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WE attended the anniversary sessions of the Bible Union at New York on the 25th, 26th, and again on Monday the 28th October. We have rarely, if ever, witnessed a more grave, impartial and solemn investigation, than that of this committee. Its decision, we are happy to learn, has given very general satisfaction, and has placed the Bible Union in such an attitude as to command the respect and even the admiration of all candid and impartial men.

For our own part, we must express not merely our entire satisfaction with the management of its officers, but our admiration of the talent, fidelity, and discretion, with which the affairs have been conducted, through all the crises and difficulties which it has had

to encounter. The capacity, energy, and straightforwardness of its Secretary, I have seldom seen equaled— never surpassed.

We can, therefore, advisedly say to all its friends and patrons, be not in the least discouraged. It is the greatest enterprise of the age; one that involves more of the destiny of the church, than any movement, within or without it, since the revised version of King James.

It is not to be hurried to its consummation. The work must pass through the strictest ordeal, that when consummated, it may be fully equal to all the facilities and means afforded, and to the learning and to the resources of the living age.

A. C.



This brother is visiting his native country for the purpose of personally preaching the gospel to his relatives in London and Devonshire, and is now gone into that county on his mission.

We have also had the pleasure of welcoming back our dear Brother Cuddeford, on his return from America.

Since you last heard from us we have had several additions; one a sister of the wife of onr Pastor Black, another the eldest daughter of our widowed Sister Clarke, and a third the daughter of our Brother and Sister Roebuck. These cheer our hearts, but the most important addition we have received for some time We may here mention the painful fact, that past is Mr. Jabez Inwards, the well-known one who was once a prominent member of this and popular lecturer on Temperance, Phre- chureh, but who backslid and afterwards benology, Astronomy, &c, This gentleman had came a drunkard, died last month. Several of for many years been a baptized believer, and the brethren with whom he used to hold felwas a member of the Baptist church at Leigh-lowship visited him, and although at times he ton Buzzard; but since his removal to Lon- manifested repentance, he still retained his love don, about two years ago, he has been fre- for the accursed drink. Oh, that this may be quently thrown in the company of some of our a warning! friends, and has been led to read several of our We have also to lament the declension of publications. At Michaelmas last he intimated two or three who frequently neglected the ashis desire to come among us as an obedient be-sembling of themselves with the church when liever in Jesus, for a few Lord's days, and to they could have been present. Their love to observe the order, and participate in the ordi- their Creator and Saviour has waned, and they nances of the house of God. After being thus are again in the world as a ship on the sea, with us about eight weeks, he was quite satis- without rudder or compass. Oh, that they fied, and Mrs. Inwards being in the meantime may be restored to the shepherd and bishop of baptized, both were received as members of souls! Five, too, who were among us here, the church, Nov. 23rd. We feel that this is have joined the Pimlico church in their new the greatest acquisition the church has had for hall, of which you will perhaps receive an some time, and we pray that the many talents item. of our brother may be greatly blessed in building up the disciples in the faith, and in the salvation of precious souls. We have lately been visited by a brother, R. Chown, from Paris Point, Illinois, with whom we had some pleasant interchanges of Christian sentiment.

Brother Harris has received the stock of publications ordered, and steps are being taken to get them cireulated, and also to increase the number of subscribers to the Harbinger for 1857. We hope to be able to take double the present number here, as well as some of Bro

ther Milner's peuny Christian Advocate. Our public places of meeting in London now areCamden Hall, King-street, Camden Town; Northampton-street Chapel, King's Cross; and Belgrave Hall, Lower Belgrave-place, Pimlico. W. L.


This Association has issued the following queries for consideration at the meeting of representatives convened for the 25th ult. :

1, What constitutes a sister church ?-2, How should members be received from sister churches? 3, How should young men be trained in Bible knowledge, so as so be fitted for Christian usefulness ?-4, Evangelists, how instructed, sent out and supported ?-5, How the services of taleuted brethren may be best secured in visiting weaker churches?-6, The order of the churches on the Lord's day, whether it should not be uniform ? 7, Mutual

immersed, and introduced into the fellowship of the church here.

