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* the House of Commons, by the Hon. D. P.
Bouverie, on the 9th of March.
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For Bouverie

For Wyndham

For Brodie


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If, in all the Methodist conferences which shall take place in England this year, or which ever have taken place; if, in all the conciliabules at the Thatched House and the Cocoa Tree; if, in all the puffery carried on by Scotchmen who meet to cheat in the dark, and they are equal, in this respect, to any-thing above ground; but if in hell itself greater hypocrisy was ever hatched and played off than has now been played off in this English city, and in the midst of a surrounding country in which God has poured out the abundant rewards of sincerity and of all the virtues, then I challenge the Methodist teachers, the place-hunting Whigs, the booing and puffing Scotch, and the devil himself, to come and put forward respectively, and in due form, their claim to the prize, which is awarded them by the just indignation and contempt of every-thing honest and sincere upon the face of the earth. FIRST, with regard to the corporation; in a mass they, in the month of March, petitioned for the Reform Bill, and in the month of May they choose a man who frankly and honestly tells them that he will oppose that bill! SECOND: we find eight of them who petitioned for the Reform Bill in the month of March; that is to say, who signed the Reform Bill petition, and who now come and vote against that bill in voting for Mr. WYNDHAM! THIRD: we find that twenty-seven of them signed the petition for the Reform Bill; and there is found, out of the whole corporation, but seven to vote for Mr. BRODIE, who pledges himself to vote for the bill; and of those seven, two are himself and Mr. C. G. Brodie, who, I suppose, is his son; so that, in fact, there are but five, though seven-and-twenty signed the petition for the Reform Bill. Twelve were absent, the Recorder, Lord RADNOR, being one, and the Mayor did not vote at all, though he was present. The Mayor, however, signed the petition for the Reform Bill. Of those who were absent we' will form no judgment; but 31 27 712 of the rest this 'corporation contains, according to all t according to all the rules of arithmetic,

only five sincere men; it being natural took place, that the majority of the new to suppose that the two BRODIES were Parliament would be so great as it will influenced by interest or ambition; ad- be; they did not know that the people mitting them, however, to have been would make such wonderful exertions sincere, then the number is seven! But as they have made: from what they had the most interesting part of the transac-seen, during their lives, they could not tion is the SPLITTING OF VOTES between have anticipated such a prodigious Bouverie and Wyndham. This is the change in the attitude and conduct of thing to rivet our attention, and to show the people: they could not have. the real wishes and disposition of many dreamed of the tossing out of KNATCHof those of the aristocracy who are now BULL, FLEMING, BANKES, ACLAND, VYVputting themselves forward as the YAN, LYGON; and, in short, the tossing friends of reform. It was natural of them all out all over the country, exenough for Mr. Wyndham to split votes cept in three or four instances: they with Mr. Bouverie, who had been his could not have dreamed of the tossing colleague before, and to whom he had out of GASCOYNE and of SADLER, and of no objection, either particular or ge- DUNCOMBE's running out of Yorkshire neral; but how came Mr. Bouverie to like a scalded cat. In short, though split votes with him; and that, too, they might have anticipated a mato keep out a man to whose moral jority in the House of Commons, they character there was no objection what- never could have anticipated that ever, who was merely, like himself, a which we shall have to behold. They convert to the cause: what could induce knew the importance of that majority; Bouverie to split votes with Wyndham, they knew the weight that it must have in order to keep out Brodie, who was in the House of Lords; they knew, too, pledged to vote for the Bill? Why, I the weight that the city of Salisbury will say what it was it was the nasty, would have in explaining the wishes of stupid, aristocratical pride that could one of the greatest counties in the not bear to see this stationer walk into kingdom. There had been no division the House of Commons in the place of in the county: to the city of Salisbury, what is called a "a man of family." I therefore, we naturally looked with a know nothing in particular in favour of great deal of interest: The petition Brodie. All that I know of him, indeed, from the corporation of that city had is, from what has now come out; that is, done a great deal: it had been cited as that he had a groundless, a most unjust a striking proof of the feeling in favour prejudice against me, and spoke of me of reform in Wiltshire. There was, quite unprovokedly, in the most insolent therefore every good motive for Mr. manner; nay, further, that he did all Bouverie to take Mr. Brodie by the that was within his little power to do hand, and make common cause with me injury. But Brodie may be a very him; there was every motive by which fit man to be a Member of Parliament, a man ought to have been actuated in for any-thing that I know to the con- such a case; and, casting all these trary. He may possess as much motives aside, he makes common cause wisdom and talent as either of the with his adversary, and brings to the men that have been chosen; and were Parliament the decision of the city of I a citizen of Salisbury, I should resent, Salisbury, in fact, against reform; beand deeply resent too, the splitting of cause, as to his own seat, that he would votes with the adversary of the cause, have had, as a matter of course: the when Brodie stood ready pledged to be trial was between Wyndham and Brothe advocate of that cause. This trans-die, and he takes the part of Wyndham. action clearly shows that the design is still to make the city of Salisbury a mere tool in the hands of these great families. The Bouveries did not know, at the time when the Salisbury election

