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down, since I am very sorry for
my fault."
The enraptured
mother, as she clasped her child
to her bosom, and exclaimed, I do
forgive you, my daughter, lifted
up her eyes to heaven, and si-
lently breathed out her grati-
tude, that in the time of her
distress she had had it in her
heart to sacrifice a pair of pal-
try jewels, to procure a treasure,
which she was every day expe-
riencing, in most unexpected
ways, to be indeed of great

Many years did not elapse, before new and unforeseen events restored this humble, peaceable, happy family to the prosperity and splendour it had once enjoyed. Their trials had not been inflicted upon them in vain. They had learnt a lesson of religion, and especially they felt with so strong a force the value of the word of God, that they could not contemplate their late adversity with the least emotions of regret. They still continued in the daily practice of reading a portion of its contents; the character of every member of the family in consequence received a higher tone of elevation, was imbued with more seriousness, and enjoyed a richer calm, than the influence of any other book could possibly bestow.

band was unceasingly desiring her to inform him what could be done to afford her ease. But she knew not how to satisfy him. While the whole family with their friends were thus involved in agony and apprehension, the daughter of whom we have just related a juvenile anecdote, and who had now arrived at the years of full discretion, silently went to the table, and taking the family bible, sat by her mother's bed-side. She asked her no question; she only caught her eye; that eye appeared to say, you are the best physician, my daughter. She opened at the fifteenth chapter of the first epistle to the Corinthians, at the middle of which she began, and read in an audible voice till she arrived at the fifty-fifth verse. She was about to proceed, when her dying mother caught hold of her arm, and said, Stop, my daughter, let me repeat the next verse: O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? In a few moments she calmly expired.

The daughter, who bore so conspicuous a part in this interesting scene, is now in possession of her mother's bible, and what with the impressive recollections connected with that event, together with the unntterable value of the book itself, and the pleasure of following her mother's example, in all that relates to it, she estimates "the family bible" far higher phy-"the than the rest of the portion which fell to her lot.

When Mrs. Olney was attacked with her last illness, she was one day so restless and agitated, that no anodyne could soothe her to repose. The physician who was called, declared, "She has a fever, which I cannot allay." Her afflicted hus


THE apathy which has generally prevailed in regard to the condition of that part of the population of our country which has been deprived of the rights of man and doomed to slavery, must be astonishing to men of reflection and benevolence. Nor can it fail to give them pleasure to know that the eyes of many are opening on this awful subject. The following information has been collected from two letters, written by Evan Thomas, jun. of Baltimore. The first was dated in July, 1816, and addressed to Richard Phillips, of London. In speaking of the salutary influence of Bible Societies in this country, the writer observes :


Amongst the numerous salutary effects which result from the influence of gospel light, the melioration of the condition of the enslaved Africans, and a general disposition to emancipate, them are conspicuous. Not more than 40 years ago, when my father proclaimed liberty to those in his possession, it excited the greatest alarm throughout the state, and every effort which sophistry could suggest was made to induce him to retract. Now emancipation seems to engage the attention of all ranks. Societies forming in the midst of the slave states, in some instances almost exclusively by slave holders, for the express purpose of promoting that interesting measure. Formerly the right to hold slaves was scarcely ever questioned; now it is admitted on all sides that they are justly


entitled to their liberty. Under this impression many are disposed to emancipate them, but are not willing to turn them loose without education upon the community. The Societies to which I allude seem to be in favour of colonization. To a petition circulated under the auspices of the Abolition Society of Tennessee to the legislature of that state for some legislative provision in the case, there were upwards of 1500 signatures; and as an evidence of their earnest desire for the consummation of their request, many of the slave-holders were so particular as to write opposite to their names 'slave-holder. In this state emancipation seems to be the order of the day

many families of the first rank have recently manumitted their slaves-few die now without making provision for their enlargement."

"I expect very soon to have it in my power to announce to thee, the organization of a society in this city for the melioration of the condition of the Afri

can race."

"I regret that I cannot give thee an account of the last annual exhibition of the African Academy in this city-but it is with much satisfaction that I can state that there is an evident increase of attention to the literary education of the black and colored people."

"Ever since my return from England, I have reflected with surprise and regret upon the continuance of the cruel unchristian penal code, which an

nually hurls into eternity so many of your athletic, ingenuous and enterprising young men, who might under a more humane system have been made useful and valuable subjects.-I wish the people of England could take a view of our penitentiary, and see how we manage the banditti, which are poured upon our shores from all parts of the world. It would be a spectacle not easily effaced from their recollection: instead of foul and gloomy apartments, and clanking chains, they would see open and airy rooms, free from close offensive smells, walls as white as snow, and floors as clean as they can be scrubbed. On all sides the busy artisans ply sedulously and silently at their several occupations. Smiths, nail-makers, spinners, weavers, shoe-makers, tailors, and a long train of manufacturers in their proper apartments, present to the eye of the spectator such a scene of active industry, order and comfort, as to cause him to lose sight of punishment, and to consider himself in the midst, as it really is, of a very thriving manufactory. They would also see that, notwithstanding there is a regular and ample supply of excellent provisions, such as beef, &c. furnished to the criminals, their labour is found to be quite adequate to their maintenance, a fact of the utmost importance, as it is conclusive evidence of the expediency of the institution.The state is not only at no expense for their maintenance, but is actually benefitted by their labours.

of Jan. 1817, from which we select the following passages:

"Some time last summer a few individuals compassionating the deplorably neglected condition of the numerous coloured people of this city, and persuaded of the truth of the scriptural declaration--' He hath made of one blood all the nations of them that dwell upon the earth,' associated for the purpose of imparting useful learning to them. Three hundred pupils immediately presented themselves. In a short time the number of pupils increased to upwards of one thousand. The association formed itself into a society, assumed the title of The African Free School Society,' and adopted rules and regulations for the government of the Institution."

