Obrazy na stronie

amperes being employed. The voltage across the cold cell rose from 6 volts at the beginning to 40 volts at the end of the run; that across the warm cell, from 5 volts to 30 volts. The current required for practically complete precipitation in the cold cell was 5 ampere hours; in the warm cell, 4'75 ampere hours. The current required by theory for complete precipitation was 4 ampere hours. This showed a current efficiency in the cold cell of 80 per cent; in the warm cell of 84.2 per cent. The precipitate of thorium hydroxide in the cool cell was granular, was easily filtered and washed, and contained almost no finely divided mercury. The thorium hydroxide thrown down in the warm cell was flocculent, contained much finely divided mercury, and was filtered and washed with difficulty.

From these results it was apparent that the electrolysis of a solution of thorium nitrate operates most satisfac torily when conducted at about room temperature.

To determine the influence of the concentration of the electrolyte upon the character of the precipitate, three solutions of thorium nitrate containing o'5 per cent, 5 per cent, and 20 per cent of thorium dioxide, respectively, were electrolysed in small cells of about 300 cc. capacity. The thorium hydroxide precipitated from the 20 per cent solution in very finely divided form resembling a colloidal solution. The character of the precipitates in the other

| Angew. Chem., 1902, xv., 303), the solution was then heated to from 60-80°, and an excess of 10 per cent hydrogen peroxide was added. Thorium is thus quantitatively precipitated as the hydrated peroxide, the rare earths remaining in solution (Meyer and Hauser, "Die Analyse der Seltenen Erden und der Erdsäuren," p. 250). The precipitate was collected on a filter, thoroughly washed, and then dissolved in 2 N hydrochl.ric acid. The solution was diluted to one litre and 25 cc. portions were precipitated by ammonium hydroxide, and the thorium hydroxide ignited to the oxide, and weighed. The filtrate from the first thorium precipitation by hydrogen peroxide was diluted to 500 cc., 25 cc. portions were precipitated by oxalic acid, and the oxalates of the rare earths were ignited to oxides and weighed.

The filtrate from the first fractional precipitate of the hydroxide, together with the wash water, were returned to the cell and electrolysed as before. The procedure was again repeated, three fractional precipitations in all being made. The results are set forth in Table III.

The results show that fractional electrolysis effects a marked concentration of thorium in the early fractions, from about 15 per cent in the original mixture to over 78 per cent in the first fraction, and nearly 35 per cent in the second fraction.

[blocks in formation]

two cells showed that as the concentration of the solution is lowered (down to o'5 per cent) the granular form of the hydroxide becomes more pronounced. Because of these results the later electrolyses of mixtures of thorium nitrate and the nitrates of the rare earths were made with solutions that contained about o'5 grm. thorium dioxide per 100 cc.

(b) Electrolysis of Solutions containing Thorium Nitrate and Nitrates of the Rare Earths.-A solution containing, in 3.5 litres, 14'72 grms. of thorium oxide and 85 grms. of the oxides of the rare earths (av. at. wt. 1405) was electrolysed with a current of one ampere. The mercury cathode was vigorously stirred during the electrolysis and the concentration of the acid in the porous cup was kept practically constant. At the end of six hours the electrolysis was interrupted and the precipitated hydroxides were collected and purified in the manner already described. The hydroxides were then dissolved in 2 N nitric acid, an excess of acid being avoided. To this solution there was added one-fifth of its volume of a concentrated solution of ammonium nitrate (Benz., Zeit.

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limiting case be approached that would agree with the rate claimed by Cameron and Ramsay, proportional to the decay of emanation with a half period of three days and twenty-one hours. This case is illustrated by the cylinder with very low emanation, chosen purposely to parallel Cameron and Ramsay's conditions and shows how the limiting case can be attained with the limits of experimental precision.

The reaction can come to an end by approximate exhaustion of either the emanation or the reacting gases; the former takes place in small bulbs with high emanation, the latter in larger bulbs. The actual final pressure after decay of all the emanation may be calculated from Equation 1 for any given case.

[blocks in formation]


Εμ/λ = constant = (log P/P。)/(E。[e-λt] −1). I. The constancy of the first term kul holds only for a gaseous mixture in which the specific ionisation remains constant during the reaction. The numerical value of kulλ also depends on the volume of the reaction bulb. The definition of the terms of kuλ will be given later; for the present purposes it may be regarded only as a velocity of reaction constant. Po and P are respectively the initial | Vol. pressure and that at any time t expressed in millimetres of mercury, Eo is the initial emanation expressed in curies, which is decaying proportionally to the factor e-x to be found in the Kolowrat table for radium emanation (Le Radium, 1910, vi., 195; Mdme. Curie, "Traité de Radioactivité,” ii., 361; Chemiker Kalendar, 1914, ii., 361; Rutherford, "Radio-active Substances and their Radiation," 1913, p. 665).

