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No ON Macklin's British Inquisition. Speech
on the Question,-Whether the Stage
might not be made more conducive to
48. On Christmas. Celebration of it in Town
and Country. On Christmas Boxes.
This Season disagreeable to Persons of
49. Letter containing a Scheme for a Female
Parliament.- -Usefulness of it, and
Objections against it.-Account of the
Covent Garden Society, consisting of
certain Good-natured Females, divided
into Ladies and Commons...
50. On Suicide. Account of the Last Guinea
Club. Assembly at White's, a kind of
Last Guinea Club. Different Ways of
Suicide between vulgar Persons and
Persons of Fashion. Punishments for
Suicides proposed. Frequency of Self
Murders in England falsely imputed to
the Climate. Despair, brought on by
Extravagance and Debauchery, a Cause
of Suicide.-Free-thinking another.-
Specimen of a Bill of Suicide after the
Manner of, but distinct from, the com-
mon Bills of Mortality....
51. On Kept Mistresses and Keepers. Cha-
racter of an Hen-pecked Keeper-of a
Keeper, a Married Man-of a Keeper,
an Old Man. Shifts of Persons in mid-
dling or low Life, who take Girls into
52. Two Letters, from a Pretty Miss in
-and from a Blood in Pet-
53. On Dram Drinking. Rich Cordials (how-
ever recommended by their specious fo-
reign Names) no less pernicious than
Common Gin. Letter from an Hus-
band, complaining of his Wife, who
has taken to Drinking by Way of Me-
dicine.... COL. & THORN.
54. On Frolicks. Instances among the Bucks,
&c.-and among the Ladies...
55. On a New Sect among the Ladies, called
56. On Superstitions in Love. Letter from a
Country Girl, enumerating the several
Tricks which she had tried, in order to
know who was to be her Husband....
57. On the Import and Extent of the phrase
Good Company..
58. Proposal for Pressing all the useless and
detrimental Members of the Commu-
nity, such as-Country Squires-Town
Hunters Gamesters-and Free-think-
59. Superstitions observed in the Country..
60. Proposal to erect a School for Whist for
the Instruction of Young Ladies....
61. On Sectaries and Enthusiasts.
founded by the lowest Mechanics.
History of Religion, Superstition, and
62. Debates in the Female Parliament, in the
Committee of Religion. Speech of
Miss Graveairs, setting forth that the
Female Dress inclined to Popery. Re-
solutions proposed to prevent it. De-
bates upon them..
63. On Race Horces. Panegyric on White
Nose. Pedigrees of Race Horses care-
fully preserved. Praises of the Jockey.
Proposed to preserve his Breed. Ge-
nealogy of a Jockey.....
64. Petition of the Dogs, a Dream. Speeches
of a Greyhound, a Pointer, a Lap
Dog, and others...
65. Letter, remonstrating against the Use of
Paint among the Men.-Description
of a Male Toilet. Characters of John
Hardman, aud Mr. Jessamy......... UNKNOWN
66. On Masquerades. Fantastic Dresses there.
Plan for a Naked Masquerade.... COL. & THORN.
67. On Imitation. Our present Writers only
Copiers of others. Verses on Imitation. LLOYD
68. On the Public Gardens. Dearness of the
Provisions there. Description and Con-
versation of a Citizen, with his Wife
and two Daughters, at Vaux Hall. COL. &. THORN
69. Female Poets riding Pegasus, a Vision...
70. Letters-from an Author to Mr. Town,
with a Proffer of his Assistance-from
another Author, complaining of the
Custom of Giving Money to Servants .
-from a Methodist Teacher-Letter,
on the wonderful Increase in the Order
of Gentlemen....
71. Of Essay Writing.-Mr. Town's Charac-
ter as an Essay Writer. Subjects of his
Essays, and manner of treating them.
72. On Songs.-Mechanical Practice of mo-
dern Song Writers.-Pastoral Dialogue,
a Cento from the most celebrated New
73. On the present state of Monuments.-
Flattery of Epitaphs.-Heathen Gods
improper Decorations for Christian
74. On the Modesty of the Moderns, in in-
cluding all the Vices, instead of Vir-
tues, in the Character of a Fine Gen-
tleman or Lady.-Account of a New
Treatise on Ethics, or System of Im-
moral Philosophy....
75. On Good Nature.- -Analogy between
cloathing the Body and adorning the
Mind.-Extract from Swift's Tale of a
76. On the present State of Politicks. Letter
from Mr. Village, with the Character
of a Country Politician....
77. Letter from a Mind and Body Clothier;
with a Plan of his Warehouse for
cloathing the Mind together with the
78. On the Use of Social Intercourse between
Persons of different Ages and Profes-
sions-Want of it between Father and
79. Description of a London Tradesman in
the Country..
80. Letter from a Husband, complaining of
his being ruined by his Wife's Rela-
81. Letter from Mr. Village, giving an Ac-
count of his Visit to Lord Courtly.-
Character of the Honourable W. Hast-
ings, by the Earl of Shaftesbury....
82. Letter of advice to a Young Academic.
Characters of the Free-thinker-Game-
-and others...