The Gallery of Engravings, Tom 2George Newenham Wright, Charles Henry Timperley Fisher son & Company, 1845 |
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The Gallery of Engravings, Tom 2 George Newenham Wright,Charles Henry Timperley Podgląd niedostępny - 1845 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
Adam Clark admiration adorned Allom ambarry amongst ancient appears arches architecture beauty beneath BERNARD BARTON blessed Bocca Tigris bright British building Castle celebrated character Chinese Chinese language Christian church colour daughter death Dhoon Duke Duke of Kent edifice England Engraved entrance erected fair favour feet flowers formed Fowell Buxton front FURNESS ABBEY gold heart height Hindoo holy honour hour Howth Hurdwar HYDERABAD India interest islands Kate of Kensington Katherine Airlie king Kinross Kinross House labours lady lake Landour Loch-Leven lofty Lord Harrowby Louis Philippe Love's early dream Madeline mind Molyneux mountains Mussooree native never Nismes noble o'er object ornamented Painted palace parliament picturesque princes Queen residence rich richly river royal Runjeet Samuel Drew scene seat shore side Sorrento spirit splendid stone sweet Teignmouth temple thee thine thou throne tomb tower town trees venerable walls waters
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 101 - How soft the music of those village bells,' Falling at intervals upon the ear In cadence sweet ! now dying all away, Now pealing loud again, and louder still, Clear and sonorous, as the gale comes on ! With easy force it opens all the cells Where Memory slept.
Strona 106 - That the state of slavery is repugnant to the principles of the British constitution and of the Christian religion, and that it ought to be gradually abolished throughout the British colonies with as much expedition as may be found consistent with a due regard to the well-being of the parties concerned.
Strona 106 - That this House is anxious for the accomplishment of this purpose, at the earliest period that shall be compatible with the well-being of the slaves themselves, with the safety of the colonies, and with a fair and equitable consideration of the interests of private property.
Strona 40 - OH ! haste and leave this sacred isle, " Unholy bark, ere morning smile ; " For on thy deck, though dark it be, " A female form I see ; " And I have sworn this sainted sod " Shall ne'er by woman's feet be trod.
Strona 58 - ... Chinese. Out of Chinese I have translated part of the four books of Kung-fu-tsi. I have had a great number of official papers to translate for the Company since I have filled the office of Chinese Translator. I have none yet, who, from amongst the heathen, are turned from Satan to God. Pray that the Holy Spirit may effect this great change on the hearts of many. Continue to write to me, and believe me most affectionately yours in the faith of our Lord Jesus, and in the hope of eternal life through...
Strona 16 - Must stand acknowledged, while the world shall stand, The most important and effectual guard, Support and ornament of Virtue's cause. There stands the messenger of truth: there stands The legate of the skies! — His theme divine, His office sacred, his credentials clear. By him the violated law speaks out Its thunders ; and by him, in strains as sweet As angels use, the gospel whispers peace.
Strona 82 - Every mesne lord and free homager, as well as the customary tenants, took an oath of fealty to the abbot, to be true to him against all men, excepting the king. Every mesne lord obeyed the summons of the abbot, or his steward, in raising his quota of armed men, and every tenant of a whole tenement furnished a man and a horse of war for guarding the coast, for the border-service, or any expedition against the common enemy of the king and kingdom.
Strona 40 - ... came, and knocked, they instantly let them in, at any hour of the night ; and ran quickly to the Galilee bell, and tolled it, that whosoever heard it might know that some had taken sanctuary. When the prior had notice thereof, he sent orders...
Strona 82 - ... nightshade,' that plant being abundantly found in the neighbourhood. Its romantic gloom, and sequestered privacy, particularly adapted it to the austerities of monastic life ; and in the most retired part of it, King Stephen, while Earl of Mortaign and Bulloign, founded, in the year...
Strona 40 - ... rest. This alarmed the monks, one of whom went to the king, and informed him, that St. Cuthbert had a mortal aversion to the presence of a woman. Unwilling to give any offence to the church, Edward immediately ordered the queen to arise...