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THE IMPERIAL DICTIONARY, ENGLISH, Clontarf, Tara's halls and harp, the ungracious TECHNOLOGICAL, AND SCIENTIFIC; adapted| St. Senaus, the cruel-hearted St. Kevin, Malachi to the present state of literature, science, and and his collar of gold, and the lady who carried art; on the basis of Webster's English Diction- the wand and wore the gems so rich and rare. ary, with the addition of many thousand words Dr. Young's "Outlines" are succinct. The very and phrases from the other standard dictionaries doubtfulness of his narrative of pagan Ireland and encyclopædias, and from numerous other possesses great interest. Thus, the island “is sources, comprising all words purely English, thought to have been known to Himilco, the and the principal and most generally used tech- Carthaginian voyager, about 500 years before nical and scientific terms; together with their Christ, or, as some say, 1000." A chronological etymologies and their pronunciation according to dubiety of 500 years. Again, "Partholan was the best authorities. Edited by Jonx OGILVIE, a Scythian. There is a very accurate, but the LL. D. Illustrated by about two thousand En- more suspicious, account of his having landed in gravings on Wood. Volume I. Kerry, on Wednesday, the 14th of May, in the

A DREAM OF REFORM. BY HENRY J. year 2035, B. C." We do not allude to these FORREST.

An exposition of the author's beau idéal of society, as he sees it when he is transported in a dream to the land of Philotophia. In that Utopia every man is enabled to get a "comfortable existence by working eight hours a day, and by limiting the wealth of the individual to a circumscribed compass." The circumscription is not, however, very rigid, since it allows "an income of 30,000l. per annum" (page 35). Perhaps Mr. Henry J. Forrest meant a fortune of thirty thousand pounds; for (at page 64) in describing the financial system of Philotophia, he describes their revenue as a tax upon capital, though we should not be surprised if he meant an income-tax. His facts are not always more correct than his fancies are clear. He talks (page 122) of English barristers who can command "20,000l. or 30,000l. a year" for their services. In discoursing of the Church, he thus lucubrateth "There are two Archbishops and twenty-four Bishops in England, the two former receive nearly 90,000l. per annum, viz. one 56,650l. the other 32,000l. The Bishop of the Metropolitan diocese receives alone about 80,000l. per annum; another Bishop has annually 57,4971.; the others vary from 40,000l. downwards. Besides these enormous salaries given to English Bishops, there are Irish and Colonial Bishops: the land of one of these Irish Bishops alone produces 130,000l. per annum" (pp. 155, 156). We need not inform our readers that there is no truth in these statements. Mr. Forrest's fiction is nearly upon a par with his facts.


A work which was certainly wanted, as we are inclined to think that all the knowledge very many young people in England-young ladies especially have of the early history of Ireland is derived from Moore's Melodies; confined pretty nearly to vague notices of Brien the brave at

matters as defects; on the contrary, they were lines," and show at once the guess-work of the indispensable for the completeness of the "Outthor comes on to surer ground, such, for instance, early history of the sister isle. When the auas Strongbow's career from his landing at Waterford to his death in Dublin, or that of Shane O'Neill in Elizabeth's day, the narration is rapid, vigorous, and clear. Modern times are very summarily dismissed; the reigns of George IV., William İV., and Victoria occupying a page and a quarter.

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gen Polariscope and Microscope. By Charles Woodward, F.R.S., &c.


Negotiations diplomatiques entre la France et l'Autriche durant les trente premières années du XVI. siècle publiés par M. Le Glay. Paris, $10.

Captivité du roi François I. par M. Aimé Champollion-Figeac. Paris, $5.

Papiers d'Etat du Cardinal de Granvelle d'après les manuscrits de la Bibliothèque de Besançon publiés sous la direction de M. Ch. Weiss. Paris, $30.

Collection de Documents inédits sur l'histoire de France publiés par ordre du roi et par les soins du ministre d'instruction publique. Paris. Les délices de la vie enfantine. Vienne, $1.30

Giroflées. Recueil d'histoires amusantes pour la jeunesse par Lp. Chimani. Vienne, 1847.

50 cts.

La pervenche. Recueil d'histoires amusantes pour la jeunesse par Lp. Chimani. Vienne,

50 cts.


Abriss der meissnisch-albertinisch sächsischen Kirchengeschichte. Von M. H. G. Hasse, evang. Pfr. in Leulitz bei Wurzen. Leipzig, $1.75.

Geschichte der Entwickelung des Christenthums in den Hessischen Ländern bis zu deren Theilung 1567, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Hessischen Kirchen-Verfassung von Dr. B. Denhard. Frankfurt a. M., (1 Thlr. 22 1-2 Ngr.) $1.30.

