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nation which imposes the heaviest task on the vigilance of reason. "Passions that might not be conquered, were to be, at least, controlled; and limits assigned to flights whose course would not be totally arrested." To no species of character, perhaps, is the influence of religion more necessary or medicinal. Constituted to feel in their extremes the emotions of joy and sorrow, this influence served to tranquillize the tumults of the one, and mitigate the anguish of the other. In the sacred profession which he early adopted, his public exercises were original and affecting. They evinced his own devout reliance on those truths which it was his delightful employment to impress upon others. The strength of his feelings, with his occasional efforts in their suppression, imparted to the method of premeditated composition, much of the additional interest, freshness and abruptness, of extemporaneous discourse. A lettered clergy is too apt to consign animation in delivery to the exclusive use of the fanatics; although the history of the latter, one would think, had sufficiently attested its effect to urge the introduction of so powerful an engine into the service of rational christianity. Dr. McKean had the fervour, without the fury, of enthusiasm, and the decision of a partisan unmingled with its rancour. The remark frequently made respecting modern discourses, that they are moral dissertations merely, to exercise the ingenuity of the speculative or the taste of the refined-could never apply to those of this gentleman. His fancy was constantly subordinate to his faith, his theology blended with his ethics, and when he reasoned of righteousness and temperance, it was always with reference to a judgment to come.

In composition, as in conversation, the rapidity of his thoughts was greater than that of his expressions; and these, copious and felicitous as they frequently were, seemed to render but inadequate justice to his previous conceptions. He delighted others, but he did not satisfy himself. There may be a beau ideal in eloquence as in the other fine arts; a spirituality, rising above the fetters of human phraseology, and the ideas of Professor M-Kean sometimes resembled those finer essences, which escape, ere we can confine them. Hence arose an occasional hesitation in his manner, and a cursory observer might have mistaken for poverty of intellect, what_in reality proceeded from its affluence.

With so impassioned a character as our friend possessed, to assert that his conclusions were always correct, would be to claim for him something supernatural But if his opinions were ever erroneous, they were never insincere. He honestly laboured to have them adopted by others, with an energy similar to what they inspired in himself; while, at the same time, his own example of bold and independent inquiry usually prevented an implicit reliance on bis authority. Many traits of resemblance might, perhaps, be discerned between the subject of this sketch, and the late Gilbert Wakefield; since, however different the consequences of their respective investigations, the spirit in which they were conducted was the same. In singleness of mind and heartiness of feeling, on all topics that came under consideration, they were especially allied; and both were equally conspicuous for the fairness with which they pursued what each considered as the truth, and the frankness with which they declared the result of their researches. When the office of Professor of Rhetoric and Oratory in Harvard College, was vacated by the resignation of the hon. Mr. Adams, Dr. M'Kean was elected his successor. For this appointment he was qualified not less by critical sagacity and classical taste, than by the happy union he exhibited of the gentleman with the scholar-a combination not common with academicians. He excelled, too, in the power of acquiring and retaining the attachment of youth. Those whom he instructed as pupils, he also welcomed as friends, and his house was the seat of hospitality at once cordial and courteous. His piety, patriotism, and friendship, all partook of the energy and ardour of his nature. To that domestic circle, particularly, where his affections more intimately centred, so intense were his regards, that it might almost be doubted, if the favour he earnestly implored of returning to die among his family, was not denied in mercy. They were dear to him as his own soul, and the parting from their immediate presence might have been more painful than its separation from the body. The "love that is strong as death," might have maintained a fearful contest with the final conqueror; the fortitude of the Christian, been impaired by the fondness of the man; and the triumphant aspirations of the saint have yielded to the sighs of the husband, and the father.

the people and the government. My Lords, this is not the language of faction, let it be tried by that criterion by which alone we can distinguish what is factious from what is not-by the principles of the English constitution. I have been bred up in these principles; and know, that when the liberty of the subject is invaded, and all redress denied him, resistance is justified.


The following is the reply of general Lallemand, to the publications which have recently appeared in the papers relating to certain designs of the French emigrants.

