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But Vincent de Paul's whole life was a continual feries of charîtable actions, whofe fruits we ftill enjoy. He lived to the age of eighty-five years. On the day of his death he was very fleepy. His friends afked him the cause of that continual flumber. He anfwered, fmiling: ""Tis the brother (le fommeil, or fleep) come to announce his fifter (la mort, or death.)" Never was nature fo heartily forgiven the neceffity of dying. S. Vincent de Paul's miffortune was, (if however it be a misfortune, to be little praised and even little known,) not to have been celebrated at his death, in 1661, by that eloquent Boffuet, who immortalized all his heroes; and who, at that very time, was compofing funeral orations on much lefs worthy subjects."

A misfortune for Vincent de Paul not to have been celebrated by Boffuet -Say rather, it was a misfortune for Boffuet not to have celebrated S, Vincent de Paul! Far from degrading his genius by fulfome homages paid to rank and power, in the pulpit, he would then have immortalized himself by a heart-felt tribute paid to unaffuming and tranfcendant worth, to fincere ardent charity, and to ufeful eloquence.'

As for Vincent de Paul, furely he needed no reward that mankind could bestow or with-hold. Though mistaken, or unknown by men, bis intentions and actions were their own reward. No triumphal entry can ever have yielded a conqueror an internal pleasure comparable to what he must have felt, when he was the inftrument thus in a few minutes to provide for the fupport of thousands and hundred thousands of innocent helpless fellow-creatures. His own heart applauded him, and his action was recorded in the book of life.

FOREIGN LITERARY INTELLIGENCE. De Animalium ex Mephitibus et noxiis Halitibus interitu ejusque_propioribus Caufis Libri tres. Auct. Baffiano Carminato. 40. Lodi. TN order to difcover and a certain the effects of a variety of noxious and poisonous vapours on the fenfible and irritable parts of different animals, fignor Baffiano has subjected a great number of unfortunate fowls, birds, cats, frogs, &c. to many curious and fatal experiments, and here given an accurate and instructive account of their refult,

Jo. Schraderi Liber Emendationum. 410. Leuwarden.

Containing, in thirteen chapters, a great number of critical emendations of corrupt paffages, in 1. Catullus. 2. and 3. The Culex and the Ciris, 5-9. Propertius; 10-12. Ovid; interfperfed with many quotations, emendations, and illuftrations of paffages of other writers, together with confutations of feveral opinions of other eritics, whom he has however treated with candour and mode


L. A. G. Schrader's Grund Gesetze der Natur in der Geburt, dem Leben und Tode der Menschen;-or, Fundamental Laws of Nature in the Birth, Life, and Death of Mankind. 1 Vol. 8vo. (German) Glückstadt,

A free but judicious, accurate, and methodical abstract of the late Mr. Süffmilch's celebrated work on political arithmetic, ime proved with feveral valuable additions.

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Anton. Brugman's Magnetifmus, feu de Affinitatibus Magneticis Obfer vationes Academice. 410. Leyden.

How little all the properties of the load-ftone have hitherto been known, will appear from an attentive perufal of thefe very curious Obfervations, founded on the most accurate and repeated experi


Ellai fur la Mineralogie du Bailliage d'Orgelet, en Franche-Comté, &c. par M. le Marquis de Márnefia, &c. Befançon.

The diftri& in queftion appears from this account to be very rich in various fofils and minerals; but the author has contented himself with enumerating them, and recommending their fearch and use to his countrymen, without pointing out their refpective arrangement, pofition, thickness and direction of their ftrata.

L'Eloquence, Poëme didactique en fix Chants; par M. l'Abbé de la Serre. Paris.

The fubject of this didactic poem is fine, and the poet by na means destitute of talents; but many of his thoughts are not fuffi. ciently digefted, fome of them are erroneous; and his diction is not, what the style of every didactic poem ought to be, fimplex mun-,


In the first canto he confiders the Influence of Senfibility on Eloquence; in the fecond, the Influence of Tafte; in the third, that of Virtue, in the fourth, that of the Form of Government; in the fifth, the Influence of Learning and Knowlege; in the fixth, the Effects of Eloquence.

Récherches fur la Preparation que les Romains donnoient à la Chaux dont ils fe fervoient pour leurs Conftru&tions, & fur la Compofition & l'Emploi de leurs Martiers. Par M. De la Faye. 2 Parts, 800. Paris.

A work containing fine experiments, and excellent reflexions written with perfpicuity, precifion, and elegance.

Atlas Celeste de Flamsteed. Par M. J. Fortin, &c. 80 Copper Plates. in Quarto, with 48 8vo. Pages of Letter-prefs. Paris.