Geschichte der Reformation im Grossherzog

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Das Wesen u. der Segen christlichen Bürgerthums. Pred. am Constitutionsfeste d. 4. Sept. 1847 von Dr. Gli. Cph. Ado. Harless, Pastor. Leipzig.

Der 16. Artikel der Augsburgischen Confession: Von Policei u. weltl. Regiment, gepredigt am S. S. n. Trin., 2. Aug. 1846 von Dr. Cl. Harms, Kiel.

Die Augsburgische Confession in 15 Predigten gelehrt, vertheidigt u. gelobt von Dr. Cl. Harms. Kiel, $1.

Reden vor Gebildeten bei Taufen, Trauungen, Communion u. am Grabe geh. von Chr. W. Klötzner. Altenburg. $4.

Stunden christlicher Erbauung. Predigten u. Reden von Arndt, Bachmann, Dräseke, u. s. W. Herausgeg, von Arth. Franke. 87cts.

Blätter. f. christl. Erbauung von protestant. Freunden. Leipzig, $2.

Kathol. Missionsbuch, od. Anleitung christlich zu leben u. selig zu sterben. Zum Nutzen u. Frommen bussfertiger Seelen. Einsiedeln, 25 cts.

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The Mercifu' Escape,"

Frazer's Magazine,



Chambers' Edinburgh Journal,


The Life and Adventures of Oliver Goldsmith, Douglas Jerrold's Magazine,

Italian Affairs,

The Emir Abd-el-Kadir,

Mr. Emerson's Lectures,

Partnership en Commandité,


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British Quarterly Review,




Jerrold's Newspaper,


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Paddy Redivivus,

[blocks in formation]

The Races of Man,

Rash Judgment,

[blocks in formation]

What is thy Duty?

Cause of the People,


Literary and Scientific Intelligence,

Short Reviews and Notices,

Recent Publications,

The Daguerreotype is published semi-monthly, for the Proprietors, by Tappan, Whittemore & Mason, Booksellers and Publishers, No. 114 Washington street, Boston, to whom orders for the work may be sent, and by whom they will receive prompt attention.

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like many of the other inhabitants of New England, had English feelings hidden in his heart, and that they crept out sometimes when he was hardly cognoscent of their influence. The young Virginian schoolmaster was deeply interested in the battle of the Nile, and anxious that the rumor of Sir Ralph Abercrombie's land victory might be confirmed; and yet, at the same time, he was expressing fears of the consequences that might result from British naval superiority. Our somewhat undutiful progeny seem to have always been jealous on that point; and they have taken great pains to make themselves sailors and manufacturers when they should have been ploughing the earth: to plant distant colonies, under the name of New States, when they should have been settling the next parish; and to cover the sea with their flag, when they should have been covering New York and Phil

The essays and writings of the late Dr. Chan- | ning were more popular in this country than those of any other American writer of his time. His publications were chiefly confined to topics of a theological or of a political character; but the felicitous combination of a chaste and eloquent style with clear and powerful reasoning placed his writings before his age generally, and far before his age in the United States. His literary talents were, we believe, more accurate ly measured and valued on the eastern than on the western shores of the Atlantic. He wanted many of those qualifications that are necessary to secure popularity amongst his countrymen. He was a kind, but, at the same time, a rigidly righteous critic. His opinions were not easily formed; and, when matured, they were not easily concealed. He did not, therefore, flatter either his party or his people, but dealt with both in pure integrity of heart. Thus he be-adelphia with good roads, for even yet their culcame the opponent of many favorite objects in the United States. He opposed slavery, without always following the line of conduct adopted by the extreme abolitionists. He was extreme and immediate. No man could be more so; and yet he was unable to approve of all the proceedings adopted by the most noisy, if not the most active, party of abolitionists. He opposed many of the measures that, during his lifetime, were popular in the States. The admiration of the first French Revolution, and of the principles that for a time disgraced the French nation, expressed in the States, was opposed, in his case, with intense hatred. He considered the French alliance extremely dangerous. His estimate of the character of Napoleon was severe, but we are bound now, with time and opportunity to view more calmly the meteor's course, to call it just. It was sternly just. Dr. Channing had no sentimentalism. Sinning genius was a sadder spectacle to him than guilty mediocrity. A profusion of intellect did not weigh any thing in his estimate against a profusion of immorality, except towards weighing the latter down. He did not, therefore, participate in that foolish opinion somewhat prevalent at one time amongst the Liberals of this country regarding Napoleon -an opinion that, reversing Scripture, claims for genius the power of covering a multitude of sins. We suppose, also, that Dr. Channing,

