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Editorial, New York World, Nov. 26, 1899. On what ground is Roberts to be excluded from the House of Representatives of the United States? Has he not "attained to the age of twenty-five years?" Has he not "been seven years a citizen of the United States? Is he not an inhabitant of that State from which

he was chosen? Was he not legally chosen in a legally conducted election?

The answers to all these questions as to the constitutional requirements must be in the affirmative. Then the proposal to refuse him his seat is a proposal to defy the Constitution of the


States, to refuse their political rights to

the people of Utah.

This is a serious matter. No matter how worthy the people who advocate such a proposal, no matter how irreproachable their moral character, the nature of this proposal is not changed.

It is, looked at in its most favorable light, a proposal to do evil that good may come; and the evil is a violation not only of the fundamental law ordained by the people of the United States, but also a violation of the fundamental principle upon which our liberties rest-the principle of representative government. For such an assault there could be no justification.


BY ELDER A. ARROWSMITH. Those who enjoy the light of the everlasting Gospel of Jesus Christ, as re

stored through the instrumentality of the Prophet Joseph Smith, can appreciate the difference between that light and the gross darkness into which modern christendom has sunk. But for the benefit of those of our Elders who are not acquainted with the history of the events which transpired during the period of the great Apostacy, I will relate a few items, which will at least be of interest to the Latter-day Saint.

The Prophet Daniel, in his last chapter, eleventh verse, says, "that from the time that the daily sacrifice shall be taken away, and the abomination that maketh desolate set up, there shall be a thousand two hundred and ninety days (1,290)." There are two events of importance herein mentioned, a time when the

daily sacrifice is taken away, and a time when an abomination shall be established. And there is a period of time called 1,290 days between these events.

Many comments have been made on these figures, but the Bible establishes beyond peradventure, that a day in


Israel was reckoned a year of 360 days.
The instance of David serving his Uncle
Laban seven years for Rachel, he was
deceived, and was requested to fulfill
her week also, which meant that he had
to serve another seven years. See Gen.
29, 18-20-27; Num. 14-34, also Eze, 4-6.
Our Savior's expression to the Phari-
sees in Luke 13-32, speaking of Herod,
said, "Go ye, and tell that fox, behold, I
cast out devils, and I do cures today and
tomorrow, and the third day I shall be
today, and tomorrow, and the day follow-
ing." Christ was not talking of a day
of twenty-four hours, but He undoubtedly
was speaking of His three years' minis-
try, referring to the day as a year, and
implying that Herod had no power to kill
Him, until His mission of three years
was accomplished.


Nevertheless I must walk

There is much testimony that the Is-
raelitish mode of reckoning was different
than ours, and that at least in these in-
the Hellenic year was used of 360 days,
stances a day was as a year, also that
or a month of thirty days. The Bible
being translated from the Greek, it is
lenic reckoning would prevail.
only reasonable to suppose that the Hel-

show that Daniel refers to a period of
My object in making this proof is to
1,290 years, which should transpire be-
fore the abomination, or Dark Age,
should commence.

I contend that the daily sacrifice was
taken away by Antiochus Epiphanes, the
and offered a pig on the temple altar,
King of Syria, when he overran Judea
thus defiling the holy of holies, and the
oblation ceased for three years and a
half, as recorded in Daniel 8-11. Jose-
phus speaks of this occurrence in the
days of the Maccabees.

The next time the daily sacrifice was taken away occurred at the crucifixion, as that sacrifice has surely never been honored by the Almighty since that time. As Christ fulfilled the intent of that sacrifice, and it was of no more efficacy.

I will now introduce the taking away of the daily sacrifice when the ten tribes of Israel were taken captive, 720 years B. C. They were brought into subjection to an idolatrous King, and driven into the northern countries, away from their sacred temple, and the daily sacrifice certainly ceased with them, so far as our knowledge goes. Thus we find a record of the daily sacrifice being taken away three distinct times.

To show how beautifully the Latter

day Saint can establish the foundation
of his faith, we will reason upon the lat-
ter period. Shalmaneser, the King of
Assyria, took the ten tribes captive (or
the daily sacrifice away) 720 years B. C.
Now let us add the 1,290 years to the
570 years after Christ. The duration of
abomination, and we reach the period of
this universal apostacy was to be 1,260
years; as I will prove from the word of
God. Add 570 years to 1,260 years, and
what is the result? The great year of
jubilee, and liberation from the thraldom
of Satan, when the Gospel was restored
to the earth, in its pristine beauty, and
God's Church was duly established
through the instrumentality of the Proph-
et Joseph Smith, 1830. What a remark-
able result.


