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cuted their march, and the army of the Centre arrived at Villa Castin. The same day the Duke of Dalmatia moved his cavalry on Penaranda, and some divisions of infantry were at Flores de Avilla.-On the 9th, the King's head-quarters were at Flores de Avilla; the army of the Centre advanced upon Fuentiveros; that of Portugal on Vittoria, Babila Fuente, and Huerta. The cavalry of the army of the South proceeded towards Alba de Tormes, and the infantry advanced to Flores de Avilla and Penaranda. This day, the 10th, the King arrived at Penaranda, where his Majesty established his head-quarters. Count D'Erlon continued his movement to establish himself at Macotera and its environs; the army of Portugal is completing its movement upon Babila Fuente. The Duke of Dalmatia has directed his march towards Alba de Tormes, with his cavalry and part of his infantry. Alba de Tormes appears to be strongly occupied. The Duke of Dalmatia has fired 1,500 cannon on this post, without being able to dislodge the enemy. -Count Souham reports, that Lord Wellington occupies the position of San Christoval, in advance of Salamanca.During this march some hundreds of prisoners have been collected, together with some equipages.

(Signed) JOURDAN.

I pray, &c. Extract of a Letter from General Lamarque, Commander in Upper Catalonia, to the Minister at War.

Gerona, Nov. 29. Sir,-Areynes-del-Mare was the entrepòt of the enemy's smuggling, and one of his magazines. This criminal commerce was carried on under the protection of the English ships lying in the roads.A moveable battery was placed at the entrance of the town; the first firing put the English to flight, all their vessels stood out to sea, and we have taken possession of Areynsdel-Mare and of its magazines, the enemy making no endeavour to thwart our operation. The Catalonians perceived, from the conduct of the English in this instance, how little they can rely on the promises of such worthless auxiliaries.- -The English merchandises seized at Areyns-del-Mare were instantly either burnt or thrown into the sea; but the grain, flour, rice, a other provisions, were conducted to the magazines of Barcelona. The articles brought from the Spanish colonies, such as the sugar and coffee of Havanna, the cottons of Vera Cruz and Motril, and the leather of Buenos

Ayres, were forwarded to Gerona, to be there sold for the profit of the army; the quinquina, the manna, the gum, and the wax were reserved for the military hospitals. (Signed) M. LAMARQUE.



Mr. Russell to Lord Castlereagh. My Lord,It is only necessary, I trust, to call the attention of your Lordship to a review of the conduct of the Government of the United States, to prove incontrovertibly its unceasing anxiety to maintain the relations of peace and friendship with Great Britain. Its patience in suffering the many wrongs which it has received, and its perseverance in endeavouring, by amicable means, to obtain redress, are known to the world Despairing, at length, of receiving this redress from the justice of the British Government, to which it had so often applied in vain, and feeling that a further forbearance would be a virtual surrender of the interests and rights essential to the prosperity and independence of the nation coufided to its protection, it has been compelled to discharge its high duty by an appeal to arms. While, however, it regards this course as the only one which remained for it to pursue with a hope of preserving any portion of that kind of character, which constitutes the vital strength of every nation, yet it is still willing to give another proof of the spirit which has uniformly distinguished its proceedings, by seeking to arrest, on terms consistent with justice and honour, the calamities of war. It has, therefore, authorized me to stipulate with His Britannic Majesty's Government, an armistice, to commence at or before the expiration of 60 days after the signature of the instrument providing for it, on condition that the Orders in Council be repealed, and no illegal blockades be substituted for them, and that orders be immediately given to discontinue the impressment of persons from American vessels, and to restore the citizens of the United States already impressed; it being moreover well understood


British Government will assent to

enter into de arrangements, as soon as may be, on these and every othe differ ence, by a Treaty, to be conclused, either at London or Washington, as on an impar

(Signed) JONA RUSSELL. To the Right Hon. Lord Viscount Castlereagh, &c.

Lord Castlereagh to Mr. Russell.

