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Remains of at least sixteen species of plesio- | their several species, of reptiles more or less alsaur, the largest twenty feet in length, but aver- lied to modern gavials and crocodiles, but with aging twelve or fourteen feet, have been found vertebræ demonstrating their more marine habin the same series of secondary strata of Eng-its, have already been re-constructed from the land in which the ichthyosaurs occur. Both abundance of petrified remains in the oolitic genera make their first appearance in the lowest strata of England. beds of lias, and seem to have become extinct during the formation of the chalk-deposits.

That accomplished scholar and naturalist, the Dean of Llandaff - to whom, in conjunction with Sir Henry De la Beche, the discovery of the plesiosaurus is due-has best interpreted the living habits of this most heteroclite of animal forms:

"That it was aquatic is evident from the form of its paddles; that it was marine is almost equally so, from the remains with which it is universally associated; that it may have occasionally visited the shore, the resemblance of its extremities to those of the turtle may lead us to conjecture; its motion, however, must have been very awkward on land; its long neck must have impeded its progress through the water; presenting a striking contrast to the organization which so admirably fits the ichthyosaurus to cut through the waves. May it not therefore be concluded (since, in addition to these circumstances, its respiration must have required frequent access of air), that it swam upon or near the surface, arching back its long neck like a swan, and occasionally darting it down at the fish which happened to float within its reach? It may, perhaps, have lurked in shoal water along the coast, concealed among the seaweed, and raising its nostrils to a level with the surface from a considerable depth, may,

have found a secure retreat from the assault of dangerous enemies; while the length and flexibility of its neck may have compensated for the want of strength in its jaws, and its incapacity for swift motion through the water, by the suddenness and agility of the attack which they enabled it to make on every animal fitted for its prey, which came within its reach."

The Pliosaurus was in most respects a gigantic plesiosaur, but had an enormous head with long and strong jaws armed with large conicalpointed teeth, and requiring, therefore, for its support, a neck as short and thick and strong as that of the grampus, which this ancient sea-dragon equalled or surpassed in size. The Kimmeridge clay is the common depository of its fossillized remains.

The Cetiosaurus, an aquatic dragon, but with toes free and armed with claws, as in the crocodiles, rivalled the modern whale in bulk, and was unquestionably the most gigantic, as, being provided with both teeth and claws, it was the most formidable of ancient reptiles. It co-existed with the true Enaliosauria or sea-dragons, and probably preyed upon the plesiosaur. Four species of this genus, and six other genera, with

As examples of the ancient dragons of the land, our author selects the great herbivorous Iquanodon of Mantell, and its contemporary and probable foe, the almost equally huge carnivorous Megalosaurus of the Dean of Westminster. These monsters, whose fossil thigh-bones equal or surpass those of the mammoth or mastodon, had cavities for marrow in the interior of all the terrestrial quadrupeds. Mr. Broderip's comment long-bones of the limbs, like those in existing is brief and neat:

"One of the most distinguishing characteristics of these great land-lizards is this possession of marrow-bones. The great bones of the extremities of the enaliosaurians and ancient crocodilians were solid throughout; and the comparative weight, so far from being inconvenient in the medium through which they generally had to make their way, performed the office of ballast to steady them on the water, and prevent them, when on the surface, from exposing too much of their bodies, and being what the sailors call crank. But in the enormous and dragon-like forms now under consideration-those oviparous quadrupeds, in short, whose progression was to be performed places and sloughs on the land, and most probably in sandy or miry a combination of lightness with strength was required, and the marrowfilled cylinder made the appropriate machinery complete."-p. 357.

The peculiar structure of the teeth of the iguanodon adapting it to "cut out its huge morsels from the tough Clathraria and other similar rigid plants which are found entombed with its remains," is given in the words of Buckland and Owen. The not less remarkable modifications of the teeth of the megalosaurus — which combine mechanical contrivances analogous to those adopted in the construction of the knife, the sabre, and the saw, rendering them the most destructive and carnassial of natural weaponsare described in the classic language of the sixth 'Bridgewater Treatise." From the most authentic sources, not without evidence of shrewd original observation, the author has succeeded in producing a vivid picture of the typical examples of the "dinosaurians," or "fearfully-great land-lizards, which once had dominion where Queen Victoria now reigns."