Daniel also speaks of a succession of empires, and man-made kingdoms, which should be overthrown and broken in pieces. He also sees through the vista of time when the God of Heaven should establish a kingdom, which should never be destroyed, nor given to another people, but should stand forever. The Babylonian, Medio Persian, Macedonian and Roman empires, with a power which should devour and break in pieces, speak great words against the Most High, wear and otherwise despoil the Church of God, out the Saints, change times and laws, fulfill this prophecy. A great beast was to arise, who should receive power from the dragon, or Satan, which should drive the Church and Priesthood of God into the wilderness, where she should be protected for 1,260 years, or a time, times, and the dividing of time, see Rev. 12, 1 to 6, 13th, 4 to 8, and much evidence is adduced to substantiate the fact that this abomination which maketh desolate, istence for 1,260 years, and the whole or universal apostasy, should be in exearth be under the power of the beast, dragon, or Lucifer. And that the Church of Christ, with the Priesthood of the Almighty, should be taken from the earth for a period of 1,260 years.

The question might be asked, How do you arrive at the time, times, and the dividing of time, being a period of 1,260 years?

I will explain as briefly as possible, vanity, was driven out to live that Nebuchadnezzar, for his haughty as the beast, until "seven times" had passed over him. Or, in other words, he lost with the his identity, and eat grass beasts for seven years.


This would appear as if time was a year. And if a time was a year, why not times, which is the plural, mean two years, and the dividing of time half a year. Now, at the 360 day year, it figures exactly 1,260 days, or the same period spoken of more clearly in John's apocalpse seen on Patmos, referred to in Rev. 12th and 13th chapters, where he speaks of it as forty-two months and 1,260 days. This data appears synonymous. And the day being as a year, we have the remarkable period of 1,260 years, when this earth would be turned over to a reign of terror, bloodshed and abominable desolation. The history of the Dark Ages will verify the fulfillment of this prophecy.

This is a lengthy subject, and I have been thus verbose, that I might more clearly account for the 1,290 years between the time of the sacrifice taken by before Christ, Shalmaneser 720 years and the fulfillment of the time 570 years after Christ, when commenced the great ing over that period of darkness 1,260 Dark Age of universal apostasy. Bridgyears, to the restoration in this the nineteenth century, when angels have again visited the earth, and the kingdom spoken of by Daniel established in the year 1830.

The world might scoff and deride such egotism (?) presented by that despised and hated sect, called Mormons, but such derision is no argument.

The above is an introduction to a se

ries of articles, to be published weekly,
and I will try to take the subject up by
the century, in order that it may be easy
for the Elders to refer to.
deavor to show the most salient points
in the great apostasy, commencing at the

The worldly commentators have placed
various interpretations upon the word of
God, to their condemnation, but these
figures stand as a testimony before the
world. This, taken in connection with
Daniel's second chapter, also his seventh,
makes strong evidence to support a lit-first century.
eral fulfillment of these events.

(To be continued.)

I will en

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Bible. They are so sceptical about the truth of the words of the Lord Jesus, whom they profess to adore and worship as their God, that they wish those who contend for the truth and infallibility of His words, to work a miracle to convince them that He did not deceive when He said, "These signs shall follow them that believe!" But, even if, what they term, a miracle should be performed-if they were to behold such an exhibition of power, would they be warranted in receiving the performer as a servant of God? If supreme power, and supreme power alone, could violate or transgress a law of nature, and it required such a transgression to constitute a miracle, then a manifestation of that kind might be reliable. But who can say that in the exercise of any of the gifts which Jesus promised to those who believed on Him and kept His commandments, a law of nature is transgressed or suspended? Shall we say because we cannot comprehend it, that, therefore, an eternal law is violated? As well might the savage, not understanding the philosophy of paper talking-of thoughts being communicated by letter to those at a distance, assert that a law of nature is violated in that operation, because it does not come within the grasp of his limited comprehension; or the man who hears, for the first time, that messages can be sent hundreds of miles with the speed of thought, pronounce it impossible unless a law of nature be suspended. Mankind should not, because a man performs something which, to them, may appear strange and unaccountable, imagine that he has the power to violate a law of nature, and that they may therefore receive him as a servant of God; for if they do, they will be liable to be deceived.

