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constantly found "that the rheumatism has continued, although the mouth was affected." Dr. Haygarth gave his patients about half a pound of bark a day, and was not disturbed in his idea of its efficacy when he found numerous cases of phrenitis and delirium among the consumers thereof. Colchicum has been considered a specific, but then the symptoms it produces are those of poisoning by colchicum (p. 96). Guiacum, nitrate of potash, lemonjuice, and many other remedies have taken their turn; and all of them have been declared to be specifics by men of great reputation and large practice. But the curious circumstance, to a non-medical reader accustomed to other scientific inquiries, is, that no one of these doctors is convinced by any amount of failures of the fallacy of his particular specific; and that Dr. Fuller, who has tried them all, or watched them all in operation, pronounces them, one after the other, either baneful, poisonous, or inefficient. It is, moreover, worthy of remark, that no one of the specific mongers either pretends or attempts to account for the operation of his treatment, or takes any trouble whatever to investigate the disease he attempts to combat.

An unlearned man, seeing, during the course of this disease the presence in large and quite unusual quantities of lithic acid in one secretion, and other strong and well-developed acidulous matter in another, would have been led to commence an investigation as to whether the "materies morbi" might not be an excess of some superabundant acid in the system. Thence, if he had half the vous of a Bow-street detective, he would have followed up the inquiry, by bringing the whole stock of medical, chemical, and anatomical knowledge to bear upon the question how such a disorganization was likely to be produced. By settling the first point he would have obtained at once the probable means of cure; by arriving at the solution of the second he might possibly have acquired a knowledge of an easy preventative. Medical science, however, has at last, after recklessly disporting itself with bleeding, salivating, opium-drugging, and colchicum poisoning, arrived only at the threshold of the first

as freely; vapour and hot-air baths have been substituted

for the extra bed-clothes and hot bottles; and guaicum,

Dover's powder, and other sudorifics, have been given freely and repeatedly. So copious is the diaphoresis thus produced, that the perspiration has often soaked through the blankets and the mattrass, and has formed a pool on the floor. But the experience of all ages is against the adoption of this method of treatmeent. Sweated almost beyond belief, and exhausted in a corresponding degree, the patient obtains very little relief to his sufferings, and is so much reduced in strength, that he is frequently afflicted by an eruption of sudamina, recovers slowly and imperfectly, often experiences a relapse, and is generally subject for a considerable time to wandering pains in the limbs."

inquiry; and yet, to shew how simple and obvious were the means which nature, by the very symptoms, pointed out, Dr. Fuller finds, upon experiment, that a bandage, saturated with an alkali, will almost immediately remove the pain and inflammation of arthritic rheumatism. When he proceeds to tell us that his mode of treatment is made up of "alkalies and the neutral salts, with colchicum, calomel, and opium, we have no doubt that he adopts the remedies which, in the present state of medical knowledge, are best adapted to cure, and to cure quickly; and doubtless his experience enables him to handle these remedies better than physicians who have had less experience in such cases. We cannot, however, shut our eyes to the fact, that all this is mere empiricism (except, perhaps, the alkalies); that he confessedly does not know what the colchicum does, nor what it has to do; whether the calomel is necessary, or how its acts, except by its specific influence upon the liver, or as a common purgative; nor why the opium should be exhibited, except that it has been found to alleviate similar symptoms arising from different causes. The only one of all these remedies which is addressed to the actual cause of the disease is the alkali. This is a philosophical remedy, supposing the " materies morbi" be an acid; but that is precisely the question which no one seems to have taken much trouble to satisfy himself about.

We are thoroughly conscious, that in dealing with the subject of medical science we must necessarily exhibit ignorance of technical details, and are liable to misconception of important facts; and we are also fully alive to the inconvenience of any man writing at all upon a subject whereon he cannot write correctly. We do, however, know quite enough of medicine to know how shamefully imperfect is the knowledge of those who are bound to know all that can be known. We treat this topic confessedly from without the profession, and we shall recur to it, from time to time, in the same spirit. If the public had waited till the lawyers reformed the abuses of the law, and if no one had been heard upon the subject who was not a proficient in special pleading, we should at this day, and for many a future year, be still risking of special demurrers. So the medical profession our money and our characters upon the event will not thoroughly arouse itself to a sense of the necessity for exertion until the whole public are thoroughly enlightened as to the ignorance of the ordinary professors, the empirical character of its rules of art, and its disgraceful position as a science among sciences. This fact only non-medical men can thoroughly see: this function, only non-medical men can, with due contempt of the etiquette or esprit de corps of a particular profession, consistently perform.