tial consideration of existing circumstances | violating the rights of the United States, shall be deemed most expedient.As an and in return it will restore peace with the inducement to Great Britain to discontinue Power, from whom in a friendly commerthe practice of impressment from American cial intercourse so many advantages are to vessels, I am authorized to give assurance be derived.Your Lordship is undoubtthat a law shall be passed (to be reciprocal) edly aware of the serious difficulties with to prohibit the employment of British sea- which the prosecution of the war, even for men in the public or commercial service of a short period, must necessarily embarrass the United States.It is sincerely be- all future attempts at accommodation. Paslieved, that such an arrangement would sions exasperated by injuries-alliances or prove more efficacious, in securing to Great conquests on terms which forbid their abanBritain her seamen, than the practice of donment-will inevitably hereafter embitter impressment, so derogatory to the sovereign and protract a contest which might now be attributes of the United States, and so in- so easily and happily terminated.- -Deepcompatible with the personal rights of their ly impressed with these truths, I cannot citizens. Your Lordship will not be but persuade myself that His Royal Highsurprised that I have presented the revoca- ness the Prince Regent will take into his tion of the Orders in Council as a prelimi- early consideration the propositions herein nary to the suspension of hostilities, when made on behalf of the United States, and it is considered that the act of the British decide on them in a spirit of conciliation Government of the 23d of June last, or- and justice.I have the honour to be, daining that revocation, is predicated on with high consideration, my Lord, your conditions, the performance of which is Lordship's most obedient servant, rendered impracticable by the change. which is since known to have occurred in the relations between the two countries. It cannot now be expected that the Government of the United States will immediately, on due notice of that Act, revoke, or cause to be revoked, its Acts, excluding from the waters and harbours of the United States. all British armed vessels, and interdicting commercial intercourse with Great Britain. Such a procedure would necessarily involve consequences too unreasonable and extravagant to be for a moment presumed. The Order in Council of the 23d of June last will, therefore, according to its own terms, be null, and of no effect, and a new act of the British Government, adapted to existing circumstances, is obviously required for the effectual repeal of the Orders in Council of which the United States complain. -The Government of the United States considers indemnity for injuries received under the Orders in Council and other edicts, violating the rights of the American nation, to be incident to their repeal, and it believes that satisfactory provision will be made in the definitive treaty to be hereafter negociated for this purpose. The conditions now offered to the British Government for the termination of the war by an armistice, as above stated, are so moderate and just in themselves, and so entirely consistent with its interest and honour, that a confident hope is indulged that it will not hesitate to accept them. In so doing it will abandon no right; it will sacrifice no interest; it will abstain only from

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Foreign Office, Aug. 29. Sir,-Although the diplomatic relations between the two Governments have been terminated, by a declaration of war on the part of the United States, I have not hesi tated, under the peculiar circumstances of the case, and the authority under which you act, to submit to the Prince Regent the proposition contained in your letter of the 24th inst. for a suspension of hostilities.

-From the period at which your instructions must have been issued, it is obvious that this overture was determined upon by the Government of the United States in ignorance of the Order in Council of the 23d of June last, and as you inform me that you are not at liberty to depart from the conditions set forth in your letter, it only remains for me to acquaint you, that the Prince Regent feels himself under the necessity of declining to accede to the propositions therein contained, as being on various grounds absolutely inadmissible.— As soon as there was reason to apprehend that Mr. Foster's functions might have ceased in America, and that he might have been obliged to withdraw himself, in consequence of war being declared, from the United States, before the above-mentioned Order of the 23d of June, and the instructions consequent thereupon, could have

29th ult. which I did not receive until this morning, that the Prince Regent has thought proper to decline to accede to the proposition for a suspension of hostilities, contained in my note of the 21st of August.

that my view with regard to the revocation of the Orders in Council on the 23d of June last should have been considered to have been incorrect, when it appears by your Lordship's note that the British Government itself had deemed it necessary to give powers to the British Admiral to stipulate for its full effect, and thereby admitted that a new act was required for that purpose.

-It now only remains for me to announce to your Lordship that it is my intention to embark immediately at Plymouth, on board the ship Lark, for the United States, and to request that permission may be granted, as soon as may be, for the embarkation of my servants, bag

reached him, measures were taken for authorizing the British Admiral on the American station to propose to the United States an immediate and reciprocal revocation of all hostile orders, with the tender of giving full effect, in the event of hostili-It has been matter of surprise to me ties being discontinued, to the provisions of the said order, upon conditions therein specified. From this statement you will perceive, that the view you have taken of this part of the subject is incorrect, and that, in the present state of the relations between the two countries, the operation of the Order of the 23d of June can only be defeated by a refusal on the part of your Government to desist from hostilities, or to comply with the conditions expressed in the said Order.Under the circumstances of your having no powers to negociate, I must decline entering into a detailed discussion of the propositions which you have been directed to bring forward.I cannot, however, refrain on one single point from ex-gage, and the effects of this legation, and pressing my surprise; namely, that, as a condition, preliminary even to a suspension of hostilities, the Government of the United States should have thought fit to demand, that the British Government should desist from its ancient and accustomed practice of impressing British seamen from the merchant ships of a foreign State, simply on the assurance that a law shall hereafter be passed, to prohibit the employment of British seamen in the public or commercialservice of that State. The British Government now, as heretofore, is ready to receive from the Governinent of the United States, and amicably to discuss, any proposition which professes to have in view either to check abuse in exercise of the practice of impressment, or to accomplish, by means less liable to vexation, the object for which impressment has hitherto been Foreign Office, Sept. 2, 1812. found necessary; but they cannot consent to Sir, I have laid before His Royal Highsuspend the exercise of a right upon which ness the Prince Regent your letter of the 1st the naval strength of the empire mainly inst. in which you announce your intention depends, until they are fully convinced to embark immediately at Plymouth, on that means can be devised, and will be board the ship Lark, for the United States. adopted, by which the object to be obtain-I have already the honour of forwarded by the exercise of that right can be effectually secured. I have the honour to be, Sir, your most obedient humble Servant, (Signed) CASTLEREAGH.