As I said before, the Bouveries could not have anticipated that which has taken place in the country: for aught they knew to the contrary, the ultimate decision might have depended upon one

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} single vote and that one vote, they tionary boast is, that it was the cradle #subtract from the cause of reformed of liberty, and has been the defender of the feeble and avenger of the oppressed. For my own part, I should be ashamed to be alive if I had neglected any-thing within my power to prevent the people of Ireland being treated in the manner in which they have been, and as they still are treated. Under heaven there is no species of punishment; on this side the infernal regions, nor even in those regions themselves, is there punishment adequate to the crime of wishing the people of Ireland to be kept in the state in which they now are. But before I proceed further, let me insert, from the Morning Chronicle of the other day, an account of a meeting of a parcel of Lords and other people, in London, on the subject of the starvation in Ireland.

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2916 Nor can I forbear observing upon these twelve absentees. It is possible that they might all be kept away by some imperious cause; but twelve, of fifty-five, are a great many to be under the influence of such a cause at one and the same time. Every one to his taste; but, if I had been the Recorder, I would have been present and given my vote for Brodie. I should, indeed, have voted for my brother, too; but why not vote for my brother? In short, being sincere in the cause of Reform, and, of course, anxious for its success, and being a member of the corporation, and having the greatest weight of any man in it, I should have come and proved my sincerity to the people of Salisbury, and proved myself I shall not copy the report of the nasty, worthy of the confidence that they had reposed in me, and of the honour which they had conferred on me, by throwing the whole of that weight into the cause of Reform. The result of all this is, as affects you, the people of Salisbury, that, with all your zeal in the cause of Reform, in which, probably, and, indeed, apparently, from every thing that I hear, you yield to no city or town in the kingdom, you are exhibited to the rest of the country as a set of senseless creatures, that know not what you are doing, or as a set of tame and corrupt wretches that are still willing to be the slaves of the oligarchy; and you give the people of England, Ireland, and Scotland, a right to say, "If we have "reform, we are not indebted for it to "the city of Salisbury." I can have no liking for Mr. Brodie, and particularly cannot envy him his present situation; but I must say, that I would rather be in his place than in the place of those by whose intrigues he has been defeated...

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beastly, canting speeches made upon this occasion, but shall insert the part which gives a description of the state of the people; and when I have done that, I shall, for almost the five hundredth time, make some remarks on the cruel, the ferocious treatment of this people.


Meeting to afford Relief to the famishing
Peasantry, 194

A meeting was held yesterday, in Exeter Hall, according to the advertisements, to raise funds, and provide for their application, to relieve the famine, now raging in several districts in Ireland. The meeting was numerously attended. Amongst those present were Viscount Lifford, the Marquess of Clanricarde, Lord James O'Brien, Lord Manners, Lord Barham, Lord, Ashtown, Lord Calthorpe, Hon. and Rev. C. G. Noel, Right Hon. Stratford Canning, General Ashe, Sir Gordon, Esq., M.-P., Sir John Burke, Bart., R. O'Donnel, Henry Drummond, Esq., J. E. M. P., and Eneas Mac Donnell, Esq.


The Chair was taken shortly after one o'clock, by Lord Lorton.