Observations on the Magnetic Orbit-(Read at the Meeting of the British Association, 1849)-By the REV. H. GROVER. London: 1852.

Ir is but rarely that we are called on to notice those great works of the human intellect, which, like Cuvier's "Regne Animal," or Faraday's series of Electro-chemical Investigations, form, each in themselves, an era in the progress of their respective sciences. But when such works do appear, their logic is so complete, their brilliancy so dazzling, as almost to efface from our minds the humble and unpretending labours of those whose incessant efforts have collected, sifted, and arranged the materials on which the more comprehensive theories are built.

Among such labours we consider Mr. Grover's observations well entitled to a favourable consideration; nor are they the less useful, because combined with hypotheses. In fact, every method of scientific arrangement rests on hypothesis, and even a false hypothesis. The Ptolemaic Epicycles, for example, may have the greatest scientific value as long as it is sufficient for the arrangement of all the known facts. On the actual value to science of Mr. Grover's theoretical inferences it hardly falls within our province to pronounce, such a verdict being the speciality of the scientific journals; but for the benefit of those who are interested in the investigation, we may briefly state the author's principal results.

These are, 1. The assignment of a segment of a definite orbitual path upon the earth's surface to the movement of the north magnetic pole during the 270 years which have passed since the variations of the compass have been subjected to observation. 2. The establishment of a definite relation between this orbit and the position of the north magnetic pole with reference to the northern isodynamic poles. 3. An inference that the isodynamic poles are the

primary seats of the magnetic force; while, however, in the author's opinion, the force exercised at the magnetic pole, is not solely a resultant force, but arises from the combined forces of the isodynamic poles together with a subsidiary or secondary force residing in the moveable magnetic pole itself, the nature and action of which he illustrates physically, at considerable length, by reference to analogous phenomena in electricity and electro-magnetism. 4. A reference of this secondary force to the variable electrical action of the sun upon the earth. 7. An approximate computation of the period of the polar orbit, which our author, not (he must pardon us the suspicion) without some appearance of a foregone conclusion, estimates, at 1460 years, being within one year of the Egyptian Sothic period, the epochal year of which, as he further attempts to shew, coincided with the magnetic zero on that meridian.

With this brief analysis we must take leave of our author, regretting for his own sake, and, we gladly add, for the sake of his readers, that he should have given to these latter coincidences, resting as they do on the vaguest and roughest calculations, a prominence calculated to diminish the attention which might otherwise be paid to his zealous and laborious efforts to reduce the magnetic phenomena to a regular and calculable law. How far Mr. Grover has succeeded in deducing such a law, or (which is a wider and more important step) in assigning to it a physical cause, the Humboldts, the Sabines, the Hausteens, must determine. Mean time, we are all obliged to him for endeavours which, even if they fail to command success, are always praiseworthy, and often, perhaps we might say always, useful.

Exposition of the Apostles' Creed. By BISHOP KEN. London: Pickering. 1852. THIS is a particularly delicate subject for a review which professes perfect neutrality upon all religious subjects. All we can say of it is, that as a specimen of typography, and as a

nice, scholarlike, antique-looking little volume, it is the edition we should recommend to any subscriber who may wish for a copy of Bishop Ken's well-known work.

Ecclesiography; or, the Biblical Church analytically delineated. By JOHN G. MANBY.

