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ny generals and commanders. In fine, after numerous bloody combats, whole regiments imploring the magnanimity of their conquerors, have laid down their arms. The rest, composing a number equally great, pursued in their precipitate flight by our victorious troops, overtaken by cold and hunger, have strewed the road from Moscow to the frontiers of Russia, with carcasses, cannons, waggons, and baggage, so that, of those numerous forces, a very inconsiderable part, exhausted, and without arms, can, with difficulty, and almost lifeless, return to their homes, to serve as a terrible example to their countrymen, of the dreadful sufferings which must overtake those rash men who dare to carry their hos tile designs into the bosom of Russia; -To-day we inform our well-beloved and faithful subjects, with a lively joy and grateful acknowledgments towards God, that the reality has surpassed even our hopes; and that what we announced at the commencement of this war, is accomplished beyond all expectation. There is no longer a single enemy in our territories, or rather, there they all remain; but in what state? Dead, wounded, and prisoners. Even their chief himself has, with the utmost difficulty, escaped with his principal officers, leaving his army dispersed, and abandoning his cannon, of which there are more than 1000 pieces, exclusive of those buried or thrown into the water, which have been recovered, and are now in our hands.-This scene of destruction surpasses all belief. We almost imagine that our eyes deceive us. Who has been able to effect this? Without derogating from the merited glory of the commanderin-chief of our armies, this distinguished general who has rendered to his country services for ever memorable, and without detracting from the merits of other valiant and able command

ers, who have distinguished themselves by their zeal and ardour, nor from the general bravery of their troops, we must confess, that what they have accomplished surpasses all human power.

Acknowledge, then, Divine Providence in this wonderful event. Let us prostrate ourselves before his sacred throne, and acknowledging his divine hand chastening pride and impiety, instead of boasting and glorying in our victories, let us learn from this great and terrible example to be modest and peaceable executors of his law and his will: let us never resemble those impious profanators of the temples of God, whose carcasses, without number, now serve as food for the fowls of the air. God is mighty in his kindness and in his anger. Let us be guided by justice in our actions, and purity in our sentiments, as the only path which leads to him. Let us proceed to the temple of his sanctity, and there return him thanks for the benefits which he has bestowed upon us; and address to him our ardent supplications that he will extend to us his pardon,-put an end to the war, and grant us victory on victory, until peace and tranquillity be firmly re-established."

The invitations of Russia to induce her neighbours to declare against the common enemy, were not unavailing. The whole Prussian force, joined to about 6000 French, under Macdonald, had been employed in the blockade of Riga; and the Russian army, in advancing to the Niemen, came upon the rear of this corps. Macdonald, by retreating with the utmost expedition, succeeded in extricating himself; but D'York, the Prussian commander, felt no disposition to make such extraor dinary efforts. He withdrew his whole force from the French army, and concluded a convention with the Russians, by which the Prussian troops

were to remain neutral in Eastern Prus sia. The orders which he sent to the Prussian general, Massenbasch, who remained with Macdonald at Tilsit, with two batteries six battalions and six squadrons of Prussian troops, to leave the French and join him were obeyed. "Massenbasch set off on the 31st ult." said Macdonald," without my orders, to repass the Niemen. He thus aban dons us before the enemy." Macdonald had taken some steps to detain the Prussian general and disarm his troops; but the Prussian was aware of his intentions, and began his march without delay. Macdonald could not prevent or pursue him. And thus, nearly the whole of the 10th corps, the only one which had not greatly suffered in the last campaign, was detached from the enemy's service, and might in fact be considered as part of the force destined to act against France.

General D'York, in a letter to Mac. donald, offered some explanation of his conduct, and remarked, that " after many painful marches it was not possible for him to continue them with out being attacked on his flanks and rear; it was this that retarded his junction, and left him to choose between the alternative of losing the greater part of his troops, and the materiel, which alone insured his subsistence, or saving the whole."-But other and nobler motives impelled him. He wished to set an example to the other powers whom Buonaparte kept in subjection, to invite them to withdraw from sla very, and to break their fetters upon the heads of their oppressors. He wished to teach a lesson to the Germans-to sound the alarm-to rekin dle their ancient love of independence, and to arm them against a tyranny which had drained their resources, drenched their fields with blood, and carried calamity and ruin into every

family. He spoke the language of a man who knew that he had acted well

he was indifferent," he said, "about the judgement which the world might pass on his conduct." Yet Buonaparte, whose principal weapon was treachery, pretended to be astonished!-He called upon all sovereigns to unite their voices against such deeds, and to combine their power to prevent a recurrence of them. This defection struck him deep; for he foresaw and feared its effects. "The Prussian people," he said, "will judge, and all the nations of the north will judge with them, of what misfortunes such a crime' might be the source."-The correspondence between General D'York and Marshal Macdonald was laid before the French senate, and immediately followed up by a report announcing this disaster as the motive which induced Buonaparte to issue a senatus consultum for calling out 350,000 men.Throughout the whole of this report England stood prominent; she had been the cause of the Russian war, and of the desertion of the Prussian army.-Some, and no inconsiderable merit, indeed, she might fairly claim, for it was her constancy which set an example to all Europe-it was her arms and councils which stimulated and suported Spain and Portugal-it was her greatness, resources, and love of freedom, which first placed a barrier against the tyranny of France.

