Obrazy na stronie

παντες μεταλαβωσι και πασαι, λαβοντες οἱ διακονοι τα περισσεύσαντα, εισφερετωσαν εις τα παστοφορια. και ὁ διακονος λεγετω, παυσαμένου του ψαλλοντος.

σε επήκοος,

Μεταλαβοντες του τιμιου σωματος, και του τιμιου αίμα τος του Χριστου, ευχαρίστησωμεν τῳ καταξιωσαντι ἡμας 5 μεταλαβειν των άγιων αυτου μυστηρίων, και παρακαλεσως μεν, μη εις κριμα, αλλ' εις σωτηριαν ήμιν γενεσθαι, εις ωφε λειαν ψυχης και σωματος, εις φυλακην ευσεβειας, εις αφεσιν ἁμαρτιων, εις ζωήν του μελλοντος αιώνος. εγειρωμεθα. εν χαριτι Χριστου ἑαυτους τῷ Θεῷ, τῷ μονῳ αγεννητῳ Θεῳ, και τῳ 10 Χριστῳ αυτου παραθώμεθα. και ὁ επισκοπος ευχαριστείτω. Δεσποτα ὁ Θεὸς ὁ παντοκρατορ, ὁ πατηρ του Χριστου σου 080 του ευλογητου παιδος, ὁ των μετ ̓ ευθυτητος επικαλουμενων και των σιωπώντων επισταμενος τας εντευξεις ευχαριστουμεν σοι, ὅτι κατηξίωσας ἡμας μεταλαβειν των 15 άγιων σου μυστηριων, ὁ παρεσχου ἡμιν, εις πληροφοριαν των καλως εγνωσμενων, εις φυλακην της ευσεβειας, εις άφεσιν πλημμεληματων· ὅτι το ονομα του Χριστου σου επικεκληται εφ' ήμας, και σοι προσῳκειωμεθα. ὁ χωρισας ἡμας της των ασεβων κοινωνιας, ἕνωσον ἡμας μετα των καθωσιωμενων σοι, 20 στηριξον ήμας εν τη αληθεια τη του άγιου πνευματος επιφοιτησει, τα άγνοουμενα αποκαλυψον, τα λείποντα προσαναπληρωσον, τα εγνωσμενα κρατυνον. τους ιερεις αμωμους διαφυ λαξον εν τη λατρεια σου τους βασιλεις διατηρησον εν ειρηνη, τους αρχοντας εν δικαιοσυνη, τους αερας εν ευκρασία, τους καρ- 25 πους εν ευφορία, τον κοσμον εν παναλκει προνοιᾳ. τα εθνη τα πολεμικα πραΰνον· τα πεπλανημένα επιστρεψον τον λαον σου άγιασον. τους εν παρθενια διατηρησον τους εν γαμῳ δια φυλαξον εν πιστει τους εν άγνεια ενδυναμωσον τα νηπια άδρυνον τους νεοτελεις βεβαιωσον τους εν κατηχήσει παιδευ σον, και της μυήσεως αξίους αναδειξον και παντας ήμας επισυναγαγε εις την των ουρανων βασιλειαν, εν Χριστῳ Ιησου τῳ κυριῳ ἡμων· μεθ ̓ οὗ σοι δόξα, τιμη και σεβας, και τῳ ἁγίῳ πνευματι, εις τους αιώνας. αμην. και ὁ διακονος λεγετω· τῳ


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Θεῳ δια του Χριστου αυτου κλίνατε, και ευλογεισθε. και ὁ επισκοπος επευχεσθω, λεγων· ὁ Θεὸς ὁ παντοκρατωρ, ὁ αληθινος και ασυγκριτος, ὁ πανταχου ων και τοις πασι παρων και εν ουδενι ὡς ενοντι ὑπαρχων, ὁ τοποις μη περιγραφομενος, ὁ χρο5 νοις μη παλαιουμενος, ὁ αιωσι μη περατουμενος, ὁ λογοις μη παραγόμενος, ὁ γενέσει μη ὑποκειμενος, ὁ φυλακης μη δεομε νος, ὁ φθορας ανωτερος, ὁ τροπης ανεπίδεκτος, ὁ φυσει αναλλοίωτος, ὁ φως οίκων απροσιτον, ο τη φύσει αορατος, ο γνωστος ö πασαις ταις μετ' ευνοίας εκζητουσαις σε λογικαις φυσεσιν, ὁ 10 καταλαμβανομενος ύπο των εν ευνοια επιζητουντων σε· ὁ Θεὸς Ισραηλ, του αληθινως όρωντος, του εις Χριστον πιστευσαντος λαου σου" ευμενης γενόμενος επακουσον μου δια το ονομα σου, και ευλογησον τους σοι κεκλικοτας τους ἑαυτων αυχενας, και δος αυτοις τα αιτηματα των καρδίων αυτων τα επι συμφεροντι, 15 και μηδενα αυτων αποβλητον ποιησης εκ της βασιλειας σου αλλα άγιασον αυτους, φρουρησον, σκεπασον, αντιλαβου, ῥυσαι του αλλοτρίου, παντος εχθρου, τους οίκους αυτών φύλαξον, τας εισόδους αυτων και τας εξοδους φρουρησον· ὅτι σοι δοξα, αινος, μεγαλοπρεπεια, σεβας, προσκύνησις, και τῳ σῳ παιδι 20 Ιησου τω Χριστῳ σου τῳ κυρίῳ ἡμων και Θεῷ και βασιλεί, και τῳ ἁγιῳ πνευματι, νυν και αει και εις τους αιώνας των αιώνων. αμην. και ὁ διακονος ερει· απολύεσθε εν ειρηνη.

