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The Sam reads DVD, which seems to be the true reading.



Three MSS. read , which is more regular.

Six MSS. read, with the Sam.

x, which is necessary,

mind of Moses in


unless we drop the .

"How collected was the these difficulties!" Ganganelli.

20th. The Sam. reads, and, if we read instead of "I, the words might bear this sense; " and the cloud was darkness and light that night," i. e. darkness to the Egyptians and light to the Israelites.



The Sam. reads "D", et ligavit, which affords a very good One MS. reads, with the Sam. 728", which the grammatical construction requires. Instead of 8, we should certainly read MD, as we have this verb, Jud. xx. 32; so all the versions.

28th. Would it not be better to read, which most of the versions seem to have followed.

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C. xv. 1st.

I will sing * אשיר I think we should read ; אשירה

unto Jehovah."
lime prose." Ganganelli.

See Ps. lix. 17.

"The Jewish poetry was only sub

2d. Kennicott observes, that several MSS. of the Sam. text read non, which most of the versions follow. "Pro, in omnibus locis scribendum ." Meibom. p. 64. From the context, and the Sept. Vulg. Ar. and Syr. versions, I think, with Mr Green, that we should read 1, et extollam eum.

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"It ought to be rendered, mighty in war." Ganganelli.

5th. Six MSS. read, with the Sam. nn, which is the truer reading; and, instead of 'D', we should read 11'.


.נאדר read

I think we should correct this verse by the eleventh, and


8th. Seven MSS. read again, with the Sam. nn, which the preceding verb justifies, and it is followed by all the versions. is the true sublime of poetry." Ganganelli.


Seventy-seven MSS. read, with the Sam., which

the grammatical construction requires.


Thirty-five MSS. read, with the Sam. 12an, which the Twenty-two MSS. read, with the read y." Meibom.

grammatical construction requires.


.אדני instead of יהוה .Sam

.עליהם thirty-two MSS. read ,עלהם For


20th. The Sam. reads, which is more regular. Three MSS. with the Sam. nn, which is followed by all the versions.


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One MS. supplies, with the Sam. 777 before new, which is the usual reading.

24th. Would it not be more regular to read ba

25th. One MS. reads, with the Sam. n before the first 7,

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Thirteen MSS. read, with the Sam. ny, which the grammatical construction requires.. The Sam. reads in this and the first verse of the next chapter; and several MSS. by transposing the ', read: and that there was a before the originally, seems evident by the versions, which uniformly render it Elim.

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C. xvi. 1st. Instead of " we should probably read D, as before, and render it Sin, not Sinai; as the wilderness of Sinai, mentioned c. xix. I, seems to have been different from this, which is also not the same with that which is called Zin, Numb. xiii. 21. Though the versions translate both words in the same manner; for we have all the three wildernesses distinctly mentioned, Numb. xxxiii 12, 15, and


4th. The grammatical construction requires that we should read

הילכו .and with the Sam ,ויצאו


The Sam. reads in the second place, but the usual

.ביום reading is


Twenty-nine MSS. read, with the Keri, n, which seems to be the true reading,


8th. The Sam. transposes the and reads, which the matical construction requires; but twenty-seven MSS. have which is still more regular.



-Sixteen MSS. read, with the Keri, hwn; but one reads, with the Sam, ", which seems to be the more regular formation. See Numb. xi. 31.

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The construction requires that, with four MSS. we should read, which all the versions follow.


One MS. reads opn, which the construction requires, and all the versions read so.

31st. The pronoun, from its sameness with the following word, is probably dropped after ; for 1 was the name of what is called manna, or, as the Vulg. more properly perhaps pronounces the words, manhu. See v. 15.

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92d. The Sam. reads, which the Sept. and Chald. follow, and the construction requires.

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Seventy-eight MSS. have, with the Sam. n, which is

the usual reading.

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Twenty-eight MSS. read 7. See v. t.

10th. From the sameness of the letters, it is probable that the preposition is dropped after hy, as the Sam. reads and two MSS.

על ראש which is evidently a mistake for ,לע ראש


11th. It appears, from the following part of the context, that the Sam. reading, which is followed by the Sept. Chald. Syr. and Vulg. is right in both places.

12th. The Sam. and one MS. read , which the construction requires.

16th. The antient versions vary much in their interpretation of the first part of this verse, as well as the moderns. See Randolph, Shuckf, and Winder. And, in order to make a tolerable sense of the text, as it stands at present, several ellipses must be supposed; but, if we might be allowed to change the form of the words, and, instead of by *, read, they would afford this sense; “and lie said, that it might be known to you, there shall be war to Jehovah, with Amalek, from generation to generation." The Sam. reads 771, which, from other passages, seems to be necessary; or, rather, 7177.

כי יד

C. xviii. 3d.


? העזרי should we not read בעזרי Instead of

For the reading of instead of 8, see Kennicott's 1st Dissert. p. 401, and Gen. Dissert.

: 11th.

?גבר not be

against them."

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There is some verb wanting before or after

may it "For, in the thing which they boasted of, he prevailed


We should read 1, &c. as in v. 13. See Sam.

16th. The Sam. reads 182, which the preceding pronoun justifies. It seems also requisite to read 'ny, which the versions counte


18th. Instead of my the Sam. reads ny, which is the true reading, as appears elsewhere.


Seventeen MSS. read, with the Sam. pa, which is more regular; and it would be more grammatical to read noani.

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