London Partridge MEDITATING in the mountains of Jamaica in the month of May 1850, Mr. Manby first conceived the project of composing this very extraordinary volume. "We want to know," he says, "the Church of Christ, not the Church of the fathers, of the councils, of the schoolmen, or of the reformers, by law established and by dissent determined;" and Mr. Manby undertakes to tell us what this Church is. With this view he gives us four hundred

and Oakey. 1852.

pages upon the Greeks and the Jews, the

convivialism of church society," the "pentecostal church-germ," the "church elicitive," the" church consummatory" the "genitic and archaic unity of the church," and divers other church accidents and church differentiæ; all which, mingled with a good deal of Greek, some Chaldee, and a little Syriac, make us glad to get out of our author's hands, and to return to the good old-fashioned plain English definition,

which we find in the thirty-nine articles of the Church as "a congregation of faithful men."

Those who are very curious students may look into this volume, and may find in its very grotesqueness some materials for thought. The

reader in Messrs. Partridge and Oakey's printing-office was, however, the very last man who ever did, or ever will, read it through; and we firmly believe that that much-to-be-commiserated individual understands it just as well as its author does.

An Analytical Digest of all the Reported Cases decided in the Supreme Courts in India, in the Courts of the East-India Company, and, on Appeal from India, by Her Majesty in Council. Together with an Introduction, &c. By WILLIAM H. MORLEY. 2 vols. 8vo. London: Allen, and Stevens and Norton. 1850.

Ditto ditto. New Series. Vol. I. 1852. THE name of William Morley, as an Orientalist, was not strange to us, but we (perhaps we should say rather the present writer), being all innocent of the gossip of Westminster Hall, and ignorant of its reputations, were scarcely prepared to find that Mr. Morley's wanderings among Persian manuscripts were merely the recreations of the scholar, and not the principal pursuit of the man. It seems, however, that what we have received as no bad results of a life of Oriental study, has been, after all, but les rinceaux des verres. Law, stern law, has been drinking the strong wine.

When we turn ignorantly over these ponderous volumes (the first contains 1062 pages), and see how closely they are printed, and mark what a world of poring over libraries of books (even perhaps more unreadable than themselves) they betray, we are lost in wonder at the patience and determination of a man who can make it the business of his life to elucidate such questions as whether a Hindú widow is incompetent to give her only son in adoption as a "Dwyámushyayana," when property becomes "Stridhana,"-when "Sasunmay be claimed-and other similar light and playful inquiries.

We confess that we copy these long words with great respect, probably derived from the fact that they convey no ideas to us. No doubt, as Indian law is now administered to upwards of 100,000,000 of our fellow subjects, it is useful to have ample means of acquiring some knowledge thereof, and neither do we doubt that the indolent Bar and Bench of India are delighted to have this work so well digested for them, and could no more do without their "Morley" than a schoolboy could without his "Ainsworth." Mr. Morley, however, would never have tempted us to take one

step in this labyrinth, had he not enticed us by an introductory chapter, wherein he gives a general view of the whole judicial system of India, a subject upon which we confess to some curiosity.

Mr. Morley thus describes its contents:

I shall divide the subject-matter of the following pages into six distinct sections, giving the history of the Courts of Judicature, and the systems for the administration of justice, from their origin down to the constitution of the Courts, and their powers and jurispresent time, and a detailed account of the actual dictions as they now exist. The subject of appeals to England, and the laws peculiar to India, will also be treated historically in addition. I shall, in the former country with regard to Appeals to Her Majesty in case, enter fully into the mode of procedure in this Council; and in the latter, at the risk of prolixity, I shall describe at some length the sources whence the native laws are derived, and the works from which a knowledge of them may be most readily obtained.

This Indian judicial system is not treated of completely in any other work. They who seek for information on the subject have hitherto been forced to have recourse to a multitude of volumes and a chaos of blue books.

What use we have made of the information gained must appear in another article, wherein. we flatter ourselves we have sufficiently demolished Mr. Morley's Blackstonian eulogy of things as they are.

We however recommend the Introduction to the perusal of our readers, on the principle of audi alteram partem, and because Mr. Morley, however much he may be a partisan of the existing system, has dealt copiously and learnedly with the subject. If we cannot agree with him in his conclusions upon the great matter of our Indian rule, we must not therefore refuse to acknowledge the merits of a ripe scholar and great jurisprudential writer..

Hippolytus and his Age; or, the Doctrine and Practice of the Church of Rome under Commodus and Alexander Severus; and Ancient and Modern Christianity and Divinity compared. By CHRISTIAN CHARLES JOSIAS BUNSEN, D.C.L. 4 Vols. 8vo. London: Longman and Brown. 1852.

