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missionaries ought to be sent in the churches their duty as to the support of course of the present year. their own native pastors.



CONSTANTINOPLE.-William Goodell, Henry A.

Homes, Joel S. Everett, Missionaries; Mrs. Abigail
P. Goodell, Mrs. Anna W. Homes, Mrs. Seraphina 11.
Everett, Mrs. Sarah C. Hinsdale, Miss Harriet M.

Lovell. Two native pastors, one native preacher,
and five native assistants.

BEBEK.-Cyrus Hamlin, George W. Wood, Missionaries; Mrs. Henrietta A. L Hamlin, Mrs. Martha

B. Wood. One native assistant.

BROOSA-Daniel Ladd, Oliver Crane, Missionaries; Mrs. Charlotte H. Ladd, Mrs. Marion D. Crane. Two

native assistants.

SMYRNA-Elias Riggs, Thomas P. Johnston, Nathan Benjamin, Missionaries; Mrs. Martha I. Riggs, Mrs. Marianne C. Johnston, Mrs. Mary G. Benjamin.

Four native assistants.

The valuable building at Bebek, occupied by the seminary, has necessarily and very seasonably become the property of the Board; and the institution itself becomes more and more suited to the spiritual exigencies of the new evanIt now contains gelical community. twenty-three pupils. Near the close of the year 1848, the seminary was visited by a special divine influence, and all the pupils not previously church members, except five in early youth, were hopefully converted. The standard of piety in the seminary was also manifestly raised. Several children of the missionaries were sharers in this work of grace.

Preaching tours, as usual, have been made by different members of the mission. The press has been usefully employed. A book of theology, prepared expressly for the evangelical Armenians, ERZEROOM.-Josiah Peabody, Isaac G. Bliss, Mis-is in the press. A part of D'Aubigné's

TREBIZOND.Philander O. Powers, Missionary;

Mrs. Sarah L. Powers. One native pastor.

sionaries; Mrs. Mary L. Peabody, Mrs. Eunice B. Bliss. One native assistant.

AINTAB.-Benjamin Schneider, Azariah Smith, M. D., Missionaries; Mrs. Eliza C. Schneider, Mrs.

Corinth I. Smith.

OUT-STATIONS.-Nicomedia, one native pastor, and one assistant; Adabazar, one native pastor, and one assistant.

In this country.-H. G. O. Dwight, Edwin E. Bliss, Henry J. Van Lennep. Missionaries; Mrs. Mary L. Dwight, Mrs. Isabella H. Bliss.

(7 stations and 2 out-stations; 19 missionaries, 20 female assistant missionaries, 5 native pastors,

licensed native preacher, and 16 native assistants;— total, 61.)

History of the Reformation has been published. The churches at Nicomedia and Adabazar flourish equally with the other churches, though no missionary has ever resided at those places; and it is thought that Trebizond may well be left, soon, to the native pastor and church of that city, with occasional visits from the mission. Perhaps Broosa may ere long be vacated in like manner. New stations are contemplated in the interior. Mr. Schneider has removed from Broosa, and joined Doct. Smith at Aintab, where the reformation has assumed an aspect of peculiar promise. In every part of Asiatic Turkey, indeed, there is a religious movement among the Armenian people, and in every important town in the empire, where any number of Armenians reside, there are found at least one or two lovers of evangelical truth. It is evident that there is a spirit of inquiry awakened in Diarbekir, Oorfa, Killis, Malatia, Moden, Kharpoot, Marash, Adana, Tarsus, Arabkir, and Kaisaria; towns of more or less importance in Asiatic Turkey; and a new impulse

The past year has been comparatively one of peace in this mission. The evangelical Armenians generally through the empire are now recognized, by the local governors, as a separate community. The churches have consequently had rest; though individuals sometimes suffer illegally, and oftener endure suffering which the law will not reach, through the ingenious cruelty of enemies. The churches are now seven in number, at Constantinople, Nicomedia, Adabazar, Trebizond, Erzeroom, Aintab and Broosa. At the time of making up the last report, these churches contained has been given to the work at most of two hundred and fifteen members. Since the stations occupied by the mission. that time seven have been reported as added to the church at Constantinople. Since the last annual survey of the missions one more native pastor has been ordained, making the whole number five; and a member of the theological school has been licensed as a preacher. The most gratifying progress has been made by the mission, in determining and stating to the newly formed Protestant


BEIRUT.-Eli Smith, W. Frederic Williams, Missionaries; Henry A. DeForest, M. D., Physician; George C. Hurter, Printer; Mrs. Henrictta S. Smith, Mrs. Thomson, Mrs. Catharine S. DeForest, Mrs. Sarah P. Williams, Mrs. Elizabeth Hurter. Three native helpers.

