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to foresee, that by the occupation of the fortresses, Buonaparte would be come in effect master of that country, and might avail himself of it as an advanced post in his future hostilities against Russia. He was not only enabled to exhaust it by grievous exactions, under the name of military contributions, but to ruin its finances by that deceitful and ingenious mode of impoverishing his neighbours, which he termed the continental system. In this wretched situation was Prussia placed, when Buonaparte's plans against Russia began to be devoloped. Unable to stand alone, her circumstances did not allow of neutrality; and she was unwillingly dragged along as a vassal in the train of the ruler of the French nation. But even if she had not suffered severe oppression in time of peace, she was at once plundered, trampled on, and insulted, during the war. Buonaparte acted over the kingdom of Prussia the sovereign, or rather the conqueror, without ceremony or restraint. He seized on Pillau and Spandau by a sort of military surprise; he kept possession of Glogau and Custrin, in express opposition to treaties: he subsisted his garrisons in those places by levying contributions for ten leagues around; he seized no less than 30,000 horses, and 20,000 carriages; together with every other article of which his commissariat happened to stand in need; and he even sent orders to General Bulow to join Victor's corps without consulting the King of Prussia on the subject. These, and many other equally serious grounds of complaint, were distinctly recapitulated by Count Krusemarck in his official communication to the French government.

The Duke of Bassano, in reply, began by a sarcastic allusion to the versatile politics of the Prussian cabinet since 1792, as if France, since that pe

riod, had not exhibited more numerous instances of fickleness and falsehood than any other power. He stated that it was against Buonaparte's feelings to declare war merely for political convenience! He would have made Prussia a mediator between France and Russia; "and would have consented to aggrandize for the interest of his system, and for the peace and repose of the world, which formed his sole view, a power, whose sincerity had been put to the proof." Buonaparte would have aggrandized Prussia!" made her act a fine part," and manifest decided sentiments; "but," said the Duke of Bassano, "he did not suspect the du plicity of a power which had solicited the honour of an alliance with France."

While the diplomatic arrangements were concluded between Russia and Prussia, the commanders of the French armies in vain attempted to make a stand at Berlin. The inhabitants manifested a spirit no less formidable to them than that of the army; and the French themselves confessed, that the Russian light troops which approach. ed Berlin, were conducted and reinforced by the young men of that capital; several of whom were killed in the skirmishes which took place in the suburbs.

Very different from the conduct of the King of Prussia was that of the misguided sovereign of Saxony. The approach of the allied armies alarmed him, and he determined to quit Dres den, and to cling to the interests of the common enemy. Before abandoning his capital, he issued a proclamation recommending a peaceable demeanour to his subjects. He told them, at the same time, that the political system to which he had for the last six years attached himself, was that to which the state had been indebted for its preservation amid the most imminent dangers. This was strange lan

guage, when his adherence to this very political system now compelled him to abandon his capital.

General Blucher, however, took a different view of the interests of Saxo ny, and addressed from Bruntzlau, a proclamation to the people, stating that he entered their territory to offer them his powerful assistance, and calling on them to raise the standard of insurrection against their oppressors. His language on this occasion was singular and characteristic:-"In the north of Europe," he said, "the Lord of Hosts has held a dreadful court of justice, and the angel of death has cut off 300,000 of those strangers by the sword, famine, and cold, from that earth which they, in the insolence of their prosperity, would have brought under the yoke. We march wherever the finger of the Lord directs us, to fight for the security of the ancient thrones and our national independence. With us comes a valiant people, who have boldly driven back oppression, and with a high feeling have promised liberty to the subjugated nations. We announce to you the morning of a new day. The time for shaking off a detestable yoke, which, during the last six years, dreadfully crushed us down, has at length arrived. A new war unluckily commenced, and still more unhappily concluded, forced upon us the peace of Tilsit; but even of the severest articles of that treaty, not one has been kept with us. Every following treaty increased the hard conditions of the preceding one. For this reason we have thrown off the shameful yoke, and advance to the heart-cheering combat for our liberty. Saxons! ye are a noble minded people! you know, that without independence all the good things of this life are to noble minds of little value, that subjection is the greatest disgrace. You neither can nor will bear slavery any longer. You will not permit a cunning and deceitful sys