Macdonald, thus left with an army of 5000, attempted to effect a speedy junction with some troops from Koningsberg, who with that view came out to meet him. They were compelled, however, to fall back by General Steingel, whom Wittgenstein had dispatched to frustrate this part of the French plan, while he himself closely pursued Macdonald. Tchichagoff, who had also reached the Pregel, advanced along the course of the river, preceded

by Platoff with his cossacks, through Gumbinnen and Insterburg towards Koningsberg. General Schepeleff, who commanded Wittgenstein's van guard, reached that fortress by the way of Labau, where the French had taken an advantageous position, and attempted to make a stand. On the 4th of January, a battle took place which continued till noon, when the enemy being driven from his position, retreated towards Koningsberg.

On the 6th of January, Konings berg, the ancient capital of Prussia, was occupied by Count Wittgenstein's advanced guard, under the orders of Major-General Schepeleff.-Marshal Macdonald had ordered the town to be occupied by a corps d'armée, composed of the old French guards, and some troops who had escaped the general wreck of the enemy's grand army. But on the approach of the advan ced guard of the Russians, the enemy, without halting, passed by Koningsberg, and abandoned it to Major-General Schepeleff, who entered it without resistance. The French fled in confusion towards the Vistula.-There were taken in Koningsberg, 1300 prisoners, besides 8000 sick, and 30 pieces of the battering-train from before Riga -Count Wittgenstein arrived at Koningsberg on the 7th. On the 9th he followed the army, which continued to drive the remains of the French towards the Vistula. On the 12th, Admiral Tchichagoff and Count Platoff took possession of the fortresses of Marienwerder, Marienburg, and Elbing; and on the following days having crossed the Vistual and the Nogat, a branch of the same river, they pursued the French in different directions on the roads to Dantzic, Stutgard, and Grandenz.

When the Russians entered Marienwerder, the viceroy of Italy and Marshal Victor were scarcely able to es

cape from the cossacks. General La Pierre, four inferior officers, 200 men, and a courier sent by Napoleon to the Prince of Neufchatel with dispatches, were made prisoners. On the road to Nuenburg, Lieutenant-Colonel Adrianoff, while pursuing the enemy, met a squadron of Baden troops, and destroyed it. Another corps attempted to make a stand at the têtedu-pont at Derschoff, about four German miles from Dantzic; a sanguinary affair took place, but the enemy were compelled to abandon their post, and to retire upon Dantzic, pursued by the Russians.

While these operations were carried on in the neighbourhood of the Baltic, some advances were made against the Saxons and Austrians, beyond Warsaw. General Sacken from Ruzana, advanced against Regnier, who commanded the Saxons, and General Wasillchikoff, from Grodno, against Schwartzenburg and the Austrians. Sacken, on the 25th of December, took possession of the town of Brescry Litoff, and proceeded thence along the Bug to Grannym. Wasillchikoff, having been joined by four regiments of don-cossacks, pursued Schwartzenburg along the course of the Narew; the Austrian general dividing his corps into three columns gradually approximated to Warsaw, by the way of Ostrolenka and Polotzk.

The Prussians every where received the Russian troops in a friendly manner, and supplied them willingly with provisions. In return for their good conduct, the most rigorous discipline was observed to the great satisfaction of the inhabitants. The retreat of the French armies through the kingdom of Prussia was, like that from Moscow, marked by devastation; and by the abandonment of their magazines, tumbrils, and stores of all de

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scriptions. Some idea may be formed of the misfortunes of this retreat, by consulting two returns which were intercepted of the 4th French voltigeurs, and 6th tirailleurs. The former regiment, when it left Smolensk, consisted of 32 officers and 427 privates, of whom there remained under arms on the 16th December, only 10 officers and 29 privates; the latter, composed of 31 officers and 300 privates, mustered on the 31st of December only 14 officers and 10 privates.

The Emperor of Russia proceeded in the night of the 7th January from Wilna, to join the division of his guards; and the head-quarters of the whole Russian army were at Merez on the 10th. On the 13th they were removed to Ratschky; and the emperor crossed the Niemen on that day, amid the ac clamations of his troops. He continued to march with a division of his army, in a western direction, through Berjuiki, Krasnoplo, and Subalki, to Lique, where he established his head quarters on the 19th. Generals Miloradovitch and Dochtoroff, with the troops who crossed the frontier at Grodno, moved in a line parallel to that of the emperor's march on the left. Intermediate corps were directed to keep up the communication between each of the columns.

