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For JUNE, 1813.

May 26, AM anxious, through the medium of your truly excellent and constitutional Magazine, to give publicity to a most interesting and gratifying sight, from which I am just returned; viz. a public examination of the Children of the National Society Central School, at Baldwin's

Gardens, before the Archbishop' Canterbury, President; the Archbishop of York; the Earl of Shaftesbury; the Bishops of London, Lincoln, Salisbury, Worcester, Hereford, Ely, Oxford, and Chester; Lords Kenyon and Radstock, the Speaker of the House of Commons, Archdeacon Cambridge, Rev. Dr. Watson, Rev. J. Lendon, and Rev. H. H. Norris; as well as many other Ladies and Gentlemen, well-wishers to the Institution.

The Rev. Dr. Bell, the inventor of the new System of Education, was also present, to witness the striking effects produced by his excellent mode of communicating instruction to the infant mind, and to see before him at the National Schools an instance of the benefits which thousands, in every part of the country, are at this moment deriving from his inimitable system. Nothing could surpass the correct and steady conduct of the children, the knowledge imparted to them of the principles of our holy Religion, or the accurate manner in which both boys and girls passed their examination in the Catechism, and in the business of their respective classes. I was particularly struck with the devotion and earnestness with which all the children, amounting to 800, joined in the Lord's Prayer, and in singing part of the Evening Hymn. The whole company were much affected at thus witnessing the truth of the Psalmist's observation, "Out of the mouths of babes and sucklings thou hast perfected praise." Highly to the credit of the learned and dig nified Body before whom the examination was passed, and of the General Committee, they determined on giving the children of both schools, as a

mark of their approbation, a dinner at Baldwin's Gardens, on Friday, the 4th of June, the anniversary of His Majesty's birth-day.

A Friend to the Madras System of Education.

May 30.

Mr. URBAN, PERMIT me to recommend to the attentive perusal of your Readers, the following extract of a letter from a gentleman whose virtues and many excellencies are too well known to the world, to admit a shadow of doubt respecting either his judgment or sincerity. A LAYMAN.


Extract of a Letter from JAMES ALLAN PARK, Esq. King's Council, to G. W. MARRIOTT, Esq. dated Dec. 29, 1812; extracted from "Instructions for conducting Schools on the Madras System." "Your account of Dr. Bell's success, and of the advancement of his goodsheme, is highly interesting to me. really think that this plan, if rightly conducted, is one of the most stupendous engines that has ever been wielded since the days of our Saviour and his Apostles, gion upon earth. It never has been my for the advancement of God's true Relivanity: but there never was a man opinion, that Dr. Bell is infected with' who, from seeing his plans taking a wide and deep root in the earth, has had more just cause to be vain than our excellent friend. I am not sure that this is not the commencement, by his means, of that glorious era, when the knowledge of the Lord shall cover the earth, as the waters cover the seas. J. A. P."

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.P. S.-The Author (says he) cannot
conclude this introductory chapter with-
out congratulating the original inventor
of the system, Dr. Bell, on the realiza-
tion of his anxious hopes, or the reward
of those labours which will, under Pro
vidence, prove a lasting blessing to pos-
terity, and call forth the gratitude of
thousands in this country, stimulated
by the same feelings of affection, which,
after eleven years silence, produced from
his Indian pupils a letter, fully proving
(as Dr. Bell says), That the senti-
ments which it was his incessant aim to
inspire, had not evaporated: and that
the principles which his dutiful pupils
had imbibed, had taken deep root, and
continued to yield their mature fruits."
"This pleasing instance of gratitude, as
well as satisfactory practical proof of the
strong hold which the new system takes
on the mind, is signed by nearly fifty
of his pupils (in the name of the whole
body) at Madras; and while it shews a
becoming gratitude on their part for the
unwearied assiduity shewn by their be-

nevolent Pastor, it enumerates the re

spectable situations in life in which they are placed; ascribing to his paternal care, under the Great Disposer of Events, their preservation, their comfort, and all the valuable advantages they enjoyed. They have since presented Dr. Bell with a service of Sacrament plate, and a gold chain and a medal; and have begged that 100 copies of his miniature, on copper-plate engravings, may be sent to be distributed among them. When the total ignorance of those children, at the time of their first being instructed by Dr. Bell, is considered, the lamentable want of early good impression, and their exposure to vice, and particularly deceit of every kind; and when we compare their subsequent moral and religious improvement, and the respectable places in society which they afterwards filled; when, too, there was more to undo, before, sound principles could be imbibed,