ABEIH.-George B. Whiting. Simeon H. Calhoun,

C. V. A. Van Dyck, M. D., Missionaries; Mrs. Matilda S. Whiting, Mrs. Emily P. Calhoun, Mrs. Van Dyck. One native helper.

ALEPPO-William A. Benton, J. Edwards Ford, Missionaries; Mrs Loanza G. Benton, Mrs. Mary E. Ford. One native helper.

TRIPOLI.-David M. Wilson, Horace Foot, Missionaries; Mrs. Emeline Wilson, Mrs. Roxana Foot. OUT-STATIONS.-Bhamdûn and Hasbeiya.

In this country-William M. Thomson, Missionary. (4 stations and 2 out-stations; 10 missionaries one a physician, 1 physician, 1 printer, 12 female assistant missionaries, and 5 native preachers;total, 29.)

One new missionary has been added to this mission. Rev. W. Frederic Williams sailed from Boston on the 3d of January last, and arrived at Beirût in March. Mr. Calhoun went in the same vessel, with his wife, on his return to Syria. A new station has also been commenced, at Tripoli, by Messrs. Wilson and Foot. For some months a vigorous and persevering opposition prevented their obtaining houses in the city, but they succeeded in securing them in April. They have had the usual difficulties of a new station to contend with, besides being themselves but imperfectly acquainted with the language.

nians and Nestorians, God seems to be raising up a number of very promising young men to preach the gospel to their countrymen, some of whom are now rendering important aid to the mission by missionary tours as well as in other ways. Mr. Thomson, after an absence of seventeen years, is now on a visit to this country, with the approbation of the Committee. Mr. Smith has begun a new translation of the Scriptures into Arabic. The printing during the year 1848 exceeded a million of pages. About four hundred pupils are under instruction; sixteen of these are in the seminary at Abeih. Eight new members were received into the church, which now numbers eighteen.

An important work is going on in Syria through the instrumentality of the missionaries of the Board. A change is coming over the minds of the people, which is preparing large numbers of them to listen candidly to the preaching of the gospel. Old prejudices are wearing away; hard hearts are becoming softened; and the bigot and the infidel, alike unsatisfied with their present grounds of confidence, are seeking, in the gospel of Christ, that solid peace of mind, which their experience is teaching them can be found no where else. Surely it is a time for active effort and for fervent prayer, on the part of all who desire the coming of the kingdom of our Lord.


OROOMIAH.Justin Perkins, William R. Stocking, Austin H. Wright, M. D, Joseph G. Cochran, George W. Coan, Missionaries; Edward Breath, Printer; Mrs. Charlotte B. Perkins, Mrs Jerusha E. Stocking, Mrs. Catharine A. Wright, Mrs. Deborah W. Cochran, Mrs. Sarah P. Coan, Mrs. Sarah A. Breath, Miss Fidelia Fisk and Miss Mary Susan Rice. eral others are connected with the mission, who Twelve native helpers, four of them preachers. Sevpreach more or less, but as they have other regular business, they are not enumerated under this head.

An outbreak of opposition has been experienced at Aleppo, which, however, has passed away; and it seems to be generally understood by the people that there is to be liberty of religious opinion at Aleppo as well as in other parts of Turkey, and that, sooner or later, a Protestant community will be organized there. The native brethren at Hasbeiya have been also called to meet a new and severe trial. A sentence of excommunication from the Patriarch was sent forth and read in all the Greek churches, not only in Hasbeiya, but in all that part of the country. The consequence was that, as most of the evangelical brethren were poor, and dependent upon their daily labor for their living, they were immediately thrown out of all productive employment, and reduced to the greatest distress. This they regarded as the severest trial through which they had been called to pass; but their faith, with a single exception, did not fail, and they Mr. Breath, with his wife, sailed on are now enjoying entire religious liberty. his return to this mission, on the 18th of From Beirut accounts are of a cheer- June last. He was accompanied by ing character. The truth seems evidently Rev. George W. Coan, and Mrs. Sarah to be making progress there. The con- P. Coan who go to join the mission. On gregations have frequently, during the the 15th of September they were all at year, been larger than formerly; a very Trebizond, in good health and spirits, exmarked and solemn attention has been pecting to leave, on their journey to paid to the preaching of the word; and Oroomiah, on the 17th. Mr. Stoddard cases of open and full renunciation of is still in this country, but hopes soon the errors prevalent in the East have to return to his cherished field of labor. been more frequent than in former years. The mission has had during the year, In Syria, as well as among the Arme-more than the usual prosperity. The

In this country.-David T. Stoddard, Missionary. (1 station; 6 missionaries-one a physician, 1 printer, 8 female assistant missionaries, 12 native

helpers;-total, 27.)

