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ving sunk so low as 16. The Kennet and Avon Canal, near the city, soon became frozen over, and on that day several skaiters ventured on the surface of the basin; and, we are sorry to state, that three lives were unhappily sacrificed to this temerity. A son of General Sir W.Cunningham, a young gentleman who had just finished his education, and was on the point of accepting a desirable situation in the East India service; a son of Dr Briggs, of Worcester, who was on a visit at Sir William's; and Felix Mogg (an apprentice of Mr Harrison, of Unionpassage), son of. Mogg, Esq. of Wincanton. The youngest of the three, Master Briggs, fell in first, and his companion, in endeavouring to rescue him, shared the same fate. Anxious to render assistance to the unfortunate young gentlemen, the third youth hastened to the fatal spot-the fragile substance again gave way, and he also sunk, never again to rise alive!-Thus have three families been plunged into the deepest affliction by this deplorable accident.


Surrey Assize Court, Jamaica, Thursday, Sept. 16, 1813.-TRIAL OF J.M.LANDGRAFF FOR MURDer.— The prisoner, John Landgraff, was arraigned on an indictment for shooting, on the morning of the 26th of June, Serjeant Patrick Coady, of the 6th battalion 60th foot, in the barracks of Port Antonio. By the direction of the learned judge, the prisoner pleaded Not Guilty. Lieutenant Goldsmith, Corporal Paterson, and a female negro, were the principal witnesses. They deposed, that the prisoner and Serjeant Coady were in a room together: that the latter was cleaning his accoutrements, and talking at the same time to the girl, when the prisoner walked deliberately towards him, put the muzzle of the musket to his back, and shot him dead. So far as they had noticed, there had been no quarrel nor any an

gry words passed between the parties. The prisoner did not deny having committed the deed, but calmly said, when taken into custody, "I am the man who shot him.-I had no other means to preserve my life."-They examined the musket, and found it wet and warm, as if recently discharged.

Dr Walker, surgeon to the 60th, deposed, that he had examined the wound, and had no doubt that it was the cause of Coady's death.

The prisoner, when called on for his defence, requested permission to read a paper which he held in his hand.— In substance it was to the following ef fect:

"That he was by birth a Dane; but that he had been many years in his Britannic Majesty's service. That he had a sincere regard for the deceased, with whom he had of unreserved intimacy and friendship. for nearly a twelvemonth lived in habits They had never quarrelled, never disputed, and their mutual attachment, instead of experiencing any diminution, seemed every day to increase, and to resolve itself into a most brotherly affection. Unfortunately, about three weeks ago, his nocturnal slumbers began to be disturbed by visions and dreams. The former represented that a great danger impended over him, and in the latter it was clearly shown that it would spring from one that was dearest to him. He regarded neither, but he was still troubled by them. He took the resolution to unbosom himself to Coady, who, after hearing all he had to say, treated the subject very lightly. A few nights after, he was warned by the same vision, that the danger approximated; that it threatened his existence, not only in this world, but his salvation in the world to come; and that it could be averted only by great resolution. His fears became roused. He supplicated to be informed in what manner he should act. He was given to understand, that that would be revealed hereafter in dreams. Accordingly he did not cease to be favoured with them, and learned that his dangers sprung from Coady. His mind became He brooded over the necessity of putting in consequence steeled against his friend, him to death, that he might not lose his

hopes of eternal salvation, which his sense of religion rendered peculiarly dreadful and afflicting to his mind. He at length determined on sacrificing his friend. On the morning of the 26th of June, he rose with that dreadful purpose labouring in his breast. He loaded his musket, and came unawares behind Coady and shot him, The jury found him guilty. As there were no other proofs of insanity, he was executed,

AGRICULTURAL REPORTS. ENGLAND.--The weather during this month has been highly favourable for the young wheats: the early-sown have put forth a strong plant, forming a verdant mat to protect the tender fibres from the winter's frost. The latter sown breadths have scarcely made their appearance above the surface of the soil; and, from the dirty way in which the seed was put into the earth, in consequence of the extreme wet weather, but little can be said of that The crop which does not appear. wheat of last harvest yields most abundantly to the acre, and the quality is fine.

Barleys have come freely to the market since the cattle have returned to the straw-yard. Threshing-machines, in some districts, are getting into disrepute, on account of their not threshing barley with the same facility they do sheaf-corn, and from the large quantity of corn they throw out with the


Oats and peas are very productive, and of fine quality.