tem of policy to carry its ambitious and depraved views into effect, to demand the blood of your sons, dry up the springs of your commerce, depress your industry, destroy the liberty of your press, and turn your once happy country into the theatre of war. Already has the Vandalism of the oppressive foreigner wantonly destroyed your most beautiful monument of architecture, the bridge of Dresden. Rise! join us: raise the standard of insurrection against foreign oppressors, and be. free. Your sovereign is in the power of foreigners, deprived of the freedom of determination, deploring the steps which a treacherous policy forced him to take. We shall no more attribute them to him than cause you to suffer for them. We only take the provinces of your country under our care, when fortune, the superiority of our arms, and the valour of our troops, may place them in our power. Supply the reasonable wants of our warriors, and in return expect from us the strictest discipline. Every application to me, the Prussian General, may be freely made by all oppressed persons. I will hear complaints, examine every charge, and severely punish every violation of discipline. Every one, even the very meanest, may with confidence approach me, I will receive him with kindness. The friend of German independence will, by us, be considered as our brother: the weak-minded wanderer we will lead with tenderness into the right road; but the dishonourable, despicable tool of foreign tyranny, I will pursue to the utmost rigour as an enemy to our common country.'

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Prussia now became one great camp; the supple instruments of French tyranny were banished from the cabinet, and the generals known by their resolute opposition to French influence, were invested with new and effectual powers. The whole country between the Elbe and the Oder was divided in

to four military districts, under the command of L'Estocq, Tauenzien, Massenbach, and Gotzen; the militia was called out; the levy-en-masse was ordered; volunteers enrolled them. selves on all sides; no less than 20,000 of the militia were collected at Koningsberg; and the national enthusiasm was universally directed to one great object.

The King of Prussia, on the 20th of March, 1813, published an edict, abolishing the continental system, and regulating the duties to be collected in future on goods imported into Prussia. All French goods were prohibited under severe penalties.

The French troops having quitted Berlin, the Russian General, Tchernicheff, arrived in that city amid a great concourse of people :-the Russian troops were received with kindness and hospitality. On the 11th of March, Count Wittgenstein made his public entry into the capital, and was received with the greatest enthusiasm.

The torrent from the north rolled on; the barriers of the Vistula and the Oder proved inefficacious to stem it. The accession of Prussia and Sweden, and the great armaments which were preparing in the north of Germany, swelled the single power of Russia into a formidable confederacy. The fidelity of all the foreign troops in the French service was suspected by Buo.

naparte; and it appeared that they would embrace the first opportunity of deserting. In these circumstances he thought it necessary to make an addition, even to the immense preparations which he had already contemplated.Ninety thousand men of the conscription of 1814, who had been originally destined for the reserve, were now rendered disposable; and ninety thousand more were raised by a sort of retrospective conscription. The cities and municipalities were invited to equip new corps of cavalry, to replace that part of the army which had entirely perished during the Russian campaign. Buonaparte, however, was aware that he could not at once lead these raw levies against the enemy;-every resource, therefore, which experience and ingenuity could suggest, was exhausted to confer on them that discipline in which they were deficient. Officers were procured either by drafts from Spain, or by selecting the subalterns of the regiments which had escaped from Russia. A large camp was formed upon the Maine, where the preparation of the young soldiers for the field, could be carried on without danger of interruption from the approach of the enemy.-The immense armies which Buonaparte was accumulating proved the unequalled vigour of his despotism, and the great resources of his empire.


Progress of the War.-Buonaparte takes the Command of the French Armies.Battle of Lutzen.-Battle of Bantzen, and Retreat of the Allies.-The combined Armies retire, and Buonaparte enters Dresden.

As the allied sovereigns were fully persuaded that their chance of success, in the great enterprize which they had undertaken, must depend upon the soundness of their principles, no less than upon the numbers and valour of their armies, they hastened to announce the maxims of policy by which they were guided.