The unbelief of the present generation | such advances, as they think, in the art regarding the power and attributes which of medicine, that if a person should diswere formerly ascribed to the Lord, is trust their modes of healing, or express extraordinary. They have an idea that doubts about the ability of the medical He has ceased to give Himself the practitioners of the present day, and have slightest concern about anything that any desire to cling to the old mode repertains to earth or its inhabitants. True, vealed by Jesus and practiced so sucthey believe, or at least so express them-cessfully by His disciples, he is thought selves sometimes, that He exercises a to be a fanatic and a fool-too superstisupervision over the affairs of men, and tious to keep pace with the discoveries of that He is the controlling power; but the age. Yet Jesus has plainly said, and this is merely the effect of education, and the experience of His disciples, and their not the result of personal experience. records contained in the Bible, substanThey see so little of what they imagine tiate the truth of His saying-that those to be His management and interposition, who believed on Him and kept His comthat they have concluded the jurisdiction mandments, should have this power. He exercises is of a general and not of a James, one of the Apostles of the Lord, local nature. If plague, famine, earth- in writing to the Church, counsels them quakes, or sickness and distress, there- if there should be any sick among them, fore, should come in their midst, instead to send for the Elders of the Church, and of acknowledging the hand of the Lord they would pray over them, anointing in them, or thinking that He can possibly them with oil in the name of the Lord, have anything to do with the matter, and He promises them that the prayer they seek to account for their presence of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord on purely natural principles. Hence, shall raise them up. The individuals when pestilence enters a city there is no who, in the most of instances, cry the appeal made to the people to humble loudest "folly, fanaticism and superstithemselves under the chastening hand of tion" when they hear about the Latterthe Lord; but they are exalted, in the day Saints practicing this mode in the strongest language, to attend to the san- treatment of the sick, are those who itary regulations, and, if they attend boast the most of their belief in the strictly to them, it is all that is required. Scriptures; and still they imagine themThey act as though they believe that God selves to be consistent. Jesus says this had not power to operate, or that if He gift of healing shall be possesed by the has the power, He will have to operate believer. They say it shall not. James in an unaccountable and supernatural says, if any are sick, let them send for manner; therefore, everything that can the Elders of the Church. They say, if be accounted for on natural principles any are sick, let them send for the phymust, of necessity, be independent of any sician. He says, the anointing of the agency on His part. These are the com- sick with oil in the name of the Lord, monly received opinions of the day, and with the prayer of faith, shall save the we see men everywhere acting upon sick. They say, such a thing would be them; yet nothing can be more absurd a miracle, and miracles have ceased: than such a belief. God always acts in therefore, if the sick wish to be healed, accordance with well-defined and under- instead of anointing them with the oil let stood laws, and does not violate the laws them be dosed with medicine prescribed of nature in the least in performing all by physicians. This latter mode would His wonderful works. Because men, not be natural in their opinion, and the plan comprehending how such works are per- recommended by James supernatural. formed, term them miraculous, it does Because they cannot understand the prinnot necessarily follow that there is a sus- ciple by which the sick can be healed in pension of the laws of naure in such lus manner, they jump at the conclusion cases; neither does it follow, because men that a law of nature is suspended, ander's daughter. can partially comprehend a law according what they are pleased to term-a mirato which certain results are produced, cle, performed. The Latter-day Saints, that God has nothing to do with it. Every- on the contrary, believe it to be as much thing that the Lord Himself performs, or or more in consonance with the laws of which He commands His servants to pernature to heal the sick by this treatment form, is plain and simple, and easily un- --because recommended by the God of derstood by Him-it is no miracle to nature, the Being who gave nature her Him, because He comprehends the law laws-than by any other, and, therefore, by the observance of which such things are so indifferent in regard to the opinare produced. Mankind term such works ions of the world on the subject, that miracles and supernatural, because they they practice it. As they progress in have not progressed sufficiently to under-faith and knowledge, their comprehenstand how they can be done, without the suspension of the laws of nature. Did they fully understand all the laws of nature, however, they would then perceive that in the performance of these "miracles" no law of nature is in the least violated; but rather that they are produced by the superior knowledge of these laws which the person has who works them or the Being who permits them to be worked.

