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" Ut nemo in precibus vel patrem pro filio, vel filium pro patre nominet, et cum altari adsistitur semper ad patrem dirigatur oratio... "
Codices liturgici latini antiquiores - Strona 43
autor: Klaus Gamber - 1968 - Liczba stron: 651
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The History of the Puritans, Or Protestant Nonconformists: From the ..., Tom 2

Daniel Neal - 1822 - Liczba stron: 556 appears by a canon of the council of Carthage, anno 397, which gives this reason for it, "utnemo in precibus vel patrem pro filio, vel filium pro cum altari adsistitur semper ad patrem dirigatur oratio ; et quicunque sibi preces aliunde describit, non iis utatur nisi prius eas cum fratribus instruction...
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The history of the Puritans or Protestant non-conformists. repr. from ..., Tom 2

Daniel Neal - 1837 - Liczba stron: 742
...composing, as appears by a canon of the council of Carthage, anno 397, which gives this reason for it, " ut nemo in precibus vel patrem pro filio, vel cum altari adsistitur semper ad patrem dirigatur oratio ; et quicunque sibi Ereces aliunde describit, non iis utatur nisi prius eas cum fratrius instructioribus...
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The History of the Puritans, Or Protestant Nonconformists: From the ..., Tom 1

Daniel Neal - 1843 - Liczba stron: 1144
...composing, as appears by a canon of the Council of Carthage, anno 397, which gives this reason for it : " Ut nemo in precibus vel patrem pro filio, vel cum altari adsistitur semper ad patrem dirigatur oratio ; et quicunque sibi preces aliunde describit, non iis utatur nisi prius eas cum fratribns instructioribus...
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The History of the Puritans, Or Protestant Non-conformists: From the ...

Daniel Neal - 1843 - Liczba stron: 1290 of the Council of Carthage, anno 397, which gives this reason for it : " Ut nemo in precibus yel patrem pro filio, vel filium pro patre nominet, et cum altari adsistitur semper ad patrem dirigatur oratio ; et quicunque sibi preces aliunde describit, non iis utatur nisi prius eas cum fratribus instructioribus...
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The History of the Puritans, Or Protestant Noncomformists: From the ..., Tom 1

Daniel Neal - 1844 - Liczba stron: 566 of the Council of Carthage, anno 397, which gives this reason for it : " lit nemo in precibus vcl patrem pro filio, vel filium pro patre nominet, et cum altari adsistitur semper ad patrem dirigatur oratio ; et qiiicunqiie sibi preces aliunde describit, non iis utatur nisi prius eas cum fratribus...
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The Alliance of Divine Offices

Hamon L'Estrange - 1846 - Liczba stron: 602
...remission of our sins. And this I take to be the meaning of the third council of Carthage decreeing™, ut nemo in precibus, vel Patrem pro Filio, vel Filium pro Patre nominet, et cum Alton assistitur, semper ad Patrem dirigatur oratio : " that no man name the Father for the Son, nor...
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The Alliance of Divine Offices

Hamon L'Estrange - 1846 - Liczba stron: 610
...And this I take to be the meaning of the third council of Carthage decreeing™, ut nemo in precibm, vel Patrem pro Filio, vel Filium pro Patre nominet, et cum Altari assistitur, semper ad Patrem dirigatur oratio : " that no man name the Father for the Son, nor the...
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Hippolytus and His Age; Or: The apology of Hippolytus, and the genuine ...

Christian Karl Josias Freiherr von Bunsen - 1852 - Liczba stron: 620
...respondebis Amen?" TO. CANONES AFRICAN! DE LITURGIA. 1. Condi. Carihagin. iii. (anni 397). Canon xxiv. : " Ut nemo in precibus vel patrem pro filio, vel filium pro patre nominet. Et quum altari adsistitur, semper ad patrem dirigatur oratio. Et quicumque sibi preces aliunde describit,...
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Hippolytus und seine Zeit: Anfänge und Aussichten des Christentums ..., Tom 1

Christian Karl Josias Freiherr von Bunsen - 1852 - Liczba stron: 622
...Vater anbetete. Diese Ansicht erklärt z. B. den schwierigen 23. Canon des carthaginiensischen Concils: Ut nemo in precibus vel patrem pro filio vel filium pro patre nominet. Et quum altari adsisti' tur, semper ad patrem dirigatur oratiol S. Bingham V. p. 66. sq. Basnage Annal...
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Der christliche Gemeindegottesdienst im apostolischen und ..., Wydanie 1

Theodosius Harnack - 1854 - Liczba stron: 534
...gerietet jtnb. liefet фга.п'о gemäß »erorbnet аиф baô britte ßoncil j« Äart^ago can. XXIII: ut nemo in precibus vel patrem pro filio, vel filium pro patre nominet; et quuin altari adsistitur, semper ad patrem dirigatur oratio. Die nötige (ärflärung biefee Kanone...
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