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Cox driven from Cabinet-Gossip about the women
-Cox against it Grant would put it up to Congress - Morton on Cox-
Adverse report
Administration discipline-Claim goes through - Beck's
attacks Garfield's disgust Nation on Grant's lost reputation - Democrats
win elections - Grant revives San Domingo scheme — He lobbies with Blaine -
A Commission of Inquiry - Greeley on San Domingo scheme - Closing in on
Sumner -The gossips' work-Sumner's 'Dance of Blood' speech - Attacks
Babcock Accuses Grant - Scene in Senate Attacks on Sumner - Morton's
Chandler's - Conkling's - Garrison's indignation Sumner's unintentional

affront to Grant - Charles Sumner: a portrait - Excuse for degrading him —

Caucus plans his removal - The party lash-Excitement in Senate - Tipton

lets cat out of bag-Schurz's speech - Trumbull's- 'Make it Committee on

Personal Relations'- Faces of Senators during roll-call Sumner ousted

Simon Cameron made chairman - Sumner's resolutions on San Domingo-

Scenes in and about the Capitol - Sumner's philippic - Loud talking — Morton

replies Serious dissensions within party Scandal reaches out for Orville

Grant - Julian's philippic against corruption — Union League plans revival of

war hates Calls on Grant Morton's resolution on 'outrages' - Grant's re-

ply-Press propaganda - The Ku-Klux Act - Grant's Proclamation on 'out-

rages' in South Carolina · - Viciousness of Ku-Klux Act - A brilliant, bitter de-

bate Morton wants Act to extend until after election - Martial law and no

habeas corpus

- John Quincy Adams on the Act - Wendell Phillips's blood-

thirsty speech - General Sherman's disgust Ben Butler waves 'bloody shirt'
- 'New York Herald' correspondent exposes the mockery - Unable to get Ku-
Klux Act to Supreme Court - South Carolina corruptionists make it pay-Val-
landigham's 'New Departure' - The reaction.

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- And cigars and hams-And fine clothes for members' mistresses
Moses loses a bet House appropriates to cover the loss - Night in Columbia
-Bribery - 'I stole it'— 'Let them prove it' - Party press subsidized from
treasury - Newspaper graft - Corruption in State bonds - Pay-certificate steals
State money furnishes Moses' room at boarding-house- Why South Carolina
had to submit-The negro majority - The ignorance How Charleston was
disfranchised-Persecution of Democratic negroes Daddy Cain rebels - The
case of James L. Orr — Appalling bitterness of whites Scott's militia and con-
stables in elections - He imports the Kerrigan Gang from New York - Grant
assures Scott Federal assistance Easy to hold power
At Tallahassee - Little-
field again - His wholesale bribery of legislature - Carpetbag leaders in Florida
- How they cultivated the blacks—‘Jesus Christ was a Republican' — At
Montgomery - A legislative scene there - A room set aside for bribery - The
scale for the leaders-At New Orleans - The city's life-Governor Warmoth
Character and career Saves one hundred thousand dollars on eight thousand

dollars' salary-Scenes in the legislature -'My God!' - Slumming parties to

the legislature-Bribery the rule - The system of holding power explained

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Warmoth's rivals
Stops steals




Our Robespierre's Saint-Just-Warmoth turns reformer
Casey and the Custom-House gang-The fight for control —
Casey asks Grant for troops Gatling guns in a convention-Two conventions
Casey reports his side to Grant - Warmoth committee goes to Long Branch
Grant's hostile reception-The ruin of property-owners At Jackson -
Bombes Furioso in State House - The native whites hopeless - Powell Clay-
ton of Arkansas His methods - Character All for the carpetbaggers
Clayton's militia - Its outrages 'Make Arkansas Republican or a howling
wilderness' Greeley's warning.