The actual course of the reaction in spherical bulbs of several different sizes can be seen in Table I., in which the application of Equation I is to be found in the last column.

2 cm. Sphere. Exact diam.


Volume decrease.

1925 cm. Eo=0*1464

Per cent


Per cent ku

Em. (con

completed, decayed. stant).

P mm.



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7'729 92.76 86.19


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The degree of constancy is satisfactory, and proves that the velocity of reaction in a given volume depends only on the two variables mentioned above, the quantity of emanation and the pressure of the gas. This test of Equation I is far more rigid than the one earlier obtained (S. C. Lind, loc. cit.) with the data of Cameron and Ramsay, in whose experiments the total change of pressure was frequently quite limited, owing to the small quantities of emanation Vol. employed.

It will be observed by comparing Cols. 4 and 5 that the percentage of reaction completed runs well ahead of the percentage of emanation decayed, but it approaches it as the quantity of gas to be acted on is increased and the quantity of emanation decreases. Notice that in the case of very fast reactions where the quantity of gas is small and the quantity of emanation high, half of the chemical reaction is completed in 1 days, or less; and only in reactions where the quantity of gas to be acted on is relatively large and the quantity of emanation small, and hence the total change in pressure very slight, would the

• Published with permission of the Director of the U.S. Bureau of Mines. From the Journal of the American Chemical Society, xli., No. 4.

20.29 14'36 (5:55

3'572 36.73 2865


74.16 6587 5:28 83.58 76.96 5.29

83.29 5'31

94.58 90.11 5.37


Per cent kuλ reaction Em completed. decayed.

[blocks in formation]

Volume decrease. Cc.

Per cent

[blocks in formation]


The question of chemical equilibrium in the reaction between hydrogen and oxygen has recently been considered by the writer in another paper (Am. Electrochem. Soc., 34th General Meeting, Advance Copy No. 5), where it was 01640 shown that the equilibrium in some cases can attain 99 per cent of the total combination of the hydrogen and oxygen. This is mentioned here to show that it is not necessary to consider the possibility that either hydrogen or oxygen is removed by side reactions permanently from the main reaction. Although Scheuer (loc. cit.) has reported the formation of some hydrogen peroxide it is evident that its formation must be of somewhat temporary nature, and that the reaction later proceeds to the practically complete formation of water.


4.893 cm. E。

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3'36 3'40 31'40 3'45 3'51 3'47 3'56 59'52 3'76


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362.6 15'74 333.6


70.26 3773


[blocks in formation]


100'00 90'26 3'47

(To be continued).

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While the ratio of emanation to gas affects greatly the actual velocity of the reaction it does not influence the constancy of ku/x, thus proving that the kinetic equation applies in all cases. The ratio of radium emanation to reacting gases may rise continuously as i small bulbs, may pass through a maximum as in 3 cm. bulbs, or may fall continuously as in larger bulbs without affecting the constancy. However, for reasons to be brought out in Part II., the gas pressure may not fall too low in a small (1-2 cm.) bulb without affecting the velocity constant, due to action of the "recoil atoms."

Experiments with and without drying agent show, in agreement with Cameron and Ramsay, that the presence of moisture does not influence the velocity of the reaction. However, in larger bulbs starting with dry gases and no drying agent, some time would be required to saturate the gases with water-vapour, which would lead to unnecessary complications in applying the kinetic equation during this period, which are best avoided by having drying agent present in the reaction bulb.


THE following general conclusions concerning Aluminium Solders have been issued by the Bureau of Standards, Washington, U.S.A.:—

1. All metals or combinations of metals used for aluminium soldering are electrolytically electronegative to aluminium. A soldered joint is therefore rapidly attacked when exposed to moisture and disintegrated. There is no solder for aluminium of which this not true.

2. Joints should therefore never be made by soldering unless they are to be protected against corrosion by a paint or varnish, or unless they are quite heavy, such as repairs in castings, where corrosion and disintegration of the joint near the exposed surface would be of little consequence.

3. Solders are best applied without a flux, after preliminary cleaning and tinning of the surfaces to be soldered. The composition of the solder may be varied within wide limits. It should consist of a tin base with addition of zinc or of both zinc and aluminium, the chief function of which is to produce a semi-fluid mixture within the range of soldering temperatures.