Reply to the letter from Natchitoches, published in the Louisiana Gazette, of the 31st of March.

The French colonists, who have gone to settle on the river Trinity, have no other object than the choice of productive lands, where they might procure labourers and cattle at low prices, and from which they might derive a prompt and productive revenue. They look for those advantages which are to be derived from a rich soil, by active laborious men; thay have no other wish than to cultivate them and to enjoy the tranquillity necessary to such an establishment. They have no connexion with any assemblage that has heretofore taken place in those parts, and will never engage either in privateering or smuggling, nor in any other occupation that might render them a subject of disquiet to any people. Signed. H. LALLEMAND. New Orleans, 1 April, 1818.

LIFE BOAT. - Put three or four cleats on each bilge of the boat inside, or make holes through the timbers for the purpose of receiving lashing; then have two or more empty water casks ready to put in the boat: over these and through the cleats or holes pass the rope. VOL. VI.


Let the sea now break over and fill her-a common boat with eight men in her, will keep (with only two casks) her gunwale six or seven inches above the water. boat being thus above the surface, she can be bailed out; and should there be a number of men so as to keep her down, enough may get out to let her rise, and steadying themselves with their hands on the gunwale, let the others bail, taking alternate spells, until she is free. The casks will prevent the boat's upsetting, acting upwards as a lead keel would do downwards. Should you be compelled to leave your ship at sea, put in the boat as many casks as can conveniently be stowed; let them be scuttled, all but one or two, and have tight tarpaulin covers; in these you can then put provision, water, compass, quadrant and charts; and as the provisions are consumed, there will be room, should the casks be large enough, for the weary or sick to screen themselves from the weather. I always keep two or three casks of water in the long boat, which I use first, and when out make my stowage of bread, &c. Norfolk Beacon.



Take half a tea-spoonful of black pepper in powder, one tea-spoonful of brown sugar and one table spoonful of cream, mix them well together, put them in the room on a plate where the flies are most trouble.. some and they will soon disappear.

It will perhaps be useful to mention that families would find a material saving if they were to use common Soda or potash dissolved in soft water afterwards mixed in hard water if they have no other, before they have their linen washed; the quantity of soap will not only be diminished by meliorating the hard water but the colour of the linen really improved.


An English physician, Dr. Richard Pearson, has succeeded after various attempts in forming a vegetable compound by which persons engaged in exploring hot and desert regions might be saved from perishing by hunger and thirst. The ingredients are reducible into a very small bulk and not liable, when mixed, to spoil by keeping. With a pint of jelly inade from starch by boiling water, mix two ounces of Gum Arabick and half a drachm of catechu, both previously reduced to powder, and to the whole then add one drachm of crystallized citric acid also pulverized. Spread the compound upon a clean board or paper, and gradually dry it in an oven of a gentle heat, till it becomes hard and brittle, when it may be broken into pieces of a proper size for being carried in the pocket Doctor Pearson calculates that two ounces of this compound will sustain life for twenty-four hours-but supposes that during the exertion of travelling four ounces may be required. So that two pounds would last a person totally destitute of every other sort of aliment eight days.

FILTERING MACHINE.-We are glad to learn that Mr. Sanderson's filtering machine is daily becoming better known, and nothing but a knowledge of its merits is necessary to bring it into universal use. Considering the general state of our Schuylkill water when drawn from the hydrant, compared with the perfectly pure, bright, and pellucid state in which it is drawn from the filter; and considering also that this purification is effected without trouble or inconvenience, we cannot think of any thing upon which the price of one of the machines could be expended, which would contribute as much to the gratification, the comfort, and even the health of a family. It consists of an earthen or stone jar, capable of containing eight or ten gallons of

water, and may be conveniently set in a fireplace, or any unoccupied corner. The water is poured in at the top, and, after passing through the filter, is drawn out pure and bright by a cock at the bottom, however impure it may have been when introduced. The machinery is perfectly simple; occasions no trouble; and is not liable to get out of repair.