The number of schools for boys, connected with the mission, has been six, with about three hundred pupils. In the female boarding-school, containing about twenty inmates, there has been consider

persecuting career of Mar Shimon, the Bombay, in a south-easterly direction, in Patriarch, has been singularly arrested the Deckan, and only about thirty miles by Providence. The native helpers from Mahabulishwar, the great health have been greatly quickened and em- station of Western India. It is thought boldened in preaching the gospel. The by the members of the mission, to be a revival of religion, which gladdened the very important and desirable station. missionaries in the early part of the year, has been described in previous numbers of the Herald. The two seminaries, as in the revival of 1846, were remarkably affected. It was felt in Degala, in Charbash, in Ardishai, in Vaze-able religious interest. Three of the rowa, and other villages, where large congregations listened solemnly to the preaching of the gospel. Neither the Patriarch nor his supporters dared openly to oppose a work, which so decidedly received the approval of the great body of the priests and people. His brother, a strong-minded man, was among the hopeful converts; as was also Malek Aga Beg, the most influential layman among the Nestorians, and Mar Yohannan, the Bishop who, some years since, visited the United States. This revival, as described by the missionaries, must have had all the characteristics of the best revivals seen in our own country.

girls have been admitted to the church. Several missionary tours of considerable extent have been performed during the year as in former years. The press is still regarded by the mission as a most important instrument for good. Less printing has been done in English, and more in the native languages, than heretofore; and the tracts, &c. are disposed of mostly by sale.

Though the number of converts is small in connection with this mission, the missionaries think the truth is gradually making an impression on the public mind and changing the views prevalent in the community; that Hindooism is The two seminaries contain seventy losing its hold upon the people, while pupils, and the thirty-three village schools Christian ideas and Christian doctrines about five hundred. The translation of are quietly gaining an influence over the the Old Testament into the modern Sy-minds of many. riac has been completed.


The Koordish chieftains, who were so long the terror of Koordistan, have been carried captive to Constantinople, and the mountains are now under Turkish rule. This has opened them to the gos-er, and Miss Cynthia Fariar. Seven native helpers, pel; and Messrs. Perkins and Stocking made a preaching tour, last spring, as far as Mosul, accompanied by some leading Nestorian ecclesiastics. A full report of this tour has just been received.

AHMEDNUGGUR.-Henry Ballantine, Ebenezer Burgess, Samuel B. Fairbank, Royal G. Wilder, Missionaries; Mrs. Elizabeth D. Ballantine, Mrs. Abigail M. Burgess, Mrs. Abby W. Fairbank, Mrs. Eliza J. Wild



BOMBAY. David O. Allen, Robert W. Hume, George Bowen, Missionaries; Mrs. Hannah D. Hume.

SEROOR-Allen Hazen, Missionary; Mrs. Martha R. Hazen. Three native helpers.

BHINGAR.-Sendol B. Munger, Missionary. Two native helpers.

OUT-STATIONS. - Wudaley, Wadagaum, and Ne


In this country.-Ozro French, Missionary; Mrs. Jane H. French.

(3 stations and 3 out-stations; 7 missionaries, 7 female assistant missionaries, and 12 native helpers;total, 26.)

Mr. French has been compelled, by ill health, to visit his native land, and Mr. SATARA-William Wood, Missionary; Mrs. Lucy Hazen has had charge of the station at

M. Wood.

MALCOLM PETH.-Mrs. Mary L. Graves.

(3 stations; 4 missionaries, and 3 female assistant missionaries;-total, 7.)