Suggested Ranges of Composition.
Tin-zinc solders-

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

4. The higher the temperature at which the "tinning" is done the better the adhesion of the tinned layer. using the higher values of the recommended zinc and aluminium percentages given above, the solder will be too stiff at lower temperature to solder readily, and the workman will be obliged to use a higher temperature, thus securing a better joint. A perfect union between solder and aluminium is very difficult to obtain.

5. The joint between previously tinned surfaces may be made by ordinary methods and with ordinary soft solder. Only the "tinning" mixture need be special for aluminium.

6. There is no reason why a good solder for aluminium need be brittle as several commercial varieties are, and it is very undesirable that it should be.

7. The tensile strength of a good aluminium solder is about 7000 pounds per square inch. The strength of a joint depends upon the type and upon the workmanship. Much dependence should not be placed on the strength of a joint.

MEXICAN "VEGETABLE WOOL."---Considerable interest bas been shown of late in the fibre known as "pochote in Mexico and "Java kapok " in the United States. This product has been known and used by the natives of Mexico for many years.


The National Organic Colouring Malters. By ARTHUR GEORGE PERKIN, F.R.S., F.R S.E., F.I.C., and ARTHUR ERNEST EVEREST, D.Sc., Ph.D., F.I.C. London, New York, Bombay, Calcutta, and Madras: Longmans, Green, and Co. 1918. Pp. xxii+655. Price 289. net.

THIS treatise provides an admirable survey of a subject' which has not been adequately treated by any book in the English language, since the appearance forty-five years ago of Sir William Crookes' "Handbook of Dyeing and Calico Printing." Very considerable advances in our knowledge of the chemistry of natural dyes have been made since 1874, and a complete account of the results of modern researches will be of great value to investigators and students. The natural colouring matters are nowadays being more extensively used than heretofore for colouring articles of food, and their production in the pure state may develop into a comparatively important industry. There is plenty of scope for research work on the dyes of unknown composition, and the treatise contains many suggestions of profitable lines of study, while it provides also a most comprehensive account of all that has already been done. The authors' knowledge of their subject it is unnecessary to say is quite unrivalled, and their investigations have extended to many of the natural groups. The various dyeing materials are classified according to the constitution of their chief constituents, and a detailed account is given of all the most important representatives of each of the 17 groups, while not the least important chapter is that on the natural dyes of unknown constitu



THE May number of the Journal Chimie et Industrie, the organ of the Société de Chimie Industrielle, contains an exceedingly interesting article decribing the visit of the members of the Inter-Allied Conference of Associations of Pure and Applied Chemistry to Chauny, which visit was made at the invitation of the Compagnie des Produits Chimiques de Saint-Gobain. This company was the owner of some of the oldest chemical factories in France, situated at Chauny, which are now nothing but a mass of ruins. A special train from Paris was placed at the disposal of the guests, and déjeuner was served in the restaurant cars attached to the train. Cbauny was reached at 11 o'clock, and the members of the party were immediately conducted round the ruined factories by the president, vice-president, and other officials of the Société de Saint-Gobain. The products manufactured before the war included sulphuric and hydrochloric acids, sodium sulphate, chlorine, and various artificial manures, as well as smaller quantities of nitric acid, sodium fluosilicate, &c. The Germans reached Chauny on September 1, 1914, and at once began systematically to remove all the materials and to destroy the buildings and apparatus. All the lead chambers were demolished and the lead requisitioned, as well as copper cables, &c. The illustrations with which the article is provided give some idea of the state of devastation produced, and it is only too evident that the work of reconstruction will be tedious, dangerous, and very costly; it is well to remember that in the meantime German products will be manufactured with comparative ease and will be put upon the markets in


THE monthly periodical Le Radium, published by Masson et Cie., of Paris, has now resumed publication after an interruption lasting nearly five years, and we offer the editor and staff our heartiest congratulations and

good wishes for a prosperous and useful future. Unhappily the founder of the paper, M. Jacques Danne, has recently died, and the May number contains a short sketch of this life and work. There are also an original article on ionisation by collision, and translations of articles from English and German periodicals, together with short analyses of papers on radio-activity and radiation which bave appeared recently, and a complete bibliography, beginning with the year 1914.

