-- --- - -- - -- -- Cox driven from Cabinet-Gossip about the women affront to Grant - Charles Sumner: a portrait - Excuse for degrading him — Caucus plans his removal - The party lash-Excitement in Senate - Tipton lets cat out of bag-Schurz's speech - Trumbull's- 'Make it Committee on Personal Relations'- Faces of Senators during roll-call Sumner ousted Simon Cameron made chairman - Sumner's resolutions on San Domingo- Scenes in and about the Capitol - Sumner's philippic - Loud talking — Morton replies Serious dissensions within party Scandal reaches out for Orville Grant - Julian's philippic against corruption — Union League plans revival of war hates Calls on Grant Morton's resolution on 'outrages' - Grant's re- ply-Press propaganda - The Ku-Klux Act - Grant's Proclamation on 'out- rages' in South Carolina · - Viciousness of Ku-Klux Act - A brilliant, bitter de- bate Morton wants Act to extend until after election - Martial law and no - John Quincy Adams on the Act - Wendell Phillips's blood- thirsty speech - General Sherman's disgust Ben Butler waves 'bloody shirt' - - Columbia, South Carolina- A drive through the old fashionable section John Patterson - His record - The colored Madame Roland of the Radicals Her salon - The Rollin sisters described - Their relations to the lobby - A visit to the Legislature - Dress of members-Feet on desks - Horse-play of statesmen-R. B. Elliott speaks - Illiteracy of members - Cracking of peanuts, stamping of feet - The bar-room Champagne and liquor for members and - And cigars and hams-And fine clothes for members' mistresses dollars' salary-Scenes in the legislature -'My God!' - Slumming parties to the legislature-Bribery the rule - The system of holding power explained 371 Warmoth's rivals - - - Our Robespierre's Saint-Just-Warmoth turns reformer XVIII. THE RADICAL RANKS BREAK - - - Washington-Tom Scott, lobbyist de luxe-Corruption - - Cynical corrupti -- - - Sentiment turns to Charles Francis Adams — His fitness for the Presidency Sumner's depression — Ignored by party associates — His flag resolution - De- - The case of Brooks - Of Colfax - His muddling-Bizarre explanations — 394 - Remembers a dead friend- "The Nation's' sarcasm - - Plan to exonerate all - - - - XX. THE SLIPPING SCEPTER - XXI. MILITARY SATRAPS AND REVOLUTION - 415 436 The contested Louisiana election of 1872- Government by a drunken judge --- - - ---- - - - A dual Congressional committee finds McEnery, Democrat, elected Governor - - --- -- - - Election of Michael Kerr His character Nast's attacks on him- The 461 Belknap - Asks Marsh to commit perjury - Belknap hears of exposure He - resigns Grant accepts resignation - How Grant was affected - Scenes in the - XXIII. THE YEAR OF THE CENTENNIAL - - --- - Blaine collapses - Republican candidates — Blaine's magnetic personality and - - - - His debates with Judge Settle - The two men compared - Amazing meetings - The highways of South Carolina 482 499 522 Chandler plans a Tilden elected - Barnum's blunder - 'The Times' action |