Containing Mr. Flamfteed's maps reduced to one third of their fize, and defigned for 1780; with fome additions and improvements, The work has been approved by the Parifian Academy of Sciences ; this is the fecond edition,

Del Gius naturale, divino, ricauato, ed illuftrato da una nuova Analisi dell' Uomo per una Dimonfrazione e Chiarificazione originaria e particolare del Sistema cattolico, 2 Fuls. Quarto. Florence.

A profound fage, exempt, as he himself protefts, from all party fpirit and every prejudice,' here gravely undertakes, with only the book of nature in his hand, to analyze and inveftigate the conftitution of human nature, and of human fociety, and thus at once to fettle every difpute between believers and unbelievers.

Accordingly he demonftrates that, fince the law of nature is a divine law, it is hierarchy that conftitutes the main spring and fun2, damental power of every human fociety; and from the impulfe of human nature towards infinity, refolutely deduces the univerfal and transcendant power of the pope-bishops-celibacy-the ten commandments-all the feven facraments the mystery of the holy Trinity and, indeed, the whole system of faith of the most orthodox catholic Christian.


Eduardi Sandifort, Anat. & Chir. Prof. Obfervationes Anatomicopathologice. 4to. With 8 Plates. Leyden.

A valuable collection of remarks and obfervations, concerning either deviations from the natural ftructure of the human body, or remarkable effects of difeafes. Some of thefe obfervations are peculiarly curious, and illuftrated with plates.

Expofitio brevis Locorum S. S. ad Orientem fefe referentium-ex Obfervationibus certis plerumque propriis Infiituta, à D. Chr. Wilh. Ludeke. 8vo. Halle.

Thefe Obfervations are digested under the general heads of climate, agriculture, animals, domeftic life, travelling, towns, political and ecclefiaftical ftate of the Eaft. Most of them were made on the spot by the author; and though they contain little or nothing new, yet as they were made by an eye-witnefs, they may ferve to confirm the obfervations of former travellers on the fame fubjects, and for the fame purpose.

Théatre de M. Bret, des Académies de Dijon & de Nanci. 2 Vols. 8vo Paris.

Several of the dramatic pieces contained in this collection, have from the first met with great applaufe, and are now ftanding plays, fuch as, l'Ecole Amoureufe; and la Double Extravagance. The others, as les Faux Généreux; le Jaloux; l'Humeur à l'Epreuve; la Maison, an imitation from the Trinummus of Plautus; le Protecteur Bourgeois; les Lettres Anonymes; and les Deux Julies are alfo not deftitute of merit.

Demi-Drames, ou pétites Pièces propres à l'Education des Enfans; par M. de S. Marc. Première Partie. Paris.

The defign of thefe fhort plays is meritorious and well executed.' This first part contains: la Vanité corrigée; la Confiance malplacée, and l'Amour filial.

Ant. Canestrini, M. D. Monita Medico-politica ad non paucos eofque potiffimum Habitatores Ruris. Cafchaw in Hungary.

A fhort treatife confifting of three chapters. The first contains chiefly inftructions for recovering perfons apparently dead; the fecond is levelled against some fuperftitious notions of the common people, concerning the caufes and remedies of feveral diseases, especially nervous ones. The third is pointed against noftrums, quacks, and old female physicians. The whole appears to be calculated for the county of Maramarofch, on the frontiers of Poland. Mufeum Virorum Lucernatium Fama & Meritis illuftrium quorum Imagines ad vivum depictæ vifuntur. 4to. Lucern.

The Lucern worthies noticed in. this work, are fome writers, politicians, foldiers, and clergymen; the most remarkable among thefe, for foreigners, are, Louis Pfyffer, an officer of diftinction in the fervice of France, who with his Swifs troops conducted the French court, then afraid to be furprised by the protestants, and unprotected by any national troops, into a place of safety, and conftantly repulled the frequent attacks of the enemy's cavalry; and another Louis Pfyffer, a lieutenant-general in the French fervice, who with incredible pains, dangers, and expence, actually employs himself in reprefenting a part of the mountains of Switzerland, in an accurate model made of a kind of paste; where every hill and mountain's fize and figure are diftinctly expreffed, and almost every individual house may be instantly known. A very

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extenfive, upendous, and, without any exaggeration, unparalleled work!

Lettres de M. Alexandre Volta, &c. fur l'Air inflammable des Marais, auxquelles on a ajouté trois Lettres du même Auteur, tirées du Journal de Milan, traduites de l'Italien. 8vo. Strasburgh.