FEDERATION OF BRITISH INDUSTRIES.-H.M. the King granted an audience on the 10th inst. at Buckingham Palace to Dr. Pandia Calogeras, one of the Brazilian delegates at the Peace Conference and representative for Brazil on the League of Nations Council. Doctor and Mdme. Calogeras proceed to Edinburgh to join the Brazilian Commercial Delegation which is now visiting various industrial centres of Great Britain under the auspices of the Federation of British Industries. It will be remembered that Dr. Calogeras was chosen by the Brazilian Government as Head of the Commercial Delegation. The following resolution has been passed by the Executive Committee re Nationalisation:"A special Committee of the Federation of British Industries has for some time been considering the question of Nationalisa tion of industry, and it is hoped that a reasoned and full report will shortly be ready for submission. In the mean time this meeting of the Executive Committee of the Federation of British Industries reaffirms the resolution adopted by the Grand Council on May 14, 1919, viz., 'That this Grand Council expresses its unanimous opinion against the principle of nationalisation of industry.""

BRITISH SCIENTIFIC PRODUCTS EXHIBITION.-At the Central Hall, Westminster, a series of kinematograph films of scientific and technical interest were shown in the Great Hall on the following dates :-Tuesday, July 8; Thursday, July 10; Tuesday, July 15; Thursday, July 17. These will be continued (3.30 to 5.30 p.m.) on Saturday, July 19; Tuesday, July 22; Thursday, July 24; Saturday, July 26; Tuesday, July 29; Thursday, July 31. The films illustrate-Aircraft Construction and Utilisation; The Making of a Big Gun; The Water Powers of Canada and their Industrial Utilisation; Wireless Telegraphy and Telephony; Magneto Construction. The following lectures were delivered in Committee Room B:- Monday, July 7-" Chemistry in Reconstruction," by Sir William Tilden, F.R.S. Wednesday, July 9-"Sound under Water and its Applications," by Prof. W. H. Bragg, F.R.S. Friday, July 11-" Coal Conservation," by Prof. H. E. Armstrong, F.R.S. Monday, July 14-" Progress in Rangefinders," by Prof. Archibald Barr. Friday, July 18-"Explosives," by J. Young, of the Royal Military Academy. The following further lectures will be delivered (at 5.30 p.m.):-Monday, July 21-" Progress in Aviation during the War Period," by L. Bairstow, F.R.S. Wednesday, July 23-"How the Cotton Plant Feeds as well as Clothes us," by S. E. de Segundo. Friday, July 25"A Few Thoughts on the Development of London," by Raymond Unwin, F.R.I.B.A. Monday, July 28"Scientific Lighting and Industrial Efficiency," by L. Gaster. Wednesday, July 30-" Recent Progress in BeeKeeping," by W. Herrod Hempsall. Friday, August 1"Applications of Science to Military Mining," by H. Standish Ball.

BRITISH INDUSTRIES FAIR (GLASGOW), 1919, POSTPONED UNTIL 1920.-The Committee of the Glasgow CorporaIndustries Fair to be held within the Kelvin Hall of tion who have charge of the arrangements for the British Industries in September next, have decided to postpone the show until February of next next. This decision was only arrived at after a great deal of serious consideration, and has been brought about largely by the declaration of Peace. The arrangements for the September Fair were well in hand long before the Armistice was signed. Following the cessation of hostilities the Board of Trade with whose authority and support the Fair is held) decided


that the British Industries Fairs (1920) would be held

simultaneously in London, Birmingham, and in Glasgow

from February 23 till March 5, 1920. The close proximity of two fairs in Glasgow, September and February, was discussed at some length by a large number of exhibitors

who have booked space for the September show. The result of their deliberations was that they made the suggestion to the Committee of the Glasgow Corporation that the September Fair should be postponed and their efforts concentrated on the February show. In view of the fact that special arrangements were being made by the Board of Trade to bring foreign buyers to next year's Fair, it was considered disadvantageous from an exhi bitor's point of view to have two shows at Glasgow within a few months of each other, and that the one Fair which would be a specially strong one one would be sufficient. These considerations led the Corporation Committee to come to their decision to agree to the exhibitors' suggestion, and a circular has now been issued stating that the September Fair at Glasgow has been postponed until the Spring. The classification of exhibits for the February enterprise as Glasgow will as in the past include the following:-Textiles of all descriptions; Ready made clothing, including hosiery; Hats and caps; Boots, shoes, and gloves; Carpets and upholstery material; Foodstuffs prepared and preserved; Chemicals (light and heavy); Domestic chemical products; Cardboard boxes.