But not the earth only or the waters of those primeval times brought forth abundantly their dragon-brood:-flocks also of unclean creatures of the reptilian classes with expanded wings steered aloft their flight, incumbent on the dank

and dusky atmosphere of the same remote age. A brief sketch of the conflicting opinions to The genera Pterodactylus, Ornithopterus and which the heteroclite organization of the pteroRhamphosaurus, with their several species, of saurian gave rise, before the master-eye of Cuwhich about twenty are now known, represented vier discerned its true relations, is prefixed to the order Pterosauria or ancient flying dragons. the chapter on "Flying Dragons." Collini (1784) Every type of this order has long been blotted considered it a fish, Blumenbach (1807) a bird, out of the book of living creatures. The ptero- and Soemmering (1810) a mammal;— pregdactyles seem to have been introduced into this nant signs of the discrepant charaeters of strucplanet with the ichthyosaur at the beginning of ture which were associated together in the flying the oolitic period, and both dragons of the air reptile of the secondary æra. Indeed, so anomand sea to have disappeared before the com- alous are the combination and modification of mencement of the tertiary epoch in geology. A parts in the skeleton of the pterodactyle, that little harmless insectivorous lizard, however, so there are still dissentients from the authority of far analogous to the pterodactyle as to be able Cuvier. Even M. Agassiz has deemed it an to glide, by means of an expanded parachute, error to regard this extinct animal as a reptile through the air in long flying leaps from branch of flight: he thinks rather that it must have to branch or from tree to tree, still exists in lived in the water along with the ichthyosaur some of the islands of the Indian Archipelago. and plesiosaur, and groups them together into Linnæus gave it the name of Draco volans; but the family of "palæosaurians." But the experiits structure presents an essentially distinct modi- enced and indefatigable Von Meyer says, in a fication of the reptilian type from that of the recent description of one of the most extraordipterosauria. In the modern Druco certain of nary forms of the order pterososauria, that longthe slender ribs are much elongated, and sustain, continued study of the very interesting structure as on the whalebones of an umbrella, the mem- of these animals had only the more convinced him branes of the wings. In the pterodactyle the of the accuracy of the views published by Cuvier, bones of the upper-arm and fore-arm, but more so early as 1800. The pterodactyles were flying especially those of the finger answering to the saurians. The thin compact walls and large cavififth or "little finger," are much elongated, and ties of the bones, the connection of the vertebral must have spread out a long and broad fold of ribs with the sternum by means of osseous ribs, skin like that which forms the wings of bats. the processes of the chief ribs in order to confer The head of the pterodactyle was large-the greater firmness on the chest, the long sacrum, jaws long and strong-armed with slender re- as well as the circumstance that in the posterior curved sharp-pointed teeth-and in some of the limbs the tibia is the longest bone, so strikingly species (Rhamphorhynchus) — sheathed at their recall the structure of birds, that it seems inextremities with horn: thus combining the char- comprehensible how anybody can doubt that acteristic armature of both birds and beasts. they were flying animals, M. Von Meyer beThe neck-bones were proportionally robust to lieves also, with Cuvier, that the pterodactyles sustain and wield the doubly-armed head, and were not clothed with feathers like birds, nor yet were not more than seven in number, as in with hair like bats, but had a naked skin, which mammals, but were constructed after the type of the author of the 'Recreations' surmises to those of reptiles. The ribs, slender as in liz- have been of lurid hue and shagreen-like texards, not flat and broad as in birds, were never- ture, resembling in some degree the external theless connected to a broad sternum by bony tegument of a chamæleon or guana, except the "sternal ribs," as in birds, and supported like- smooth membrane of the wing. The average wise osseus supracostal processes, as in the feath- size of the pterodactyles seems to have been that ered class. A greater number of vertebræ were of a crow or raven, but indications of a species anchylosed to form a "sacrum" than in other (Ptergiganteus) perhaps as large as an eagle, reptiles, though not so many as in birds, -nor have lately been detected in the chalk-formais the pelvis of the pterodactyle of such a con- tions of Kent. MM. Van Breder and Von Meystruction as to have enabled it to walk on the er have recently disclosed a new feature in the hind-legs, as birds do. The hooked claws on the organization of certain species of pterodactyle non-elongated fingers of the hand would not only Pt. longicaudus, Pt. Münsteri, and Pt. Gamhave enabled this saurian to suspend itself when mingi), viz., a long stiff tail, formed by the coit wished to rest, but to drag itself prone on the alescence of many caudal vertebræ, and serving earth, and there is much reason for conclud- doubtless to increase the extent of the tegumenting, with our author, that "the pterodactyle ary parachute, and to give more precision and shuffled along upon the ground, after the man- more rapid and extensive changes of direction ner of a bat, and scuttled through the water to the flight. when it had occasion to swim."

