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If we follow the courfe of hiftory as connected with Christianity, we first discover the existence of this. Power in a general fense in the age of St. John; when the Gnoftic and other herefies began to arife; for it is acknowledged that many of thefe Prophefies alJude to the different berefies that have troubled, and do trouble the church. These however are of a fluctuating nature; they rife, fpread, decline, increase again, or die away when "their folly becomes manifeft to all." But there appear to be three great forms of Antichrift, which were to continue stedfastly in great power, and affume much more alarming appearances of corruption, perfecution, and hoftility; and it is to thefe we now direct our attention.

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It will be the object of the three following Chapters to fhew, from the application of Prophecy to Hiftory, and to the remarkable train of events which are now paffing in the world, how exactly POPERY, MAHOMETANISM, and INFIDELITY Correfpond with the characters given in Scripture of the POWER of ANTICHRIST, which was to prevail a certain time for the efpecial trial and punishment of the corrupted church of Chrift.



dilo ter uten hodi quivoliol

Objections obviated.


But confidering the ftrenuous efforts which are now made to undermine the credit of Prophecy, by the continual cry of vague language, uncertain meaning, and contradictory affertions, uttered by artifice, and echoed by ignorance,-I shall first endeavour to prove, not only that the Prophecies themselves are clear, determinate, and harmonious, but that the different interpretations of the 'learned men, who have written upon this fubject, will be found confiftent with each other upon those points which, were fairly open to their obfervation--and that the difference in their opinions arifes from the different views they took of the fame Power, without having fufficiently confidered that this power was to appear in various forms in different ages of the world. To this end it will be unneceffary to mention the very numerous circumftances concerning which they agree; and these are indeed, in general, the most important points of thofe Prophecies which they faw to have been fulfilled the points in which they differ are chiefly thofe which the events of later times a pear to render ca

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pable of a clearer explanation. And to these points will the following fhort account of the opinions of the principal Commentators be confined, with a view to remove fome of the difficulties, and reconcile fome of the different interpretations to one point of reference; and this, it is presumed, will throw confiderable light upon thofe parts of the prophetical writings which have been most violently attacked, and therefore will materially ferve the great cause, which it is the object of this work to fupport.

It is important to observe, that if the Prophecies of the Old Testament are allowed to admit of a primary and of a fecondary accomplishment, there appears to be no reason why a fimilar mode of interpretation should not be adopted respecting the Prophecies of the New Testament. Yet this point has fcarcely ever been attended to.-Proteftants, fuffering under the power of the Papacy, or infenfibly led by their religious opinions, have feen the whole of Antichrift in the Church of Rome, or fome power or powers connected with it. They faw the Prophecy to be in many parts clearly applicable to the Church of Rome, and they looked for no other accomplishment; though the difficulty,


with which many paffages are brought to apply to this object, indicates it to be but a primary or partial fulfilment; and this difficulty led to differences of opinion, which, to the eye of fuperficial readers, appears to have thrown an obfcurity over the whole fubject. It is clear however from the Prophecies themselves, that a long series of time is required for their fulfilment; and though it is defigned that we should fee as much of the Prophecies fulfilling in our own time as to guard us against the evils and dangers prevalent in those times, we should be cautious in reStricting the fenfe of any to one particular period, excepting those which are evidently thus confined by Scripture. If it be obviously abfurd to imagine we can judge with certainty refpecting the time and manner in which events plainly predicted will be accomplished in future, it is equally fo to imagine that our ancestors could judge of the present times as clearly as we can do. Some portion of novelty therefore in an interpretation can be no objection to its truth, provided it harmonizes with established opinion concerning the principal points of Prophecy itself.

"It is a part of this Prophecy" (fays Sir I. Newton, in his Obfervations on the Apocalypfe, which he confiders as fo closely connected with the Prophecies of Daniel, as making together but one complete Prophecy")

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that it fhould not be" (fully) understood before the laft age of the world; and therefore it makes for the credit of the Prophecy, that it is not yet understood. But if the laft age-the age of opening thefe things-be now approaching, as by the great fucceffes of late interpreters it feems to be, we have more encouragement than ever to look into these things." -"Amongst the interpreters of the laft age there is scarce one of note, who hath not made fome difcovery worth knowing; and thence I feem to gather that God is about opening thefe myfteries."

These scattered lights thrown upon different parts of the fubject must greatly affift other Commentators in the progrefs of their later refearches; and we may furely indulge the hope, that the increafing clearnefs of this Prophecy will operate with increafing power, as the time of its fulfilment draws nearer. "And the remnant were affrighted, and gave glory to God," previous to the feventh


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