J. Russell, Esq. bc.

Mr. Russell to Lord Castlereagh.

18, Bentinck-street, 1st Sept. 1812. My Lord, I have learnt with much regret, by your Lordship's note, dated the

that the necessary passports may be furnished for my own and their safe conduct to that destination.—I avail myself of this occasion to apprize your Lordship, that I am authorized by the Government of the United States to leave Reuben Gaunt Beasly, Esq, as its agent for prisoners of war in this. country, and to desire that every necessary facility may be offered him in the exercise of that trust by the British Government, -I have the honour to be, my Lord, your Lordship's most obedient humble servant,

(Signed) JONA RUSSELL. The Right Hon. Lord Viscount Castlereagh.

Lord Castlereagh to Mr. Russell.

ing to you an Admiralty Order, for the protection of that ship as a cartel on her voyage to America, and I herewith enclose to you a passport for the free embarkation of yourself and family, in conformity to your request. The Lords Commissioners of His Majesty's Treasury will issue directions to the Commissioners of the Customs. to give every facility to the embarkation of your effects.If, previous to your departure from England, you can point out

to me any particular manner in which I can | United States, and that I shall transmit, facilitate your arrangements, I beg that you without delay, corresponding intelligence will command my services.His Royal to the several parts of the world where Highness has commanded me to signify to hostilities may have commenced; the Briyou, for the information of your Govern- tish Commanders in which will be require ment, that there will be no difficulty in al- to discontinue hostilities, from the receipt lowing Mr. R. G. Beasly, as stated in your of such notice.Should the American letter, to reside in this country, as the Government accede to the above proposal United States' agent for prisoners of war. for terminating hostilities, I am authorized -I have the honour to subscribe myself, to arrange with you as to the revocation of with great truth and consideration, Sir, your the laws which interdict the commerce and most obedient humble servant, ships of war of Great Britain from the harbours and waters of the United States; in (Signed) default of which revocation within such reasonable period as may be agreed upon, you will observe, by the Order of the 23d of June, the Orders in Council of Ja nuary, 1807, and April, 1809, are to be revived. The officer who conveys this letter to the American coast has received my orders to put to sea immediately upon the delivering of this dispatch to the com

J. Russell, Esq.


Correspondence between Sir J. B. Warren, and the Secretary of State, Mr. Monroe.

not but be of a nature to lead to a speedy
termination of the present differences.-
The flag of truce which you may charge
with your reply, will find one of my cruiz-
ers at Sandy Hook, ten days after the
landing of this dispatch, which I have di-
rected to call there with a flag of truce for
that purpose. I have the honour to be,
with the highest consideration,

Admiral of the Blue, and Commander
in Chief, &c,

Halifax, Nova Scotia, Sept. 30. Sir,-The departure of Mr. Foster from America has devolved upon me the charge of making known to you, for the informa-petent Authority; and I earnestly recomtion of the Government of the United States, mend, that no time may be lost in comthe sentiments entertained by His Royal municating to me the decision of your GoHighness the Prince Regent, upon the ex-vernment, persuaded as I feel, that it can isting relations of the two countries.You will observe from the enclosed copy of an Order in Council, bearing date the 23d of June, 1812, that the Orders in Council of the 7th of Jan. 1807, and the 26th of April, 1809, ceased to exist nearly at the same time that the Government of the United States declared war against His Majesty. Immediately on the receipt of this declaration in London, the Order in Council, of which a copy is herewith enclosed to you, was issued, on the 31st day of July, for the embargo and detention of all American ships.Under these circumstances, I am commanded to propose to your Government the immediate cessation of hostilities between the two countries; and I shall be most happy to be the instrument of bringing about a reconcilia tion, so interesting and beneficial to America and Great Britain. I therefore propose to you, that the Government of the United States of America shall instantly recall their letters of marque and reprisal against British ships, together with all orders and instructions for any acts of hostility whatever against the territory of His Majesty, or the persons or property of his subjects: with the understanding, that immediately on my receiving from you an official assurance to that effect, I shall instruct all the officers under my command to desist from corresponding measures of war against the ships and property of the

Mr. Monroe to Sir J. B. Warren.

