Care THE PORT FOLIO. A MONTHLY JOURNAL. CONDUCTED BY OLIVER OLDSCHOOL, ESQ. VOL. VI. JULY-DECEMBER, 1818. PHILADELPHIA: PUBLISHED BY H. HALL, J. Maxwell, printer. THE PORT FOLIO, Embellished with a coloured engraving of the Calmia Latifolia. The following errata occurred in our last; the reader will please to correct them. P. 462, l. 33, for no read not. 463, 35, principle principal. - 26 & 27 potentially potentiality. Since we undertook to give a condensed view of the Debates in Congress, Mess. Gales & Seaton, of Washington, have promised to publish a History of Congress, commencing with the last session; and also another series to commence at an earlier period. As our abridgment was made from the reports of these gentlemen, it seems but fair that we should desist from using what they now wish to convert, in a more permanent and profitable form, to their own use.— Their project deserves the most ample encouragement; and so far from interfering with it, we shall take an early opportunity of explaining the plan, and recommending the work more particularly to our patrons. ***Notice to Binders. With the numbers comprising our vol. 5, you will find 40 pp., entitled Proceedings of Congress, which are to be laid aside to be bound separately at the end of the year with the continuation; or they may be placed at the end of each vol.; or at the end of vol. 6, as you may receive directions. We are sorry that the communication from our valuable correspondent R. H. L. was too late for this number. Gen. DEARBORN has published a variety of depositions in support of his charge. Something similar, no doubt, will appear on the other side; and if we should not be disappointed in this expectation, we shall sum up the evidence in an account of the life of GEN. PUTNAM, which shall be prepared for the Port-Folio, as soon as we are presented with a view of the whole ground. "An admirer of the Navy" has selectehd a glorious theme, but his patriotism is more fervid than his poetry. He lauds our noble champions with all the enthusiasm of a birth-day Laureat, Like Neptune, Cæsar guards Virginian fleets, Fraught with Tobacco's balmy sweets, Old Ocean trembles at Columbia's power, And Boreas is afraid to roar. "A Swain" may talk of his flowery meads and his silver rivulets, but his mistress will continue to play the "reckless Sylvia." She is one of those whom smoke, and dust, and noise, and crowds delight And to be press'd to death transports her quite. What are the charms of placid streams, green fields and waving shades compared with the exhilarating scenes in Chesnut Street, where we - drive, bow, pun, with love of pleasure smit, Talk, laugh, shoot-flying, and pronounce on wit. Simple "Swain"! put money in thy purse and hie thee to the busy mart. VOL. VI. THE PORT FOURTH SERIES. CONDUCTED BY OLIVER OLDSCHOOL, ESQ. Various; that the mind Of desultory man, studious of change And pleased with novelty, may be indulged.-CowPER. JULY, 1818. No. I. FOR THE PORT FOLIO. A letter to Major General Dearborn, repelling his unprovoked attack on the character of the late Major General Putnam; and containing some anecdotes relating to the battle of Bunker-hill, not generally known. By Daniel Putnam, Esq.* [THE animadversions on the character of general Putnam, in the account of the battle of Bunker's Hill, which we lately published, excited in us not less pain than surprise. We had no hesitation in publishing the article, because the charge was made openly, and we thought that it should not be confined to the circle in which gen. Dearborn may "fight his battles o'er again." This gentleman has held honourable appointments under the three administrations which have followed that of Mr. Adams, and although such a fact is not, in our estimation, the most unquestionable evidence of merit, yet there are among us many, with whom, a name thus honoured, will carry great weight. To the representation of gen. Dearborn we shall now oppose the severe, though just, remonstrance of colone! Putnam, a son of the deceased general. It will be said that the former is a direct affirmation of circumstances alleged to be within the personal knowledge of the witness, and that the latter is only negative testimony. Be it so; but "the negation hath no taste of madness" The reputation of this brave soldier is so fenced and walled in the hearts of his countrymen, that they will not suffer the memory of an individual to balance the opi*nions of the rest of the world:-opinions which have been so long undisturbed. In his knowledge of human nature no one surpassed gen. Washington, and from what we should surmise of the character of the accuser on the present occasion, we do not think he would have quietly permitted Gen |