tical tables, of such arabic words as are intimately connected with a due knowledge of the Hindoostanee language, the whole being intended as an extension of the view of those arabic vocables, which where inserted long ago in the Hindoostanee grammar. Gr. tableau, double fol. 10-0 1012. The Stranger's infallible East India guide, or Hindoostanee multum in parvo, as a grammatical compendium of the grand, popular, and military language of all India (long, but improperly, called the moors or moorish jargon), by John Borthwick Gilchrist, third edit. London, Black, 1820, in-8, pap. vél., br. en cart. 15 1013. A compendious grammar of the current corrupt dialect of the Jargon of Hindostan (commonly called moors), with a vocabulary english and moors, moors and english, with references between words resembling each other in sound, and different in signification and literal translations of the compounded words and circumlocutory expressions for attaining the idiom of the language, to which are added familiar phrases and dialogues, etc., etc., with notes descriptive of various customs and manners of Bengal, by George Hadley; fifth edition corrected, and much enlarged by Mirza Mohommed Fitrut. London, Sewel, 1801, in-8, pap. vél., v. rac. rouge, fil. 10- 1014. Gramatica indostana a mais vulgar que se practica no imperio do gram mogol. Roma, Est. da Congr. de prop. fide, 1778. Simplification des langues orientales, ou nouvelle méthode d'apprendre l'arabe, le persan, et le turk, avec des caractères européens, par Volney. Paris, 1. de la R., an III, in-8, v. porp., fil. 46- 1015. The british indian monitor; or the antijargonist, stranger's guide, oriental linguist and various other works compressed into a series of portable volumes on the Hindoostanee language improperly called moors; with considerable information respecting eastern tongues, manners, customs, etc., etc., etc., by the author of Hindoostanee philology, etc., etc., (Gilchrist). Edinburgh, Manners, 1806 and 1808, in-8, pap. vél., 2 vol., d. rel., dos de cuir de Russie. 11-0 1016. The stranger's east Indian guide to the Hindoostanee, or grand popular language of India (improperly called moors), by John Borthwick Gilchrist; 2d edition. Lon- 1017. Muntakhabat-i-hindi, or selections in hindustani, Ce vocabulaire est en général assez exact; il est surtout précieux en ce que 1019. A dictionary english and hindoostanee, in which the words are marked with their distinguishing initials, as hinduwee, arabic and persian; whence the hindoostanee, or what is vulgarly, but improperly, called the moor language, is evidently formed; by J.-B. Gilchrist (vol. I.) Calcutta, Stuart, 1787, 2 p. en 1 vol. - A grammar of the hindoostanee language, or part third of volume first of a system of hindoostanee philology, by the same. Calcutta, Chronicle press, 1796. The oriental linguist, an easy and familiar introduction to the popular language of Hindoostan, comprising the rudiments of that tongue, with an extensive vocabulary, english and hindoostanee, and hindoostanee and english, accompanied with some plain and useful dialogues, tales, poems, etc., to illustrate the construction and facilitate the acquisition of the language; to which is added the english and hindoostanee part of the articles of war (from Will. Scott's translation) with practical notes and observations by the same. Calcutta, Ferris, 1798, en tout 2 vol. in-4, cuir de Russie, dent., tr. dor. 1020. A dictionary hindoostanee and english, originally 125. compiled for his own private use, by Capt. Jos. Taylor, revised and prepared for the press, with the assistance of learned natives in the college of fort William, by W. Hunter. Calcutta, Hubbard, 1808, in 4, 2 vol., v. rac., fil. 1021. A Dictionary hindustani and english, by John Sha-120-0 kespear, second edition. London, Black, 1820, in-4, pap. vél., cuir de Russie, dent. à froid, fil. 1022. An Indian Glossary: consisting of some thousand words and terms commonly used in the east Indies; with full explanations of their respective meanings, forming an useful vade mecum extremely serviceable in assisting strangers to acquire with ease and quickness the language of that country, by T.-T. Roberts. London, Murray, 1800, pet. in-8, pap. vél., v. rac., fil. 1023. Hindoostanee philology, comprising a dictionary english and hindoostanee, also hindoostanee and english; with a grammatical introduction, to which is prefixed a copperplate exhibiting a comparative view of the roman and oriental characters used in the hindoostanee language, in II vol., by John Borthwick Gilchrist, 2d edition, with many additions and improvements, by Thomas Roebuck. Edinburgh, Walker, 1810, gr. in-4, pap. vél., d.-rel., dos de cuir de Russie, (tome 1.) er 7. Langues diverses, la plupart ou dérivées du Sanscrit ou ayant de l'affinité avec cette langue. 25- 1024. A grammar of the punjabee language, by W. Carey. Serampore, mission-press, 1812, in-8, d.