Mother's Advice BooksAshgate, 2002 - 340 A form of courtesy literature, Mother's Advice Books were texts written by mothers to instruct their children in religious, educational, and occasionally wordly matters. The three texts included in this volume, Elizabeth Richardson's A Ladies Legacie to her Davghters, Susanna Bell's The Legacy of a Dying Mother To Her Mourning Children, and the unattributed The Mothers Blessing, offer interesting alternatives to the many published male views of the family from the period. Indeed, this volume features an appendix with two much shorter portions of predominantly male-authored texts: Mary Pennyman's letter to her children, published as part of John Pennyman's Instruction to his Children, and Elizabeth Walker's 'For my Dear Children, Mrs.Margaret Walker and Elizabeth Walker', included in Anthony Walker's The Holy Life of Mrs. Elizabeth Walker. The fact that these women were mothers gave them an authority to write that other women were not easily granted, and it is clear that many of these works were written with publication in mind. In addition to giving women public status as authors, these books also enabled them to enter political and religious debates under the guise of offering advice to their children. The Mother's Advice Book is, then, an intriguing genre that simultaneously violates and yet replicates early modern patriarchy. |
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Strona 73
... alfo fubmitted thy felfe to fuffer the most bitter and ignominious death of the Croffe , to free us from that eternall death , which our finnes have deferved ; and allo role againe from the grave the third day , to overcome fin , death ...
... alfo fubmitted thy felfe to fuffer the most bitter and ignominious death of the Croffe , to free us from that eternall death , which our finnes have deferved ; and allo role againe from the grave the third day , to overcome fin , death ...
Strona 131
... alfo ob- taine thy gracious pardon for all my paffed mit- deeds , with the affiftance of thy holy Spirit , which I moft humbly crave , to amend my former faults , and to reforme my wayes the rest of my life in all things according to ...
... alfo ob- taine thy gracious pardon for all my paffed mit- deeds , with the affiftance of thy holy Spirit , which I moft humbly crave , to amend my former faults , and to reforme my wayes the rest of my life in all things according to ...
... alfo is a fit feason for fe- cret Prayer . When , as David's , your Heart is fixed , not difturbed with any Secular Business . The Morning alfo is a fit Seafon for Secret Prayer , the Mind is most compofed , and trou- bled with fewest ...
... alfo is a fit feason for fe- cret Prayer . When , as David's , your Heart is fixed , not difturbed with any Secular Business . The Morning alfo is a fit Seafon for Secret Prayer , the Mind is most compofed , and trou- bled with fewest ...
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
The Early Modern Englishwoman: Part 1. Series 2, Printed writings ..., Tom 3 Podgląd niedostępny - 2002 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
alfo Amen befeech thee bleflings bleſſed bloud caft Chriftian deare Lord death defire duty Elizabeth Richardson Elizabeth Walker eternall evill fafe faithfull fake falvation fanctifie Father fave feare feek felves ferve fervice feven fhall fhould fincere finfull finner finnes fins fome foule and body fpirituall fuch fufferings fure give glorious God the Father goodneffe grace and favour hath heart and foule heaven heavenly Holy Ghoft holy Spirit honour humbly pray thee Iefus Jefus Chrift Kingdome of glory knoweft live Majefty mercifull moft humbly molt moſt Mothers offences pardon perfon pleafed pleaſe praife praiſe Prayer prefent preferve promifes reft Saviour Jefus ſhall ther theſe thine things thofe thoſe thou art thy bleffed thy felfe thy fight thy glory thy grace thy gracious thy holy Spirit thy mercies thy moft thy poore fervant true faith unto thee unto thy unworthy fervant vouchfafe whofe