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P. 144, 1. penult. for modes, read mode.



209, 1. 8, for ftill the unforced, read the fill unforced, &c. 221, par. 2, 1. 13, 14, for than the prefent; read than the time prefent.

238, Art, 36, 1. 1. for remonstrance read remontrance.

- 352, par 4, 1. 2. for contrivance of economy or the animal creation, read contrivance or economy of the animal creation. 377. par. 2, l. 11, for but too seldom, read but seldom. 393, Art. 24, 1. 3, for recites in a plaintive yet shandyan kind of drollery, read in a plaintive fiyle, yet in a shandyan kind of drollery.

479, In the account of Gordon's arithmetic, 1. ult. for with us they usually fet to learn, read with us they are usually set to learn.

oration in honour


of Voltaire,
DUKE, his poetry briefly charac-

terifed, 189.
DUMONT's inquiry into the admi-
nistration of lands among the
Romans, 219.

EARTH, new theory of the for-


mation of,
EDWARD (William) extraordi-
nary bridge built by him, 11.
ELECTRICITY, experiments to
fhew the advantage of pointed
conductors, 401. The con-
trary opinion maintained, 402.
Decifion in favour of the Frank-
linian conftruction, 406. Va-
rious experiments on the Ley..
den phial, &c. 407.
ELECTRICAL Conductors, the fu-
periority of thofe that are ele-
vated and pointed, proved by
experim. made in France,
ELEPHANTS, bones of and of

other huge Southern animals,
found in Siberia, 536554.
ELOGE de Milord Marechal. See,

EPOCHAS Of Nature,› Buffon's ac-

count of, 531.
ERSTE Grundlehren des ietzigen
Europæifchen Voelker rechts,

&c. 57.
ESSAI fur l'Hiftoire de la Maison
d'Autriche, 52


fur la Jurifprudence Univer-
felle. See IACOB.

fur l'Hiftoire des tribunaux,
ESTABLISHMENTS, religious, de-
fended, 324.
EVANGELISTS, critical account of
the latitude with which they use
certain forms of expreffion, 264.
EVENING, fonnet or, 75,
EURIPIDES, his dramatic compo-

fitions characterized, 511.
EXPERIMENTING in agriculture,
recommended, 128. Forms for
recording the farmer's experi-
ments, 246.
EZOUR Vedam tranflated, 500.
EZRA, his reformation of the Jew-

Curious ac-

ith religion, 102.
count of his preaching, 103.
FAULKNER, George, his ac-
count of Sacheverel, 358.
FEMALE Conduct, rules and obfer-
vations relative to, 45.
FENTON, Elijah, his fanciful idea
of the periods of intellectual
growth and decay, 9.
FEUTRY, M. his Opufcula, 56.
FLINT-GLASS, inquiry into the
compolition of, and the means
of giving it an higher degree of
perfection, 496.
FOUCHER, Abbé, his Supplement
to his treatife on the Religion of
the ancient Perfians, 529.
FRIENDSHIP, the temple of, de-
fcribed, 109,

GALLOWAY, Mr. account of
him, and his evidence respect-
ing American affairs, 71.
GARRAULT's account of the filver
mine at Chitty in Nivernois, 1e-
published, 221.
GENEALOGIES of Matthew and

Luke's Gofpels harmonized, 263.
GENERAL of an army, qualifica-
tions of a complete one, 202.
GENEVA, catalogue of the library
there, 543.

GENIUS diftinguished from bright
parts, 202.
GEORGICAL Society, plan for a

new one, 137,

GOBET's ancient mineralogifts of
France, 221.

GOSPELS, Harmonies of, their uti
liy, 259

GOUT, fuccefsfully treated by blif-
tering, 206.

GREEKS, ancient, their poetry
philofophically invefligated,510.
Farther accounts of, 523.
GRIFFITH, John, his ridiculous
fanaticiim, 372.

GUTHRIE, Dr. his account of the
means by which the Ruffians are
preferved from the fcurvy, 279,

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

JEFFERYS, Judge, anecdote rela

tive to, 10.

ILIAD and Odyffey ftrangely fymbolized, 483. The Heroes and Deities of, faid to be allegori cal beings, ib.

INDIANS, Creek, noble speech of, at a congrefs held at CharlesTown, 449.

Oriental, curious ac

count of their facred books, and different fects of Brahmins, &c.