Three vols. 8vo. John Chapman, London.


tivation is only edging their rivers or canals. Dr. Channing's essay on Napoleon's character, and his various papers on the French war, and French alliance, made him early known as a writer in this country, and his works were extensively read. He opposed the last United States war with Great Britain, at the time when it was highly popular amongst his countrymen, whose conduct in that matter was not chivalHe remains a witness against them in the business, who cannot be easily confuted. To war, and to standing armies, he was opposed; and if he had lived to see, he would have also lived to condemn the last crime of the United States in that department. In this case, howevever, as in the abolition movement, he dissented from the enthusiastic views of some of his countrymen. He opposed war as a necessary evil, but not as necessarily a crime. He could not have joined the peace societies, and yet he was eminently a man of peace. These societies, latterly, have embraced more than the religious body with whom they originated. Many of their members, in recent times, are in their place in a peace society, for, in the advocacy of their views, they display feelings that would render them hotheaded and quarrelsome in any other connection. Channing believed that Washington committed no wrong in guiding the armies of his countrymen, opposed the parties who denounce all war as criminal, and teach perfect submission to all wrong.

The characteristic of the existing revolutions in Europe - that total absence of the scaffold — is their strongest hope; and yet, while we do not justify the guillotining of Louis the Sixteenth, it would occur to us, that the men who had the death of Major Andre on their heads and consciences, had not also any particular reason to be squeamish in these matters. Dr. Channing refers to his father, and his family circumstances, which were straitened, in the following extract from one of his letters: —

Dr. Channing was born at Newport, Rhode | the most devoted members of the Federal party. Island, on the 7th April, 1780. His biographer At the beginning of the French Revolution, he gives a short narrative of the condition of New- shared in the universal hope and joy which it port at the time of his birth, which is a more inspired; but I well recollect the sadness with which he talked to us, one Sunday afternoon, of amusing than instructive effort to persuade the the execution of Louis the Sixteenth; and from public that even then Newport was something that moment his hopes died." above provincial villageism, and that Newport society contained the elements of greatness in fashion, in sin, and in social conviviality, from being the resident city of retired West India traders, and a kind of Bath- a bathing place to the chivalric South. Dr. Channing's father was one of the many lawyers of the colony who seem to have economically combined the functions of attorney and barrister in one person. His mother was an individual of superior mind, but who had a life of difficulty to meet, and met it vigorously. His grandfather was a merchant of Newport, a slave-owner; and the following extract, affording a glimpse of days long gone by, in the northern states, is of interest. The slave population in the middle of the last century, a hundred years ago, occupied a position superior to their present circumstances. Slavery deteriorates the buyer and the bought, and unless it had been now and then checked, would have transformed the earth ere now into a demonagerie :—

"On one subject, I think of his state of mind with sorrow. His father, like most respectable merchants of that place, possessed slaves imported from Africa. They were the domestics of the family; and my father had no sensibility to the evil. I remember, however, with pleasure, the affectionate relation which subsisted between him and the Africans (most of them aged) who continued to live with my grandfather. These were liberated after the Revolution; but nothing could remove them from their old home, where they rather ruled than served. One of the females used to speak of herself as the daughter of an African prince; and she certainly had much of the bearing of royalty. The dignity of her aspect and manner bespoke an uncommon woman. She was called Duchess, probably on account of the rank she had held in her own country. I knew her only after she was free and had an establishment of her own. Now and then she invited all the children of the various families with which she was connected to a party, and we were liberally feasted under her hospitable roof. My father won the hearts of all his domestics. One of the sincerest mourners, at his death, was an excellent woman who had long lived with us, and whom he honored for her piety.

"I recollect distinctly the great interest he took in the political questions which agitated the country. Though but eight or nine years of age, I was present when the Rhode Island Convention adopted the Federal Constitution; and the enthusiasm of that moment I can never forget. My father entered with his whole heart into that unbounded exultation. He was one of

"He prospered in life, but without being able to leave a competence to his large family. His labors were great; but I have no recollection of seeing him depressed. I should place him among the happy. He was taken away in the midst of usefulness and hope. The disease of which he used to complain of feelings which we now should consider as dyspepsia; but that disease was little thought of then, and the name never heard.

died was not understood. I remember that he

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"I little thought, when I began, of writing so much; but the pleasure which all men take in the virtues of parents has led me on insensibly.

"My father died before I could requite him for his toils for my support, and his interest in my moral well-being; and I feel as if, in the present instance, I was discharging some part. though a very small one, of my great debt. I owed him much; and it is not my smallest obligation that his character enables me to join affectionate esteem and reverence with my instinctive gratitude."

