et obedientiæ juramento, licenter et ipsi suis suffraganeis pallium

of Rome the promise of obedience. But let them cause the banner of the Lord's cross to be always carried before them, unless it be in the city of Rome, and wherever the chief pontiff shall be present, or his legate with the ensigns of the apostolic dignity.

In all the provinces subject to their jurisdiction let appeals, if need be, be made to them; saving the interposition of appeals to the Apostolic See, to which appeals all must pay the utmost deference.

largiantur, recipientes pro se professionem canonicam, et pro Romana Ecclesia sponsionem obedientiæ ab eisdem. Dominicæ vero crucis vexillum ante se faciant ubique deferri, nisi in urbe Romana, et ubicumque summus pontifex præsens extiterit, vel ejus legatus utens insigniis apostolicæ dignitatis.

In omnibus autem provinciis eorum jurisdictioni subjectis, ad eos, cum necesse fuerit, provocetur; salvis appellationibus ad Sedem Apostolicam interpositis, quibus est ab omnibus humiliter deferendum.-Conc. xi. 153.

CANON IX. (Of administering the Service in a language understood by the People.)

Because in most parts there are within the same state or diocese people of different languages mixed together, having under one faith various rites and customs: we distinctly charge that the bishops of

Canon IX.

Quoniam in plerisque partibus intra eamdem civitatem sive diœcesim permixti sunt populi diversarum linguarum, habentes sub una fide varios ritus et mores: districtè præcipimus, ut pontifices hujusmodi civitatum sive diœcesum provideant viros idoneos,

tians. In like manner we decree concerning the Brabançons and the people of Aragon, Navarre, the Basque provinces, and other ruffians, who exercise such cruelty against the Christians, that they pay no respect to churches nor monasteries, nor spare widows and girls, old men and boys, nor any age or sex, but after the manner of heathens waste and destroy every thing; that they who have conducted them, or kept and supported them in the districts where they have so furiously conducted themselves, be publicly denounced throughout the churches on Sundays and other holy days, and be considered bound by the same sentence and penalty as the forementioned heretics, nor be admitted to the communion of the Church, until they have abjured that pestilent company and heresy. And let all persons whatsoever who are bound to them by any agreement, know that they are released from all debt of fidelity or courtesy, or any manner of service, so

recipiant sepulturam. De Brabantionibus, et Aragonensibus, Navariis, Bascolis, Coterellis et Triaverdinis, qui tantam in Christianos immanitatem exercent, ut nec ecclesiis nec monasteriis deferant, non viduis et pupillis, non senibus et pueris, nec cuidam parcant ætati aut sexui, sed more paganorum omnia per dant et vastent; similiter constituimus, ut qui eos conduxerint vel tenuerint, vel foverint per regiones in quibus taliter debacchantur, in Dominicis et aliis solemnibus diebus per ecclesias publicè denuntientur, et eadem omnino sententia et pœna cum prædictis hæreticis habeantur adstricti, nec ad communionem recipiantur ecclesiæ, nisi societate illa pestifera et hæresi abjuratis. Relaxatos autem se noverint a debito fidelitatis et hominii

long as they persist in such iniquity. Moreover, we enjoin them, and all others of the faithful, that for the remission of their sins, they manfully oppose such disasters, and with force of arms defend the Christian people against them. And let their goods be confiscated, and let it be free for princes to subject such persons to slavery. And whosoever shall there depart this life in true repentance, let them not doubt that they will obtain pardon of their sins, and the fruit of eternal reward. We also out of the divine mercy, and relying on the authority of the blessed apostles Peter and Paul, grant to the faithful Christians who have taken arms against them, and at the advice of the bishops or other prelates, have contended to drive them out, a relaxation for two years from enjoined penance: or if they have made a longer stay there, we leave it to the discre

ac totius obsequii, donec in tanta iniquitate permanserint, quicumque illis aliquo (pacto) tenentur annexi. Ipsis autem, cunctisque fidelibus in remissionem peccatorum injungimus, ut tantis cladibus se viriliter opponant, et contra eos armis populum Christianum tueantur. Confiscenturque eorum bona, et liberum sit principibus hujusmodi homines subjicere servituti. Qui autem in vera poenitentia ibi decesserint, et peccatorum indulgentiam, et fructum mercedis æternæ se non dubitent percepturos. Nos etiam de misericordia Dei, et beatorum Apostolorum Petri et Pauli auctoritate confisi, fidelibus Christianis qui contra eos arma susceperint, et ad episcoporum seu aliorum prælatorum consilium, ad eos decertando expugnandos, biennium de poenitentia injuncta relaxamus: aut si longiorem ibi moram habuerint, episcoporum discretioni, quibus hujus rei (cura) fuerit injuncta,

these states or dioceses provide proper persons to celebrate the divine offices, and administer the sacraments of the Church according to the differences of rites and languages, instructing them both by word and by example.

qui secundum diversitates rituum et linguarum Divina officia illis celebrent, et Ecclesiastica sacramenta ministrent, instruendo eos verbo pariter et exemplo.-Conc. xi. 161.

COUNCIL OF Constance, A.D. 1415.

SESSION VIII. (Of Wickliff.)

Moreover because by the authority of the sentence and decree of the Roman Council, and the commandment of the Apostolic Church and See, after the fitting delay had been made, there was a proceeding for the condemnation of the said John Wicleff and his memory; and, the edicts and declarations having been made to invite any who might wish to defend his memory, if indeed any such can exist, no one

Session VIII.

Insuper quia auctoritate sententiæ et decreti Romani Concilii, mandatoque Ecclesiæ et Sedis Apostolicæ, datis dilationibus debitis, processum fuit super condemnatione dicti Joannis Wicleff, et suæ memoriæ, edictis propositis denuntiationibusque ad vocandum eos qui eumdem sive ejus memoriam defendere vellent, si qui penitus existerent. Nullus vero comparuit, qui eumdem

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