-rel., vél. vert, fil., dos de mar. vert. 40-0 1025. Illustrations of the grammatical parts of the guzerattee, mahratta and english languages, by Rob. Drummond. Bombay, Courier press, 1808, pet. in-fol., v. rac., dent. 250 1026. A grammar of the mahratta language: to which are added dialogues on familiar subjects; 2d edition, by W. Carey. Serampore, mission press, 1808, in-8, v. rac. 40-0 1027. A dictionary of the mahratta language, by W. Carey. Serampore, 1810, in-8, dem.-rel., dos et coins de cuir 24 -6 de Russie. 1028. A grammar of the bengal language, by Nathaniel Brassey Halhed. Printed at Hoogly in Bengal, 1778, pet. in-4, cuir de Russie, dent., tr. dor. Cet ouvrage est extrêmement rare et cher en Europe, où il n'en est parvenu que 20 exemplaires au plus, l'édition ayant été achetée et retenue par le conseil supérieur du Bengale, à l'exception de 25 exemplaires accordés à l'auteur. C'est le premier livre imprimé au Bengale. (Extrait d'une note mss. de M. Langlès.) 18-0 1028 bis. Un second exempl., v. rac., fil. 20-0 1029. A grammar of the bengalee language, second edition, with additions, by W. Carey. Serampore, mission press, 1805, in-8, v. rac. 1030. A grammar of the bengalee language, fourth edition ; with additions, by W. Carey. Serampore, mission-press, 1818. Dialogues intended to facilitate the acquiring of the bengalee language, by the same ; third edition. Ibid., 1818, in-8, pap. vél., cuir de Russie, fil. : 30-0 1031. Rudiments of bengali grammar, by Graves Chamney 320 Haughton. London, Black, 1821, in-4, pap. vél., d.-rel., dos et coins de cuir de Russie. Avec envoi de la main de l'auteur. 1032. Bengali selections, with translations and a vocabulary, 28-0 by Graves Chamney Haughton. London, Kingsbury, 1822, in-4, pap. vél., br. en cart. 1033. A dictionary of the bengalee language, in which the 100-0 words are traced to their origin and their various mea nings given, by W. Carey. Serampore, mission press, 1815, pet. in-4, bas. rac. 1034. A vocabulary in two parts, english and bongalee and 130-0 vice versa, by H. P. Forster. Calcutta, Ferris and Co., 1799-1802, in-4, 2 vol., d.-rel., dos de cuir de Russie. 1035. A grammar of the kurnata language, by W. Carey. 24-0 Serampore, mission press, 1817, in-8, cuir de Russie, filet noir. 1036. A grammar of the telinga language, by W. Carey. M-0 Serampore, mission press, 1814, in-8, pap. vél., cuir de Russie gauf., dent., tr. dor. 1037. A grammar of the teloogoo language, commonly termed the gentoo, peculiar to the hindoos inhabiting the north eastern provinces of the Indian peninsula, by A.-D. Campbell. Madras, college press, 1816, pet. in-4, cuir de Russie, dent. sans or, fil. 1038. Grammatica damulica, quæ per varia paradigmata, regulas et necessarium vocabulorum apparatum viam brevissimam monstrat, quâ lingua damulica seu malabarica quæ inter Indos orientales in usu est, et huc usque in Europa incognita fuit, facile disci possit, à Barth. Ziegenbalg. Halæ-Saxonum, litteris orphanotrophei, 1716, pet. in-4, v. éc. 1039. A. M. D. G., Grammatica latino-tamulica, ubi de vulgari tamulicæ linguæ idiomate auctore P. Constantio 47-0 -0 19-9. 29-0 39 0 Josepho Beschio, S. J. Trangambaricæ, typis missionis danicæ, 1738. = Observationes grammaticæ, quibus linguæ tamulicæ idioma vulgare illustratur à Christ.Theodos. Walthero, missionario danico. Ibid., 1739, in-8, mar. bleu, dent., tr. dor. Ce dernier ouvrage est encore plus rare que le premier. LANGLÈS. 1040. Grammatica latino - tamulica, auctore P. Constantio Josepho Beschio, S. J. Apud Madraspatnam, e typ. Collegii, 1813, pet. in-4, d.-rel. 1041. Grammar of the malabar language, by Rob. Drummond. Bombay, Courier printing office, 1799, pet. in-fol., v. rac. verte, dent. 24-0 1042. Grammaire singalèse abrégée, par Jo. Ruel, en holl. Amst., 1708, in-4, v. rac., fil. Le titre manque. 40-0 1043. A grammar of the cingalese language, by James Chater. Colombo, government press, 1815, gr. in-8, cuir de Russie, dent. 44-50 1044. Bismillarrahhmannirrahhimi. Grammatica malaïca tradens præcepta brevia idiomatis linguæ in India orientali celeberrimæ ab indigenis dictæ Malayo, succinctè delineata labore Joh.-Christoph. Lorberi. Vinariæ, Mullerus, 1688. Capitula patrum quæ insignes, concisas et argutas sententias antiquorum Ebræorum continent (hebraïcè). Halœ-Magdeb., Zeitlerus, 1700. = Andreæ Guarnæ Bellum grammaticale. Amstel., Ravesteyn, 1654, pet. in-8, vélin. 1501045. Grammaire malaise, en hollandois, par George-Henri Werndly. Amst., 1736, in-8, d.-rel., vél. vert, dos de mar. vert. 1046. A Dictionary of the malayan language, to which is prefixed a grammar of the malayan language, with an introduction and praxis, by Will. Marsden. London, 1812, in-4, d.-rel., vél. vert, fil., dos de mar. vert. A Dictionary of the malay tongue as spoken in the peninsula of Malacca, the Islands of Sumatra, Java, Borneo, Pulo-Pinang, etc., in two parts, english and malay, malay and english. To which is prefixed a grammar of that language, by James Howison. London, Sewell, 1801, in-4, carte, pap. vél., 2 part. en 1 vol., cuir de Russie, filet, tr. dor. |