In nothing is the scepticism of the present age more visibly apparent, than in their treatment of the words of Jesus Christ and His Apostles, in regard to the practice of the ordinance of laying on hands and anointing with oil for the recovery of the sick. They have made


sion will be so expanded that they will
understand the principle upon which
such things are done, and they will then
cease to appear supernatural or miracu-


Because the Latter-day Saints maintain that this gift, in conjunction with the other gifts which Jesus promised, is in the Church, and always will be enjoyed whenever God has a Church upon the earth, number tauntingly say, if you will give us an exhibition of this power if you will work a miracle for us, we will believe your doctrines; for then we will have indubitable evidence that you are sent of God. And these poor creatures profess, too, to be believers in the

We are convinced that these manifestations, which are known as miracles, would be very commonly witnessed on the earth, if mankind would but live aright. When they are not enjoyed, the fault is in man, as the Lord is as willing and can as easily bestow them as hundreds of other blessings and gifts which He does bestow, which are not esteemed as miraculous on account of their being so generally enjoyed.

The Benedict.

Shakespeare loved and wedded a farm

Humboldt married a poor girl because he loved her. Of course, they are happy.

Byron married Miss Maybank to get money to pay his debts. It turned out a bad shift.

Robert Burns married a farm girl, with

whom he fell in love when they worked together in the plowfield.

Peter the Great, of Russia, married a peasant girl. She made an excellent wife and a sagacious empress.

Queen Victoria and Prince Albert were cousins, and about the only examples in the long life of English monarchs wherein sincere affection existed.

Edward Lytton Bulwer, the English statesman and novelist, married a girl much his inferior in position and got a shrew for a wife. Of course, he was unhappy.

Washington married a woman with two children. It was enough to say that she was worthy of him, and they lived as married folks should-in perfect har


Mulatto is a Spanish word derived from mulus, a mule, and signifying a person of med ancestry.


THE ORIGINAL MANUSCRIPT. make it appear that there are people

Improvement Era.

Much has been said at different times as to the whereabouts of the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon, but very little of a definite character has been said respecting this topic. Quite recently an article on this subject was reprinted in the St. Louis Republic, from a Richmond, Missouri, correspondent, and copied by the Troy, N. Y., Press and reproduced from the latter paper by the Deseret News of September 27th, with appropriate comment. That the readers of the Era may more clearly see the puerile, but malicious character of this article, which is a fair sample of many others published in the press of the country, on this subject, it is here repro


"The original manuscript of Joseph

Smith's 'Book of Mormon,' the Bible of

the Mormon' Church, is kept in a bank
vault in this town. The Elders of the
'Mormon' Church, in Utah, made differ-
ent attempts, in past years, to get pos-
session of it, but failed. Once they
offered $100,000 in cash for the old and
yellow manuscript, but its keeper, David
Whitmer, one of the founders of the
Church, refused the offer because he be-
lieved the Utah branch of the Church
wished to get hold of the manuscript to
insert into it, by forgery, a clause that
would authorize and sanction the prac-
tice of polygamy. Last week two repre-

sentatives of the Mormon' Church, of
Utah, were here making another attempt
to buy the manuscript. This original
manuscript, written at the dictation of
Joseph Smith, is now in the possession of
George W. Schweich, of this town, a re-
tired merchant, the grandson of David
Whitmer, who was one of the three wit-
nesses to the writing of the manuscript.
The manuscript of the Book of Mor-
mon' contains 600 large sheets of linen
paper, the size of foolscap, written close-
ly on both sides. The paper is yellow
with age, and the ink is faded to brown.
The pages are
bound together
strings of yarn. The manuscript con-


tains 350,000 words. It was written in 1829."

The fact of the matter is that the

Lind enough to give credence to it.

First, let it be said that David Whit mer's "belief," if he ever entertained such a belief, together with the whole story, is without the least shadow of truth. How could it be possible for such a thing as forgery to be perpetrated? Up to the date of the alleged offer hundreds of thousands of copies of the Book of Mormon had been published and scattered broadcast over the world, and, besides, translated into more than a dozen foreign languages. Therefore, even if David Whitmer or the agents of the "Mormon Church of Utah" might desire to alter the manuscript, how could they hope to call in and change the tens of thousands of the printed book? Comment is unnecessary. A grain of common sense will show how imbecile the thought.

