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There is an eye that never sleeps; there is an eye that sees in the dark night, as well as in the bright sunshine.

When there is no light of the sun, or of the moon; when there is no lamp in the house, nor any little star twinkling through the thick clouds; that eye' sees every where, in all places, and watches continually over all the families of the earth.

The eye that sleeps not is God's; his hand is always stretched out over us. He made sleep to refresh us, when we are weary: he made night, that we might sleep in quiet.

As the mother moves about the house with her finger on her lips, and stills every little noise, that her infant be not disturbed; as she draws the curtains around its bed, and shuts out the light from its tender eyes; so God draws the curtains of darkness around us; he makes all things to be hushed and still, that his large family may sleep in peace.

Labourers spent with toil, and young children, and every little humming insect, sleep quietly; for God watches over you. You may sleep, for he never sleeps: you may close your eyes in safety, for his eye is always open to protect you.

When the darkness is passed away, and the beams of the morning sun strike through your eyelids, begin the day with praising God, who has taken care of you through the night: be thankful to him, for he is your heavenly Father.

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Flowers, when you open again, spread your leaves and smell sweet to his praise! Birds, when you awake, warble your thanks amongst the green boughs! sing to him before you sing to your mates.

Let his praise be in our hearts when we lie down ; let his praise be on our lips, when we awake. To him let us bow in humble submission, for the many mercies we receive; he is our God; he is our heavenly Father.


Time destroys all things. There is nothing in this world which must not, sooner or later, submit to his stroke; none so strong as to resist him, none so cunning as to evade his power.

Yet time steals on us, as it were, unseen: the days, the months, the years roll on; and we content ourselves with saying, "Time passes," without thinking that our time also passes with it, and that each moment brings us nearer to the grave.

Let us therefore mark each day with some act of goodness or virtue, that our names may live when we ourselves

are no more.

How many are there amongst us who are for ever crying out against the shortness of time, and yet do not blush with the same breath to complain that their time hangs heavy on their hands, and that they know not how to employ it.

But what an idle complaint is this! Any good and wise man will find that he may use his time to the glory of God, the service of his country and friends, or in some way or other, for the good of mankind.


Beneath some hoary mountain

I'll lay me down to weep,
Or near some warbling fountain
Bewail myself asleep.

Where feather'd choirs combining
With gentle murm'ring streams,
And winds in concert joining,
Raise sadly pleasing dreams.


O say, what is that thing call'd light,
Which I must ne'er enjoy?
What are the blessings of the sight?
O tell a poor blind boy!

You talk of wondrous things you see
You say the sun shines bright:
I feel him warm, but how can he
Or make it day or night?

My day or night myself I make,
Whene'er I sleep or play;
And could I always keep awake,
With me 'twere always day.

With heavy sighs I often hear
You mourn my hapless wo;
But sure with patience I can bear
A loss I ne'er can know.

Then let not what I cannot have

My cher of mind destroy; While thus I sing, I am a king, Although a poor blind boy.

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Ab strac' tion

am bi tious

am bi tion

The accent on the second syllable.

at trac tion trans ac tion af fec tion trans gres sion as cen siop tra jec tion as ser tion ac ces sion

ac cep tion at ten tion af flic tion par ti tion tra di tion

ca pri cious ab scis sion

ad mis sion

ag ni tion

al lis ion

a, 1 syl as ja far,

at tri tion.

ad di tion

fac ti tious

fla gi tious

ma li cious
pa tri cian

tran scrip tion
trans mission
tran si tion
pa vilion
fa mil iar
ma gi cian
au spi cious †
tra duc tion
as sump tion
ex pan sion
ex trac tion

per di tion

lef fi cient
per ni cious
in ac tion
in frae tion

dis pas sion
dis trac tion
mil i tia

in cis ion in i tial

mis pris ion sil i cious dis tinc tion in dic tion in flic tion ex tinc tion

dis per sion im mer sion

in ten tion

12,.. broad.

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