ROYAL BROTHERS. Great Britain has made several attempts to establish such a commercial intercourse with the Emperor of China, as would be profitable to one, and perhaps both of the parties concerned. Two splendid embassies have been fitted out by the former nation, the first under the care of Sir George Staunton, and the second under that of Lord Amherst, with a great retinue, and magnificent presents, to induce the " Oldest Son of the Moon" to form a treaty with his Royal Brother, not quite of such illustrious descent, of Great Britain. Both these embassies failed, on some point of etiquette, a difficulty which often occurs in the adjustment of national concerns between potentates. His majesty of China required, particularly in the latter instance, acts of submission and humiliation, too great to be endured by the stiff-necked and stiffbacked representative of John Bull, and the ambassador with his brilliant train was obliged to return and to tell his master that he must wait for a more condescending emperor to ascend the Chinese throne, or despatch a more flexible and pliant minister, before he could realize his wishes with regard to the trade of that vast but whimsical empire. An event of character somewhat resembling this, in some of its circumstances, has, it seems lately taken place between our government and a neighbouring potentate, not descended from the Moon, unless indeed, when she was in an eclipse, but still a monarch of

lofty pretensions, great stateliness, and unyielding dignity and pride. We allude to his majesty of Hayti, king Henry the 1st. For some cause, the president found it expe

dient to despatch the frigate Con-admissable terms" to inform him


gress on a message to this sovereign, with a Mr. Tyler on board as the agent of the government. Whether by accident, or design, we pretend not to know, this gentleman's credentials were very bad ly drawn up, and either from want of geographical knowledge in the cabinet, or some untoward circumstance, the very name of the country, as well as that of its capital, were mistaken in the document. We know not how to excuse this error. Had Hayti formed a portion of a newly discovered world near the south pole, there would have been some excuse for such a mistake. But it is not to be supposed, that the acting secretary of state, or any higher officer in the cabinet could have been unacquainted with the fact, that Hayti was the name of a kingdom in the neighbourhood of America, and that his majesty Henry 1st, was its sovereign, enjoying all the rights, privileges and immunities to crowned heads belonging and appertain ing, and attended with a full share of the splendor and magnificence of royalty. In such a state of things, it can hardly be considered as owing to ignorance or accident that in Mr. Tyler's credentials, this kingdom should have been called by its old colonial servile name of St. Domingo, and the capital by that of Cape François.

Let these things, however, be as they may, since they have occured, we are not surprised to find the Haytians back up at the apparent indignity. The reception which Mr. Tyler met with, on his arrival has been published in all the newspapers. Count Limonade, "Secretary of state, and minister of foreign affairs of Hayti," in the highest style of dignity, offended

but not petulent, directs the king's "secretary and interpreter," upon finding that the American agent " was the bearer of a simple certificate, couched only in unusal and in

that he could not be received, "not being furnished withauthentick credentials in good and due form, sufficient to credit him with the Haytian government." At the same time, the prime minister, charitably supposing Mr Tyler to be ignorant of the diplomatick usages established in that government, directs that they be made known to him. Thus, like the embassy of Lord Amherst to China, this effort of our government completely failed, upon this single point. Of how much imporsance it may have been, we know not. The commerce of that island has been of very great moment to this country. Its affairs are now placed in hands that mean to hold and direct them. Its sovereign is black, but his talents are respectable, his courage and energy unquestionable, and his title to his throne, at least according to notions which have been of late much cherished as, " legitimate." The talents of some of his ministers are of a high order. Count Limonade, like the beverage from which he appears to have derived his title, we presume can be sweet or sour, as occasion requires, and when both qualities are well mixed, he is doubtless very pleasant and palatable; when otherwise, probably one of these ingredients is very acute and uncomfortable. The truth is, government had better fully acknowledge his sable majesty, or let him entirely alone. We see not why, in the multitude of sympathy that is so fashionable at the present time for the yellow inhabitants of the south, who are feebly struggling against a feeble tyranny, no regard should be entertained for a nation of a darker complexion it is true, which, under tenfold difficulties, and a vastly greater force of op

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