"Such has been the progress of these pupils such their desire to improve their intellectual faculties such their attention to decorum and good orderthat a very lively interest has been excited, not only in the Society but amongst the different individuals who have visited the establishment."

"Thus by the blessing of Providence a number of our fellow beings, who have been existing in a state of deplorable ignorance, in an age termed the most enlightened, are about to partake of one of the greatest blessing, of civilized life-useful learning.

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"Good fruits are already apparent; more than two thirds of our pupils are rapidly advancing in their studies, and exhibit in their deportment a conSecond Letter. descension and decorum creditThis letter was dated the 12th able to any people."

"The whole may be thus characterized :


1st. Blacks, native Africans or descendants,


"2d. Mixed race-from whites and blacks, whites and na

tive Indians, native Indians and blacks, Asiatics and

whites, Asatice and blacks,


3d. Aboriginals,

"4th. Asiatics, principally Malays,

[blocks in formation]

On this Second Anniversary of the Massachusetts Peace Society its officers have the pleasure of announcing to their brethren, that the God of peace has smiled on the efforts for diffusing the pacific principles of his beloved Son,—and has given great encouragement for more powerful and persevering exertions.

It is however proper to observe, that in representing the success of the Society as great, respect is had to the means employed. In any other view great effects are not to be expected from such limited means as have hitherto been at the command of the Executive Committee. The funds of the Society have principally consisted of the annual subscriptions of one dolVol. VI.-No. 1.

lar to each member. From this state ment it must be evident that the pecu niary means have not comported with the magnitude of the object-PEACE


At the Annual Meeting of the last year there remained on hand, of the Sermon on War 590 copies of the first Circular Letter 230. These, excepting a few copies, have been gratuitously distributed; and 1500 copies of a second Circular Letter have been printed for the Committee of Inquiry, and distributed by them. In addition to these the Executive Committee have distributed 355 copies of the Solemn Review, and 2696 of the sev eral Numbers of the Friend of Peace. This statement includes what the members of the society have received according to the Constitution.

The gratuitous distributions have

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not been confined to this State nor to the United States; they have been extended to Canada, Nova Scotia and New-Brunswick, on this continent; to France and Russia, on the continent of Europe; to Asia, by the Congregational and Baptist Missionaries; to various parts of the island of Great Britain, and to St. Domingo. So far as information has been obtained the Tracts have been gratefully received, and have generally procured friends to the objects of the society. It has been particularly the aim of the Executive Committee to excite the attention of men of intelligence and respectability, whose opinions and exertions would have influence on others. In this attempt they have been successful

In the course of the last year the society has been increased by the addition of 131 members. The whole number, so far as reports have been made, is 304*-of which 80 are ministers of religion; and the greater part of the new members are persons of respectable standing and influence.

But in estimating the prospects of success we are not limited to what has been done by this society, we may justly take into view the exertions of others in the same cause.

In our own country two societies have been formed in the course of the year-the Peace Society of Maine, and the Cayuga Peace Society. Several others have been proposed if not actually established.

The Society in Ohio has been divided into four organized branches; and the last accounts stated a probability that another branch would soon be formed, including a part of Indiana.. The Ohio Society has published in the course of the year 8000 copies of several Numbers of the Friend of Peace, the most of which had been disposed of in October. The society consists of more than 100 members, among whom are some respectable clergymen and statesmen.

Several of the pamphlets which have been circulated by the Massachusetts Peace Society, have gone through five or six editions in different parts of this country;-all of them have been reprinted, excepting the last Circular Letter and the Tenth Number of the Friend of Peace: To the NewEngland Tract Society, and to several

Editors of Newspapers and Periodical Works, this society is under obligations for friendly and gratuitous aid in the good cause

The Divine influence in favour of peace has not been confined to the United States. We have friends and

coadjutors in the neighbouring British Provinces, and in different parts of Europe. In London a Society has been formed for the Promotion of Permanent and Universal Peace, between which and this society a correspondence has commenced The letter from the London Society, of June 18th, informs that they had then printed 32,000 Tracts, besides 20,000 copies of an Address to the public; and that they were preparing to translate some of their Tracts into foreign languages, and to introduce the subject among the neighbouring nations. From the character of several of their Committee, whose names are known in this country, we may anticipate persever ing exertions and favourable results.

In the enumeration of auspicious occurrences, the letters from His Majesty the Emperor of Russia, and His Excellency Prince Galitzin are worthy of particular notice, as containing & pledge that their "power and influ ence shall be employed in striving to secure to the nations the blessings of that peace which they now enjoy."

Nor should their condescension and goodness be forgotten in sending their letters in our own language. We can hardly conceive how their letters could have more clearly expressed their approbation of the object of the society, or have been better adapted to encourage our hearts

On receiving these letters, believing it would be agreeable to Prince Galit zin, the Trustees elected him an Honorary Member of the Massachusetts Peace Society-which measure they hope will be approved by this meeting.

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Many agreeable letters have been received in the course of the year; from which, as well as from verbal intelligence, it appears that prior to the establishment of Peace Societies, a far greater number of Christians than was generally supposed, had been shocked by the contrast between the spirit and practice of war, and the precepts and example of the Messiah.

More than 20 names have since been reported,

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