The situation of Prussia about this time was very singular. The capital was in the hands of a French garrison; but the inhabitants favoured the Russians, and flattered themselves that the king, with the troops he was collecting in Silesia, would declare against their oppressors. What were the real intentions of the king, or whether he had yet come to a decision, it seem ed difficult to discover. Throughout the month of January, Berlin exhibited daily scenes of tumult and disorder, the populace having risen against the French, whom they succeeded in con

fining to their barracks. A regency had been established in the name of the king, at Koningsberg, of which the ex-minister Stein, who had been an object of French persecution, was the president. This regency had issued a proclamation, calling on the loyal and patriotic inhabitants of Prussia to come forward and rescue their king and country from French thraldom; nor was the call in vain. The young men were eagerly running to arms, and joining their brethren under the command of General D'York, who had been nominated, by the regency, commander-in-chief of the patriotic army.

The rapid advance of the Russians, and the wide extent of country over which they were now scattered, proved that they were supported by a general insurrection. Had the spirit of the people been different, the conduct of the Russians would have been inconsistent with the most obvious rules of prudence. Instead of the line of the Vistula, or the entrenched camp in front of the Oder, which Buonaparte had lately acknowledged as the limit of his defensive operations, his expectations were now confined to the army of observation of the Rhine.

The head quarters of the Russian army, which were on the 19th at Lique, had been moved forward by the 26th nearly 120 miles, to Willenberg, in a direction to the westward of the Warsaw road. The Russians had thus got into the rear of the Austrian position at Pultusk. Previously to this, General Miloradovitch, supported by Winzingerode, had advanced as far as Prasnitz, the Austrians gradually retiring before him, and successively abandoning Smadovo, Novogrodck, and Ostrolenka, on the river Naren. Regnier retired to Posen; Count Worranzoff had advanced to Bromberg, and made himself master of the large magazines collected there by the enc

my, to cover which, and to observe Thorn, General Tchichagoff approach

ed the latter fortress.

The arrangements of the Russian cabinet, no less than the movements of the armies, indicated the most resolute hostility to the French system. Count Restopchin, the virtuous governor of Moscow, was appointed minister of the interior of Russia, and the exPrussian minister Stein, whose enmity to Buonaparte had called forth a furious tirade against him, was made a Russian cabinet minister; Kutusoff, Wittgenstein, and their brother generals, had the most distinguished honours conferred upon them. These brave men had saved their country; and the Emperor Alexander shewed by the most magnificent rewards every disposition to recompence their exertions against the common enemy.

A singular event occurred in the course of the month of January; Murat gave up the command of the French army to Eugene Beauharnois from indisposition, it was pretended, but, as every one believed, from disgust. Buonaparte, in announcing this event, took care to state, that Beauharnois was ❝ more accustomed to a grand administration," and possessed" the entire confidence of the emperor." If this had been true, how did it happen that, at the moment of the greatest difficulty and peril, when Buonaparte abandoned his army, he selected Murat as the most proper person to command it? This general was then thought perfectly competent to a "grand administration."--Beauharnois, however, was now deemed superior, although it was difficult to discover that he had ever distinguished himself in such a way as to deserve this eulogy. Had Murat been really indisposed, and had the state of his health been the sole cause of his retiring from the command, Buonaparte would hardly have accompanied the notification of this event

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with such praise of Beauharnois, as could not fail to hurt the feelings of Murat. But the consequences of the Russian campaign were every way so disastrous to the French, that the soldiers were rendered suspicious of their officers, the generals became dissatisfied with each other, and all of them lost their regard for Buonaparte.

The accounts given at this time in the French official paper of the state of the armies, were very singular. The Moniteur now spoke chiefly of the new troops proceeding to the north. Thorn, however, it affirmed, was occupied by 6000 men ; 6000 Prussians were at Graudentz; Davoust commanded a corps of observation upon Bomberg; Victor_and Macdonald were at Posen; and Lauriston was to command a corps of observation at Magdeburgh. Another corps was also to be established on the Rhine, and an army of observation in Italy, under the command of General Bertrand. From this statement it was manifest that Buonaparte expected the next campaign to commence under very different auspices from the last, -in the heart of Germany, instead of the frontiers of Russia.-The Moniteur, however, attempted to sustain the spirits of the people of France and Germany-" We are authorised to make this exposé to tranquillize the good citizens of France and Germany." Thus it appeared that there was much discontent produced, in all probability, by the efforts of the British government to inform the people of the true state of affairs.

It became necessary in these circumstances, that Buonaparte should do something to tranquillize, or at least to occupy, the public mind and support his tottering power. The pope accordingly was once more brought on the public scene. After his expulsion from Rome, he had been sent to a town on the shores of the Adriatic; thence to

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