THOSE who recollect a volume published five years ago under the title of "The Church of

the Future," will have no difficulty in understanding the purport of this larger work, or in

estimating the convictions of this popular and accomplished diplomatist upon matters ecclesiastical.

As the "Church of the Future" grew out of a correspondence with Mr. Gladstone upon the German Church Episcopacy and Jerusalem, in reference to the recent public act of erecting Jerusalem into a bishopric of the AngloPrussian Church, so does the present work arise from letters written to an English friend upon the recent discovery of a MS. attributed to Origen, and published at Oxford, with the prefix of a Greek title, signifying "The Philosophumena of Origen, or the Refutation of all Heresies."

M. Bunsen states that it can be proved by unanswerable arguments, that this discovered treasure is not from the hand of Origen, but from that of St. Hippolytus. Now, St. Hippolytus was a disciple of Irenæus, and being about twenty years older than Origen, must have enjoyed, on many important points, still more than he, the living traditions of the apostolic age.

Irenæus was the disciple of Polycarp of Ephesus, who was the immediate disciple of St. John. The very words of the Saviour, therefore, came down to this early Roman presbyter, passing through the memory and lips of three of the most illustrious fathers of the church. "The book," says M. Bunsen, "gives authentic information on the earliest history of Christianity, and precisely on those most important points of which hitherto we have known very little authentically. It contains extracts from at least fifteen lost works of the Gnostic, Ebionitic, and mixed heretical schools and parties of the earliest times of Christianity. These extracts begin with the account of heresies which existed in the age of St. Peter and St. Paul, and consequently preceded the Gospel of St. John. They go down in an uninterrupted line to the first quarter of the third century. We have here, amongst others, quotations from the Gospel of St. John, by Basilides, who flourished in the beginning of the reign of Hadrian, or about the year 117; furnishing a conclusive answer to the unfortunate hypothesis of Strauss, and the whole school of Tübingen, that the fourth gospel was written about the year 165 or 170. Many other points of almost equal importance are settled for ever by these extracts, at least for the critical historian...

"The conclusion of the work is not less interesting and important. It contains the solemn confession of faith of the learned and pious author himself, who represents the doctrine of the Catholic church exactly one hundred years before the Council of Nice in the very eye of transitions from the apostolic consciousness to the "ecclesiastical system."

In the first volume of "Hippolytus and his Age" M. Bunsen applies himself, in the spirit of historical criticism, to the authenticity, the authorship, and the contents of this book, to which he proposes to give the new title of “ Τοῦ ἀγιου Ιππολύτου Ἐπισκόπου καὶ Μάρτυρος 6 κατὰ πασῶν αἱρέσεων ἔλεγχος· τῶν δέκα βιβλίων rà owlóμeva.”

In the second volume the author opens the subject of the philosophical history of the Christian church; treating it, nevertheless, first in a broken series of aphorisms, and afterwards in fragmental discussions, critical, doctrinal, and historical.

In the third and fourth volumes the chevalier attempts to reconstruct the Christian church as it existed in the age of Hippolytus-to shew the community life of the paulo-post apostolic age of Christianity-its education, worship, government, social relations, and the theology of the present time reflected in the mind of the primitive saint.

The apology of Hippolytus, whereof the fourth volume is partly composd, is certainly a bold adventure in a modern, for the author undertakes to speak as from the mouth of the disciple of Irenæus, and to say many things startling to English ears.

The saint complains that his identity is doubted and his book unread, "after having enjoyed a literary reputation unequalled in my church, and after having sealed his faith by confessing Christ during a cruel persecution." He is complimentary to the English, but, not unnaturally, indignant with the French, seeing that it was in Gaul that his work lay so long neglected, and that it was a Frenchman who so falsely assigned it to Origen.

Having stated his grievance, he takes courage to tell something of his own life, of his wife Chloe, and of his father-in-law, "the sacristan of the gaudy and deceitful temple of Serapis." Then he passes to a discussion of the sacred writings, as used in his own age; confesses to an ignorance of Hebrew, but thinks he had read a better Greek text than we have at the present day. He knew nothing of the second epistle of St. Peter, and doubted exceedingly of the Book of Daniel.

