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Aaron. His vocation, i, 393; his death,
i, 412.
Abel. The second figure of the Mes-
sias, i, 344.
Abraham. Second promise of the
Messias made to him, i, 364. Visit of
Angels and promise of Isaac's birth,
i, 366. Abraham's conversation with
the Lord, i, 367. His sacrifice, i, 368.
His death and burial, i, 372.
Absalom. His rebellion, defeat, and
death, i, 443.

Abstinence. Its necessity, iv, 319.
Achan. His punishment, i, 419.
Achior. His discourse to Holofernes,
i, 514.

Adam. His fall, i, 268; his penance
and burial, i, 273. First promise of
the Messias made to Adam in the
terrestrial paradise; Adam the first
figure of the Messias, i, 340.
Adelaide. Empress and Saint, iii, 397.
Adoration. Order of the Perpetual,
iii, 609.

Adrian. Fourth persecution of Chris-
tians; character of this prince, iii,
134. Judgment of God on Adrian,
iii, 136.
Advantages of the Church. First ad-
vantage, ii, 271. Second advantage,
ii, 271. Third advantage, ii, 288.
Fourth advantage, ii, 297.
Advent. Wisdom of the Church, iv,
243. Antiquity of Advent; prac-
tice of devotion and penance, iv, 244.
Liturgy of Advent, iv, 245. First
Sunday, iv, 246. Second Sunday,
iv, 247. Third Sunday, iv, 247.
Fourth Sunday, iv, 248.

Africa. Slaves, iii, 455. Conquests of
the Gospel, iii, 459.

Agatha. Martyrdom of St., iii, 179.
Aggeus. The prophet, i, 497.
Agnes. Martyrdom of St., iii, 235.
Agnus Dei. Meaning of this prayer,
iv, 218.

Agrippa. Judgment of God on this
prince, the first royal persecutor of
the Church, iii, 38.
Air. Its properties, i, 134.
Alb. Its antiquity, iv, 119.
Albigenses. Their heresies, iii, 470.
Albrac. Foundation of the hospital of
this name, iii, 463.

Alcantara. Military Order of this name,
iii, 453.

Alexander. His journey into the East
he swears to exterminate the Jews, i,

Alleluia. Antiquity and meaning of
this word, iv, 173.

All Saints. Origin and office of this
festival; sentiments which it ought
to inspire, iv, 513.

Alms. Their necessity; manner of
giving them; individual and social
advantages, ii, 600.

Alphonsus Liguori, St., Founder of the
Congregation of Our Most Holy Re-
deemer, iii, 616.

Altar. Of what it reminds us, iv, 30.
Its ornaments, iv, 134. Stripping of
altars on Holy Thursday iv, 361.
Amalekites. Victory over them by the
Israelites, i, 400.

Aman. He is the favourite of Assu-
erus; he swears to destroy Mardo-
chai, and the rest of the Jews along
with him; his humiliation and death.
i, 535.

Ambrose, St. 307.

America. Its discovery, iii, 528. 1ts
progress in the Faith, iii, 585.
Amice. What it is; meaning of the
word, iv, 119.

Ananias and Saphira. Their fault and
punishment, iii, 7.
Andrew, St.

His life, missions, and

martyrdom, iii, 36.
Andronicus, St. His martyrdom, iii,

Angela of Brescia, The Blessed. Found-
ress of the Order of the Ursulines;
her life, iii, 569.
Angelical Salutation, ii, 355.
Angels. Their creation, i, 239. Malice
and power of the Bad Angels, i, 246.
Number and hierarchy of the Good
Angels, i, 253. Offices of the Good
Angels: they praise God; they pre-
side over the government of the vi-
sible and the invisible world; they
keep guard over the human race,
over empires, over each Church, over
the Universal Church, over each one
of us, i, 257. Worship of Angels, ii,
619; iv, 506. Festival of the Guar-
dian Angels; origin of this festival;
duties towards our Guardian Angel,
▼, 510.
Angelus, ii, 365.
Animals, Domestic. Their docility,
their temperance, their services, i,
192. Wild: their utility, i, 206.
Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin.
Excellence, object, influence, and
origin of this festival; sentiments
which it ought to inspire, iv, 388.
Antiphon. What it is; meaning of the
word, iv, 76. The O antiphons, iv,


Antony, St. His life, iii, 197.
Antony of Vienne, St. Foundation of


the Order of this name, iii, 437.
Antoninus. The fifth persecutor of the
Christians; his character, iii, 137.
Ants. Their utility, i, 199.
Appearance of Our Lord, iv, 367.
the Blessed Virgin, iv, 489.
Apostles. Choice of twelve; their
names; their duties, ii, 38. Asleep,
ii, 87. Our Lord appears to them
after His resurrection, ii, 123. He
gives them an understanding of the
Scriptures, ii, 127.

Arius, iii, 280.

Ark of the Covenant. Description, i,
406. Removal, i, 440.
Arnauld of Brescia.

His errors, iii,

Arsenius, St., iii, 321.
Ascension of Our Lord. Its causes:
Our Lord ascends into Heaven to
open it and to take possession of it in
our name, to send down the Holy
Ghost, to be our Advocate, to enjoy
His glory, ii, 206. Festival of the
Ascension; the Saviour's footprints;
subjects of joy on this day; how to
celebrate it; its harmony with the
season, iv, 424,

Ash-Wednesday. Public penance, iv,
323. Four orders of Penitents, iv,
327. Office of Tenebræ, iv, 356.
Assumption of the Blessed Virgin.
Origin of this festival, iv, 476. Tri-
umph of Mary, iv, 478.
Assyrians, Monarchy of the. Its mis-
sion to correct the Israelites, i, 515.
Athanasius, St., iii, 285.
Augustine, St., iii, 311.
Augustinians. Foundation of this Or-
der, iii, 480.

Augustus. Edict of this Emperor for
a general enrolment, ii, 11. General
enrolment, iv, 271.

Aurelian. Limited persecution under
this prince; his character; judgment
of God on him, iii, 187.
Aureolas. Kinds, ii, 295.
Autumn. Benefits, i, 169.
Ave Maria. Origin, iv, 393.


Babel. Tower, i, 362.
Balaam. Prophecy, iv, 299.
Baltassar. His vision and death, i, 489.
Balustrades. Their origin, iv, 32.
Baptism. A Sacrament; its matter
and form, ii, 386. Given by immer-
sion, infusion, and aspersion, ii, 388.
Baptism of water, fire, and blood;
ministers; godfathers and godmo-
thers, ii, 388. Institution, effects,
Vows, and obligations, ii, 391. Liturgy
since the times of the Primitive
Church, ii, 396. Ceremonies and
prayers which nowadays accompany
its administration, ii, 404. Social ad-
vantages of Baptism, ii, 410.
Baptistery, ii, 400.

Barbarians, Invasion of. Providential
reasons, iii, 326.

Bartholomew, St. Life, missions, and
martyrdom, iii, 37.
Basil the Great, St., iii, 300.
Basques. Their conversion by St. Leo,
Bishop of Bayonne, iii, 400.
Beatitudes, ii, 39.

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