We hope we have extracted and abridged

enough to give a fair notion of Mr. Broderip's volume. It has taught or agreeably reminded us of many zoological facts, and some generalizations of much interest; and, being simply written, enlivened by the stores of a rich and

varied erudition, and pervaded with gleams of gentle humor, the fit accompaniment of a pure benevolence of spirit, we feel assured that it will prove to old and young readers a source of real recreation. — Quarterly Review.



Cedant arma toga. The noise of war has passed. The landscape is covered under a deep snow, and still better, protected from the mere sight-seer by a strong easterly wind; so that there exists no great temptation for me to repeat what you have already read in the newspapers, or what has been said a hundred times over in guide-books and fashionable travels. As to the war just concluded, I could not, even with the best will to spoil a good deal of paper, tell you much about it. It was an exact repetition of the old "Veni, vidi, vici;” — the federal army appeared before Fribourg and Lucerne, and with this nearly all was finished. There was a few hours' fighting near the rustic bridge of Gidlikon, and several persons were killed but not enough to grace a regular bulletin. In my opinion, the very best feature of the war is that so little can be said of it; and if my natural aversion to that costly and profitless occupation were less than it is, I should have some reason to detest peace itself when ushered in by parting war. It is amongst the loud, and not very harmonious, notes of troops of discharged soldiers, hastening home to their families or drinking last cups to each other before separation, that I must make out the scrapings of my note-book, and get together the various recollections and impressions which the last few months have left on my mind. Still, since Switzerland, bidding adieu, like Joan of Arc, to her flocks and pastures, has appeared fully-armed on the political scene of Europe, I think I undertake a not uncalled-for service in trying to bring before your readers some of the features of the day and of the country.

The real character of Switzerland and of its inhabitants in all its principal variations can be observed only in the three capitals of the country- the Vororts which are charged by turn with the executive powers of the Confederation. Zurich is the most civilized town of Switzerland and the representative of its intelligence and statesmanship; Lucerne is the seat of the retrograde party; and the blindly progressive party

the reckless and rude radicalism of the country- you may study in Berne.


It is with the last named town and cantonwhere I remained during the most stirring period of the present crisis, and which I left only a few days ago- that I begin my sketches. The first of my lions is more is implied in the assertion than a pun a bear! The town of Berne not only carries a bear in its arms, not only has that figure prominently sculptured on all public monuments and keeps under the town walls living specimens of this its tutelary deity,—its very name is derived from the word. This means literally the town of bears: and it is only by an Italian translation of the people's name, Berner, that you can elevate them into the more illustrious family of the Ursini and Orsini. Some go so far as to assert that the real aborigines of the country were bearswhich is not improbable. I cannot, however, accede to the opinion of those who consider the present inhabitants as lineal descendants of the just named original occupiers of the country;— for, though the manners of the males are by no means of the most refined description, there are beauty and charm in the females of Berne. The inhabitants of Berne are no more ashamed of their animal prototype than John Bull is of his. They like to represent themselves and Switzerland—at least in their caricatures, of which the last weeks have produced several good ones— under the figure of a bear; now playing at cards with M. Guizot, now fidling out from the King of Prussia a round contribution of 300,000 Swiss francs (for Neufchatel). In conclusion of this chapter on bears, it may be mentioned that real or entirely uncivilized and unshaved bears are still to be met with, if not in Berne, at all events in the mountains of the Swiss canton of the Grisons and near the borders of Sardinia ; — and that the club-rooms of the radicals of Berne are in the radical inn of The Bear, the club itself being called Baerenleist, or the Society of Bears.

