The Asiatic Journal and Monthly Register for British and Foreign India, China, and AustraliaParbury, Allen, and Company, 1834 |
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amongst ancient appears Asiat authority Balkh beauty Belzoni Bengal Bokhara Bombay brahmins British Cabool Calcutta called Capt character chief China Chinese civil claims colony command Company Company's compensation Coorg Court of Directors cultivated daughter death ditto duty East-India employed English European Fanny favour gentlemen Hindoo honour inhabitants interest Julius Cæsar justice K'ham king Klaproth Kokonor labour lady land late letter Lieut Lord Lucknow Madras magnetic Malabar March master ment Mongol Moulmein mountains Musulmans Mysore N.S. VOL native never observed occasion officers opinion Oude Oxus party Paupiah persons Peshawur possession present proceeded proprietors provinces racter received Red Sea regt remarks residence respect revenue river rupees Salt servants shew ship Slavery Slavery in India slaves Tang dynasty thing tion tseou Tubet Tubetan Zzang
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 236 - Sometimes the huger stones, striking against each other as they fell, broke into countless fragments, emitting sparks of fire, which caught whatever was combustible within their reach ; and along the plains beyond the city the darkness was now terribly relieved ; for several houses, and even vineyards, had been set on flames; and at various intervals, the fires rose sullenly and fiercely against the solid gloom.
Strona 137 - Seminary (similar in character to those which existed in Europe before the time of Lord Bacon) can only be expected to load the minds of youth with grammatical niceties and metaphysical distinctions of little or no practical use to the possessors or to society. The pupils will there acquire what was known two thousand years ago, with the addition of vain and empty subtleties since produced by speculative men, such as is already commonly taught in all parts of India.
Strona 137 - But as the improvement of the native population is the object of the Government, it will consequently promote a more liberal and enlightened system of instruction, embracing Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Anatomy, with other useful sciences...
Strona 284 - ... fashions of thinking and writing which succeed each other so rapidly among polished nations, that Grotius, who filled so large a space in the eye of his contemporaries, is now perhaps known to some of my readers only by name. Yet if we fairly estimate both his endowments and his virtues, we may justly consider him as one of the most memorable men who have done honour to modern times.
Strona 86 - SIR, — I have the honour to report to you, for the information of the Committee, that on the 16th of December 8 last Mr.
Strona 236 - In some places, immense fragments of rock, hurled upon the house roofs, bore down along the streets masses of confused ruin, which yet more and more, with every hour, obstructed the way; and as the day advanced, the motion of the earth was more sensibly felt — the footing seemed to slide and creep — nor could chariot or litter be kept steady, even on the most level ground.
Strona 137 - If it had been intended to keep the British nation in ignorance of real knowledge, the Baconian philosophy would not have been allowed to displace the system of the schoolmen which was the best calculated to perpetuate ignorance. In the same manner. the Sanskrit system of education would be the best calculated to keep this country in darkness if such had been the policy of the British legislators.
Strona 137 - Sanskrit, in the different parts of the country, engaged in teaching this language as well as the other branches of literature which are to be the object of the new seminary.
Strona 136 - We were filled with sanguine hopes that this sum would be laid out in employing European gentlemen of talents and education to instruct the natives of India in Mathematics, Natural Philosophy, Chemistry, Anatomy, and other useful sciences, which the natives of Europe have carried to a degree of perfection that has raised them above the inhabitants of other parts of the world.
Strona 320 - English, to go on as usual, and dismissed us with a present of two pieces of silk to each, as a mark of his friendly disposition. The other Nations, one after another, sent away their Boats, under protection of a Chinese flag, and pursued their Business as before. The English were obliged to submit - the Gunner was given up Mr Smith was released - and the English, after being forced to ask pardon of the Magistracy of Canton, in presence of the other Nations, had their Commerce restored. On this occasion,...