LIEBIG'S EXTRACT OF MEAT COMPANY, LTD.-At a recent Board meeting it was resolved that, subject to confirmatiou at the 54th Ordinary General Meeting of the Company to be held on July 24, an additional dividend of 10 per cent and a bonus of 58. per share, both free of income-tax, on the Ordinary Shares for the year ended March 31, 1919, will be payable on and after July 25 to proprietors who are registered on the Company's books on July 12 and to holders of Ordinary Share Warrants to Bearer.


Assistant Chemist required immediately by

large fim of Indiarubber manufacturers. State age, qualifications, and salary required.-Address, A. T., CHEMICAL NEWS Office, 16, Newcastle Street, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4.

Assistant Metallurgical Chemist (21) requires

Situation. Experience in both Ferrous and Non-ferrous Analyses, Case-hardening, Heat Treatment, Mechanical Testing, and Metallography-Address, A. M. C., CHEMICAL NEWS Office, 16, New castle Street, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4.

Chemist, three years' experience in large Tar

Products Works before taking active service, now demobilised,

desires Employment in London or the Provinces.-Address, T. T., CHEMICAL NEWS Office, 16, Newcastle Street, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4.

hemist (French) seeks Situation. Ten years' practice in Analysis in Research Laboratory. Specialist in Bauxite-Aluminium and Ores. Speaks fluently English, French, ar d German.-Address, "Frenchman," CHEMICAL NEWS Office, 16, Newcastle Street, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4.

Wanted, Chemist with knowledge of Metal

lurgy for Experimental Laboratory near London. Give full particulars and salary required.-Address, C. M., CHEMICAL NEWS Office, 16, Newcastle Street, Farringdon Street, London, E.C.4. Wanted (Midland district), Research Chemists

first-class Academic training. Must be well up in Organic preparations, good manipulators, and capable of carrying on investigations under the direction of the Chief. Both Senior and Junior Chemists (male or female) are required, who have completed University course. Good prospects. Commencing salary according to abilities and experience.-Address, "Midland," CHEMICAL NEWS Office, 16, Newcastle Street, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4.

GAUZE ELECTRODES (weight of Electrodes 4 ozs. Troy),
with Stand for rotating to hold 3 set Electrodes.-Offers for above to
F. A. Craig, Ard-Cluan, Waterside, Londonderry.

LABORATORY wanted in London, with or

without ANALYTICAL PRACTICE. Send particulars.Address, "Bunty," CHEMICAL NEWS Office, 16, Newcastle Street, Farringdon Street, London, E.C. 4.

Process for Separating Glutamic Acid from other
Amino-acids. No. 106081.

Process of Recovering Sulphuric Acid from the
Waste Acid of Petroleum Factories. No. 12363
of 1915.


he Owners of the above PATENTS are
desirous of arranging, by Licence or otherwise, on reasonable

terms, for the Commercial development of the Inventions.
For particulars address HERBERT HADDAN and CO.,
Chartered Patent Agents, 31 & 32, Bedford Street, Strand, London,
W.C. 2.


Researches on the Chemical Action in Lead Accumulators.-Ch. Féry.-The action of a lead accumulator is analogous to that of an ordinary pile; it is due to the attack of the negative, giving a plumbous sulphate, Pb2SO4, which is almost black in colour and corresponds to the plumbous oxide Pb2O which is already known to chemists. Depolarisation is due to the reduction to PbO2 of a peroxide of formula Pb2O5, which may be regarded as the anhydride of perplombic acid. This substance is black in colour, endothermic, and a powerful oxidiser. Its resistibility is 22 times less than than of PbO2. It is reduced by dry hydrogen with rise of temperature, production of PbO2, and liberation of water vapour. The chemical reactions which occur during the charging and discharging of the accumulator may be represented by Applications are invited for the Appointment Pb2+H2SO4+ Pb2O5 Pb2SO4 + H2O+2PbO2. plumbous sulphate formed during the normal charge is very rapidly transformed in air to the white sulphate, owing to the presence of sulphuric acidPb2SO4 + H2SO4+0 = PbSO4 + H2O. Hence a discharged battery must not be allowed to stand.-Bull. Soc. Chim. de France, 1919, xxv.-xxvi., 223.


Principal-W. MANSERGH VARLEY, M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D.

of an ASSISTANT LECTURER IN CHEMISTRY. Good Degree essential, with qualifications in Inorganic and Organic Chemistry.

Salary according to qualifications and experience, minimum £250. Applications, to be made on forms which will be supplied on receipt of a stamped addressed foolscap envelope, must reach me not later than JULY 25th.

T. J. REES, B.A..

Education Offices,
Dynevor Place, Swansea, July 11, 1919.

Director of Education.

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