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Washington-Tom Scott, lobbyist de luxe-Corruption
The Custom-House - Reformers get Tweed - Cannot

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Cynical corrupti
in New York — T
reach the Custom-1
Collector Murphy - The General Order scandal
How it began — Pro f merchants-Murphy at Grant's heels - Political
necessity forces him ou rant's tribute to his 'honesty' - Chester A. Arthur
- Congressional investig
James Fisk dies Comments - "The Nation'
turns on Grant Grant gets persecution complex — At Mrs. Blaine's dinner -
Investigation fruitless — The arms sale to France — The Schurz-Conkling debate
- Opening guns of the campaign - Morton's party speech Morton writes il-
luminating letter - Trumbull turns on the Administration — Garfield fears effect
of Grant's renomination The Liberal Party movement Schurz in open revolt

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- Sentiment turns to Charles Francis Adams — His fitness for the Presidency
Democrats favorable — Trumbull and Davis-Schurz's keynote - A motley
convention Amateurs in charge- Theodore Tilton's rôle-'What? with these
cranks?' The dinner 'over the Rhine' - Greeley's nomination - Reid's sad
feast of ratification — "The Nation's' comment — Hoar's joke — Description of
Greeley-'What will the Democrats do?' - Sumner's attack on Grant-"Terror
in its truth'- Voorhees protests against Greeley's nomination by Democrats
Repeats at Terre Haute-Bayard's protest at Baltimore - O'Connor's reply —
Greeley nominated at Baltimore General Sherman amused A sour conference
of Liberals - The Louisville regular Democratic convention - Sumner declares
for Greeley Is attacked by Garrison and Blaine - Southern negroes against the
old Abolitionist — Grant strategy in North Carolina - In South Carolina - The
depraved Moses for Governor - Warmoth the Greeley candidate in Louisiana
Pinchback, the negro politician — Lamar in Mississippi-Johnson in Tennessee
Result in North Carolina - Campaign in the North - Grant's Three Musket-
Conkling's campaign speech - Zack Chandler raises money - Jay Cooke
again - Blaine's demands on Cooke - Secretary of Navy demands Cooke contri-
bution for New Jersey- Because he had been given the naval account - Power
of money in the election
Whiskey Ring busy - Nast's cartoons Campaign
songs-Greeley on the stump Makes great speeches - His wife's fatal illness
Defeat and death-Moses wins-'Honest' John Patterson buys a senator-
ship Another bought in Alabama.

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Sumner's depression — Ignored by party associates — His flag resolution - De-
nounced by Massachusetts Legislature - Whittier starts movement to rescind -
Divorces Mrs. Sumner Her life in Europe - His loneliness - The Crédit
Mobilier - The leaders involved - Effect in Washington - Oakes Ames's fatal
memorandum - Attempt to save the leaders - Concentrating blame on Ames
He turns on his confederates - The case of Bingham - Of Wilson
Of Dawes - Of Garfield and Kelley - Committee's finding in case of these

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- The case of Brooks - Of Colfax - His muddling-Bizarre explanations —



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Remembers a dead friend- "The Nation's' sarcasm - - Plan to exonerate all
leaders of party in power- To convict Ames and Brooks, the lone Democrat
Nast shames press for attacking Crédit Mobilier statesmen - Plan carried out -
Drama in House-Ames's telling illustration - A whitewash for the leaders -
'The Tribune's' comment - Partisan phase transparent - Resentment of the
Democrats - Treatment of Brooks - The party at Henry Cooke's - Mrs.
Brooks's appearance there- The fashionable audience at House debate
dying Brooks - Ben Butler's cynical defense of Ames-Voorhees's
Brooks-Resolution to condemn all Ames's confederates voted down Julian
thinks Ames most honest of all - Brooks's death-Ames's death-Attempts to
minimize the scandal - Fear beneath the surface-A hectic sum Demo-
cratic division on tariff - Industrial League interests itself in tooks - Col-
leges solicit contributions Farmers in revolt - Their con- They de-
mand rate regulation - The fight in Illinois- They win
in other States - Beecher's sneer at farmers and praise
English markets closed to American railroad securities Causes of the panic-
Fall of the house of Cooke - Excitement in New Yorndemonium on the
Stock Exchange - Henry Clews fails - Boutwell hues New York - Rela-
tion of Cooke and Clews to politics Governmvoritism to Cooke dis-
covered - How he had been permitted to violate the law-The case of Clews-
Crash of business - A winter of suffering - Placards of the jobless - Johnson
serenaded in Washington 'What kind of a government have we now?'-Sig-
nificance of Ames's election as Governor in Mississippi.