Prince Kutousoff, the commanderin-chief of the Russian and Prussian armies, accordingly published an ad. dress to Germany in the names of the Emperor of Russia and King of Prussia. In this address, the two monarchs gave a solemn pledge of their intentions. They desired to re-establish Germany in her rights and independence. They would not tolerate that badge of a foreign yoke, the confederation of the Rhine. They declared that they had no intention of disturb ing France, nor of forcing with their armies her rightful frontiers. They desired that she might occupy herself in her own concerns, and not disturb the repose of other nations. They were anxious for peace, but for such a peace as should be founded upon a solid basis; and they concluded with announcing their determination not to

lay down their arms, until the foundations of the independence of every European state should have been established and secured,

The unprosperous state to which the affairs of the French were reduced, had, as it was natural to expect, a great influence on the policy of their allies. Even Denmark now expressed a disposition to join the great confederacy of Europe; she proposed, however, the most extravagant terms. She sent an ambassador to London, who tendered to England the benefit of a Danish alliance, on the following conditions:-1st, That all the territories of Denmark (Norway of course included) should be guaranteed to her. 2d, That all her islands should be restored. 3d, That her fleet should be given up, and a large indemnity allowed for its capture. A considerable sum was also demanded, as a compensation for what the Danes had suffered during the occupation of Zealand by the British. 4th, That the Hanse towns should be as. signed to her. 5th, That a subsidy should be granted to pay the troops necessary to enable her to take possession of these towns. And upon the accession of the British govern

ment to these reasonable terms, Denmark would make peace, and join the common cause. Such demands, of course, could not require a moment's deliberation, and the Danish minister took his departure.-England was the last of the allied powers tried by Denmark. She began at Petersburgh under French influence, and there she failed; she continued negotiations at Copenhagen under the same influence, and again she failed; she then turned her attention towards London, where there could be no such influence, and there she failed also. But although her attempts at negotiation had no success, the momentary change which was thus produced upon her policy, had considerable influence on the affairs of Hamburgh, which about this time excited great interest in England.

The grand French army (including the division of General Grenier, amounting to 20,000 men, which in the beginning of January had hastened from Italy to the north) had been reduced by many severe engagements with the cossacks to about 18,000 men, and had quitted Berlin to lay the basis of future operations in a more solid manner behind the Elbe. General Morand, in the meantime, who had kept possession of Swedish Pomerania with about 2500 men, and had been instructed to maintain himself there at all events, put himself in march to fol. low the grand army, whose left wing was formed by the army of Pomerania under his command. Baron Tetten borne, colonel-commandant of a corps of General Wittgenstein's division of the army, marched at the same time in the direction of Hamburgh; his vanguard was at Limburg, when Morand, on the 15th of March, entered Mollen. As some parties of cossacks had been detached in front, and were approaching Mollen, the army of Pomerania balted, and after

wards marched to Bergedorf. General Morand then attempted to march from Bergedorf to Hamburgh, but was prevented by the Danish troops, 3000 of whom, with a numerous artillery, were stationed on the borders to maintain their neutrality.

Colonel Hamilton, the governor of Heligoland, was induced by the success of the Russian arms, and the favourable reports from different parts of the Hanoverian coast, to take every step which an inconsiderable force at his disposal would admit of, to promote the common cause, and to assist the operations of the allied armies in this direction. Lieutenant Banks accordingly proceeded to Cuxhaven, whence the French had departed with great expedition, after destroying all their gun-boats, and dismounting the guns from the strong works constructed for the defence of the harbour. On a summons from Lieutenant Banks, the castle of Ritzenbuttle, and batteries of Cuxhaven, were surrendered by the burghers, and the British and Hamburgh flags were immediately displayed. The peasants assembled in considerable numbers, and took the strong battery and works at Bremerlee. A corps of about 1500 French ha ving been collected in the vicinity, threatened to retake the battery, and application was made to Major Kentzinger, at Cuxhaven, for assistance. This officer having left Cuxhaven with a party of the soldiers in waggons, was met by the peasants, who informed him that the enemy had marched off in great haste, in consequence of the landing of some British troops.

Tettenborne, after this, entered Hamburgh, amid the acclamations of the citizens. In consequence of this happy event the ancient government was restored.--Colonel Tettenborne addressed the inhabitants of the left bank of the Lower Elbe, and the inhabitants of the city of Lubec, ex

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