Meetings on the Lord's day and week evenings have been well attended. The discourse on Bible Revision, by D. King, called forth considerable opposition from two clergymen the Rev. Mr. Maguire and his curate, which was renewed at the next meeting, and continued not much to the satisfaction of the rev. gentlemen. Of this, however, more may yet be heard.


With unfeigned gratitude to the Lord whom three individuals have united with us to obwe serve, do we inform our brethren, that

serve those institutions which the Lord commanded his apostles to proclaim, for the guidance of all who are converted to him. Two of them had been previously immersed, and the third, my wife, was buried with Christ by exhortation by the brethren, how regulated.the dead by the glory of the Father, even so baptism, that like as Christ was raised from 8, Eldership, by whom chosen, and extent of duties. 9, The Christian Advocate, tracts, &c.

We hope to receive a condensed report of the proceedings for insertion in our next.

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It is also our painful duty to record the death of an aged and worthy member, who departed this life on Thursday, December 12th, after sojourning with us about twelve years.

On Lord's day, the 14th, we had the pleasure of receiving into our fellowship, on a profession of faith and baptism, three individuals --one of whom is a very young person, and son to our respected Brother Linn. In hope that they and we may prove mutual blessings to each other, we rejoice in the encouragement

now received.


During the last month two males and two females have made the good confession, been

she also may walk in newness of life. By the above addition our number is increased to 8, stimulus to greater efforts in extending the emwhich is a cause for great thankfulness, and a pire of truth. Truth may be despised, may be opposed, but it contains an imperishable germ of greatness and of empire.



Last Lord's day we had the pleasure of immersing an intelligent young woman, who is at present an inmate of Brother Davison's fever convalescent institution for females. While

mentioning this, I do not think it would be out of place to call the attention of your readers to this institution, as being well worthy of their Christian sympathy and support.

Brother Davison was formerly a London city missionary, who undertook the dangerous duty of visiting the fever hospital. While so engaged he found that a great number of the female patients who had recovered so far as to be discharged, were still totally unfit for labors of any kind; and being in many instances friendless and homeless, were often reduced to great destitution, and in not a few instances exposed to a fate which is worse than death. Finding that there was no institution which took cognizance of such cases, he determined to open his own house for some of these unhappy outcasts, till they could obtain a means of liveli hood. The trouble and expense attending such a resolve cannot be easily imagined. Hitherto they have been borne principally by himself and his amiable and indefatigable partner; and with limited means their charitable

endeavors have been much more confined than the field offers and their hearts desire. It is a melancholy sight to see the poor, weak, friendless girl wandering from the hospital, having no one to welcome her back to this fair world again every eye indifferent if it knows her not, and averted if it is known that she has just recovered from a deadly and contagious disease. To succour such is a blessed work, and well have the labors of Brother D. been blessed, for although entirely indifferent as to the character of those whom he received, a goodly number have learned and obeyed the truth while under his roof, and many have had that instruction which will bless them through their whole lives. If, therefore, any of the brethren would desire to aid our brother in this work, it will indeed be lending to the Lord. I have been induced to make these remarks from a conviction of the value of such an institution, and that it really ought to be known more generally than it is. Copies of the published reports may be had by addressing to Mrs. Davison, 1A Brooksby-street, Islington, London, by whom any donations either of money or clothing will be thankfully received. December 10, 1856.



It is with much pleasure that I inform you, and through you the brethren generally, that the brethren at Pimlico, after much delay and inconvenience, have at length succeeded in obtaining a hall, of suitable size and in a good locality, where we now hold our Lord's day meetings. We have hitherto suffered much as a church, in not having had a public room to which we could invite friends and strangers to hear the preaching of the gospel. Through the kindness of one of our little number, the church has been enabled to keep together during the last five years, holding their weekly meetings in his honse, otherwise the members might have been seattered and lost. Five others have united with them, who formerly belonged to the Camden Town church, and we now meet in the Belgrave Hall, 41, Lower Belgraveplace, Pimlico, which will hold 120 persons, and is comfortably fitted up. We have had two additions since our union, and our present number is 18.

The brethren at Camden Town render us much service in the proclamation of the gospel, and though we have not yet had a full meeting, we have had some very attentive hearers, and some are anxiously inquiring. We hope much good may be done by our united and determined effort.