Department of State, Oct. 27, 1812. Sir, I have had the honour to receive your letter of the 30th ult. and to submit it to the consideration of the President. It appears that you are authorized to propose a cessation of hostilities between the United States and Great Britain, on the ground of the repeal of the Orders in Council; and, in case the proposition is acceded to, to take measures, in concert with this Government, to carry it into complete effect on both sides. state, also, that you have it in charge in the event, to enter into an arrangement with the Government of the United States for the repeal of the laws which interdict the ships of war and the commerce of Great Britain from the harbours and waters of the United States; and you intimate, that


if the proposition is not acceded to, the quence. It cannot be presumed, while Orders in Council (repealed conditionally the parties are engaged in a negociation to by that of the 23d of June last) will be re- adjust amicably this important difference, vived against the commerce of the United that the United States would admit the States. I am instructed to inform you, right or acquiesce in the practice of the opthat it will be very satisfactory to the Pre-posite party; or that Great Britain would sident to meet the British Government in be unwilling to restrain her cruizers from a such arrangements as may terminate with practice which would have the strongest out delay, the hostilities which now exist tendency to defeat the negociation. It is between the United States and Great Bri- presumable that both parties would enter tain, on conditions honourable to both na- into a negociation with a sincere desire to tions.-At the moment of the declaration give it effect. For this purpose, it is neof war, the President gave a signal proof cessary that a clear and distinct understandof the attachment of the United States to ing be first obtained between them, of the peace. Instructions were given, at an accommodation which each is prepared to early period, to the late Chargé d'Affaires make. If the British Government is willof the United States at London, to propose ing to suspend the practice of impressment to the British Government an armistice, on from American vessels, on consideration conditions which, it was presumed, would that the United States will exclude British have been satisfactory. It has been seen seamen from their service, the regulation with regret, that the proposition made by by which this compromise should be carMr. Monroe, particularly in regard to the ried into effect would be solely the object important interest of impressment, was of this negociation. The armistice would rejected, and that none was offered through be of short duration. If the parties agree, that channel, as a basis on which hostili- peace would be the result. If the negociaties might cease. As your Government tion failed, each would be restored to its has authorized you to propose a cessation former state, and to all its pretensions, by of hostilities, and is doubtless aware of the recurring to war.―― Lord Castlereagh, in important and salutary effect which a sa- his note to Mr. Russell, seems to have tisfactory adjustment of this difference can supposed, that, had the British Governnot fail to have on the future relations bement accepted the propositions made to it, tween the two countries, I indulge the Great Britain would have suspended immehope that it has, ere this, given you full diately the exercise of a right on the mere powers for the purpose. Experience has assurance of this Government, that a law sufficiently evinced that no peace can be would be afterwards passed to prohibit the durable, unless this object is provided for: employment of British seamen in the service. it is presumed, therefore, that it is equally of the United States, and that Great Brithe interest of both countries to adjust it attain would have no agency in the regulathis time.Without further discussing tion to give effect to that proposition. Such questions of right, the President is de- an idea was not in the contemplation of sirous to provide a remedy for the evils this Government, nor is to be reasonably complained of on both sides. The claim inferred from Mr. Russell's note: least, of the British Government is to take from however, by possibility such an inference the merchant vessels of other countries might be drawn from the instructions to British subjects. In the practice, the Mr. Russell, and anxious that there should Commanders of British ships of war often be no misunderstanding in the case, subsetake from the merchant vessels of the quent instructions were given to Mr. RusUnited States American citizens. If the sell, with a view to obyiate every objecUnited States prohibit the employment of tion of the kind alluded to. As they bear British subjects in their service, and en- date on the 27th of July, and were forforce the prohibition by suitable regula- warded by the British packet Alphea, it is tions and penalties, the motive for the more than probable that they may have practice is taken away. It is in this mode been received and acted on. -I am hapthat the President is willing to accommo-py to explain to you thus fully the views date this important controversy with the of my Government on this important subBritish Government, and it cannot be con-ject. The President desires that the war ceived on what ground the arrangement which exists between our countries should can be refused.--A suspension of the be terminated on such conditions as may practice of impressment, pending the ar- secure a solid and durable peace, To acmistice, seems to be a necessary conse-complish this great object, it is necessary

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