* This is a most admirable work, well deserving not only the attention, but the absolute study, of every person desirous of establishing Schools according to the Madras system. The Author is no theorist, but a real practitioner, having visited nearly all the principal Madras schools in the kingdom, and established his own in consequence of the most accurate investigation.

than can be the case in this happier country, an undeniable proof is afforded of the excellence of Dr. Bell's mode of instruction; nor can there be the smallest reason for doubting, that, whenever the same measures are steadily and perfectly adopted, they will be attended uniformly with the same lasting good



June 6.

Tational Society was held on Wednesday last, in the hall of Sion College. The Archbishop of Canterbury, whose attention to the business of the Society has been unremitting, took the chair on the occasion, There were present the Archbishop of York, the Earls of Shaftesbury, Nelsop; Lord Kenyon, Lord Radstock, the Bishops of London, Chichester, Chester, Exeter, Hereford, St. David's, Worcester, Ely, Salisbury, the Speaker of the House of Commons, together with a very numerous and highly respectable list of Subscribers and Friends to the Institution. The Annual Report of the proceedings of the Society was read by the Secretary, and some remarks were made on the

THE Anniversary Meeting of the

prominent and leading features of it by the Archbishop of Canterbury. The Report proved in the highest degree gratifying and satisfactory to the company assembled. It appeared that the beneficial purposes of the Įnstitution have been carried into effect, in the course of the last year, in various parts of the kingdom, on a very extended scale. The number of schools formed in connexion with the National Society are five times greater than they were at the time of the preceding Annual Report; aud, of course, the number of children educated in different parts of the kingdom on the Madras system, has increased about in the same proportion. Besides this, a number of schools have been formed precisely on the same plan, in various places, which have not yet established a connexion with the National Society; so that the extension of this important system of education has been considerably greater even than that above stated from the Annual Report. It appeared also, that, in the Metropolis, not only has the Central School, in Baldwin's-garden, been carried on with distinguished energy and effect, but other schools have been instituted, so numerous, and on


so extended a scale, as to constitute, on the whole, no inadequate system of education for the lower classes of this large mass of population. One particular instance of the perfection to which this plan of education has been brought, was mentioned by the Archbishop of Canterbury, and drew the very marked attention of the Meeting: this was, that, in the Deanery of Tendring, near Colchester, the number of children reported as proper objects of the Madras system of education, amounted to about 2000; and that, of these, more than 1700 are now actually receiving this education in the schools formed under the National Society.

On the whole, the report of the advancement of National Education, made during the last year, was such as fully to satisfy the highest expectations of the friends and supporters of the system. It shewed that the exertions of the National Society, for the furtherance of its great and beneficial objects, have been and are unremitted: it shewed that the spirit, by which those exertions are prompted and supported, has increased, and is still increasing, in the country at large; and it encouraged the gratifying hope, that, by the continuance of those exertions and of that spirit, the great and beneficial purpose of generally diffusing the blessings of Sound Religion and sound Morality by means of this national system of education, may soon be effected in this kingdom to a very satisfactory extent.

The Treasurer of the Society, at the same time, made a report of the general state of the Society's funds. It appeared, that from the very liberal grants which had been made for the establishment of schools in va rious parts of the kingdom, some diminution of the permanent property of the Society has unavoidably taken place in the course of the present year; but the Committee have readily acquiesced in suffering this to be done, under the fullest feeling of conviction, that a judicious and well-directed application of their funds, for the purposes of the Society, must, under all circumstances, furnish the most certain means of ensuring the lis berality of the Publick, so as to prevent their permanent diminution.

Yours, &c. A SPECTATOR,

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MUCH has been said, pages and elsewhere, concerning the Bible Society. I am not aware that the following observations on that subject have been anticipated: whether they are well founded or not, your Readers will judge.

Yours, &c.

