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the mutual irritation, and lay the foundation to that restricted intercourse, which was afterwards so apparent to the nation.

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To depict a human being as faultless, is to exhibit a "monster which the world ne'er saw;" and to those who, have studied the human character, the position will not appear erroneous, that in proportion to the strength of the virtues which an individual displays, so will be the strength of his vices. It would be folly to pronounce the character of the Princess Charlotte perfect, taking as a criterion the utmost degree of human excellence; but truth, which should ever attend upon the historian, exacts the confession, that amongst the frailties of the Princess Charlotte, (and where is the human being without them?) a sudden ebullition of temper might be included. But even this frailty leaned to the side of virtue,—and, in many respects, might be considered as a negative excellence.

The persecution of the innocent,-the oppression of the poor, the degradation of suffering merit,—and the calumnies which malice uttered against a defenceless individual, in a moment roused the generous feelings of her nature; and that which some would take for violence of passion should have been construed into an indignant hatred of every species of moral turpitude, shewing itself in the fullest flow of its effects. The principles of the Princess Charlotte were not founded upon the common estimate of human actions, but she had affixed to herself a standard of right and wrong, which was the result of deep and careful inves


tigation, and which, disdaining the superficies of things, looked only to those deep recesses in which lies concealed the intricate machinery of the human heart. She was well aware of the most important lesson of life, which is the government of our passions; and it was the study, (though a hard one,) of her riper days, to act under its influence.

Oh! that the votary of dissipation, the scoffer at religion, the senseless atheist, or the proud unfeeling misanthrope, could, from the lips of this now sainted being, have heard the breathings of that Christian love which threw so bright a splendor over her earthly existence; and, in the hour when reflection forces itself upon them, or in that dread moment when the dreadful gulf between this world and an eternal hereafter stands yawning before them, let them survey the life of this illustrious Princess; and in the perusal of the following passage, written by herself, on an occasion in which she considered that she had unnecessarily shewn a warm ebullition of temper, may they profit by the admonition which it contains; and may it lead them to the expectation of that happiness, which is ever the result of a virtuous life.

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"Resist beginnings' is a maxim, which, if duly observed and attended to, " will prove of the greatest emolument and advantage to us through life; nor can we be too careful in avoid

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ing any the least inconsistency with the dictates of "virtue in our earlier years."

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"Plato was right, when he said, that nosce te ipsum was the foundation of all human knowledge; and yet "how few appear the least solicitous to acquire so great "and necessary a lesson, notwithstanding they are sure "that the neglecting of it must one day, on a retrospect "of their past life, be productive of distress, which no pen can sufficiently describe. The last and inevitable "hour, is, however, unperceived, making incessant "advances; and what, at that awful period, will be "able to afford us the least satisfaction? The failings "of thoughtless youth, and the more premeditated "faults of advanced age, will then stare us in the face, " and the best of our worldly employments appear but "as specious sins--the blandishments of sense. "shall despise the splendor of a dying chamber, and "the concern of our friends will rather retard than

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promote a repentance; we may intend to defer it till "that important season, when all sublunary enjoyments "will only tend to increase the poignancy of our appre"hensions. But is there no path we may tread, during "the sportive days of blooming youth, that will enable us to bear with fortitude every evil we may be exposed "to in our journey through life-support us with composure under the separating stroke, and fit us for an "acquittal at the grand tribunal hereafter? Doubtless, there is. Follow the dictates of reason and religion, "which forcibly command us to keep our passions in 'subjection; and practise, without ostentation, the great virtues of piety, benevolence, and justice. If we perform these duties, we shall soon experience a ❝ serenity of mind, which vice can never give; it will be

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a satisfaction unalloyed by remorse, and will qualify us to bear every affliction with a cheerful resignation, 66 and prove an unerring road to everlasting happiness."

On several occasions, the Princess Charlotte gave way to melancholy forebodings, and she seemed rather to prepare herself for death, than for a lengthened life. "It is true," said her Royal Highness often, "that I am born to a crown; but there is a crown which I covet more than an earthly one, and that is only to be found in Heaven-grant that it may one day be mine."

A few days previously to the departure of the Princess Charlotte for the tranquil scenes of Claremont, her Royal Highness had a small select party, in which the conversation turned on the relative difference between the active and passive virtues of the female character. Her Royal Highness strenuously contended, that the greater share of merit must be awarded to the exercise of the former, as it required a greater self-command to resist evil, than to be actively good. "The character of a truly estimable woman," said her Royal Highness, "is not so difficult of attainment as many are led to imagine. The grand secret of pleasing consists in blending the qualities which are universally agreeable with the reigning manners of a particular age. A woman of fashion, of the present day, may be said to be truly estimable; who, deriving from the world all the charms of society, that is to say, taste;

elegance, and spirit, knows how at the same time to preserve her heart and her mind free from that empty vanity, that false sensibility, that inordinate self-love, and those endless affectations, which are so frequent in polished life; who subjected, in spite of herself, to form and ceremony, never loses sight of nature, and returns to it sometimes to honor it, at least, with her sighs; who, though carried along by the giddy whirl of dissipation and amusement, feels still the necessity of reposing herself from time to time on the bosom of friendship."

At this moment a lady was announced, who had been particularly instrumental in the formation of the Princess Charlotte's mind, and her Royal Highness immediately rose to receive her." You come rather mal-apropos, my dear Lady E.," said her Royal Highness, "for I was just sketching your likeness."

"That is an honor indeed," said Lady E.; " but allow me to ask your Royal Highness-was it my mental, or my corporeal likeness, on which you were engaged?" "As to the latter," answered her Royal Highness, "it is in the power of every one who can draw lines with a pencil; but the former requires a great degree of skill, of a different nature, and 'therefore I fear that I have failed; but be assured, my dear Lady E., that as to the shades in your character, I have so softened them, that they are scarcely perceptible; at all events, they are so minutely blended, that they form a pleasing contrast to the brighter parts.—I will finish your likeness at some future period.

The remainder of the evening was occupied in

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