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ployed in the work of fo gracious a Redeemer, or to fpend and be fpent in his fervice. This confideration hath drawn me often to think with by what means I might best promote your everlasting welfare. And after many serious thoughts, I bave judged it exceeding expedient for your benefit, to draw up a difcourfe of this nature, and to give to every Family among you, one of them. And I bleffe God that hath put it into my heart to fet about it, and hath enabled me to perform it. 'Twas your benefit, and the winning of your fouls to Chrift that was the grand motive to this undertaking. And if that great businesse (through the bleffing of God) may be any way advanced thereby, I shall ne ver repent of my pains, but shall very much rejoyce that the Lord bath enabled me (in any meafure) to be ferviceable to you in the furthering of your falvation. And that you may the bet ter know how to make use of this Treatife, I shall acquaint you in brief with the whole defigne thereof.

In the first part, I have couched together in three Chapters the chief and necessary things that are to be known and believed concerning God, our felves, and the Mediator between God and man. That fo thofe that have a mind to know, may (in fhort) be informed of the main things they are fo deeply concern'd to be acquainted with. And becaufe 'tis of exceeding great confequence, that people should well understand how


the things they profeß to believe are grounded on Gods Word, I have collected together most of thofe Scriptures that are scattered up and down in the Book of God (upon which the Articles of our Faith are founded) and have reduced them to feveral heads, and printed them at large, that fo they may be as feveral conftellations, or clusters of Stars, giving you the more light, and clearer aßurance of the things they are brought to prove. This courfe 1 have taken alfo in the second Part, in reference to the things that are to be practised. My intent herein being, that my Book fhould fully. inform you what is Gods mind and revealed will concerning thofe particulars 1 treat of, which may be of fingular ufe to you in feveral refpects.

1. To ftrengthen and confirm your own belief of the Articles of the Chriftian Faith; to awe your Con ciences with the authority of Gods Word, and to engage your hearts to the practise of those things that shall appear to be your duty.

2. To enable you to inftruct your children and fervants in the Principles of Faith and obedience. from the Scriptures here fet down to your hands ; which every one is not able readily to find out that has not fome fuch help.

3. To fecure you against Errors now fo rife among us. Seeing you may hereby defend the Faith once delivered to the Saints, and confute the enemies of truth, as our Saviour did the Devil, by alledging the Sacred Scriptures for the things you believe and practile.


In the Second Part I treat of the things. that concern your practife. And because confideration of our waies, and examining the state of our fouls to God ward is a matter of fo exceeding great ufe, that fearce any thing undoes Mankind more than the neglect of it, I begin with that. And oh that I may prevail with you to a confcientious practife of it. I have heard of a Gentleman that upon his Death bed laid this one command upon his wild Son, and engag'd him to the performance of it by a foleman promife, that he should every day of his life be half an hour alone: Which this young man conftantly observing, and spending his half hours retirement (at first) in any kind of vain thoughts, at last he began to ponder with himself, why his Father should enjoyn him this pcnance; and the Spirit of God fuggesting to him, that his intent therein could be no other but to bring him to confider of his evil waies, and whither they tended, and what would become of him hereafter if he went on, it pleafed the Lord fo to fet thofe thoughts home upon his heart, that he became a new man: of so much advantage is confideration, and frequent taking oar felves in private to think of the ftate of our fouls.

In the three next Chapters I handle the DoEtrines of Repentance, Faith, and a new nature and reformed life, being indeed the main things wherein the power and life of Godlineffe confifts. And therefore I intreat you give the


1. That we fhould befides our folemn prayers, fend up frequent, mental, ejaculatory prayers unto the Lord for his Grace, help, and affift


2. That every night we fhould retire, and reflect upon all our actions, and whole behaviour in the day paft, and fo fet all at rights between God and our fouls before we go to fleep.

And because, whoever defires to grow in Knowledge and Grace, must confcientiously make ufe of, and improve the means of Grace that God affords him, therefore in the Sixth Chapter I


1. Of the careful observation of the Lords day. Shewing why we should obferve it, and how. For my part I never faw true Religion and the power of Godlineffe thrive in any perfon, family, or Parish, where the religious and confcientious obfervance of that day was neglected.

2. Concerning hearing the Word; where directions are given;

1. How we are to prepare our felves before we go to hear.

7. How we are to behave our felves in time' of hearing.


3. What we are to do after we have heard. And oh that I might prevail with you to read thefe Directions often (especially on Saturday-nights)


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my fieful motions, and stirrings in our hearts, but labour speedily to Suppreß them.

3. Over our words, that we offend not (as re are exceeding apt) with our tongues.

4. Over our actions, that they may be fuch as proceed from a right Principle, are conform'd fel a right Rule, and are directed to a right end. These are the things we must watch over.

Next 1 fet down what are the things we must match againft. In the general, all fin whatever. But in particular,

1. Thofe fins we are most inclin'd unto by Sur own temper and naturall conftitution.

2. The fins we are most exposed to by rea on of our calling, condition, ftate and course of life.

3. The fins of the times and places where we live.

4. Against all occafions and temptations, that we foresee are like to endanger our fouls. 5. Against dishonouring God by the immoderate and undue ufe of lawful things.

6. Against Errour; where the danger of it is fhewed, and fome prefervatives are given against it.

In the next place is fhewed, how we should watch for opportunities of doing and receiving good: And fome Motives to watchfulneß are propounded, and the Chapter shut up with these two Directions.

1. That

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