The statement that "last week two

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"First, that Oliver Cowdery should transcribe the whole manuscript. Second, that he should take but one copy at a time to the office, so that if one copy should get destroyed, there would still be a copy remaining. Third, that in going to and from the office he should always have a guard attend him, for the purpose of protecting the manuscript. Fourth, that a guard should be kept constantly on the watch, both night and day, about the house to protect the manuscript from malicious persons, who would infest the house for the purpose

of destroying the manuscript. All these things were strictly attended to, as the Lord commanded Joseph. After giving these instructions, Joseph returned to Pennsylvania."

This is sufficient to show that the orig

inal manuscript was copied by Oliver Cowdery.

representatives of the Mormon' Church,
of Utah, were here making another at
tempt to buy the manuscript," is a false-
hood of the same class. However,
there may have been occasionally an
Elder of the Church, not posted on this
subject, who, for some purpose known
to himself, might have tried to ascertain
the value in which this manuscript is
held by its possessors.
But no man,
Lider or Apostle, is, or ever has been.
authorized by the Church of Jesus Christuscript of the Book of Mormon. I saw
of Latter-day Saints to offer any sum
of money for the manuscript now in the the above manuscript unto the Lord in
the Prophet Joseph Smith, Jr., hide up
possession of the heirs of David Whit- the southeast corner of the
mer. In September, 1878, in company

with Apostle Orson Pratt, the writer
visited David Whitmer, at Richmond,
Ray county, Missouri. In the presence
of David C. Whitmer, the son of Jacob,
Philander Page, David J. Whitmer, son
of David Whitmer, George Schweich,
Col. James W. Black, J. R. B. Van
Cleave and some others, Father David
Whitmer was asked if the three wit-
nesses signed their own names to the
testimony to the Book of Mormon?
Father Whitmer unhesitatingly replied
with emphasis:

natures, he replied:

"Oliver must have copied them."
"Then, where are the original docu-
ments?" was asked.

He replied, "I don't know."
Knowing as we did with what sacred-
ness this manuscript was regarded by

The following letter may be interesting here:

"Further facts in relation to the man


House, Illinois. I stood within eight or

said and did, on that important occasion. ten feet of him, heard and saw what he which I freely testify to all the world.


Frederick Kesler, Sr., "Bishop of the Sixteenth Ward, "Salt Lake City, Utah. "October 12th, 1878."

From the history of Joseph Smith, Millennial Star, Vol. 18, page 693. (See also Times and Seasons, Vol. 2, page 576), we copy: Conference met in the grove. The Presidency being absent laying the corner stone of the Nauvoo house, the meeting was called to order by President B. Young." This is under date of October 2d, 1841.

Many years ago the writer copied the ords of the Church, which were kept following statement from the early recby his private secretary under the im

mediate direction and supervision of the

Prophet Joseph Smith himself:

"The corner stone of the Nauvoo nouse was laid by President Joseph Smith on the 2d day of October, 1841. therein by the President, to wit: and the following articles were deposited

"A Book of see if he

"Yes, we each signed his own name." "Then," said the questioner, "how is it that the names of all the witnesses are found here (in D. W.'s manuscript), written in the same handwriting?" This question seemed to startle Father original manuscript of the Book of Mor: Whitmer, and, after examining the sig mon never was "kept in a bank vault" in the town of Richmond nor in that or any other town in Missouri. Neither has the original manuscript ever been in the possession of David Whitmer nor that of any of his kindred. Neither has the "Mormon" Church in Utah, through any of its Elders or otherwise, attempted at Father Whitmer, both Elder Pratt and any time to get possession of the original the writer sounded him to manuscript of the Book of Mormon, could be induced to part with it, and we “and failed.” The Church in Utah has found him determined to retain it. We not at any time, through its Elders or were not authorized to offer any money otherwise, offered $100,000 nor any other for the manuscript, neither did we make sum of money for the original manuany offer of money or other considerascript, nor for the "old and yellow" copy tion for it. But notwithstanding this of it which was left by Oliver Cowdery, fact, it was soon rumored about and at his death at Richmond, Missouri, published abroad that we had offered March 3d, 1850, in the possession of Da-large sums of money for it. vid Whitmer, which copy is said to be In July, 1884, the writer received the now "in a bank vault" in Richmond, Missouri. The story about David Whitmer refusing "the offer" of $100,000 for his copy of the manuscript. "because he believed the Utah branch of the Church wished to get hold of the manuscript to insert into it, by forgery, a clause that would authorize and sanction the practice of polygamy," is ridiculous twaddle. The fact, however, that such a story is told, and published in some of the leading newspapers of the country, would

following inquiries, by letter, from L. J.
Traughbar, Jr., of Mandeville, Carrol
county, Missouri:

"Did Mr. Pratt and you offer David
Whitmer $10,000 for the manuscript of
the Book of Mormon? Did you offer
him $100,000? Did you make him any
definite offer for them?"

