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" Annual for me, the grape, the rose renew The juice nectareous, and the balmy dew; For me, the mine a thousand treasures brings; For me, health gushes from a thousand springs; Seas roll to waft me, suns to light me rise; My foot-stool earth, my canopy... "
Bell's Edition - Strona 230
autor: John Bell - 1796
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An essay on man [by A. Pope]. With some humourous verses on the death of ...

Alexander Pope - 1736 - Liczba stron: 64
...Springs ; Seas roll to waft me, Suns to light me rife ; 135 My Foot-ftool Earth, my Canopy the Skies. But errs not Nature from this gracious End, , From burning Suns when livid Deaths defcend, When Earthquakes fwallow, or when Tempefts fweep Towns to one Grave, and Nations to the Deep?(<...
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An Examination of Mr. Pope's Essay on Man: Tr. from the French of M. Crousaz ...

Jean-Pierre de Crousaz - 1739 - Liczba stron: 248
...that which is true of human Nature in general, does not however extend to every Man in particular. But errs not Nature from this gracious End From burning Suns, when livid Deaths defeend JFhen Earthquakes fwallow, or whon Tempers fweep Town to one Grave, and Nations to the Deep....
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Memoirs of the Life and Writings of Alexander Pope, Esq, Tom 2

William Ayre, Edmund Curll - 1745 - Liczba stron: 426
...univerfal Good, which would undeniably prove, that whatever is, is right, by the following Lines : But errs not Nature from this gracious End, From burning Suns when livid Deaths defcend, When Earthquakes fwallow, or when Tempefts Towns to one Grave, a Nation to the Deep ? [fweep,...
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Saggio sopra l'uomo poema filosofico di Alessandro Pope in tre lingue ...

Alexander Pope - 1768 - Liczba stron: 726 gushes from a thoufand fprings; " Seas roll to waft me , funs to light me rife.' " My footjiool earth, my canopy the skies.,, 140 BUT errs not Nature from this gracious end , From burning Suns when tivid deaths defcend , When earthquakes fwaliow , or when tempefls fwccp Towns to one grave , whole...
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Essai sur l'homme: poëme philosophique par Alexandre Pope, en cinq langues ...

Alexander Pope - 1772 - Liczba stron: 376
...gushes from a thoufand fprings ; ' ., Seas roll to waft me , funs to light nie rife ; „ My foot-ftool earth, my canopy the skies." 140 But errs not nature from this gracious end, From burning funs when livid deaths defcend, When earthquakes (wallow, or when tempefts fivecp Towns to one grave,...
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Der Mensch, ein philosophisches Gedicht

Alexander Pope - 1772 - Liczba stron: 374
...gushes from a thoufand fprings ; „ Seas roll to waft me , funs to light me rife ; „ My foot-ftool earth , my canopy the skies. " 140 But errs not nature from this gracious end, From burning funs v.'hen livid deaths defcend, When earihquakes fwallow, or when tempelts fweep Towns to one grave...
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An essay on man. Cornish ed

Alexander Pope - 1798 - Liczba stron: 140
...pow'r, " Suckles each herb, and spreads out ev'ry flow'r; ' " Annual for me, the grape, the rose renew " The juice nectareous and the balmy dew ; " For me,...rise; " My footstool earth, my canopy the skies." • But errs not nature from this gracious end, From burning suns when livid deaths descend ? When...
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The Port Folio, Tom 4

1810 - Liczba stron: 702
...each herb, and spreads out cv'ry flow'r; Annual for me the grape, the rose, renew The juice nectarcous and the balmy dew; For me the mine a thousand treasures brings ; For me health gushes from a thousand spring*^ Seas roll to waft me, suns to light me rise; My footstool earth, my canopy the skies." Milton...
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An American Selection of Lessons in Reading and Speaking: Calculated to ...

Noah Webster - 1804 - Liczba stron: 254
...and spreads out every flower ; Annual, for me, the grape, the rose renew The juice nectaricus and ths balmy dew ; For me, the mine a thousand rise ; My footstool earth, my canopy the skies." Ettay m Mm, MVlSlLlt'T. I know not how to thank you. Rude I am* Jn speech and manners ; never till...
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The poetical works of Alexander Pope. With his last corrections, additions ...

Alexander Pope - 1807 - Liczba stron: 316
...rose, renew 135 .Thejuice nectareous ar.d the halmy dew; For me the mine a thousand treasures hrings; For me health gushes from a thousand springs ; Seas...skies." 140 But errs not Nature from this gracious eud, From hurning suns when livid deatbs descend, When earthquakes swallow, or when tempests sweep...
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