The town of Berne has at first sight something rich and imposing about it. A rivulet runs through each of the large streets, spreading coolness in summer and contributing to cleanliness at all seasons. The streets are formed by

massive houses of stone: nearly all the groundfloors being occupied by shops with continuous porticoes on the front called bowers (lauben), so that in rain you may perambulate the whole town without an umbrella. On a closer examination, you find that the architectural plan is beyond description meagre ;-consisting of three long parallel streets, of which the middle is the largest, occasionally intersected by dark alleys or narrow cross streets. In spite of its massive appearance, the town, in an industrious sense of the word, is evidently in a state of rapid decay. In this respect, it exhibits the consequences of a system of national economy borrowed apparent ly from its animal name-sake; for it may be said to live upon its own fat-and by sucking its paws. Before the French Revolution, Berne was in possession of Vaud and Argovia, and was by far the most extensive and powerful portion of Switzerland. The French Revolution took from it its richest provinces and its most industrious and intelligent inhabitants. The Cantons of Vaud and Argovio at the present moment, in industry, wealth, education, and almost every thing, have far outstripped their former mistress. Still, during the lapse of several centuries great bad become the treasures collected in the capital; and during the time of Napoleon, and long after the peace, Berne proudly maintained its ancient position of pre-eminence amongst the towns of Switzerland. A political revolution in 1830 drove the patricians who until then had continued to be the sole rulers of the canton from the government. After a fruitless attempt to repossess themselves by force of their lost power, they bethought them to punish their disobedient subjects by a severe system of domestic economy, that is to say, by locking up their money, limiting their expenses at home to the least possible outlay, and placing and working their capitals abroad. These families now live like anchorites; forming a little world of their own, visiting only amongst themselves, and entirely imperceptible in the common movements of the town. Thus a double loss accrued to Berne: it lost the most abundant source at once of its wealth and of its intelligence. This state of things has continued without change for sixteen or seventeen years, nor is it likely to change. The wealthy burghers of the canton - who replaced the patricians - though liberal and far from being either poor or ignorant, were about two years ago driven from power by a new revolution,- and now live in the same inactivity and retirement as their predecessors in the government. The present rulers are the country party; styled in derision by the dissatisfied inhabitants of the town, the boor-gentlemen (Bauernherren), because almost all of them

come from the province and are sprung from the peasantry.

It will be easy, now, to understand the true position of things in Berne. By a double proscription, first of the patricians and then of the liberal bourgeoisie, the educated classes were put aside, and the wealth and intelligence of the country removed from the political stage. The present class of rulers is poor in money and intellect, with a few exceptions and entirely dependent on the peasantry; who, therefore, are now the real masters of the country or canton. These latter constitute the least cultivated and most neglected population of all Switzerland, being equal in ignorance to the small mountain cantons, and standing in morality or primitive purity of manners considerably below them. Under the rule of the patricians the country was deliberately sacrificed to the town, and wilfully retained in ignorance: such, however, being then the case in all the advanced cantons in Zurich, Basle, &c. Since the almost general subversion of the former cantonal constitutions, successful efforts have been made everywhere else for the education of the people; whereas in Berne the peasantry have remained in the state of ignorance under which they labored before the reform. With the vices and expensive tastes of civilization they unite the primitive ignorance of such mountain cantons as Uri, Schwitz, and Unterwalden. Even in the town you meet with many persons, especially females, unable to read and write. Hence the peasantry of Berne are the most disobedient, restless, and unmanageable population of Switzerland. The town of Berne, though still the seat of government, is no longer the seat of political power; and whilst formerly, in a commercial point of view, it was the ware and store house of the whole canton, it now only exhibits the dimensions of a market-town supplying the surrounding neighbourhood with the colonial and manufactured goods which they want. source of wealth remains to it beyond the circumstance that it is the seat of government, and thence of a number of public offices and judicial courts, and has yet a numerous class of usurers and lawyers who are living at the expense of the country.