R. C. Perfect impartiality, on a subject which is either in itself or in its circumstances highly interesting, is perhaps, amidst human infirmities, a virtue rather to be desired, than expected. This remark I am willing to apply, as well to those who do, as to those who, like myself, cannot, applaud the Bible Society. The advocates of this novel institution, so far as has come within my observation, invariably represent those who forbear to join them as averse to the distribution of the Holy Scriptures. This is by no means the truth of the case. They freely and gladly, according to their abilities, give copies of the Old and of the New Testament to such as are in want of them; and many of them are members of one or of both those truly Christian establishments, the Societies for Promoting and Propagating Christian Knowledge; in both which Societies one main object is, to disseminate the Word of God, the latter in foreign parts, the other both at home and abroad.

To the design of the Bible Society, as far as I understand it, I have no objection; except that the indiscriminate distribution of the Bible among Hindoos, Mahometans, or other Infidels (if that is a part of their design), I cannot but regard as a profanation of the Holy Volume; which, therefore, like other things in themselves wrong, can tend to no good; but to an individual, whether Gentoo, Mahometan, or Pagan, who, like Cornelius, was humble and willing to be informed, I would freely give a copy of the Bible, if he wished to receive it; though I think personal conference or preaching the word of life is now, as in the Apostles' days, the most likely means, uuder Providence, to bring those who never heard of Christ to believe in him.

With this necessary limitation I approve of the design of the Bible Society; but have serious objections to the constitution of it. The patrons and promoters of this Society boast


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of that peculiar circumstance in the formation of it, which to me seems most exceptionable; namely, that they admit into their ranks, without scruple or inquiry, members of every denomination of Christians. There are found in the Bible Society those who reject both the Sacraments, which Christ himself ordained for the general use and benefit of all his followers. There are some who deny the Divinity of our Lord, and pronounce us idolaters, because, as the Scripture enjoins, we "honour the Son even as we honour the Father."There are those who separate themselves from the Church, founded by Christ and his Apostles; and hold it lawful to act as ministers and ambassadors of Christ, without any appointment or commission from him.

Is it possible for me to join such a motley Society, without giving countenance, however unintentionally, to some or to all these errors and evil deeds? or without violating the principle, "Not to do evil, that good may come?" Let scriptural examples and precepts of Scripture decide the question.

When the Jews, on their return from Babylon, began to rebuild the temple, some of their neighbours came to Zerubbabel and to the chief of the fathers, and said, "Let us build with you; for we seek your God, as ye do, and we sacrifice unto him.” But the answer of Zerubbabel and the fathers of Israel was, "You have nothing to do with us, to build an house unto our God, but we ourselves together will build unto the Lord God of Israel." Ezra iv. 1-3. Some such proposal seems to have been made afterwards, when they had begun to repair the walls of the city; and Nehemiah's answer was such as Zerubbabel's had been: "The God of Heaven, he will prosper us; therefore we his servants will arise and build; but you have no portion, nor right, nor memorial in Jerusalem." Neh. ii. 20.

These are some of the apposite examples of God's ancient church. What are we taught in the later and more perfect manifestation of his will? We are taught, more clearly and expressly than in the former dispensation, to Jove all men, and to do good to all men; to perform acts of kindness and humanity to our enemies, to Sama


ritans, or heathens, or the worst o mankind. But are we encouraged voluntarily to associate ourselves with schismatics, or heretics, or with any who, naming the name of Christ, hold the truth in iniquity? "I be seech you, brethren," the Apostle says, "mark them which cause divisions and offences; and avoid them." Rom. xvi. 17. "A man that is an heretic-reject." Tit. iii. 10. "We command you, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, that ye withdraw yourselves from every brother that walketh disorderly.” "If any man obey not our word, note that man, and have no company with him, that he may be ashamed." 2 Thess. iii.

6. 14.

St. Paul certainly, by such injunc tions as these, does not recommend associations of heterogeneous, unac cording members. Does St. John, who survived him many years, teach a doctrine, which, in the fashionable language of these times, is more li beral and extended ? "He that abideth in the doctrine of Christ, he hath both the Father and the Son. If there come any unto you, and bring not this doctrine, receive him not into your house, neither bid him God speed. For he that biddeth him God speed, is partaker of his evil deeds.” 2 John, 9, 10.