To each question there can be but one reply. No, not these amounts and not one dollar!

Now let us see what became of the

Mormon; a revelation given January 19th, 1841; the Times and Seasons, containing the charter of the Nauvoo house; Journal of Heber C. Kimball; the memorial of Lyman Wight to the United States Senate; a Book of Doctrine and Covenants, first edition; No. 35 of the Times and Seasons; the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon; the Persecutions of the Church in the State of Missouri, published in the Times and Seasons; the Holy Bible. Silver coins as follows: one half-dollar, one quarter-dollar, two dimes, two halfdimes, and one copper coin."

Thus we see that the original manuscript of the Book of Mormon, which had up to this time remained in the possession of Joseph himself, was on October, 2d, 1841, by his own hand, deposited in the southeast corner of the Nauvoo house, with other things, and that it never was at any time in the posses

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sion of David Whitmer. The copy taken was used for printing by E. B. Grandin, of Palmyra, New York, Oliver Cowdery read the proofs, and when the book was printed retained possession of the copy, which, at his death, in Richmond, fell in the hands of David Whitmer. These are the facts. And, in further proof, the writer avers that he is now in possession of a portion of the original manuscript, and "The Memorial of Lyman Wight to the United States Senate," which were taken from the Nauvoo house about the year 1884, by L. C. Bidamon, when he removed that portion of the house which contained the records.-Joseph F. Smith.

North Alabama Conference.

The Elders of the North Alabama Conference, about forty in number, met in Tuscaloosa, Alabama's "City of Oaks," on the 19th and 20th insts., and held

their annual conference. There was some opposition, yet a most excellent time was enjoyed.

A few days previous to the appointed time President Thomas H. Humphreys entered Tuscaloosa and made arrangements with the hotels to entertain the Elders and Saints; also secured the use of the opera house in which to hold services.

Some difficulty was experienced in advertising the public meetings through the columns of the local papers, because of existing prejudice. As the next best, some dodgers were issued and posted in conspicuous places, besides being at every home in the city.


In the absence of real provocation to make trouble for the Elders, and thus destroy the good effects of the conference, some citizen (?), probably the Mayor, had President Humphrey arrested, under the charge of "defacing public property" by attaching dodgers to trees with carpet tacks, inserted to a depth of an eighth of an inch, all this notwithstanding the fact that the trees in question were already victims of the jackknife, nails and tacks by the hundreds; yet when a despised "Mormon" used the same privileges granted the public he must be arrested. This contemptible act did not meet the approval of broaderminded citizens and the charge was withdrawn.

The weather during the conference was perfect, to the enjoyment of Elders and Saints. Saturday night all the Elders arrived and the usual rejoicing and

hanshakings characteristic on such an occasion were indulged in.

President Ben E. Rich arrived early Sunday morning, and at 10 o'clock all assembled at the opera house. The audience was rather small, due no doubt to a misunderstanding in the minds of many as to the time of meeting.

After devotional exercises President Humphreys made a short address of welcome and introduced Elder G. M. Matthews as the first speaker. Elder Matthews spoke pointedly upon church organization. President Rich followed and spoke very forcibly upon the rights guaranteed by the Constitution, making reference to an article which appeared in the Tuscaloosa Times, written by the Mayor, villifying the "Mormon" Elders.

At the afternoon meeting President Rich spoke in his usual forcible and pleasing manner upon the doctrines and beliefs of the Latter-day Saints, and again in the evening on "Principles Considered Peculiar to Mormonism." Upon both occasions, especially the latter, large and appreciative congregations assembled. of Most of the best citizens

Tuscaloosa assembled. The services created a good effect and aroused much in terest. A pleasing feature of the afternoon services was a quartet rendered by Elders Perkins, Fisher, Thorn and Mad

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Bay St. Louis

Buck Creek Shreveport....


2 Bagdad, Shelby Co......


522 W. 7th St., Cincinnati.. Ohio


Elders and Saints will be pleased to learn that Elder C. W. Burnham, of Virginia Conference, is improving, after a long illness.

The Elders laboring in Petersburg and Richmond, Va., have so far been unable to get permission to sell books. People of these cities generally treat them with courtesy.