Eighteen-seventy-four opens darkly - Grant's blunders on Chief Justiceship -
Recoups popularity by veto of inflation bill-Silk-workers demand tariff re-
duction Miners mobilize against organized wealth-Suffering of the jobless
Poverty a matter for the police - Police club a peaceful mass meeting-What
men were living on "The Prostrate State' appears - The South's 'Uncle
Tom's Cabin'-The Beecher-Tilton trial- Death of Sumner - His Civil
Rights Bill fails - Denounced by Parson Brownlow - Lamar's famous tribute
- Blaine's tears - The Sanborn contracts - Ben Butler's connection - Secre-
tary of Treasury resigns to escape impeachment - Is made a Judge- Moses'
saturnalia in South Carolina-Mode of living-Scenes in his home- Ruin of
the taxpayers-The Taxpayers' Convention - Issues a public appeal - Its
committee goes to Washington-Congress ignores it - Rebuked by Grant
Republican State Committee replies to taxpayers -Fourteen of twenty-four
bribe-takers-Courteously received at the White House - A 'bloody-shirt'
campaign in the North- Morton instructs party press in Indiana Alabama
determines to be free - A bitter campaign there The Hawley-Hays lie exposed
-The Government bacon scandal - Federal officials try to terrorize Democrats
Alabama wins over the carpetbaggers - The fight in Arkansas - The looting
there - Some novel methods of stealing - Champagne and poker - The Brooks-
Baxter fight of 1872- Contested election - Grant seats Baxter - He turns re-
former - Joins Democrats for constitutional convention - Democrats nominate
Garland - His character-A picturesque campaign Garland wins - The
carpetbaggers turn to Washington - The heroism of Luke P. Poland of Vermont
-Grant declares Brooks Governor, Constitution and election void - Congress
ignores the President - Arkansas redeemed.




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The contested Louisiana election of 1872- Government by a drunken judge
United States Marshal takes over the Government - The Nation shocked




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A dual

Congressional committee finds McEnery, Democrat, elected Governor
government - Pinchback, Republican, refused Senate seat - Morton's fight —
Establishes his leadership - Prevents Grant from recognizing McEnery
Recognizes Kellogg - Conditions under Custom-House clique-Caius Cæsar
Antoine, negro Lieutenant-Governor -Taxes take property-The appalling
record of tax sales - Bitter poverty of the people - North fed on 'outrage' stories
- White women in peril on streets Carpetbaggers plan to disarm whites - The
negroes armed
The Black Militia - The Black League-Whites organize
White League to fight for legislature - Federal officials begin seizing guns of the
whites Disarm hunters - Protest meeting-Demand Kellogg's resignation
Lieutenant-Governor Penn calls on able-bodied to arm and expel usurper
Kellogg's cowardice - Barricades in the streets Longstreet leads metropolitan
police against the people - The people prevail The police retire - The battle
at the Custom-House - People patrol streets - Unconditional surrender of Kel-
logg - Officers elected in 1872 sworn in McEnery Legislature summoned -
Northern press justifies the rising - Kellogg appeals to Grant - He orders people
to 'disperse' - Sends three men-of-war and troops - Increases determination to
win election - Democrats' plan of campaign - Kellogg depends on the army
United States Marshal makes wholesale arrests - The alignment and relative
strength of races The ability and power of Packard, Marshal and Republican
chairman - Imports negroes from other States - False registrations — What
Charles Nordhoff found - Another stolen election - Two legislatures meet
Sheridan ordered to Louisiana Sherman ignored by Grant Sheridan's ideas
Democrats organize the House — Ask soldiers to clear corridors - They enter
with bayonets and order five Democratic members out - The Speaker's protest
Demands use of force-Democrats retire before force - Sheridan's banditti
telegram - The Nation's wrath - Protests from New Orleans - Sheridan's
slander-Garfield stunned - 'The Nation' denounces the crime - Mass meetings
in the North - Evarts at Cooper Union - The fight in the Senate Grant asked
for information - His 'bloody-shirt' Message - The Wheeler Compromise -
Morton in New Orleans - Reaction in Mississippi — Vicksburg - Sheridan
orders troops there to sustain a government of criminals - The Legislature —
Democrats elect city officials - Tax collector refuses to give bond - Citizens
force his resignation - Ames to the rescue - Advises summoning of negroes and
use of force
The battle of Vicksburg - Sheridan restores the tax collector by
force Unifies whites for election - Confiscatory taxes - The Taxpayers'
Leagues Democratic Convention - Lamar and George - Ames forms negro
militia - Whites arm
Clashes - Democrats sweep
A spectacular campaign -
State Ames impeached Mississippi redeemed Andrew Johnson in the