The author very naturally dwells somewhat minutely on the little records of the Channing family-who were merely estimable personsof whom, happily for this world of ours, there are millions busily engaged in quiet but important duties, and forming its stay and security. Dr. Channing had a great advantage. His mother lived long with her son — an advantage that may not be easily estimated, if the natural influence of that relationship be rightly exer


"She lived for more than fifty years after his birth, and their relation throughout this long, and

for the most part unbroken, period of intercourse, was as beautiful as it was rich in mutual blessing."

Like all other little boys and girls at that time in a country town, young Channing was early sent to a dame school, with the view, more probably, of being kept out of harm's way than of learning. His first teacher used a rod of portentous length a long pole like a fishing rod that brought the school under her arm without great personal trouble. His progress at school No. 1 is not noted, but he was removed :


"From this guardian of decorum, he passed into the keeping of two excellent women, and good teachers, under whose care he improved rapidly, and with whom he was so much of a favorite as to be constantly set up as a model for the other children's imitation. The regard in which he was held by his young companions, was pleasantly shown by an answer given to the mistress, when, one day, she said to an unruly urchin, I wish, in my heart, you were like William Channing.' 'Oh!' exclaimed the poor child, 'I can't be like him, it is not half so hard for him to be good as it is for me.'"

went on a Sunday afternoon to read in the Bible or some good book, repeat hymns, and join in simple prayer. At home, too, his mother was accustomed to call the children together in the best parlor, which was open only once a week, or on great occasions, and to read with them from the Scriptures. With the then prevalent views of deference due to parents, she exacted found it difficult to keep, for the large room in at these times a decorum which the young ones seats, and as the wind found its way through the winter days was cold, and they shivered in their crannies, and swelled the carpet, the house-dog would, to their great amusement, chase the waves across the floor. William, however, was always sedate. He was influenced, too, not a little, by a respected confidential servant, Rachel de Gilder, a woman of masculine energy, kind, though firm, and of a strong religious principle, who exerted a sway over the children second only to their mother's, and to whom William felt a gratitude so warm that he befriended her through a long life. Rachel was a Baptist, converted and instructed by Mr. Eddey, of Newport, who was afterwards known to have been a Unitarian. Her views were uncommonly cheerful; and it would be interesting to learn how far suggestive words, dropped by her in conversawhich ripened into the theology of his manhood." tion, became germs in the boy's receptive heart,

"This development of religious sensibility" is one of the commonest things in the world. All children practise occasionally a little in that way. We were in the habit of preaching frequently to a small, and select audience, and, we add with some regret, of even dispensing ordinances. We confess that with "some regret; because we cannot remember that there was any wilful irrevence shown, and none was intended. Another little family of dear friends of ours practised in the same way, and our congregation went sometimes to hear their service. It does

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These little anecdotes are to be easily had of every great man. We could pick them up of almost any child whatever, and they are worth little. Latin was one of Dr. Channing's first sorrows. We do not much wonder at the difficulties he experienced. As then taught, Latin was hedged round with sorrow to the young. The educational policy of our ancestors was dark. They endeavoured to make their children feel the results of the confusion at Babel from infancy. It does not appear that the boarding and day school of Mr. Rogers, Newport, Rhode Island, U. S., in or nearly 1790, was any exception to the rule of mental and moral torture generally pursued in these establishments. "Wil-not occur to us that this was "a development of liam" was thought stupid there until he got over the bar, and could read Virgil. Then he was clever. His biographer, we fear, hardly knows all the pranks of happy imitative childhood, for he says:

"He seems from the first to have shown a bent towards the pursuit that occupied his mature years, and early earned the title of "Little Minister." When yet very small, he was wont to arrange a room with seats and desk, and to summon the family with blows upon the warming-pan, by way of a bell, to a religious meeting, where he preached with much seriousness and energy. At other times, he would summon his playmates, for a similar purpose, upon the steps of the door. This development of religious sensibility may have been owing, in a measure, to the influence of an aunt of his father's, who was an invalid, and a woman of much piety and sweetness, to whose room the nephews and nieces

religious sensibility:" certainly it was not owing to the influence of a religious maiden aunt, and did not indicate the future profession of the parties. Dr. Channing's biographer has, in fact, little to tell of his youth. It contained nothing unusual, and hence we have these small narratives of quite common-place occurrences. "William," it appears, talked theology from his childhood, and

"In relation to this period, he has also said I can distinctly recollect unhappy influences exerted on my youthful mind by the general tone of religion in this town,' referring at once to the dry technical teaching which he heard from the pulpit, or the dull drilling which the children weekly underwent from the Assembly's Catechism on the one side, and on the other to the profanity and jeers of infidelity which reached him on the street."

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