The Mayor of Tuscaloosa, Ala., evidently believes in the Bible, when it is closed, and the Constitution of these United States only when in accordance with his (?) ideas. He thinks "Mormonism" ought not to be tolerated.

Elder Ben L. Rich has received and accepted an invitation to deliver an address before an Agnostic society in CinAuthenticity cinnati-subject, "Divine of the Bible and Book of Mormon." The lecture will be delivered some time in January.

Bishop Derby Johnson, Jr., of Colonia Diaz, Mexico, is a Bishop after our own heart. About every so often we get a letter from him reading about like this: getting along? Does "How is Elder

is one

he need anything? Brother of 'my boys,' and I want to know how he is prospering. Kindly let me hear from you."

Brethren, put a ring around this and send to your Bishop.

Not long since two Elders laboring in Georgia were arrested for not having paid their poll tax. The laws of Georgia exempt ministers from this tax, but the court held "these Mormons are not ministers," and imposed a fine. The Elders could not show a diploma from a "preacher factory," and being called to preach in the old-fashioned way did not count. to

St. Peter, the illiterate fisherman, whom was given the keys of the Kingdom, would have had a hard time before such a judge. Unquestionably he would have met the same fate as these humble men of God.

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Ella Wheeler Wilcox.


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We are pleased to announce the ap pointment of Elder John Peterson as president of the East Tennessee Conference, successor to F. B. Hammond, Jr., released to return home. Thirty-five years ago Elder Peterson was born at Saxtrop, Sweden. Soon after this time his parents decided to locate in more con genial climes, and with a fond farewell they left the mother country for America.

self a wife that he might begin with the
first. Three of heaven's jewels adorn his
home as a result of this union, who will
feel proud to welcome a faithful father
home. He arrived in Chattanooga in
March, 1898, and was assigned to the
East Tennessee Conference, where he has
labored very efficiently in every branch
of missionary work, and is well qualified
for the position he has been called to.

ELDER JOHN PETERSON, President East Tennessee Conference.

We feel that East Tennessee will not be
behind in any respect to other confer-
ences, for cur confidence in Brother Pe-
terson assures us differently.

No. 2.

houses closed against them, and one case of mobbing, but no serious results.

During the month 1,500 tracts were distributed in Charleston, S. C., by Elders Dorrity and Tanner. They could get no house in which to hold services and resorted to the street, but with little success. Several baptisms were reported. April

A number of releases and appoint ments were made during the month. Twenty-one baptisms, and good health among the Elders.

In Nicholas county, Va., Elders Krogue and Cranney were forced to leave that part of the state, where they were laboring, for more congenial climes. Elders Harris and Seegmiller had a similar experience in South Alabama.

On April 21 a mob who had been hounding Elders Taylor and Carter called at the home of Brother James Watts, where they forced an entrance and searched the house, also all sheds, barns, etc., to try to find the Elders. Fortunately the Elders had left a few hours before and were out of harm's way.



Reports from the various Conferences were full of good news and encouragement. All Elders reported well.

A little more animosity than usual was manifested in some of the Conferences, and in some instances mobs were organized.

Forty baptisms were reported during the month.

About forty souls, including several Elders, went west.

Elders Rushton and Gardner, in Smith county, Tenn., were abused and mobbed. Elders May and Haycock met the usual Mississippi mob in Marion county.

arriving safely in the fall of 1869. They History of the Southern States Mission. This was all that happened to them,

located at Huntsville, then moved to Ogden, where Brother Peterson acquired his education by attending the public schools. Each of the children were required to assist in the support of each other, and consequently they had but little time to attend school. At the age of 16 he left home, hoping to better his circumstances. He followed railroading, ranching, mining, etc. While visiting friends in Moab, Grand county, a sudden desire to keep the commandments of God came upon him, and he accordingly took unto him


This being the month set for the spring emigration of Saints, most of the Elders were busy helping someone off.

The company consisted of seventy souls, including eleven Elders, who were returning home, under the direction of George A. Smith.

Eight Elders arrived during the month and were assigned to the various states of the Mission.

Several of the Elders had school

just the meeting.

Elders Miles and Schwanaveldt were ment in Clarenden county, S. C., by nine men, who forbade them preaching in the school house, then in the county, and finally in the state. At the request of the nine the Elders produced their license to preach, and much to the amusement of the onlookers, for not one of the nine could read. Such men generally make mobs.

Fifteen Elders arrived and received their appointments.

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