500% INGENHOUSZ, Dr. his method of procuring inflammable air from vitriolic æther, 170. His invention for lighting a candle by electricity, 407. His experiments to fhew how far the phenomena of the Electrophorus may be accounted for by Dr. Frank, lin's theory of positive and negative electricity, 408. INSURANCE, mercantile, plan recommended for inftituting a court of merchants, &c. for de

riments, 41C. HERETIC, St. Paul's meaning with refpect to, 123. HERODOTUS, a reformer of ancient hiftory, 523. Compared with Homer, 524. HERVEY, Mr. unites the flowers. of poetry with the thistles. af theology, 95. HIGGINS, Bryant, on the ufe of..

[ocr errors]

an amalgam of zinc, in electri-..termining difficult cafes in, 423.

cal excitation, 407. HIPPONE, city of. See L BLOND. HISTOIRE naturelle, &c. du Tonquin, &c. 54.

critique des opinions des

anciens, 55.

naturelle du Tuffilage,

&c. 306. HISTORY of the German empire,


HOLLAR, his view of St. James's,

&c. from the village of Charing,


HOMER, whimfical hypothefis re-
lative to, 483. A fabulous
being, ib. His writings fymbo-
lized, ib.

HUME, David, his literary fame
ungenerously attacked by Lord
Monboddo, 195. Extracts from
his Dialogues on natural Reli-
gion, 343. Cenfure of that
work, 354.
Асов On


dence, 222.

JOHN, the footman, his conference with Mr. Clement, on reLigion, 99...:

-, St. his first Epiftle ad Spartos. meaning of, 546. KEMPFER's history of Japan,

new edition of, from the Author's original MS. 145. KEATE, Mr. account of his va

rious writings, 117. KEITH, George, Lord Marshal of Scotland, his eulogy, 300. LABYRINTH, the famous one at Lemnos, no traces of now re maining, 484.

LA SERKE, his history of the entry of Mary de Medicis into England, 12.

LASSONE, M. De, his new obser

vations on the analyfis of cryf tals of verdegris and fait of lead, &c. 495. On fome new phe nomena produced by different faline mixtures, 496.

univerfal jarifpru LEAR, King, and his three Daughters, an old play, on which Shakespeare

Shakespeare founded his tragedy
on the fame fubject, extract
from, 296.

LE BEAU, M. his memoirs rela-
ting to the Roman legion, 528.
LE BLOND, Abbé, his account of
two Imperial medals of the city
of Hippone, 528.

LE BRUN, remarks on his man-
ner of painting, with respect to
the difpofition of light and
fhade, 19.

LEIPSIC, academical differtation
concerning the literature of, 60.
LEITH, Sir Alexander, his trial
for felony, 393.

LEMNOS, ifle of. See VOLCANO.


LEO X. Pope, more worthy of a

crown than a mitre, 522.
LE ROY, M. his memoir on the
form of elect. conductors, 491.
LETTER, Curious one from a Scotch
warrior, 16.

LETTRES d'un voyageur Anglois,

LESLIE, Sir John, his extraordi-
nary epiftle to Sir Thomas Rid-
dle, 16.

LIBERTY, religious, fpirited re-
marks on, 101.
LIGHT, its effects on water, evin-
ced by experiments, 168,
LIVER, obf. on the fituation of,
in its natural ftate, 491. The
growth of, not proportionable
to the other parts of the body,
492. Changes its fituation in
different attitudes, ib.
LOBSCHRIFT auf Winkelman, 223.
LONDON (Old) views of, in cu.

rious ancient drawings, 13.
LowTH, Bishop, poetical compli-
ment to, 334.
LULLIN, Amadeus, fome account
of that eminent divine, 545.
LYCOPHRON the poet characteri-
zed, 513.
MACBRIDE, Dr. remarks by, on

the efficacy of wort, as a re-
medy for the fcurvy, 276.
MAGI, their vifit to the Holy Fa
mily, critical account of, 263.

MACQUER, M. his inquiries con
cerning the compofition of flint-
glafs, 496.

MAHOMET, curious Latin poèm in
honour of, 547•
MANSFIELD, Lord, his opinions
with respect to the power of the
crown over conquered countries
difcuffed, 177-179.
MANUSCRIPTS, general account
of those in the library of Gene-
va, 543.
MARTANO, Dr. his obfervations
on the fcurvy, 412.
MASERES, Baron, his arguments
in oppofition to Lord Mansfield's
opinion relative to the power of
the crown in Canada, 172-180.
MEASURES and Weights. See

MEDALS of Hippone, 528.
MEMOIRES Hiftoriques et Geo-
graph. fur la Valachia, &c. 304.
MEMOIRS, aftronomical, by feve
ral members of the French aca-
demy, 497-498.

