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low state, but which were very happily discovered, and by timely applications their progress was prevented.

The Bishop of Salisbury paid his first visit of condolence on the 24th. The meeting was very affecting, the reverend Prelate having been Preceptor to the Princess for a number of years. Another affecting and distressing scene took place on the visit of Lord and Lady Ossulston, who had just returned from abroad. The Bishop of London also paid a visit of condolence.

The surrounding neighbours, and those who had the honour and delight of the acquaintance of the Princess and Prince, as well as the public characters who have been announced, were very kind and solicitous, in paying visits of condolence, and in their anxiety for the welfare and health of Prince Leopold.

A hatchment, with the Princess's arms, as a memorial of the death of the owner of the house, was placed in the front of the mansion-house, over the centre of the grand porch. A similar one was placed in the front of Camelford-house, in London.

On the Friday following, his Royal Highness the Prince Regent, accompanied by the Rev. F. W. Blomberg, arrived at the Pavilion, at Brighton. Sir William Keppel and Colonel Thornton were the only persons who had previously arrived to receive and join the society of their illustrious and afflicted visitor. The only exercise which

his Royal Highness took was confined to the stables and riding-school. On Sunday, Divine Service was performed by the Rev. W. Blomberg, before his Royal Highness the Prince Regent and his household, at the Pavilion. After the observance of religious duties, his Royal Highness was prevailed upon to enjoy a retired recreation along the eastern cliffs, on the road leading to Rottingdean. In the respectful salutations of the spectators, there was an intermixture of mournful expression that seemed to oppress him, for he could scarcely notice the sad scene as he passed. His Royal Highness appeared to be completely overpowered by his feelings, and, from the low attitude in which he rode on horseback, to be absorbed in meditation. Prince Castelcicala arrived in the evening, and dined with a small party of his Royal Highness.

Never was the national character of the country so proudly and eminently displayed, as on the occasion of the decease of the Princess Charlotte. It shewed the extent of British feeling, when waked by a national loss; and, in the estimation of foreigners, it has added more to the fame and honour of the country, than the noblest victory which was ever gained by her warriors. Mr. Kerr, the messenger, no sooner arrived at Brussels with dispatches to the Duke of Kent, an

nouncing the deplorable calamity, which we all lament, than the English, resident in that city, immediately abstained from frequenting all places of amusement, and every one appeared overwhelmed with that acute grief, which he would have felt upon the loss of a dear and valued friend. This simultaneous action on the part of the English gave rise to the following reflection:

"That in England public respect imposes upon individuals the necessity of submitting to privations, is easy to be understood; but when, in a foreign country, the English voluntarily impose upon themselves sacrifices which attest their grief at the loss they have sustained, one cannot help recognizing that national spirit which produces prodigies, and which so boldly proclaims the attachment of Britons to the laws which rule, and the Royal Family which governs them."

The following statements which were expressed on the occasion by the editor of one of the French papers, reflect the highest credit upon his head and heart, and it must be highly pleasing to the British nation, to see itself thus represented by those who, but a short time ago, were its most inveterate foes.

"There is something in the misfortunes which overtake the great of the earth, that speaks at once to the imagination and the heart, and which does not allow any one to remain indifferent to the spectacle of those high and august calamities.

The respect which they excite is doubled, when, to the idea of power descending to the grave, is united that of youth, grace, beauty, perishing in their flower of vanished hopes, and of a whole loyal posterity swallowed up at once by a single tomb. In such an aggregate of melancholy circumstances, piety, the common reward of humanity, removes distances, levels boundaries, lulls asleep remembrances, and unites every sentiment into one. The mourning of one becomes that of all nations, and it is then more than ever that they feel they are but one family. France will not, therefore, be insensible to a death, which has plunged England into a profound consternation. Naturally generous and feeling, the French will not see without emotion a father's and a husband's tears. They will represent to themselves, with lively sympathy, the desolation of a royal family, and the deep sorrow of a numerous population already displayed in so universal and unequivocal Never, in fact, has attachment to the constituent principles of the monarchy assumed a more general and solemn character than on this occasion. If in the days of prosperity sovereign power experiences in England frequent contradiction and obstacles, in those of calamity it receives nothing but consolations, homages, and prayers. It is because at such a moment, giving way to its real affections, the British nation feels but one single want, that of softening, by the free expres

a manner.

sion of its sentiments, the sorrow of the rulers whom it glories in obeying."

Mr. Kerr having delivered his despatches at Brussels, proceeded to the Hague, to communicate to that court the deplorable event, and an official order was immediately published, for going into instantaneous mourning, and for continuing that mark of sympathy and respect longer than any other continental power. The most calumnious reports were immediately circulated in this country, respecting the manner in which the Prince of Orange received the melancholy intelligence, representing him to have treated it with the most unbecoming levity and indifference. We had a better opinion of the young warrior's heart; we knew that where courage and liberality are seated, feeling is never absent; and that the Prince had lived too long amongst us, he had imbibed too much British spirit, and displayed too many excellent qualities,-to allow us for a single moment to suppose, that he would have been guilty of that cold apathy or revengeful meanness attributed to him, by those who appear to be the common calumniators of princes. We, therefore, were convinced that, even if the Prince of Orange did not feel, he would out of common decency feign regret, and not wantonly insult us and his father, by an open violation of every established custom, as well as of the ordinances of his sovereign.

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