Those readers who are versed in Neander's works will understand all this, and expect what follows. For our part we limit ourselves to an intimation of the contents of these four volumes. In the historical criticism which they containmore especially, perhaps, in the collocation of the liturgies of ancient churches, and in the notes to the apology of Hippolytus-the chevalier pours forth his learning, and evinces his research; but it is upon a subject and towards an end that will not be greatly appreciated in England.

Phaethon; or, Loose Thoughts for Loose Thinkers. By the REV. CHARLES KINGSLEY. Cambridge: Macmillan. 1852.

AN intellectual country squire and a clergyman are flogging a clear limestone-bottomed trout stream. The fish are shy, but lunch comes from the Hall, so they thrust their rod-spears in the ground, let the wind blow aloft their flies, and talk about a Yankee atheist and Socrates, as Socrates appears in Plato.

The squire confesses himself an atheist, or rather, perhaps, a sceptic: the clergyman produces from his pocket a paraphrase he had written from Plato. He probably took "the Sophists" as his model. He reads it to his friend, and, after some discussion, the squire promises to read Plato again, and so the dialogue ends.

If there be an atheist in the world, and outside the walls of Bedlam, this dialogue certainly will not convert him. Mr. Kingsley not only does not understand the spirit of the Socratic argument, but he does not even understand the rules of Aldrich's logic. With a very pretending parade of ingenuity, he perpetrates in this little tract every fallacy that Archbishop

Whately has held up for avoidance. Of course, the nature of the subject utterly precludes us from examining these arguments" by the rules of logic; suffice it to say, that one of his most important conclusions is drawn from two propositions, one of which is an universal affirmative, and the other a particular negative; as if a man should seek a conclusion from the two propositions

All men are animals. This picture is not a man. We do not believe that any new books against atheism are wanted. A few deists, no doubt, are to be met with, but an atheist is not a real animal. If, however, Mr. Kingsley insists upon throwing down his glove in this cause, we at least have a right to require that he should qualify himself for his task. We suspect, however, that this reverend writer of Socialist novels has a mind which is incapable of understanding what close reasoning is.

Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education, and University Reform.
By SIR WILLIAM HAMILTON, Bart. London: Longman, 1852.

Ir is not every one who would expect to find
in this bulky volume five hundred and seventy-
three closely-printed pages of articles from the
Edinburgh Review, although we must confess
that, if read steadily through, the title page af-
fords notice that the work is "chiefly from the

Of these articles, some are old acquaintances well remembered, such as that upon Cousin's lectures, and the paper on the study of mathematics as an exercise of the mind. Others are reproduced which attracted no attention on their first appearance, and will scarcely obtain readers even with the advantage of their parents' avowal of them.

To these articles we have about one hundred and seventy pages of appendix. There is the appendix philosophical; the appendix logical, containing the whole controversy between the author and Mr. De Morgan, excited by Sir William's editon of Reid's works; and the appendix educational, wherein are administered many copious draughts of a not very

Spirits of the Past. An Historical Pocm.

By NICHOLAS MICHELL. Tegg and Co. THE structure of this poem is happily imagined. A task could scarcely have been pro

sparkling beverage-to wit, the Report of the Commissioners upon Municipal Corporations in Scotland. We must admit, however, that there are some curious tables upon the comparative achievements, in the schools, of the respective Oxford colleges; and "Oxford as it is and might be" certainly contains a mass of facts upon the subject. As to the conclusions, we do not value them greatly. Your Edinburgh and Glasgow and Hiedelberg professors have an especial love for fancying themselves engaged in the work of recasting the two great Universities of Europe. We are as anxious to see improvement there as any one can be; but we are somewhat sceptical whether Scotch metaphysicians and German rationalists are exactly the people to work out such an object.

As to reviewing a work which thus treats de omnibus rebus et quibusdam aliis, it is of course out of the question. We confine ourself to the duty of indicating the nature of its contents.

posed more congenial to the muse, than that of evoking from the tomb, and causing to pass before the mind's eye in solemn array, the shades of those who, by their character and by

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