Constiuttionum Apost. Lib. 8. Cotelerius. Amst. 1724. fol.

The Svpper of the Lorde,



(According to the First Common Prayer Book of Edward VI. 1549.)

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O many as intende to bee partakers of the holy Communion, shall sygnifie their names to the Curate, ouer night: or els in the morning, afore the beginning of Matins, or immediatly after.

And if any of those be an open and notorious euill liuer, so that the congregacion by hym is offended, or haue doen any wrong to his neighbours, by worde, or dede: The Curate shall call hym, & aduertise hym, in any wise not to presume to the lordes table, vntill he haue openly declared hymselfe, to haue truly repented, and amended his former naughtie life: that the congregacion maie thereby be satisfied, whiche afore were offended: and that he haue recompensed the parties, whom he hath dooen wrong vnto, or at the least bee in full purpose so to doo, as sone as he conueniently maie.

The same ordre shall the Curate vse, with those betwixt whom he perceiveth malice, and hatred to reigne, not suffering them to bee partakers of the Lordes table, vntill he knowe them to bee reconciled. And yf one of the parties so at variaunce, be content to forgeue from the botome of his harte, all that the other hath trespaced against hym, and to make amendes, for that he hymself hath offended: and the other partie will not bee perswaded to a godly vnitie, but remaigne still in his frowardnes and malice: The Minister in that case, ought to admit the penitent persone to the holy Communion, and not hym that is obstinate.

Upon the daie, and at the tyme appoincted for the ministracion of the holy Communion, the Priest that shal execute the holy ministery, shall put vpon hym the vesture appoincted for that ministracion, that is to saye: a white Albe plain, with a vestement or Cope. And where there be many Priestes, or Decons,

there so many shalbe ready to helpe the Priest, in the ministracion, as shalbee requisite: And shall have vpon theim lykewise, the vestures appointed for their ministery, that is to saye, Albes, with tunacles. Then shall the Clerkes syng in Englishe for the office, or Introite, (as they call it) a Psalme appointed for that daie.

The Priest standing humbly afore the middes of the Altar, shall saie the Lordes praier, with this Collect.


LMIGHTIE GOD, vnto whom all hartes bee open, and

all desyres knowen, and from whom no secretes are hid : clense the thoughtes of our heartes, by the inspiracion of thy holy spirite that we may perfectly loue thee, & worthely magnifie thy holy name: Through Christ our Lorde. Amen.

Then shall he saie a Psalme appointed for the introite: whiche Psalme ended, the Priest shall saye, or els the Clerkes shal syng.

iij. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs. iij. Christ haue mercie vpon vs.

iij. Lorde haue mercie vpon vs.

Then the Prieste standyng at Goddes borde shall begin. Glory be to God on high.

The Clerkes.

And in yearth peace, good will towardes men.

We praise thee, we blesse thee, we worship thee, we glorifie thee, wee geue tankes to thee for thy greate glory, O Lorde GOD heauenly kyng, God the father almightie.

O Lorde the onely begotten sonne Jesu Christe, O Lorde God, Lambe of GOD, sonne of the father, that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde, haue mercie vpon vs: thou that takest awaye the synnes of the worlde, receiue our praier.

Thou that sittest at the right hande of GOD the father, haue mercie vpon vs: For thou onely art holy, thou onely art the Lorde. Thou onely (O Christ) with the holy Ghoste, art moste high in the glory of God the father. Amen.

Then the priest shall turne hym to the people and The Lorde be with you.


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Then shall folowe the Collect of the daie, with one of these two Collectes folowyng, for the Kyng.


LMIGHTIE God, whose kingdom is euerlasting, and power infinite, haue mercie vpon the whole congregacion, and so rule the heart of thy chosen seruaunt Edward the sixt, our kyng and gouernour: that he (knowyng whose minister he is) maie aboue al thinges, seke thy honour and glory, & that we his subiectes (duely consydering whose auctoritie he hath) maye faithfully serue, honour, and humbly obeye him, in thee, and for thee, according to thy blessed word, and ordinaunce: Through Jesus Christe oure Lorde, who with thee, and the holy ghost, liueth, and reigneth, euer one God, worlde without ende. Amen.


LMIGHTIE and euerlasting GOD, wee bee taught by thy

holy worde, that the heartes of Kynges are in thy rule and gouernaunce, and that thou doest dispose, and turne them as it semeth best to thy godly wisedom: We humbly beseche thee, so to dispose and gouerne, the hart of Edward the sixt, thy seruaunt, our Kyng and gouernour, that in all his thoughtes, wordes, and workes, he maye euer seke thy honour and glory, and study to preserue thy people, committed to his charge, in wealth, peace, and Godlynes: Graunt this, O mercifull father, for thy dere sonnes sake, Jesus Christ our Lorde. Amen.

The Collectes ended, the priest, or he that is appointed, shall reade the Epistle, in a place assigned for the purpose, saying. The Epistle of sainct Paule written in the

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The Minister then shall reade thepistle. Immediatly after the Epistle ended, the priest, or one appointed to reade the Gospel, shall saie.

The holy Gospell written in the

Chapiter of.

The Clearkes and people shall aunswere.

Glory be to thee, O Lorde.

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