The CHAIRMAN said, that it was not necessary to occupy the time of the meeting by enlarging on the object which they were assembled, to promote. He should, therefore, merely observe, that that object was the relief of some of the most destitute, perhaps hear, hear.) In many parts of Ireland the the most destitute, people in the world, (Hear, people were in extreme misery, from which

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they could not be relieved without the assist- | all the rest, was an almost complété failure of -ance of those to whom a wise Providence had the potatoe erop; this was owing to incessant given the means. Whatever had been done heavy rains, and a succession of violent gales hitherto, or might now be done, must be of wind, which commenced about the first of considered as only a temporary relief. He August, and continued till November, Oats, trusted that, in the next Session of Parlia- | from the same cause, were not more than half ment, the legislature would pass a law to proa crop. Hay, the season for cutting which in vide the means of employment and subsistence the mountains does not commence till Octoto every man willing to work. (Applause.) her, not half a crop; and the turf almost enIf that were not done, there must inevitably tirely destroyed: the consequences are, that be a recurrence to the distress every year. at this moment there are hundreds of buinan (Hear, hear.) He would therefore, call beings nearly dying from starvation many upou every Peer and Commoner, who desired are living on sea-weed, and such shell-fish to prevent that recurrence, to exert his utmost as they can procure; and should warm weaefforts to obtain, in the next Session, a per- ther set in, I have little doubt but, that fever manent provision for the Irish poor. He will follow, and carry off thousands. then read a letter which he had received from Sir John Conroy, enclosing a third douation of 501, from her Royal Highness the Duchess of Kent, and informing the committee that her Royal Highness and the Princess Victoria were at present employed in making and arranging articles to be sold at the Bazuar, in aid of the funds of the Relief Committee. (Much applause.) He also read a letter from a noble Duke, enclosing one hundred pounds (applause), and expressing his Grace's regret that he was unable to attend the Meeting. A letter had also been received from the Earl of Shrewsbury, regret ting his inability to be present, and explaining that he had recently sent one hundred pounds, for the relief of the distressed districts in Ireland; and that not having any property in that country, he could not now afford a second subscription.

"The snow remained an unusually long time on the ground, the fodder was soon exhausted, and the cattle are now dying by hundreds; one person, I know, lost the week before last twenty-five head of black cattle: you may readily imagine that I feel convinced of this awful visitation, when I tell you that f have sent 2007, worth of potatoes to be retailed out at a price which will leave me a considerable loser.”

A further testimony was found in a Jettér of the Rev. James Crawford, of Maghery Glebe. This, letter proves that even the cattle are dying for want of sustenance :

"There certainly exists at present very great distress amongst the numerous' 'poor people of this extensive parish, which would be increased to an alarming height during the ensuing summer months, should no relief be afforded; but many thanks to you and our Mr. J. S. REYNOLDS, Secretary to the Com- English friends for your timely and liberal mittee, read an address, which exhibited the donation, which, together with what we exexistence of a wide-spread, and calamitous pect from others, will, it is hoped, in a great destitution in several districts in Ireland, and measure, relieve the calamities with which established the necessity of prompt and im- we are threatened. The great failure of the mediate measures of relief by numerous ex-potatoe crop by blight for two successive years, tracts from respectable correspondents, which furnished a body of evidence most painful and conclusive. The first extract was from a letter of the Archbishop of Tuam :

"Extraordinary distress, from the failure of the last potatoe crop, exists at this moment all along the coast of Cunnemara and Mayo, and the islands opposite to those coasts in Ennis, and so ou to the county of Donegal; at all times much distress prevails throughout this province of Connaught for the want of employment, but I think that the very great and extraordinary distress is in most parts, if not altogether, confined to the districts which I have now mentioned."

The next is an extract from the letter of J. Dombrain, Esq., Inspector-General of the Coast Blockade for Ireland:

"I have just returned from a visit to the coast of Donegal, under the sanction of the Lord Lieutenant, to ascertain the state of the poor in those remote parts, and it is with feel ings of deep pain and regret I communicate to you a catalogue of miseries, almost unexampled even in this country.

