The Dependence of Part I of Cynewulf's Christ Upon the AntiphonaryCatholic University of America., 1921 - 102 |
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Strona 57
... service ad crucem , which consisted of the " memorials " after the Magnificat . In ' A fuller discussion of this service follows below . of preserving the traditional order in it . The example ON THE ANTIPHONARY . 57.
... service ad crucem , which consisted of the " memorials " after the Magnificat . In ' A fuller discussion of this service follows below . of preserving the traditional order in it . The example ON THE ANTIPHONARY . 57.
Strona 68
... service other than that indicated for the seven Universal O's , being assigned to the service following the Magnificat and its regular appointed Antiphon . This service is here referred to as ad crucem . rule , the seven Universal O's ...
... service other than that indicated for the seven Universal O's , being assigned to the service following the Magnificat and its regular appointed Antiphon . This service is here referred to as ad crucem . rule , the seven Universal O's ...
Strona 69
... ad crucem , and also de cruce , is derived from the fact that a memorial of ... service in some of the codices . A witness to this is the Antiphonary of ... ad honorem S. Mariae . The editor of this Antiphonary , 38 in the ...
... ad crucem , and also de cruce , is derived from the fact that a memorial of ... service in some of the codices . A witness to this is the Antiphonary of ... ad honorem S. Mariae . The editor of this Antiphonary , 38 in the ...
Strona 70
... services termed ad crucem , commemorationes , or in honorem S. Mariae , is the fact that the Added O's found their employment in this part of the Divine Office . Hence , in endeavoring to understand the positions of these Added O's in ...
... services termed ad crucem , commemorationes , or in honorem S. Mariae , is the fact that the Added O's found their employment in this part of the Divine Office . Hence , in endeavoring to understand the positions of these Added O's in ...
Strona 71
... service ad crucem , being assigned therein to the Vigil of the Nativity . It is the only mention of the O Hierusalem made in this Antiphonary ; it is the only rubric which I could find anywhere relating to this Antiphon . In connection ...
... service ad crucem , being assigned therein to the Vigil of the Nativity . It is the only mention of the O Hierusalem made in this Antiphonary ; it is the only rubric which I could find anywhere relating to this Antiphon . In connection ...
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
The Dependence of Part I of Cynewulf's Christ Upon the Antiphonary Edward Burgert Podgląd niedostępny - 2012 |
The Dependence of Part I of Cynewulf's Christ Upon the Antiphonary Edward Burgert Podgląd niedostępny - 2016 |
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
acrostic actual Church Added O's Added or Monastic admirabile commercium Adonai Advent O's Advent season Amalarius Antiphon O Sapientia Antiphonary of Hartker Antiphons of Advent appears Archæologia Breviary Catholic Encyclopædia chanting Clavis David Collectar connection Cook Cyne Cynewulf December 24 dialogue Divine Office Division VII Division XI divisions of Christ Domina Doxology Emmanuel employed by Cynewulf Everard Green Exeter Book Father feast Gabriel Greater Antiphons Gregory Harrowing of Hell Hierusalem Holy Trinity homiliaries homilies hymnic influence Liber Responsalis lines liturgical lost portion Lucca Lucca and Toledo lyric unity Magnificat manuscript material midnight-Mass Migne O-Antiphons O-paraphrases Oriens Passus petition poem poet poet's portion of Christ preceding Preface Radix Rex gentium Rex Pacifice rhythmical offices Sanctus Sarum service ad crucem seven Universal O's smaller divisions Smithson source for Division sources of Christ Sunday theme thought Trinity Sunday veni versicle Vespers Vigil of Christmas Virgo virginum words
Popularne fragmenty
Strona 39 - Et ideo cum Angelis et Archangelis, cum Thronis et Dominationibus, cumque omni militia coelestis exercitus, hymnum gloriae tuae canimus, sine fine dicentes, Sanctus, Sanctus, Sanctus, Dominus Deus Sabaoth. Pleni sunt cceli et terra gloria tua, Hosanna in Excelsis. Benedictus qui venit in nomine Domini, Hosanna in Excelsis.
Strona 39 - Vere dignum et justum est, aequum et salutare, nos tibi semper et ubique gratias agere : Domine sancte, Pater omnipotens, aeterne Deus : per Christum, Dominum nostrum.
Strona 22 - O clavis David, et sceptrum domus Israel: qui aperis, et nemo claudit; claudis, et nemo aperit: veni, et educ vinctum de domo carceris, sedentem in tenebris et umbra mortis.
Strona 57 - Ecclesiis colligere potuisti, infundas ; non enim pro locis res, sed pro bonis rebus loca amanda sunt. Ex singulis ergo quibusque Ecclesiis quae pia, quae re'.igiosa, quae recta sunt elige, et haec quasi in fasciculum collecta, apud Anglorum mentes in consuetudinem depone.
Strona 57 - Romanse ecclesiae consuetudinem, in qua se meminit nutritam. Sed mihi placet, sive in Romana, sive in Galliarum, seu in qualibet ecclesia, aliquid invenisti quod plus omnipotenti Deo possit placere, sollicite eligas, et in Anglorum ecclesia, quse adhuc ad fidem nova est, institutione praecipua, qure de multis ecclesiis colligere potuisti, infundas.
Strona 43 - O admirabile commercium ! Creator generis humani animatum corpus sumens, de Virgine nasci dignatus est : et procedens homo sine semine, largitus est nobis suam deitatem.
Strona 29 - Dominus possedit me in initio viarum suarum, antequam quidquam faceret a principio. Ab aeterno ordinata sum, et ex antiquis antequam terra fieret.
Strona 94 - Piez who wired them that, if they so agreed— HE WOULD NOT LET THEM HAVE STEEL Whether this is camouflage we have no means of knowing. But we do know that the great Eastern combinations of capitalists could afford to offer privately to Mr. Skinner, Mr. Ames, and Mr.
Strona 85 - Lapidem quem reprobaverunt aedificantes, hic factus est in caput anguli: a Domino factum est istud, et est mirabile in oculis nostris»?
Strona 57 - Quae memorata volumina contuli cum nostris antiphonariis, invenique ea discrepare a nostris non solum in ordine, verum etiam in verbis et multitudine responsoriorum et antiphonarum, quas nos non cantamus.