We shall give you information of onr progress now and then. In the meantime, if you or any of our brethren who come to town oc

casionally, will pay us a visit, we shall be very glad of their presence and assistance in our services. Your's in the truth, Knightsbridge. R. B.


An interesting public discussion has just terminated, the result of which is another proof that we have the truth, and that the truth will prevail. The following announcement brought a considerable company together each evening:

"Public Hall, Wigan.--Discussion on Baptism, between Mr. David King, of London, and the Rev. W. Woodman, of Kersley, on Friday, Dec. 5th; Monday, Dec. 8th; and Monday, Dec. 15th.

"Mr. King engages to maintain the three following propositious :-Friday, Dec. 5, That immersion in water, into the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, is the only Apostolic or Christian Baptism. Monday, Dec. 8, That only those persons who believe and confess with the mouth that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, are scriptural subjects for baptism. Monday, Dec. 15, That Apostolic or Christian Baptism, administered to a proper subject, is for the remission of past sins. The Rev. W. Woodman engages to reply, basing such reply on the following grounds



Baptism is a divine representative rite, standing in the same relation to the Christian church as circumcision did to the Jewish, and that its uses are 1st, introduction into the visible Christian church, and at the same time into influences congenial to Christianity from the invisible world; 2nd, To preserve the mind in a state more favorable to instruction in Christian doctrine; 3rd, To promote regeneration. II. — On these grounds it may, and ought to be, administered to all infants in the Christian church. III.-That being representative of purification and regeneration, it is also a memorial that the person baptized ought to be regenerated, and being such, its efficacy is not affected by the mode of its administration, whether by immersion, pouring or sprinkling.

"The chair to be taken each evening at halfpast seven o'clock."

We cannot now give an outline of the discussion, but if requested will endeavor to do so in time for the next number. We are pleased to be able to add, that during the three evenings, not a single departure from Christian courtesy was discernible on either side. Truth and falsehood were allowed to grapple, systems were attacked, but men, conscientious men (and the debatants claimed to be such) were sacred, shielded from personal assault. It is expected that this debate will do good.


Mr. Grant's Committee are now bound to produce that gentleman on the 5th day of January next, and the five following days, in order that he may debate with Mr. King certaid propositions concerning baptism. The advertisements are out, the debate is to be announced for the six evenings intimated above, and to be held in the New Assembly Room, Newton, near Warrington Junction.


Our very distinguished and venerable brother, Alexander Campbell, was with us at the anniversary meetings in Cincinnati from the beginning. Many had the privilege, for the first time, of seeing him. This was a matter of great gratification. Many had seen him and stood by him when he wrestled with Robert Owen, and again with Bishop (now ArchBishop) Purcell, of this city, as no man on this continent has done for the HOLY BIBLE; and many of these were won to God by his early labors, and yet love him, and regard him, in religion, as they do no man, or no being this side of Him who sits upon the throne. Mr. Campbell showed us the Redeemer, the way to him, how to love him and serve him, in his early efforts, and from that day to this as no other man has done. He has made such a defence of Christianity against the assaults of Infidels and Romanists—such an effort to separate it from everything else, and preserve it in its purity, as no other man on earth has made in the last thousand years. To him, under the Lord Jesus Christ, we, as a great religious body, are largely indebted for our clear appreciation of the Word of Life, our tangible and unassailable position, our entrance upon the sure foundation-stone-the Rock that God has laid in Zion, which will staud when all his enemies and our enemies shall be defeated. It is, therefore, natural and rational that we should have a great regard for him, and feel a deep interest in him.

In the Mechanics' Institution, in the presence of an immense concourse, we heard him deliver an educational address that certainly was the crowning piece. For about one hour and a half he chained that immense assembly in the most breathless silence and intense interest. Never before did the grandeur of the very being, work and destiny of man, in connection with the Author of his existence, God's revelation to the human race, the proper place for religion and the education of man, appear more clear in a public address. With him the universe is a magnificent system. Our world is a part of it, and man belongs to our world. Man, too, is a complete being, with attributes

and capacities, and his education must take into the account that he is not all intellect, spirit, soul, or body. The whole man must be educated, his body, soul and spirit. But we attempt no description of his address, only to say, that for an intellectual, literary and educational effort, he showed clearly that, though time is wearing upon his physical energies, his intellect is as clear, vigorous and giant-like as ever. Never before has this city been saluted with a speech containing more good to man, more sound reason, good educational philosophy and manly strength.


