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GOD is not vnrighteous, that he will forget youre woorkes Hebre. vi. and labor, that procedeth of loue, whiche loue ye haue shewed

for his names sake, whiche haue ministred vnto the sainctes, and yet do minister.

To do good, & to distribute, forget not, for with suche Sacrifices Hebre. xiii.

God is pleased.

Whoso hath this worldes good, and seeth his brother haue i. Jhon. iii. nede, & shutteth vp his compassion from hym, how dwelleth the

loue of God in him?

Geue almose of thy goodes, and turne neuer thy face from any Toby. iiii. poore man, and then the face of the lorde shall not be turned awaye from thee.

Bee mercifull after thy power: if thou hast muche, geue plen- Toby. iiii. teously, if thou hast litle, do thy diligence gladly to geue of that litle, for so gathereste thou thy selfe a good reward, in the daie of necessitie.

He that hath pitie vpon the poore, lendeth vnto the Lorde: and Prouerbes loke what he laieth out, it shalbe paied hym again.


Blessed be the man that prouideth for the sicke and nedy, the Psal. xli. lorde shall deliuer hym, in the tyme of trouble.

Where there be Clerkes, thei shall syng one, or many of the sentences aboue written, accordyng to the length and shortenesse of the tyme, that the people be offeryng.

In the meane tyme, whyles the Clerkes do syng the Offertory, so many as are disposed, shall offer vnto the poore mennes boxe euery one accordynge to his habilitie and charitable mynde. And at the offeryng daies appoynted: euery manne and woman shall paie to the Curate, the due and accustomed offerynges.

Then so manye as shalbe partakers of the holy Communion, shall

tary still in the quire, or in some conuenient place, nigh the quire, the men on the one side, and the women on the other syde All other (that mynde not to receive the said holy Communion) shall departe out of the quire, except the ministers and Clerkes.

Then shall the minister take so muche Bread and Wine, as shall suffice for the persons appoynted to receive the holy Communion, laiyng the breade vpon the corporas, or els in the paten, or in some other comely thyng, prepared for that pur


pose. And puttyng the wyne into the Chalice, or els in some faire or conueniente cup, prepared for that vse (if the Chalice wil not serue) puttyng therto a litle pure and cleane water: And settyng both the breade and wyne vpon the Alter: Then the Prieste shall saye.

The Lorde be with you.


And with thy spirite.


Lift vp your heartes.


We lift them vp vnto the Lorde.


Let vs geue thankes to our Lorde God.


It is mete and right so to do.

The Priest.

T is very mete, righte, and our boūden dutie that wee shoulde at all tymes, and in all places, geue thankes to thee, O Lorde, holy father, almightie euerlastyng God.

¶ Here shall folowe the proper preface, accordyng to the tyme (if there bee any specially appoynted) or els immediatly shall folowe. Therefore with Angelles. &c.

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Upon Christmas daie.

ECAUSE thou diddeste geue Jesus Christe, thyne onely

Bone to be borne as this daye for vs, who by the operacion

to bee borne as

of the holy ghoste, was made very man, of the substaunce of the Virgin Mari his mother, and that without spot of sinne, to make vs cleane from all synne. Therfore. &c.


Upon Easter daie.

UT chiefly are we bound to praise thee, for the glorious resurreccion of thy sonne Jesus Christe, our Lorde, for he is the very Pascall Lambe, whiche was offered for vs, & hath taken awaie the synne of the worlde, who by his death hath destroyed

death, and by his risyng to life againe, hath restored to vs euerlastynge life. Therefore. &c.

¶ Upon the Assencion daye.

HROUGH thy most dere beloued sonne, Jesus Christ our


Lorde, who after his moste glorious resurreccion, manifestly appered to all his disciples, and in their sight ascended vp into heauen, to prepare a place for vs, that where he is, thither mighte we also ascende, and reigne with hym in glory. Therfore. &c.


Upon Whitsondaye.

HROUGH Jesus Christe our Lorde, accordyng to whose moste true promise, the holy Ghoste came doune this daye frō heauen, with a sodain great sound, as it had been a mightie wynde, in the likenes of fiery toungues, lightyng vpon the Apostles, to teache them, and to leade them to all trueth, geuyng them bothe the gifte of diuerse languages, and also boldnes with feruent zeale, constantly to preache the Gospell vnto all nacions, whereby we are brought out of darkenes and error, into the cleare light and true knowlege of thee, and of thy sonne Jesus Christ. Therfore. &c.

Upon the feast of the Trinitie.

T is very meete, righte, and oure bounden duetie, that we

Lorde, almightye euerlasting God, whiche arte one God, one Lorde, not one onely person, but three persones in one substaunce: For that which we beleue of the glory of the father, thesame we beleue of the sōne, and of the holy ghost, without any difference, or inequalitie, whom the Angels. &c.

After whiche preface shall folowe immediatly.

Therfore with Angels and Archangels, and with all the holy companye of heauen: we laude and magnify thy glorious name, euermore praisyng thee, and saying:

Holy, holy, holy, Lorde God of Hostes: heauen & earth are full of thy glory: Osanna in the highest. Blessed is he that commeth in the name of the Lorde: Glory to thee O lorde in the highest. This the Clerkes shal also syng.

