labor, and fall to ydelness: with consideracion also spe cially to be had of them which, by wekenes of their lymes and body, be so ympotent that they cannot labor: and by no meanes let soche almes be geven to valiaunt, myghtie, and ydell beggers and vagabonds, as com monly use to resorte abought soche places; which rather, as drove beasts and mychers, shuld be drevyn awaye, and compellyd to labor, then in ther ydelness and lewdennes, agaynst the forme of the kyng's grace's statute in this behalfe made, cherished and maynteyned, to the great hynderannce and damage of the commyn weall. 9. Also, that all other amyses or distribution, dewe or accustomyd to be made, by reason of the foundacion, statutes, or custome of this place, be made and gevyn as largely and as lybrallye as ever they were at any tyme heretofore. 10. Also, that th'abbot, prior, or presydent, shall fynd wood and fewell sufficyent to make fier in the refectorye, from Allhallow even to Good-fryday. 11. Also, that the brethern of this house (except th'abbot, and soche as be syke, or evill at ease, and those that have fulfilled ther jubile) lye togither in the dormitory, every one by himself, in severall beddes. 12. Also, that no brother or monke of this house have any child or boye lyeng or pryvyly accompaynyng with him, or otherwisse hauntyng unto hym, other then to help hym to masse. 13. Also, that the brethern of this house, when they be syke or evill at ease, be seen unto and kept in the infirmary dewly, as well for ther soustenance of meat and drynke, as for ther good kyepyng. 14. Also, that th'abbot and president kype and fynd, in some universite, one or twoe of his brethern, accordyng to the habilite and possessions of the house; which brethern, after they be learnyd in good and holly letters, when they return home maye instruct and teache the brethern, and diligently preache the worde of God. 14. Also, thatevery daye, by the space of one ower, a lesson of holly scripture be kept in this convent, to which all, under payne by the said president to be moderate, shall reasorte; which president shall have auctorite to dispence with them, that they may, with a low and treatable voyece, saye the long howres which were wont to be songe. 15. Also, that the brethern of this house, after dyvyne service don, rede or here somwhat of holye scripture, or occupie themselfs in some soche lyke honest and laudable exercise. 16. Also, that all and every brethern of this house shall observe the rule, statutes, and laudable customes of this religion, as far as they do agree with holy scripture and the worde of God; and that the abbot, prior, or president of this convent, every day shall expound to his brethern, as playnly as may be, in Englishe, a certayne parte of the rule that they have professyd, and applye the same allways to the doctryne of Cryst, and not contrary wise; and he shall teache them that the said rule, and other ther prynciples of religion, (so farr as they be laudable) be taken out of holy scripture: and he shall showe them the place from whence they were deryved; and that ther ceremonyes, and other observances of religion, be none other thyngs then as the first letteres or pryncipalls and certain introductiones to trewe cristianytye, or to observe an order in the churche; and that trewe religion is not contyned in apparell, manner of goyng, shaven hadds, and soche other marks; nor in silence, fastyng, upryesyng in the night, syngyng, and soche other kynde of ceremonyes; but in clenenes of mynde, purenes of lyvyng, Criste's faith not fayned, and brotherly charitie, and trewe honoryng of God in spiryte and verite; and that those above said thyngs were institute and begon, that they, beyng first exercised in those, in processe of tyme myght ascend to those as by certyn steppis; that is to saie, to the chief poynt and end of religion; and therefore let them be diligently exhortyd, that they do not contynually styke and concyste in soche ceremonyes M and and observances as though they had perfecteley fulfelled the chief and uttmost of the hole trewe religion; but that, when they have overpast soche thyngs, they endevor themselfs to higher thyngs, and convert ther mynds from soche externall matters to more inwarde and depere consideracions, as the lawe of God and cristen religion dothe teache and shewe; and that they assur not themselfs of any reward or commoditie, any maner wyes, by reason of soche ceremonyes and observances, except they referr all soche to Criste, and for his sake observe; and for that they might thereby the more easely kepe soche thyngs as he hathe commanded, as well to them as to all other christen people. 17. Also, that th'abbot and president of this place shall make a trewe reconyng and accompt of his admynistracion every year to his brethern, as well of his receiptes as expenses, and that the said accoumpte be written in a great boke remaynyng with the convent. 