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The Original is in the Cotton Library. Nero C. 10.

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THE Year of our Lord 1537, was a Prince born to King BOOK Henry the 8th, by Jane Seimour then Queen; who within few days after the Birth of her Son, died, and was buried at the Castle of Windsor. This Child was Christned by the Duke of Norfolk, the Duke of Suffolk, and the Arch-bishop of Canterbury. Afterwards was brought up till he came to six Years old among the Women. At the sixth Year of his Age he was brought up in Learning by Master Doctor Cox, who was after his Almoner, and John Cheeke Master of Arts, two well-learned Men, who sought to bring him up in learning of Tongues, of the Scripture, of Philosophy, and all Liberal Sciences. Also John Bellmaine, Frenchman, did teach him the French Language. The tenth Year not yet ended, it was appointed he should be created Prince of Wales, Duke of Cornwal, and Count Palatine of Chester: At which time, being the Year of our Lord 1547, the said King died of a Dropsie as it was thought. After whose Death incontinent came Edward Earl of Hartford, and Sir Anthony Brown Master of the Horse, to convoy this Prince to Enfield, where the Earl of Hartford declared to him, and his younger Sister Elizabeth, the Death of their Father.


Here he begins anew again.

AFTER the Death of King Henry the 8th, his Son Edward,
Prince of Wales, was come to at Hartford, by the Earl of Hart-
ford, and Sir Anthony Brown Master of the Horse; for whom
before was made great preparation that he might be created
Prince of Wales, and afterward was brought to Enfield, where
the Death of his Father was first shewed him; and the same
day the Death of his Father was shewed in London, where was
great lamentation and weeping: and suddenly he proclaimed
King. The next day, being the of
He was brought

to the Tower of London, where he tarried the space of three
weeks; and in the mean season the Council sat every day for
the performance of the Will, and at length thought best that
the Earl of Hartford should be made Duke of Somerset, Sir
Thomas Seimour Lord Sudley, the Earl of Essex Marquess of
Northampton, and divers Knights should be made Barons, as
the Lord Sheffield, with divers others. Also they thought best
to chuse the Duke of Somerset to be Protector of the Realm,
and Governour of the King's Person during his Minority; to
which all the Gentlemen and Lords did agree, because he was
the King's Uncle on his Mother's side. Also in this time the
late King was buried at Windsor with much solemnity, and the
Officers broke their Staves, hurling them into the Grave; but
they were restored to them again when they came to the Tower.
The Lord Lisle was made Earl of Warwick, and the Lord Great
Chamberlainship was given to him; and the Lord Sudley made
Admiral of England: all these things were done, the King
being in the Tower. Afterwards all things being prepared for
the Coronation, the King then being but nine Years old, passed
through the City of London, as heretofore hath been used, and
came to the Palace of Westminster; and the next day came
into Westminster-Hall. And it was asked the People, Whether
they would have him to be their King? Who answered; Yea,
yea: Then he was crowned King of England, France, and Ire-
land, by the Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and all the rest of the
Clergy and Nobles; and Anointed, with all such Ceremonies
as were accustomed, and took his Oath, and gave a General


Pardon, and so was brought to the Hall to Dinner on Shrove- BOOK sunday, where he sat with the Crown on his Head, with the Arch-bishop of Canterbury, and the Lord Protector; and all the Lords sat at Boards in the Hall beneath, and the Lord Marshal's Deputy (for my Lord of Somerset was Lord-Marshal) rode about the Hall to make room; then came in Sir John Dimock Champion, and made his Challenge, and so the King drank to him, and he had the Cup. At night the King returned to his Palace at Westminster, where there was Justs and Barriers; and afterward order was taken for all his Servants being with his Father, and being with the Prince, and the Ordinary and Unordinary were appointed. In the mean season Sir Andrew Dudley, Brother to my Lord of Warwick, being in the Paunsie, met with the Lion, a principal Ship of Scotland, which thought to take the Paunsie without resistance; but the Paunsie approached her, and she shot, but at length they came very near, and then the Paunsie shooting off all one side, burst all the overlop of the Lion, and all her Tackling, and at length boarded her and took her; but in the return, by negligence, she was lost at Harwich-Haven, with almost all her Men.


be March.

In the Month of May died the French King called Francis, Should and his Son called Henry was proclaimed King. There came also out of Scotland an Ambassador, but brought nothing to pass, and an Army was prepared to go into Scotland. Certain Injunctions were set forth, which took away divers Ceremonies, and Commissions sent to take down Images, and certain Homilies were set forth to be read in the Church. Dr. Smith of Oxford recanted at Paul's certain Opinions of the Mass, and that Christ was not according to the Order of Melchisedeck. The Lord Seimour of Sudley married the Queen, whose Name was Katherine, with which Marriage the Lord Protector was much offended.

There was great preparation made to go into Scotland, and the Lord Protector, the Earl of Warwick, the Lord Dacres, the Lord Gray, and Mr. Brian, went with a great number of Nobles and Gentlemen to Barwick; where the first day after his

PART coming, he mustered all his Company, which were to the numII. ber of 15000 Footmen, and 5000 Horsemen. The next day

he marched on into Scotland, and so passed the Pease; then he burnt two Castles in Scotland, and so passed a streight of a Bridg, where 300 Scots Light-horsemen set upon him behind him, who were discomfited. So he passed to Musselburgh, where the first day after he came, he went up to the Hill, and saw the Scots, thinking them, as they were indeed at least 36000 Men; and my Lord of Warwick was almost taken, chasing the Earl of Huntley, by an Ambush, but he was rescued by one Bertivell, with twelve Hagbuttiers on Horseback, and the Ambush ran away.

The 10th day of September, the Lord Protector thought to get the Hill, which the Scots seeing, passed the Bridg over the River of Musselburgh, and strove for the higher Ground, and almost got it; but our Horsemen set upon them, who although they stayed them, yet were put to flight, and gathered together again by the Duke of Somerset, Lord Protector, and the Earl of Warwick, and were ready to give a new Onset. The Scots being amazed with this, fled their ways, some to Edinburgh, some to the Sea, and some to Dalkeith; and there were slain 10000 of them, but of Englishmen 51 Horsemen, which were almost all Gentlemen, and but one Footman. Prisoners were taken, the Lord Huntley Chancellor of Scotland, and divers other Gentlemen; and slain of Lairds 1000. And Mr. Brian, Sadler, and Vane, were made Bannerets.

After this Battel Broughtie-Crag was given to the Englishmen, and Hume, and Roxburgh, and Heymouth; which were fortified, and Captains, were put in them, and the Lord of Somerset rewarded with 5001. Lands. In the mean season, Stephen Gardiner Bishop of Winchester was, for not receiving the Injunctions, committed to Ward. There was also a Parliament called, wherein all Chaunteries were granted to the King, and an extream Law made for Vagabonds, and divers other things. Also the Scots besieged Broughty-Crag, which was defended against them all, by Sir Andrew Dudley Knight, and oftentimes their Ordnance was taken and marred.

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