"The first in order, and primary cause of

and want of employment for the superabundant population, have been the proximate causes of the present distress. There has been also a great loss of cattle and sheep; there is, in consequence, no marketable article that would afford the people means of purchasing provisions at the present exorbitant prices. I beg to mention one instance, which will prove to demonstration the great want of food. Two of iny friends, extensive graziers, have during the past month lost, one, thirty-seven head of cattle; the other, seventeen; and they died of disease; and in wretched poverty the country people used the flesh for food."

In corroboration of these proofs of the existence of the most melancholy suffering, the following communication was added from a gentleman at Sligo :

When I recollect that to-morrow is only the 1st of April, I look forward with horror to the state of tins country in two or three months, judging from what I witnessed yesterday. The beach between Inniscrone and Palocherry was quite covered with picking the common black sea teeed off in


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rocks, which, I am told, they carry home to
the nountains and bail for good stolek sat
their few remaining potatoes, What is to be-
come of them in June or July I know uut
think, when the tide was there could not
have been less than three thousand persons
employed as I have stated." now egans
:91Another letter says "The distress all


around is rapidly increasing. The printernal of the people speaks loudly as to their sufferings, although they do not utter a single word. The famine is very general over the kingdom. I could tell you tales of suffering which would barrow up your soul; but, suffice it to say, the Noonan family that you found so ill in the cellar in St. Giles's, were in comparative comfort to many here. They are lying all swelled from hunger as if ill of dropsy, with their children all crying for hunger around them. Description and imagination

fall far short of the dreadful reality,'

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feats part, bitterly hostile to the poorJakeHOTORE, To be sure they are i Ber that that poor insignificant thing, introducing the English declained against Ireland!, He, Brave inan, Wished the 8006r-laws into pendence That is1 to sả peasant to live in a se state of indehim to live as he could, without anysay, he wished thing from him to live along with the pigs, only rather fean pigs, , not the f Irish Squirearchy asserting that the peoAt other ones times you hear the hard-hearted insolent ple of that country do not like meat and bread, and that they like to le pon straw and filth, and like to be clad in punishment in store for them are pas rags, or go naked. Monsters! there is

worse; to live with the


u Was there ever a sight like this be fore to offend the sight of a just God and of the just part of mankind! While is; the duty of the Government of the The duty of the English Government these people were, by thousands, prowl- Kingdom is, to cause the Irish people ing along the sea-beach, to pick up the to receive just and due remuneration stinking muscles, for, observe, none but for their labours; to cause them to "the dead ones or the dying ones will have it in their power to remain on the beach after the tide is bread, and to be well clothed; and it is t'meat a and gone out; while these poor creatures the duty, the bounden, the sacred duty were thus employed, and were climbing of the people of England to compel about upon the rocks to get sea-weed to their Government, by all lawful and carry home to eat: while they were thus constitutional means, to cause this to employed, in order to save life, there be done for Ireland. And what are the were the ships in the harbour, within means? Is there any difficulty in findsight of them, taking in loads of bacon, ing them? The thing is done in ten pork, beef, butter, and corn, to be car-days, and, in an Act of Parliament ried and sold in other lands, so that the which I will give here directly, lest the money might be given to the land-law-officers should be too busy to find owners of Ireland, to spend in those time to draw it up. other lands. ssy ban bleo# <~d} How can this Govern..ment hold its head up; how can it look "Whereas the people of to Ireland the world in the face, while a state of form part of his Majesty's Eurothings like this is proclaimed to that pean subjects, and are therefore world! "fully entitled to all the benefits "of the laws of England; and "whereas they are now, and for

The DUCHESS of KENT and the PRINCESS VICTORIA are setting up a Bazaar, we are told, to raise money for the relief of the Irish. To remark upon such stuff as this I have not patience. There wants the interference of the Govern ment, to compel the landowners of Treland to relieve the poor in the same manner that they are relieved in Eng land and America, only, with regard to the latter, with the absence of the bills U of STURGES BOURNE, Mark well, that the Irish Members are, for the far

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ages have been, enduring great "hardships in consequence of the poor-laws not having been established in Ireland, as they were in England, to supply the place co-existent with the Catholic "of the beneficent institutions Church; and whereas, without the application of the English law in this respects to Reland, 16 barbarism of the people must "the cruel treatment and the Halfmcme A blog yadi en vise1-954

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