All the soiling crops look well; and the whole of the brassica tribe, from the late growing weather, are of large size and fine quality.

Ditching and draining have been the principal out-door work of the last month, in consequence of the short duration of the frost. The fall in the price of corn has not much impeded the efforts of the farmer in this im

[blocks in formation]

SCOTLAND. The ploughing in sundry instances commenced about the beginning of the month, and some progress was made upon wettish ground, for a crop of oats, and also upon land intended for turnips and potatoes next season. The rain, however, the snow, and the frost, that followed each other in quick sucsession, soon suspended these operations, and the husbandmen had leisure to attend to the disposal of their cattle. There are a very full stock of cattle in the country, many of which, on account of the high price of butcher meat, are stalled, to be fattened; and, as the turnip crops are abundant, this will be easily effected. Cheese and butter are also still in request, and the prices high. But now, that grain has fallen so much, the dearth of any thing that borders upon luxury ought not to occasion either murmuring or discontent.

By the serene mild weather in summer and autumn, the sheep in the hill part of the district are said to be in excellent condition. They are generally smeared with a compound of tar, and the oil of butter, in the month of November, which occasions much hurry and bustle among the store-masters and their herdsmen. Much emulation and professional dexterity are displayed in the business.

It consists in making

an opening, or shed in the wool from the head to the heel, without too much rufling or hurting the beast, and then in spreading the ointment or tar equally in alternate sheds all around. The rise in the value of the store-masters stock, which has taken place without any exertion of their own enables them

to vie in opulence and stile with th most active corn-farmer.

FASHIONS.--Promenade or Carriage Costume.-This dress, when divested of the spencer, or jacket, exhibits the evening or opera costume, which consists of a round robe of marone or crimson-coloured Merino kerseymere, or queen's cloth, ornamented round the bottom and up the front with a fancy gold embroidered border. The bodice is composed of satin, or velvet, of the same colour, trimmed round the bottom and sleeves with gold braid and narrow swans-down; the front of the bodice richly ornamented with gold and pearl buttons. A gold band and pearl or diamond clasp confine the bottom of the waist, with a gold frog pending on each side, inclining towards the back of the figure. The robe is laced behind with gold cord. Hair disposed in dishevelled curls, falling on the left side, and decorated with clusters of variegated autumnal flowers. Necklace composed of a treble row of pearl, white cornelian, or the satin bead, confined in front with a diamond clasp. Ear-rings and bracelets to correspond. Slippers of crimson velvet, ornamented with gold fringe and rosettes. White kid gloves, below the elbow, Fan of richly frosted silver crape.

The great convenience and novel attraction of this dress consist in its admitting of a spencer of the same material as the robe, which is richly ornamented, a la militaire, with gold braid and netting buttons, forming a sort of epaulette on the shoulders. The spen cer is embroidered up the seams of the back, on the shoulders and cuffs, to correspond with the bottom of the

robe. This spencer, when worn over the evening dress, affords at once both comfort and utility; and, with the addition of a straw or velvet hat, ornamented with feathers, and half boots or Roman shoes, constitute a most attractive and appropriate carriage or promenade costume.

The Walking Costume.-High dresses of cloth, with a cloak to correspond, are at present in high estimation. A small turned-up cloth hat, simply ornamented with a satin ribband to correspond in colour with the cloth, and put on over a lace cap, which is ornamented with a full puffing in front, is worn with a mantle.

The Kutusoff mantle is the decided favourite of our most elegant belles; it is made in general of pink, scarlet, or ruby cloth.-Princess Mary's hat is most generally worn with this mantilla, and is either pink or white satin.

Morning dresses are now more general in cloth than in any thing else.

For dinner dresses, velvet cloth, and twilled sarsnet frocks, are universal; waists are, as in half dress, very short, and the sleeves of dinner dresses are also worn much shorter than they


In full dress, white satin or velvet is universal.-The most elegant that we have seen was one composed of purple velvet: it was a frock; the body and sleeves were slashed with white satin, and the edge of each slash ornamented with a very light, narrow, and beautiful silver fringe. White satin frocks, richly embroidered, either in silver or coloured silks, are much in favour; as are also draperies composed of either white lace or crape embroidered to correspond,


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