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Election of Michael Kerr His character Nast's attacks on him- The
Amnesty Resolution - Blaine's amendment — His 'bloody-shirt' speech - Ben
Hill's reply Blaine's motive-Morton revives war hates - 'Pinch, brothers,
pinch with care' - Bristow in the Treasury - The Whiskey Ring-General
McDonald How the Ring worked Grant visits McDonald - The gift —
Bristow's discoveries - Henderson on the trail - His attack on McDonald - His
dismissal - Popular reaction McDonald's tribute to Babcock - Babcock
demands military inquiry - Grant grants it - Babcock indicted - Attempt to
head off informers The Attorney-General's instructions - The President's
deposition Babcock acquitted - His serenade and purse· Remains private
secretary His warm welcome in Senate - The Emma Mine scandal - The sale
of post-traderships - Testimony of Marsh - The first Mrs. Belknap - Mrs.
Marsh She vamps the committee - The conspiracy - The second Mrs.

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Belknap - Asks Marsh to commit perjury

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- Belknap hears of exposure



resigns Grant accepts resignation - How Grant was affected - Scenes in the
Senate when story came Bayard's comment - The scene in the House - Mrs.
Belknap on her knees Debate in the House Sympathy for Mrs. Belknap
Rage over Belknap - A flight planned - An arrest - A fashionable house
guarded - The scene next door - Mrs. Belknap recovers poise - Interference of
District Court-Defiance of the House-Fight in the Senate -The trial
The acquittal-The future of Mrs. Belknap - The Little Rock and Fort Smith
Railroad Blaine's implication - The investigation Mulligan Letters
Blaine's defense - Death of Kerr.




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Blaine collapses - Republican candidates — Blaine's magnetic personality and
popularity Not injured by revelations - The Cincinnati Convention
Hatred of Bristow Mrs. Blaine's view - Ingersoll's nominating speech
Hayes's nomination - Nomination of Tilden - The platforms - Alignments of
Liberals Trumbull - Julian Charles Francis Adams - Schurz goes to
Hayes- Pulitzer's excoriation Godkin of "The Nation' - Bryant - Chandler
and slush funds - Portrait of Tilden Character of Hayes - Early prospects
Tilden's activities - Mystery of Gramercy Park - Hayes warned — Alarm over
Indiana Morton wants money - Attacks on Tilden - Corruption and privilege
- The money question — Republican strategy The 'bloody shirt' unfurled -
Religious prejudices - The American Alliance - Ingersoll - His speeches -
At Bangor - At Cooper Union — At Indianapolis — At Chicago — Misrepresent-
ing Vance Voorhees protests - Mark Twain's blunder - Alarm over the
South-Hayes's letters - In North Carolina - Character and career of Vance





His debates with Judge Settle - The two men compared - Amazing meetings -
The State aflame - Torchlight processions through woods - Uneasiness in

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The highways of South Carolina
Turns reformer -
Is rebuked by Morton Chamberlain makes terms with 'Honest' John Patter-
son- - Fusion or Straight-out - General Gary Portrait Career - Demands
regular Democratic ticket - Intensive organization - The Hamburg riot-
Loses Chamberlain Democratic endorsement Waves 'bloody shirt' - Grant's
campaign document on South Carolina - Wade Hampton - Chamberlain
forced to divide time - Effect - At Edgefield - At Abbeville-Tilden ignores
Hampton's letter-Hampton in the saddle. Wild enthusiasm - Portrait of
Hampton - The Chamberlain ticket — Patterson's promise for Grant - Reliance
of carpetbaggers - Negro Democrats - Mob them at Charleston - Democratic
plan of campaign - Opposing views among Democrats on cultivation of blacks
Negro Democratic clubs — Hampton to the negroes — Chamberlain refuses to
debate A whole people march and ride - Hampton's speeches - The Red
Shirts Pictured on the march A day of prayer in the churches - The Edge-
field riots - Used for political purposes - At Cainhoy - Soldiers break in on
Hampton meeting - Hampton holds his people down - Martial law-'Urge our
people to submit' - Northern press on martial law Politicians worried Clos-
ing meeting at Charleston Election day-‘By God, sir, I will not do it.'

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Chandler plans a

Tilden elected - Barnum's blunder - 'The Times' action
reversal Claim Louisiana, Florida, and South Carolina - Troops to support the
conspiracy - 'Funds from Washington' — Dishonesty of the Western Union

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