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beseching thee to graunt, that by the merites and death of thy sōne Jesus Christ, and through faith in his bloud, we and al thy whole church, may obteigne remission of our sinnes, and all other benefites of hys passyon. And here wee offre and present vnto thee (O Lorde) oure selfe, oure soules, and bodies, to be a reasonable, holy, and liuely sacrifice vnto thee: humbly besechyng thee, that whosoeuer shalbee partakers of thys holy Communion, maye worthely receiue the moste precious body and bloude of thy sonne Jesus Christe: and bee fulfilled with thy grace and heauenly benediccion, and made one bodye with thy sonne Jesu Christe, that he maye dwell in them, and they in hym. And although we be vnworthy (through our manyfolde synnes) to offre vnto thee any Sacryfice: Yet we beseche thee to accepte thys our bounden duetie and seruice, and commaunde these our prayers and supplicacions, by the Ministery of thy holy Angels, to be brought vp into thy holy Tabernacle before the syght of thy dyuine maiestie: not waiyng our merites, but pardonyng our offences, through Christe our Lorde, by whome, and with whome, in the vnitie of the holy Ghost: all honour and glory, be vnto thee, O father almightie, world without ende. Amen.


Let vs praye.

S our sauiour Christe hath commaunded and taught vs, we are bolde to saye. Our father whyche art in heauen, halowed be thy name. Thy Kyngdome come. Thy wyll be doen in yearth, as it is in heauen. Geue vs this daye our dayly breade. And forgeue vs our trespaces, as wee forgeue them that trespasse agaynst vs. And leade vs not into temptacion.

The aunswere.

But deliuer vs from euill. Amen.

Then shall the priest saye.

The peace of the Lorde be alwaye with you.

The Clerkes.

And with thy spirite.

The Priest.

HRIST our Pascall lambe is offred vp for vs, once for al,



when he bare our sinnes on hys body vpon the crosse, for

he is the very lambe of God, that taketh away the sinnes of the

worlde: wherfore let vs kepe a ioyfull and holy feast with the Lorde.

Here the priest shall turne hym toward those that come to the holy Communion, and shall saye.


OU that do truly and earnestly repent you of your synnes to almightie God, and be in loue and charitie with your neighbors, and entende to lede a newe life, folowyng the commaundementes of God, and walkyng from hencefurth in his holy wayes: drawe nere and take this holy Sacrament to your comforte, make your humble confession to almightie God, and to his holy church here gathered together in hys name, mekely knelyng vpon your knees.

Then shall thys generall Confession bee made, in the name of al those that are minded to receive the holy Communion, eyther by one of them, or els by one of the ministers, or by the prieste hymselfe, all kneling humbly vpon their knees.


LMYGHTIE GOD father of oure Lord Jesus Christ, maker of all thynges, iudge of all men, we knowlege and bewaile our manyfold synnes and wyckednes, which we from tyme to tyme, most greuously haue committed, by thought, word and dede, agaynst thy diuine maiestie, prouoking moste iustly thy wrath and indignacion against vs, we do earnestly repent & be hartely sory for these our misdoinges, the remembraunce of them is greuous vnto vs, the burthen of them is intollerable: haue mercye vpon vs, haue mercie vpon vs, moste mercifull father, for thy sonne our Lorde Jesus Christes sake, forgeue vs all that is past, and graunt that we may euer hereafter, serue and please thee in neunes of life, to the honor and glory of thy name: Through Jesus Christe our Lorde.

Then shall the Prieste stande vp, and turnyng himselfe to the people, say thus.


LMIGHTIE GOD our heauenly father, who of his great mercie, hath promysed forgeuenesse of synnes to all them, whiche with hartye repentaunce and true fayth, turne vnto him : haue mercy vpon you, pardon and delyuer you from all youre sinnes, confirme and strēgthen you in all goodnes, and bring you to euerlasting lyfe: through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

Then shall the Priest also say.

Heare what coumfortable woordes our sauiour Christ sayeth, to all that truely turne to him.

Come vnto me all that trauell and bee heauy laden, and I shall refreshe you. So God loued the worlde that he gaue his onely begotten sonne, to the ende that al that beleue in hym, shoulde not perishe, but haue lyfe euerlasting.

Heare also what saint Paul sayeth.

This is a true saying, and woorthie of all men to bee receiued, that Jesus Christe came into thys worlde to saue sinners.

Heare also what saint John sayeth.

If any man sinne, we haue an aduocate with the father, Jesus Christ the righteous, and he is the propiciation for our sinnes. Then shall the Priest turnyng him to gods boord knele down, and say in the name of all them, that shall receyue the Communion, this prayer folowing.