The conduct of the beloved Disciple was conformable to what he taught. History informs us, that going with some friends to the bath at Ephesus, and finding Cerinthus there, he withdrew in haste, saying, "Let us be gone, lest the bath should fall upon us, when such an enemy of the truth as Cerinthus is in it." Irenæus, who records this from the mouth of those who heard it from Polycarp, St. John's disciple, having related a similar anecdote of Polycarp himself, makes this observation: "So careful were the Apostles and their disciples to hold no intercourse, not even in words, with those who perverted the truth." Iren. adv. Hæres. L. iii. c. 3.

Whoever duly considers the precepts and examples here alleged, will find it impossible, I think, to reconcile with them any such anomalous institution as the Bible Society. Truth, without doubt, cannot successfully be maintained and promoted, but by truth alone. If any advantage may seem to be obtained by pious frauds,


1813.] Mr. S. Jackson on Junius's Letters.--Alchorne Catalogue. 511

or by any dereliction or compromise of principles, it will be more than overbalanced by ruinous consequences, which must, in various ways, ensue from such proceeding; nor am I ever at liberty to do the smallest evil, if I fancied or was sure (which is impossible) that I could save the world by it. If the laws of my country, or duties of humanity, join me with a Socinian (though, I thank God, I know no such person), I will not desert him. I will assist him in saving the life of man, or the life of a beast. If I were a soldier in the same regiment with him, I would fight honestly by his side. But I will not voluntarily combine myself, not even for the purpose of diffusing truth and distributing the inspired Word of God (perhaps indeed least of all for any such truly pious purpose) with one who does not hold the truth as it is in Jesus Christ, the Son of God, the only mediator between God and man. Yours, &c. R. C.


Ipswich, May 27. HE Rev. J. B. Blakeway having,

animadverted upon my account of having seen and followed a person, who threw a letter of Junius into the office-door of Mr. Woodfall, it may be proper for me, although it proves nothing as to the real identity of the Author of those Letters, to be a little more explicit on the subject. The transaction occurred between eleven and twelve o'clock at night. The

late Mr. Woodfall, at the time I was in his employment, (or his servant, if the Rev. Author will have it so, for I assure you, Mr. Urban, I bear the recollection of it with pleasure, at this moment, whatever term may be used,) had lodgings at Islington, to which place he went every evening at eight o'clock, and left to me the management of the Public Advertiser, except when a letter of Junius was to appear the next morning; then, indeed, he did not go so early, and sometimes he staid in town all night. The hand-writing of Junius was at that time so familiar to me, that I did not want to open the letter to know from whence it came. scription was invariably written in the same hand, but the contents were not always so. Nothing could be more various, too, than the delivery of the

The super

letters;-sometimes they came by post; but in the general way by porters. During Mr. Woodfall's absence, I have often had in separate rooms, at the same time, Mr. Wilkes and the Rev. Horne Tooke, whenever they had any thing for publication. Being more familiar with the latter than the former, I have mentioned to him the circumstance; when, with great good humour, he has begged me to keep them separate, lest he should resort to other means to settle their political differences.

Mr. Blakeway makes me smile at the idea of the lapse of time having impaired my memory. Most assu-. redly I cannot run so fast now as I could nearly half a century ago; yet, thank God, my intellects are unimpaired, and the transaction to which I allude is as strong in my recollection as any occurrence of yesterday. Yours, &c.




June 10.

last Number contained a short, but splenetic, notice (as I thought) of the Catalogue of the Al


by auction by Mr. Evans, on Saturday, the 22nd of May last. What there can be in that Catalogue deserving of especial attention, or rather of indirect vituperation, it seems difficult to discover. Some men, however, are resolved to look perversely upon every thing. There are minds in such an irritable state of prescience, that the most harmless and well-intended effusions are considered as the channels of malevolence and mischief.

It is well known (in what is called the book-world) that the Rev. Mr. Dibdin has been engaged, for nearly the last twenty months, in an elaborate Catalogue Raisonné of the early-printed books in the Library of Earl Speucer. It is also not less notorious that the Alchorne Collection was purchased by the same Nobleman. Those books which became duplicates, together with others before acquired, were disposed of in the manner above noticed. But as a great portion of them was early Classics, and of considerable rarity, it seemed to be no violation of the rules of good-breeding, or common sense, that Mr. D. should avail himself of his former labours; and give brief abridgments of what the Public will one day find to


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