Seroor. Other members of the mission, both male and female, have suffered seriously from ill health. The different schools at Ahmednuggur and Seroor emA new station has been commenced, brace, as reported, seven hundred and in connection with this mission, at Satara, thirty-two boys and one hundred and Mr. and Mrs. Wood having removed nineteen girls. Of these, fifty-five boys there in June. Satara is the chief city are in the seminary, and twenty-five in in a district which has recently come the Christian school for boys; and thirty under full British control. It is about three girls are in the boarding-school at one hundred and seventy miles from Ahmednuggur. Much attention is given

in the schools appears to be about four hundred and fifty, of whom about two hundred are girls; but full reports from the schools have not been received. A very strong desire for education is said to exist among the better classes of Hindoos, and much more attention is turned in Madras to the instruction of Hindoo females than ever before. It is becoming comparatively easy, Mr. Winslow says, to induce Hindoo girls of caste to attend the day-schools. For the support of schools connected with the mission, 2,282 rupees have been contributed at Madras. Ten persons have been added to the church. Nothing like a revival of religion has been experienced; but the missionaries think that a very important preparatory work is going forward; that the foundations of heathenism are being weakened, and that therefore there is much ground for hope. Mr. Winslow has devoted a part of his time to revising, with a committee, the Tamil Scriptures. The brethren unite in earnestly calling for more laborers in this particular field.

to religious instruction in the schools, | doos not being able to cut punches on not without apparent good resuls. One so small a scale. The number of pupils of the girls in the boarding-school, and two other females who had been long members of the school, have been received to the church; and a late letter from Mr. Wilder, which was published in the December Herald, reports a marked and very gratifying state of religious interest in the seminary. For the support of the schools, English residents at Ahmednuggur and the vicinity have contributed 1,425 rupees, and for the general purposes of the mission, Christian friends in India have contributed 9364 rupees. At Seroor two preaching services have been regularly sustained on the Sabbath. At Ahmednuggur, besides the regular services in the chapel, more labor than heretofore has been performed in street preaching in different parts of the city, to such companies as could be called together. Much time has also been given by the members of the mission and by the native assistants to missionary tours. Mr. Munger traveled during the year, on such tours, nearly a thousand miles, and preached in more than five hundred towns and villages. Fourteen persons have been added to the two churches, which now number one hundred and nineteen members.


ROYAPOORUM.-John W. Dulles, Missionary; Mrs. Harriet L Dulles. Four native helpers.

CHINTADREPETTAH.-Miron Winslow, Missionary; Mrs. Mary B. Winslow. Three native helpers.

BLACK TOWN.-John Scudder, M. D., Henry M. Scudder, Missionaries; Phineas R. Hunt, Printer; Mrs. Harriet M. Scudder, Mrs. Fanny L. Scudder, Mrs. Abigail N. Hunt.

(3 stations; 4 missionaries-one a physician, 1 printer, 5 female assistant missionaries, and 7 native helpers ;-total, 17.)

Rev. John W. Dulles and Mrs. H. L. Dulles, a daughter of Mr. Winslow of this mission, who sailed in October, 1848, to join the mission, reached Madras in February. Mrs. Winslow, who had been in this country for her health, returned at the same time.

Not as much has been done by the printing establishment connected with this mission as in some former years, but the number of pages printed has been 11,693,252; of which 3,250,874 pages were in English, and the rest in the native language. A fount of small pica Tamil type has been produced at the foundry, and with a view to economy in printing, a still smaller size has been ordered of Mr. Hallock of New York; the Hin


MADURA WEST.-Clarendon F. Muzzy, Missionary; Mrs. Mary Ann Muzzy. Two native helpers.

MADURA EAST-Henry Cherry, John E. Chandler, Missionaries; Charles S. Shelton, Physician; Mrs. Henrietta E. Cherry, Mrs. Charlotte H. Chandler, Mrs. Henrietta M. Shelton. Four native helpers.

DINDIGUL WEST.-George W. M'Millan, Missionary; Mrs. Rebecca N. M'Millan. One native helper. DINDIGUL EAST -John Rendall, Missionary; Mrs. Jane B. Rendall. Two native helpers.

PERIACOOLUM.-George Ford, Missionary; Mrs. Ann Jennett Ford. Three native helpers.

SIVAGUNGA.-Edward Webb, Missionary; Mrs. Nancy A. Webb. Two native helpers.

TIRUMPOOVANUM.-Horace S. Taylor, Missionary; Mrs. Martha E. Taylor. Two native helpers.

TIRUMUNGALUM. James Herrick, Missionary; Mrs. Elizabeth C. Berrick. Two native helpers.

PASUMALIE, (the Seminary.)-William Tracy, Mis

sionary; Mrs. Emily F. Tracy. Four native helpers.

OUT-STATIONS.-Maloor and Marracolum, under the care of Mr. Muzzy.

Station not known.-Charles Little, Missionary. In this country.-Mrs. Mary H. Lawrence. (10 stations and 2 out-stations; 11 missionaries, 1 physician, 12 female assistant missionaries, and 22 native helpers;-total, 46.)