MERIAN, M. his differtation on
the influence of the fciences on

poetry, 509.
MEYER, M. his letters concern-
ing Ruffia, 58.
MICHAELIS, Dr. bis account of
the angyna polypofa, 222.
MILTON, particulars of his life,


His education, 82, Com-
mences teacher of the claffics,
&c. 83. His political charac-
ter, 86. His poetry, 87. His
religion, 89. Critical remarks
on his poems, 90
MIND, Lord Monboddo's ftrange
hypothefis relating to, 192.
MINES, accounts of thofe in France,


MONBODDO, Lord, his fingular

hypothefis of mind, 192. His
unhandsome attack of the lite-

fame of David Hume, 195.
His account of the Jumping
Ague. 197. His extravagant
admiration of Ariftotle and an
cient metaphyfics, 198.


MONNET's System of Mineralogy, OTHMAN Lillus Anconitanus, hi


MONNIER, M. his memoir on the
variations of the magnet, 489.
On horizontal refractions at fun-
fetting, 497. On Saturn's Ring,
498. On the variations in the
obliquity of the ecliptic, ib.
MOREAU'S moral political dif
courfes on the government of
France, 214
MOSER'S principles of the law of
nations, 57.

MOSQUITO thore, country and in-

habitants of, defcribed, 473.
MOUNTAINS, new theory of the
original formation of, 550.
MUSGRAVE, Dr. his argument in
favour of Mr. Wilfon's electrical
experiments, and blunt conduc-
tors, 402.

NAIRNE, Mr. his electrical ex-
periments, 401.

NATURE, wonderful changes of,
in the earliest ages of the world,
NATURAL caufes, their influence
on the mind of man, 508.
NAVIGATION, feveral important
obfervations relative to, by Meff.
De Borda, Pingre, and De Ver-
dun, 498.
NAVIGATIONS, inland. See CA-


NECKER, M. De, his natural hif-
tory of the Tuffilago and Peta-
vites, 306.

NETLEY abbey, defcript. of, 14.
NICANDER, the poet characterised,

Nouvelles Obf fur l'Angleterre.

- recherches fur la fcience des
Medailles, &c. See SIVRY.
NOUVEAU Syfteme de Mineralo-
gie. See MONNET.
ORGANS, ufe of, in churches,

when first introduced in this
country, 399, 480.
ORIENTAL legiflation lefs defpotic

than is generally fuppofed, 553.
ORIGINALS, literary, rare pro-
ductions, 117. The Seafons of
Thomfor, an original, 118.

remarkable epic poem in prai
of Mahomet, and his great ex
ploits, 547-

OTWAY, his poetry cenfured, 189.
PAROS, ifle of, defcribed, 481.
Antiquities there, ib.
PASCAL, Blaife, his great charac
ter for wit and learning, 505
Account of a complete edition
of his writings, 507..
PERLIN, Stephen, his ftrange
account of the English, 12.
PERNETY, Dom. his memoir
concerning the influence of na-
tural caufes in the mind of
man, 508.
PERSECUTION, religious, account
of a late inftance of, in Ireland,

PERSIANS, ancient, remarks on
their religion, 529.

PHILIPPA, Queen, her oratorical
address to King Edward, in fa-
vour of the burghers of Ca-
lais. 438.

PHILOSOPHERS, of ancient Greece,
their great contempt for poetry,
PHILOSOPHY, natural, experi
ments relating to, 162.

how to be conducted, 559.
PHILOXENUS, Bifhop, his Syriac
verfion of the gospels, 36.
PIGEONS, numerous catalogue of
the forts, 66.

PILEUR d'Apligny, M. le, his
treatife on colours and colour-
ing, 55.

PLATO's Io, an excellent French
tranflation of, 528.

PLANTS, experiments on, relative
to the properties of the air, 165.
POETRY, facred, why generally
anfuccessful, 8.


Of the ancient Greeks,
the repofitory of their wisdom
and philofophy, 509. Their
only means of recording history,
523. Its abufe of hiftory, ib.
POETS, metaphyfical, an account
of, 2.


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