Valuable for several new, curious, and interesting observations and difcoveries.

Le parfait Boulanger, ou Traité complet fur la Fabrication & le Commerce du Pain. Par M. Parmentier, &c. 8vo. Paris,

A capital and interefling work.

Corrif, ondanee d'un jeune Militaire, ou Mémoires du Marquis de Lufigni &d'Hortenfe de Saint Juft. 2 vols. 12mo. Iverdun & Paris. A well written and entertaining novel.

Relazione del Fulmine cadute nell Conduttore della pubbica Specola di Padova. A jua Excellenza il Signor Angelo Quirini, Senatore. 4to. Padova.

Some obfervations tending to evince the great ufe of conductors, and to fhew that one fingle point is by no means fufficient to fecure an extenfive building from the effects of lightning.

Le Tartuffe Epiftolaire démafqué, ou Epitre très-familière à M. le Marquis Caraccioli, Colonel in Partibus, Editeur, & comme qui diroit Auteur des Lettres attribuées au Pape Clement XIV. 8v0. Paris.

The author of this very furious and virulent attack takes a great deal of unneceffary pains to prove what was already fufficiently known, that most of the valuable letters published under the name of Ganganelli, were never written by that pope. Mr. Caraccioli's crime in the eyes of this antagonist, feems to confit in his encomiums on the destroyer of the order of the Jefuits.

Récherches & Confidérations fur la Population de la France. Par M. Moheau. 8vo. Paris.

This work is faid to be the completeft that has hitherto appeared in France upon the fubject. It confifts of two parts. In the first, the author has collected, analifed, and difcuffed a great number of facts concerning the whole population of France, the proportion of the number of the individuals of both fexes; the average duration of life, the mortality of the different ages, &c. In the fecond, hẹ examines the influence of phyfical and moral caufes on the ftate of population.

Habacuc, Vates olim Hebræus, inprimis ipfius Hymnus, denuo illuftratus. Adjecta eft Verfio Theotifca. 8vo. Frankfurt and Leipzig.

A fhort but excellent commentary, accompanied with a good tranflation.

Pomona Franconica. Defeription des Arbres Fruitiers les plus connus les plus eftimés en Europe, qui fe cultivent maintenant au Jardin de la Cour de Wurzbourg. Vol. ft. French and German. Quarts, With 42 fine coloured Plates. Nurnberg.

A capital and claffical work for gardeners.




A Sermon preached at St. Mary's Church, in Oxford, on Thursday, July 2, 1778, on Occafion of the Anniversary Meeting of the Governors of the Radcliffe Infirmary. By John Lord Bishop of Oxford. 410. 15. Rivington,


HE learned and judicious author of this difcourfe explains the principles of benevolence and charity, inculcated by the Jewish law, and the Chriftian revelation. And where the poor are too numerous to be fully and effectually relieved by individuals, he points out the proper mode of felecting objects, and exerting our beneficence in the most useful and effectual manner. This naturally introduces fome general observations in favour of the Radcliffe infirmary.

The Beneficial Effects of Harmony. A Sermon preached at the Meeting of Three Choirs in the Cathedral Church of Gloucester, on Wednesday the 9th of September, 1778. By S. Glaffe, D. D. F. R. S. 4tc. Is. Rivington.

The meeting of the three choirs, in the cathedral church of Gloucester, is intended to promote a charitable establishment for the benefit of the widows and orphans of the clergy. Dr. Glaffe very properly recommends this benevolent inftitution, and vindicates the admiffion of harmony into the folemnities of religion, by fhewing its beneficial influence on the human affections.

Popery a perfect Contraft to the Religion of Chrift: proved in a Sermon preached at Clapham, November 5, 1758. And publifbed at the Defire of the Congregation. Now republished, with Additions, and addressed to Proteftant Parents. By H. Venn, A. M. 8vo. 6d. Crowder.

The text is taken from James iii. 17. The wifdom from above is firft pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be entreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrify.'

The author defcribes the origin of Chriftianity, and its diftinguishing characteristics, contrasting with them the origin, tenets, and fpirit of popery. The former, he fays, is derived from heaven, the latter from popes, fathers, councils, and traditions. Its votaries are taught to exalt the pope of Rome above all earthly potentates, and offer incenfe to him with proftration and adoration, to worship graven images without number, to call upon a multitude of inferior mediators, to believe the doctrines of tranfubftantiation and purgatory, to depend on the efficacy of indulgences, confeffion, and abfolution. Chriftianity is peaceable, gentle, merciful. Popery supports her ufurpations by bulls, interdicts, excommunications, anathemas, perfecutions, maf


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