Dr. Shelton and wife, who sailed in October, 1848, reached Madura in March, and Dr. Scudder then returned from Madura to Madras.

Two new churches have been formed in connection with this mission. The number of members in the eleven

churches is two hundred and forty-two, | Messrs. Noyes, Mills, and Burnell, of whom thirty-five were admitted dur- the latter a printer, with their wives, ing the last year reported. Religious joined this mission in March. Only a services are held regularly in fifty-eight few days after their arrival, the mission villages, besides the mission stations. was suddenly called to mourn the death Nearly five thousand persons are assem- of Mrs. W. W. Scudder. She had been bled for hearing the preached gospel but about two years connected with the from week to week, about one-third of mission, but rejoiced that for this short whom are adults. Much progress has period she had been permitted to labor been made in gathering what are called upon missionary ground, and died confi"village congregations." Seventeen dently trusting in her Savior, leaving her were added during the year, making husband, and the mission, and many sixty-nine in all. The number of fami- friends at home, to mourn her early death. lies thus associated is six hundred and Intelligence has also been recently reninety-nine, and of individuals, two ceived of the death of Mrs. Apthorp. thousand six hundred and six. In these Mr. and Mrs. Cope have come to this villages there are fifty-nine schools, con- country, having been prostrated by sicktaining eight hundred and ninety-six pu- ness and unable to labor. pils, the children, as is understood, of The number of pupils under instructhe families associated in the Christian tion in schools connected with this miscongregations. To these add the pupils sion is four thousand three hundred and in the free schools of the old system, eleven. Of these, three thousand four and those in the seminary, in the board- hundred and eighty-five are in the free ing-schools, and in various select schools, schools. Each of the two seminaries, and the whole number of pupils is about one for males, the other for females, contwo thousand three hundred. tains about one hundred; and there are

The mission expresses a growing con- six hundred and eighteen boys in select viction of the importance of preaching schools, or academies, where the English as an instrument for diffusing a knowl-language is more or less taught. The edge of the gospel in India, and in this students in the seminary at Batticotta department of labor, connected with the Christian congregations,there are thought to be many favorable indications.

[blocks in formation]

BATTICOTTA.-Henry R. Hoisington, William Howland, Eurotas P. Hastings, Cyrus T. Mills, Missionaries; Mrs. Nancy L. Hoisington, Mrs. Susan R Howland. One native preacher, and three native helpers. OODOOVILLE.-Levi Spaulding, Missionary; Mrs. Mary C. Spaulding; Miss Eliza Agnew, Teacher. One native preacher, and three native helpers.

MANEPY.-Samuel F. Green, M. D., Physician;

Eastman Strong Minor, Thomas S. Burnell, Printers : Mrs. Lucy B. Minor, Mrs. Martha Burnell. Six native helpers.

PANDITERIPO-John C. Smith, Joseph T. Noyes, Missionaries: Mrs. Eunice T. Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth A. Noyes. Three native helpers.

CHAVAGACHERRY.-William W. Scudder, Missionary. Three native helpers.

VARANY.-One native helper.

OODOOPITTY.-Three native helpers.

OUT-STATIONS.-Caradive, Valany, Poongedive, Kaits, and Moolai, connected with Batticotta, and Atchoovaly, connected with Oodoopitty.

In this country-Daniel Poor, Edward Cope, Missionaries; Mrs. Ann K. Poor, Mrs. Emily K. Cope, Mrs. Sarah M. Meigs, Mrs. Anna C. Whittelsey.

(8 stations and 6 out-stations; 12 missionaries, 1 physician, 2 male and 14 female assistant missionaries, 2 native preachers, and 27 native helpers;total, 58.)

are now required, with few exceptions, to pay the full cost of their board. Notwithstanding this change, of which notice was given just before the reception of a new class, more than double the number that could be received applied for admission, and they were well fitted for the seminary. The expenses of the institution are thus diminishing, and it is expected that they will continue gradually to diminish. Nearly eight millions of pages were printed during the year. The eight churches contain three hundred and forty-seven members, eighteen of whom were received in the time under review. Six were excommunicated, and as many more suspended. Increasing attention is given to preaching and pastoral labors; and some of the native helpers are spoken of as rendering very valuable assistance, as they accompany the missionaries in preaching excursions.



BANGKOK.-Asa Hemenway, Missionary; Mrs. Lucia H. Hemenway.

(1 station; 1 missionary and 1 female assistant missionary.)

It was announced in the last annual survey that the Committee had decided

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