His proper body is not his but mine; 55 61 Know then, of those five husbands I have had, Three were just tolerable, two were bad. The three were old, but rich, and fond beside, And toil'd most piteously to please their bride ; But since their wealth (the best they had) was minë, The rest without much loss I could resign: Sure to be lov'd I took no pains to please, Yet had more pleasure far than they had ease. Presents flow'd in apace: with show'rs of gold They made their court, like Jupiter of old : If I but smil'd a sudden youth they found, And a new palsy seiz'd them when I frown'd. Ye sov'reign Wives! give ear, and understand, Thus shall ye speak, and exercise command; For never was it giv'n to mortal man To lie so boldly, as we women can: Forswear the fact, though seen with both his eyes, And call your maids to witness how he lies. 65 70 Hark, old Sir Paul! ('twas thus I us'd to say) Why to her house dost thou so oft repair? Lord! how you swell and rage like any fiend! 80 Cry Wives are false, and ev'ry woman evil, 85 If Vapors and pride by turns possess her brain; 90 95 Freakish when well, and fretful when she's sick : 105 You tell me to preserve your wife's good grace, Your eyes must always languish on my face, Your tongue with constant flatt'ries feed my ear, And tag each sentence with, my life! my dear! If by strange chance a modest blush be rais'd, 110 Be sure my fine complexion must be prais❜d. My garments always must be new and gay, And feasts still kept upon my wedding-day. 115 Then must my nurse be pleas'd, and fav'rite maid, care How merrily soever others fare? Though all the day I give and take delight, To light a taper at a neighbor's fire. 135 There's danger too, you think, in rich array, 140 And none can long be modest that are gay. The cat, if you but singe her tabby skin, The chimney keeps, and sits content within; Lo thus, my friends, I wrought to my desires These three right ancient venerable sires. I told 'em, Thus you say, and thus you do; 150 155 160 And swore the rambles that I took by night, I levy'd first a tax upon his need; Then let him-'twas a nicety indeed! 165 Let all mankind this certain maxim hold, With empty hands no tassels you can lure, 170 And heave, and pant, and kiss, and cling, for gold. Yet with embraces curses oft I mix'd, 176 Then kiss'd again, and chid, and rail'd betwixt. 180 Ev'n though the Pope himself had sat at table ; But when my point was gain'd, then thus I spoke : Billy, my dear! how sheepishly you look! Approach, my spouse! and let me kiss thy cheek; Thou should'st be always thus, resign'd and meek. • Of Job's great patience since so oft you preach, 'Well should you practise, who so well can teach. 'Tis difficult to do, I must allow, But I, my dearest! will instruct you' how. • Great is the blessing of a prudent wife, Who puts a period to domestic strife. One of us two must rule, and one obey; 190 • And since in man right reason bears the sway, "Let that frail thing, weak woman, have her The wives of all my family have rul'd way. 195 Their tender husbands, and their passions cool'd. Fye! 'tis unmanly thus so sigh and groan : ‹ What! would you have me to yourself alone? |