But mighty in all the elements of human greatness as our venerable brother is, vast as his labors have been, and much as he has done for man, no matter how great our attachment to him, time must carry him from us. and our Lord has gone before us; the holy apostles, prophets and martyrs have gone, with all, both good and bad, great and small, down to the mansions of the dead. We all must go, be God, we shall meet again. one after another, from this state; but, blessed Christian




The congregation at Rhosllanerchrugog has sustained a great loss by the death of John Griffiths, one of our pastors, who died on Lord's day, October 19th, in the 45th year of his age. He had from his youth been connected with the Wesleyan Methodists, and labored for years as a preacher, with much zeal, both among that body and the Reformed Wesleyans. With our deceased brother, John Price, of Wrexham, having read the Essay on the Remission of Sins, previous to Brother Campbell's visit to England, and heard his addresses in Wrexham and Chester, they were both immersed by him at Mollington, and forthwith commenced preaching the Gospel in accordance with the light they enjoyed, and the change they had experienced. But, soon finding that it behoved them to separate from their old friends and connections, they joined the disciples at Rhos, and both labored earnestly to restore the Apostolic Gospel and Christian Order of Worship. With a few Welch brethren they commenced a monthly periodical in that language, to advocate the principles of Primitive Christianity. Brother Price was soon cut off after this undertaking, and Brother Griffiths shortly afterwards falling from a roof, sustained injuries from which he never recovered, but lingered for three years. Thus the most talented and persevering brethren have been called from their labors to rest with the Lord. JOHN DAVIS.




THE REVIVAL OF THE JEWS, AND THEIR RETURN TO PALESTINE. "And many of them that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake, some to everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting contempt" (Daniel xii. 2.)


To ascertain what is literal and what is figurative in the Bible, is sometimes difficult, but always important. The neglect of this, or failing to accomplish it, has led to some of the most absurd hypotheses ever advocated by erring man. The whole system of transubstantiation, is based on the misconception of a single term; and that, too, one of the smallest words in our vernacular : This is my body." The simple question to be determined is, Does the copula is express the relation of identity, or merely the relation of analogy between the subject and the predicate of this proposition? Is it used in a literal or in a metaphorical sense? The Roman Catholic maintains the former; and hence infers that the bread and wine are transmuted into the body, blood, soul, and divinity of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ!

Similar to this, we humbly conceive, is the error of those who refer the words at the head of this article to the final resurrection of the bodies of all the dead. Their interpretation is, in the main, too literal. The context, we think, will not sustain it for several reasons.

I. In the final and literal resurrection, the bodies of all will be raised. "Marvel not at this," said the Messiah, “for the hour is coming, in which all that are in their graves shall hear his voice, and shall come forth; they that have done good, to the resurrection of life, and they that have done evil, to the resurrection of damnation" (John v. 28-29.) But in the case to which Daniel refers, only many of them that sleep in the dust shall awake. The obvious meaning of this is, that others will not awake; that some will still continue to slumber.

We are aware, that in some cases, the word many has the same extension as the word all. Paul says, "For as by one man's disobedience many were made sinners, so by the obedience of one shall many be made righteous." In this example, the Apostle refers exclusively to the effects of Adam's sin; which, by the laws of the divine government, have been entailed upon the whole species, and from which all will ultimately be saved by the obedience of Christ. The word many, in this connection, has, therefore, reference to the whole human race. Why, then, it may be asked, did the Apostle use many instead of all? The reason of this is very manifest-he is contrasting the individual with the multitude--the one with the many. But as in Daniel there is no such contrast, there appears to be no valid reason for a departure from the common and most obvious meaning of the term; and therefore it cannot, in this connection, have reference to the entire species.

II. There is, also, in some respects, a want of chronological harmony between this and the general resurrection.

1. The revival or resuscitation here described, must take place very soon, probably in about thirty-six years from this time. Thousands of the present generation will, in all probability, live to witness it. But the final resurrection of


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