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Exercises in Derivation.

Derivation shows how derivative words are deduced from their primitives. The following may exhibit to the learner some notion of this principle; but the author refers the instructer to the Juvenile Expositor, in which he will find numerous exercises, calculated to lighten his labours, and improve the pupil in an important branch of elementary education.

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A vow

in dorse'

Words ending in or or er and ee: the former denotes the agent or actor, and the latter, the person to whom an act is done.

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Mort' gage

Mort' ga ger

o blige

as sign'

o bli' ger as sign er

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Primitive words with two terminations.

com mend'

Pa' rent per son

ob serve' en tice per form

De cide' res pect con clude

ad vi ser

com mend' er

pa rent' alt per' son al

ob serv' er en ti cer per form er


com mand

com mand er

de ci' sive t

re spect ive con clu sive

The termination

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cred' it a ble t as sail' a ble ad vise a ble

man' age a ble commend' a ble

pa' rent age ||

per son age

ob serv' ance en tice ment per form ance command ment

de ci' sive ly t re spect ive ly con clu sive ly

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Verbs formed from other words, by the termination ise.

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Primitive words ending in c, have ian (signifying profession) added

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in scribe

pro scribe

tran scribe!

Some verbs ending in be, change be into p, before the termination tion."

Pre scribe'

pre scrip' tion

in scrip tion

pro scrip tion

tran scrip tion

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su per scrip' tion

Words ending ity, denote condition or power.

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Primitive words ending in t, have ion, added for their derivatives.

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Some primitive words ending in mit, drop the t, and take ssion for their derivatives..

Per mit

re mit

ad mit

sub mit

com mit

per mis' sion

re mis sion

ad mis sion

sub mis sion

com mis sion

Primitive words ending in te,change the e into ion, for their derivatives.

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Primitive words ending in de, change the termination into son in their


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Primitive words ending in ss, have ion added for their derivatives,

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sa ga ci ty

Nous ending in ty, become adjectives by changing ty into ous.

Ra pa'ci ty

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te na ci ty

te na cious

ca pa ci ty

ca pa cious

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