Shakespeare: The Evidence: Unlocking the Mysteries of the Man and His WorkMacmillan, 15 sty 1999 - 512 A first-time-in-paperback reissue, this full-fledged biography takes on all of the famous Shakespearean debates, from whether or not Shakespeare actually wrote his plays to speculation regarding his sexuality to the mysterious curse he set upon his own grave. This lively and provocative book weaves together the most complete, objective, and readable account of Shakespeare's life ever written. Includes 24 pages of illustrations. |
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Niestety, treść tej strony jest ograniczona.
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Niestety, treść tej strony jest ograniczona.
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Niestety, treść tej strony jest ograniczona.
Strona 154
Niestety, treść tej strony jest ograniczona.
Niestety, treść tej strony jest ograniczona.
Spis treści
Through a Glass Darkly | 1 |
Was Shakespeare Really Shakespeare? | 12 |
StratforduponAvon One of the Biggest Frauds in England?27 | 27 |
A Curious Testament | 44 |
As an Unperfect Actor on the Stage | 59 |
Trials of a Writer | 78 |
Foundthe Mystery Patron? | 93 |
Entry into History | 113 |
Like Favourites Made Proud | 272 |
One of the Kings Men | 291 |
Under the Tragic Muse | 309 |
A New Mood | 325 |
To the Onlie Begetter | 343 |
A Curious Purchase | 360 |
And England Keep my Bones | 382 |
He was for all time | 405 |
Unto Southampton do we Shift our Scene | 130 |
My Mistress Brows are Raven Black | 148 |
Murder Most Foul | 166 |
Lord Chamberlains Man | 185 |
To Show the World I am a Gentleman | 204 |
Hand of the Censor | 221 |
Most Excellent for the Stage | 237 |
This Wooden O | 252 |
423 | |
Family Trees | 453 |
Chronology | 456 |
Miscellaneous Documents | 468 |
480 | |
489 | |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
A. L. Rowse Admiral's Men Anne appears Arden arguably Augustine Phillips Blackfriars Burbage's Catholic certainly Church comedy Condell Court Dark Lady daughter death Dr A. L. Rowse E. K. Chambers Earl of Derby Earl of Southampton Edmund Edward Elizabeth Elizabethan England English Essex evidence father Ferdinando Folio Gatehouse Globe Hall Hamlet Henry Henry Condell Henry vi Henslowe Holy Trinity honour Hunsdon ibid James Burbage John Heminges John Shakespeare Jonson King King's known later letter literary living London Lord Chamberlain's Lord Chamberlain's Men Lord Strange's Lord Strange's Men Love's Labour's Lost Marlowe marriage married Mary Oxford patron performed Pericles Phillips plague players playhouse poem Protestant Public Record Office published Queen Quiney Register Richard Robert scene Schoenbaum scholars seems Shakespeare's company Shakespeare's plays shillings Shoreditch stage Stanley Stratford Stratford-upon-Avon surviving Susanna Thomas Titchfield Venus and Adonis wife William Shakespeare writing written wrote young