E do not presume to come to this thy table (o mercifull lord) trusting in our owne righteousnes, but in thy manifold & great mercies: we be not woorthie so much as to gather vp the cromes vnder thy table, but thou art the same lorde whose propertie is alwayes to haue mercie: Graunt vs therfore (gracious lorde) so to eate the fleshe of thy dere sonne Jesus Christ, and to drynke his bloud in these holy Misteries, that we may continuallye dwell in hym, and he in vs, that oure synfull bodyes may bee made cleane by his body, and our soules washed through hys most precious bloud. Amen.

Then shall the Prieste firste receive the Communion in both kindes himselfe, and next deliver it to other Ministers, if any be there presente (that they may bee ready to helpe the chiefe Minister) and after to the people.

And when he deliuereth the Sacramente of the body of Christe, he shall say to euery one these woordes.

The body of our Lorde Jesus Christe whiche was geuen for thee, preserue thy bodye and soule vnto euerlasting lyfe.

And the Minister deliuering the Sacrament of the bloud, and geuing euery one to drinke once and no more, shall say.

The bloud of our Lorde Jesus Christe which was shed for thee, preserue thy bodye and soule vnto euerlasting lyfe.

If there be a Deacon or other Priest, then shal he folow with the Chalice: and as the priest ministreth the Sacrament of the body, so shal he (for more expedicion) minister the Sacrament of the bloud, in fourme before written.

In the Communion tyme the Clarkes shall syng.

ii. O lambe of god that takeste away the sinnes of the worlde: haue mercie vpon vs.

O lambe of god that takeste away the synnes of the worlde: graunt vs thy peace.

Beginning so soone as the Prieste doeth receyue the holy Communion: and when the Communion is ended, then shall the Clarkes syng the post Communion.

Sentences of holy scripture, to be sayd or song euery daye one, after the holy Communion, called the post Communion.


If any man will folowe me, let him forsake hymselfe, and take Math. xvi. his crosse and folowe me.

Whosoeuer shall indure vnto thende, he shalbe saued.

Mar. xiii.

Praysed be the Lorde god of Israell, for he hath visited and Luc. i. redemed hys people: therefore let vs serue hym all the dayes of our lyfe, in holines and righteousnes accepted before hym.

Happie are those seruauntes, whome the Lord (when he cum- Luc. xii. meth) shall fynde waking.

Be ye readye, for the sonne of manne will come, at an hower Luc. xii. when ye thinke not.

The seruaunte that knoweth hys maisters will, and hath not Luc. xii. prepared himself, neither hath doen according to his will, shalbe beaten with many stripes.

The howre cummeth and now it is, when true woorshippers John. iiii. shall wurship the father in spirite and trueth.

Beholde, thou art made whole, sinne no more, lest any wurse John. v. thing happen vnto thee.

If ye shall continue in my woorde, then are ye my very disci- Iohn. viii. ples, and ye shall knowe the truth, and the truth shall make you


While ye haue lighte, beleue on the lyght, that ye may be the John. xii. children of light.

He that hath my commaundemetes, and kepeth them, thesame Iohn. xiiii. is he that loueth me.

If any man loue me, he will kepe my woorde, and my father Ihon. xiiii.

John. xv.

Iohn xv.

John. xv.

Roma. viii.

Rom. viii.

Rom. xiii.

i. Corin. i.

i. Corin. iii.

i. Corin. vi.

Ephes. v.

will loue hym, and wee will come vnto hym and dwell with hym.

If ye shall byde in me, and my woorde shall abyde in you, ye shall aske what ye will, and it shall bee doen to you.

Herein is my father gloryfyed, that ye beare muche fruite, and become my disciples.

This is my commaundement, that you loue together as I haue loued you.

If God be on our syde, who can be agaynst vs? which did not spare his owne sonne, but gaue him for vs all.

Who shall lay any thing to the charge of Goddes chosen? it is GOD that iustifyeth, who is he that can condemne?

The nyght is passed, and the day is at hande, let vs therfore cast away the dedes of darkenes, and put on the armour of light.

Christe Jesus is made of GOD, vnto vs wisedome, and righteousnes, and sanctifying, and redempcion, that (according as it is written) he whiche reioyceth shoulde reioyce in the Lorde.

Knowe ye not that ye are the temple of GOD, and that the spirite of GOD dwelleth in you? if any manne defile the temple of GOD, him shall God destroy.

Ye are derely bought, therfore glorifye God in your bodies, and in your spirites, for they belong to God.

Be you folowers of God as deare children, and walke in loue, euen as Christe loued vs, and gaue hymselfe for vs an offeryng and a Sacrifyce of a sweete sauoure to God.

Then the Priest shall geue thankes to God, in the name of all them that have communicated, turning him first to the people, and saying.


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LMIGHTYE and euerlyuyng GOD, we moste hartely thanke thee for that thou hast vouchsafed to feede vs in these holy Misteries, with the spirituall foode of the moste precious body and bloud of thy sonne, our sauiour Jesus Christ, and hast assured vs (duely receiuing the same) of thy fauour and

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