18. Also, that the abbot and president of this house shall make no waste of the woods partynyng to this house, nor shall set out unadvisydly any fermes, or reversions, without the consent of the more parte of the convent. 19. Also, that ther be assigned a booke, and register that may copie out into that booke all soche wrytyngs, worde be worde, as shall passe under the convent seal of this house. 20. Also, that no man be sufferyd to professe, or to were the habite of religion in this house, or he be xxiiijth yere of age complete; and that they entiece or aluere no man, with perswascions and blandysments, to take the religion upon hym. 21. Item, that they shall not shewe no relyques of fayned myracls for encrease of lucre, but that they exhorte pylgrymes and strayngers to geave that to the poore, that they thought to offere to there imagies or reliquies. 22. Also, that they shall suffer no fayres, or markets, to be kept, or used, within the lymyts of the house. 23. Also, 23. Also, that every brother of this house, that is a preest, shall every day, in his masse, pray for the moste happye and moste prosperouse estate of our soveraigne lord the kyng, and his most noble and lawfull wyfe, queen Anne. 24. Also, that yf ether the master, or any brother of this house, do infrynge any of the said injunctions, any of them shall denounce the same, or procure to be denouncyd, as soone as maye be, to the kyng's majestie, or to his visitor generall, or his deputie; and th'abbot, or master, shall mynistre (spendyng money, and other necessaries, for the weye) to him that shall so denounce. 25. Other sp'uall jurisdiccionns, injunctions, maye be addyd by the visitors, as the place and nature of the compties shall requyre, after his discretion. 26. Reservyng power to give moo injunctions, and to examyn and discusse the co'perts, to punish and reforme them that be convicte of a notable cryme, to serche and trye the foundacions, charters, donacions, appropriacions, and muniments, of the said place, and to dispos all soch papistical escripts as shall be there found, to the right honorable Mr. Thomas Cromwell, general visitor to the kyng's said highnes, as shall seem moost expedient to his high wisdome and discretion. CHAP. ΧΙΙ. Copies of Original Papers relating to the general dissolution of the English Monasteries, and of Furness Abbey in Particular, with the Deed of Surrender. I. FORM OF THE KING'S LETTER FOR TAKING THE SURRENDER OF MONASTERIES. B. Cott. Cleopatra, E. IV. 115. p. 192. HENRY the viijth, &c. to our trusty, &c. FORASMOCHE as we understande, that N. N. ys at this presente in such state, as the same ys neither used to the honor of God, ner to the benefite of our comen weale; We lat you wit, that therefor, beyng mynded A 1 1 mynded to take the same into our oune hands for a better purpose, like as we doubte not but the hedd of the same wol be contented to make his surrender, accordingly we, for the special trust and confidence that we have in your fidelities and discrecion, have, and by these presents doo auctorise, name, assigne, and appointe you, that imediatly reaparyng to the said house, ye shall receyve of the said hedd such writing, under the convent seal, as to your discrecion shall seme requisite, mete, and convenient, for the due surrender, to our use, of the same; and therupon taking possession therof, and of all the goods, cattalls, plate, juells, implements, and stuff, beyng within, or appertynyg therunto; and further causing all the goods and implements to be indifferently sold, either for redy money, or at days, upon sufficient suerties, so that the same daye passe not one yeare and half; ye shall delyver to the said hedd and brethern suche part of the said money and goods as ye, by your discrecions, shall thinke mete and convenient for them to dispache; and further to see them have convenient pencions, by your wisdoms assigned, accordingly. Which done, and moreover seing the rightfull and due debts there paid and satissfied, as well of the revenues, as of the said stuff, as to reason and good conscience apperteyneth, and your oun charge resonably allowed, ye shall procede to the dissolucion of the said house: and further, in our oun name, taking possession of the same, to be kepte to our use and profitt; ye shall furthermore bring and convey to our tour of London, after your said dissolucion, all the rest of the said money, plate, juells, and ornaments, that in any wise shall come to youre hands by meane of the premiss. or of any parte therof; straitely charging and commanding all maires and shirreffs, bailliffs, conestables, and all other our officers, mynysters, and subgiects, to whom in this cause it shall apperteign, that unto you, and every of you, in execution herof, they be helping, aiding, favouring, and assisting, as they woll answer unto us to the contrary at theyr uttermost perill. Geven, &c. II. GRIMES |