When the Clerkes haue dooen syngyng, then shall the Priest, or
Deacon, turne hym to the people and saye.

Let vs praie for the whole state of Christes churche.

Then the Priest turnyng hym to the Altar, shall saye or syng, playnly and distinctly, this prayer folowyng.


LMIGHTIE and euerliuyng God, whiche by thy holy Apostle haste taught vs to make prayers and supplicacions, and to geue thankes for al menne: We humbly beseche thee moste mercyfully to receiue these our praiers, which we offre vnto thy diuine Maiestie, beseching thee to inspire cōtinually the vniuersal churche, with the spirite of trueth, vnitie and concorde: And graunt that al they that do cofesse thy holy name, maye agree in the trueth of thy holye worde, and liue in vnitie and godly loue. Speciallye we beseche thee to saue and defende thy seruaunt, Edwarde our Kyng, that vnder hym we maye be Godly and quietly gouerned. And graunt vnto his whole coūsaile, and to all that be put in aucthoritie vnder hym, that they maye truely and indifferently minister iustice, to the punishemente of wickednesse and vice, and to the maintenaunce of Goddes true religion and vertue. Geue grace (O heauenly father) to all Bishoppes, Pastors, and Curates, that thei maie bothe by their life and doctrine, set furthe thy true and liuely worde, and rightely and duely administer thy holy Sacramentes. And to al thy people geue thy heauenly grace, that with meke heart and due reuerence, they may heare and receiue thy holy worde, truely seruyng thee in holynes and righteousnes, all the dayes of their life: And we most hubly beseche thee of thy goodnes (O Lorde) to coumfort and succour all them, whyche in thys transytory life be in trouble, sorowe, nede, syckenes, or any other aduersitie. And especially we commend vnto thy mercifull goodnes, this congregacion which is here assembled in thy name, to celebrate the commemoracion of the most glorious death of thy sonne: And here we do geue vnto thee moste high praise, and hartie thankes for the wonderfull grace and vertue, declared in all thy sainctes, from the begynning of the worlde: And chiefly in the glorious and moste blessed virgin Mary, mother of thy sonne, Jesu Christe our Lorde and God, and in the holy Patriarches, Prophetes, Apostles and Martyrs, whose examples (o Lorde) and stedfastnes in thy fayth, and kepyng thy holy commaundementes: graunt vs to folowe. We commend vnto thy mercye (O Lorde) all other thy seruauntes, which are departed hence from vs, with the signe of faith, and nowe do reste in the slepe of peace: Graut vnto them, we beseche thee, thy mercy, and

euerlasting peace, and that at the day of the generall resurreccion, we and all they which bee of the misticall body of thy sonne, may altogether be set on his right hand, and heare that his most ioyfull voyce: Come vnto me, O ye that be blessed of my father, and possesse the kingdom, whiche is prepared for you, from the begynning of the worlde: Graunt this, O father, for Jesus Christes sake, our onely mediatour and aduocate.

O God heauenly father, which of thy tender mercie, diddest geue thine only sonne Jesu Christ, to suffre death vpon the crosse for our redempcion, who made there (by his one oblacion once offered) a full, perfect, and sufficient sacrifyce, oblacion, and satysfacyon, for the sinnes of the whole worlde, and did institute, and in his holy Gospell commaund vs, to celebrate a perpetuall memory, of that his precious death, vntyll his comming again : Heare vs (o merciful father) we besech thee: and with thy holy spirite & worde, vouchsafe to blesse and sanctifie these thy gyftes, and creatures of bread and wyne, that they maie be vnto vs the bodye and bloude of thy moste derely beloued sonne Jesus Christe. Who in thesame nyght that he was betrayed: tooke breade, and when he had blessed, and geuen thankes: he brake it, and gaue it to his disciples, saiyng: Take, eate, this is my bodye which is geuen for you, do this in remembraunce of me. Likewyse after supper he toke the cuppe, and when he had geuen thankes, he gaue it to them, saiyng: drynk ye all of this, for this is my bloude of the newe Testament, whyche is shed for you and for many, for remission of synnes: do this as oft as you shall drinke it in remembraunce of me.

These wordes before rehersed are to be saied, turning still to the Altar, without any eleuacion, or shewing the Sacrament to the people.


HERFORE, O Lorde and heauenly father, accordyng to the Instytucyon of thy derely beloued sonne, our sauiour Jesu Christ, we thy humble seruauntes do celebrate, and make here before thy diuine Maiestie, with these thy holy giftes, the memoryall whyche thy sonne hath wylled vs to make, hauing in remembraunce his blessed passion, mightie resurreccyon, and gloryous ascencion, renderyng vnto thee most hartie thankes, for the innumerable benefites procured vnto vs by thesame, entierely desiryng thy fatherly goodnes, mercifully to accepte this our Sacrifice of praise and thankes geuing: most humbly

Here the prieste must

take the bread

into his handes.

Here the priest shall

take the Cuppe into his handes.

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