This condition of the once flourishing town and canton became a fact of public notoriety to the generality of Switzerland during the present war, when the entire Swiss nation was drawn out and brought together. On their marches with the whole unarmed population of Switzerland, the Bernese soldiery, though not deficient in bravery, showed themselves the most slovenly, the most disobedient, the most given to plunder; and most of the excesses committed during

the war were, and are, laid to the charge of the Bernese troops. The moral and intellectual inferiority of the Bernese is a truth attested by the whole nation and openly spoken of everywhere. The President of Berne and of the Diet, Col. Ochsenbein- who commanded a division of Bernese troops, and did every thing in his power to restrain the unlawful propensities of his soldiers found himself obliged to ask for a personal testimonial to that purport from the general-in-chief, which at this moment is making the circuit of the Swiss papers.

What language they speak at Berne it is difficult to say. Those who make some pretension to education speak French, though Berne is a German town; but the German spoken there is the worst of all Switzerland. All the Swiss pronounce their German in a harsh manner: but the vowels being very distinct, almost like Italian, the idiom is excellent for singing. The

public orators in other cantons speak the regular High-German, only with what we call a northerly accent. If, however, you see their speeches printed, from pulpit or senate, you feel tempted to give their eloquence the preference to that of Germany for simplicity, clearness, power, and brevity. It is in Berne alone that, even in the Council-house, the provincial patois is seldom ennobled into the written High-German language.

As I have no cause to be otherwise displeased with Berne, I have been thus circumstantial only because these defects have been but recently brought into a strong light,—and because it would be a grievous injustice to persist in judging the character of Switzerland from the inhabitants of that capital and canton. In many respects it forms just now an exception to the general civilization of Switzerland. -Athenæum.



Mr. Leopold Lassar, of Berlin, has addressed a circular to all the booksellers, which proves that the spirit of speculation is making rapid progress in Germany. He offers to divide the top of each of the omnibuses of that city into thirty-six compartments of 12 inches by 10, and to let each compartment for the small sum of about twelve cents weekly to the booksellers for the purpose of advertising their works. He makes the almost incredible statement that 196,560 readers would read these advertisements, and draws the conclusion that this would be by far the most effectual method of advertising.


The one of all these most attractive was that which produces the Brazil-nut, called in the country "castanhas." Botanically it is the Bertholletia excelsa. This tree was upwards of 100 feet in height, and between two and three in diameter. From the branches were depending the fruits, large as cocoa-nuts. The shell of these is nearly half an inch in thickness, and contains the triangular nuts, so nicely packed that, once removed, no skill can replace them. It is no easy matter to break this tough covering, requiring some instrument and the exercise of considerable strength; yet we were assured by an intelligent friend at the Barra of the Rio Negro,

that the Guaribas, or howling monkeys, are in the habit of breaking them by striking them upon stones or the limbs of iron-like trees.- Voyage up the Amazon.


M. Conscience, whose Flemish novels have recently drawn the public attention to that almost forgotten language, has been appointed tutor of Flemish language and literature to the Belgian princes, the Count of Flanders and the Duke of Brabant.

A French naturalist has calculated the power which a volcano, such as Mount Etna, must possess in order to throw up the lava to the mouth of its crater, and finds that it is equal to 53,262,500 steam engines, each of 400 horse-power.


THE DRAMATIC WORKS OF R. B. SHERISmall 8vo. H. G. Bohn. DAN, with a Memoir of his Life. By G. G. S.

A volume of Mr. Bohn's Standard Library, and a very interesting one. The life of the "orator, dramatist, minstrel," as well as of the politician, the manager, and the diner-out, is condensed, but, considered as a biography, is all the better for the condensation. In too many

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