Esperance. An esperance so obftinately strong, that doth invert the attest of eyes and A.S. P. C.L. Troil. and Creff. 5 2 886222 To be the worst, the lowest and most dejected thing of fortune stands still in efpe rance Espials. By our espials were discovered Her father and myself (lawful espials) Espouse. Lear. 4 1 9521 54 I Henry vi. 4 3 56216 Hamlet. 3 1101711 The queen hath heartily confented he shall espouse Elizabeth her daughter Espoused. And so espous'd to death, with blood he feal'd a testament of love His letter there will shew you his estate For my father's house, and all the revenue that was old fir Rowland's, will I estate upon you The eftate is green and yet ungovern'd - So ficken'd their eftates, that never shall they abound as formerly It gives me an estate of seven years health Esteem. We loft a jewel of her; and our efteem was made much poorer by it All's Well. 5 3 30229 We have always truly ferv'd you; and befeech to to esteem of us Than from true evidence of good esteem - What things again most dear in the esteem, and poor in worth Eftimable wonder Eftimation. He cannot plead his estimation with you - Whose estimation do you mightily hold up I fpeak not this in eftimation - Beggar the estimation which you priz'd richer than fea and land So of your brace of unprizeable eftimations, the one is but frail, and Eftridges. All furnish'd, all in arms, all plum'd like estridges And in that mood the dove will peck the eftridge 1 Henry iv. 1 3 Estranged. How comes it, that thou art then estranged from thyself Comedy of Errors. 2 2 10818 Troi and Cref. 2 2 the other cafual Cymbeline. 5 897146 1 Henry iv. 4 1 4642/42 Antony and Cleop. 311 790220 Love's Lab. Loft. 52 168 1 10 Eternity was in our lips and eyes - Let Mars divide eternity in twain and give him half Ant. and Cleop. I 3770244 - Sweet tomb, that in thy circuit doft contain the perfect model of eternity R. and Ful. 53 995/114 Eterniz'd. Saint Alban's battle, won by famous York, shall be eterniz'd in all age to - Such Ethiop words, blacker in their effect than in their countenance As You Like It. 4 3 244119 Evans, Sir Hugh, a Welch parfon. D. P. Merry W. of Wind. 45 Evasions. His evafions have ears thus long -This evafion, wing'd thus swift with scorn, cannot out-fly our apprehentions Ibid. 23 869 221 Eve. What Eve, what ferpent hath suggested thee to make a second fall of cuised man Fove's fufo. Thou wert as witty a piece of Eve's flesh as any in Illyria - The care I have to even your content Merry Wives of Windfor. 46 70125 - The king has run bad humours on the knight, that's the even of it But we'll even all that good time will give us -Than their even Chriftian - She was here even now Event. As the event stamps All's Well. 3 280217 Much Ado About Nothing. 1 2 124/2/10 Richardii. 3 4 431133 Twelfth Night. 1 5 310240 Event. Prepofterous event - How common events are frequently reckoned portentous A. S. P. C. L. Love's Lab. Loft. 1 1 145/2/32 And carry with us ears and eyes for the time, but hearts for the event Cor. 2 1 714230 All ftrange and terrible events are welcome, but comforts we despise Ant. and Cleop. 413 762 8 High events as these strike those that make them Sir, the event is yet to name the winner - There are many events in the womb of time which will be delivered Ever-gentle gods Everlasting. A devil in an everlasting garment hath him Comedy of Errors.4 2 113247 - Or that the Everlasting had not fix'd his cannon 'gainft felf-flaughter Evidence. I have done these things that now give evidence against my foul Richardiii. 14 641259 Buit. What I fuffer'd to bring this woman to evil for your good Merry W. of Windfor. 3 5 There is fome foul of goodness in things evil, would men observingly distil it out Men's evil manners live in brass; their virtues we write in water The evil, that men do, live after them Of your philofophy you make no use if you give way to accidental evils And all that we are evil in, by a divine thrutting on [disease] cured by the hands of the king of England Henry v.4 1527155 Henry viii. 4 2 69514Jul. Cas. 3 2 755226 Ibid 4 3 760152 Lear. 1 2 933255 Macbeth. 4 3 381251 Evil-ey'd. You shall not find me daughter, after the flander of most step-mothers, eviley'd unto you Evil-fpirit. Thy evil-spirit, Brutus Evitate. She doth evitate and shun Cymbeline. 1 2 8941/53 J. Cefur. 4 3 761233 73/2/28 Merry Wives of Winafor. 55 Eunuch. The battle of the Centaur's to be sung by an Athenian eunuch to the harp I'd fend them to the Turk, to make eunuchs of Midf. Night's Dream. 51 1922 29 Lord Say hath gelded the common-wealth and made it an eunuch I take no pleasure in aught an eunuch has As well a woman with an eunuch play'd as with a woman Unpaved eunuch All's Well. 2 3 286 222 2 Henry vi. 4 2 594155 Ant. and Cleop. 15772230 Ibid. 2 5 77726 Cymbeline. 2 3 902252 Euripbile. Their nurse, Euriphile, whom for the theft I wedded, stole these children upon my banishment Europa. Jove thou wast a bull for thy Europa Ibid. 5 5 927136 Merry W. of Windfor. 5 5 71143 All Europe shall rejoice at thee as once Europa did at lufty Jove M. Ado Ab. Noth. 54 146113 I faw sweet beauty in her face fuch as the daughter of Agenor had Ewe. The ewe that will not hear her lamb when it baes will The ewes being rank, in the end of autumn turned to the rams Taming of the Shrew. 11 2562 16 never anfwer the calf Mu. Ado Abt. Noth. 3 3 134/2/20 - Why, we are still handling our ewes; and their fells you know are - A fcore of good ewes may be worth ten pounds - An old black ram is tupping your white ewe Ewers. Bafons and ewers, to lave her dainty hands greasy As You Like It. 3 2 2351 7 2 Henry iv. 3 2 489211 Otbello. 111044 217 Tam. of the Sbrew. 2 1 263131 and I wot Exactions. And daily new exactions are devised, as-blanks, benevolences not what Rich. ii. 2 1 4221 24 - These exactions, whereof my fovereign would have note, they are most peftilent to the hearing Still exaction! the nature of it? in what kind, let's know, is this exaction Exactly. And exactly begg'd your grace's pardon Examined. All her deferving is a referved honesty, and that I have not heard Example. Lest example breed, by his fufferance, more of such a kind - O, a fin in war, damn'd in the first beginners - gross as earth, exhort me The war must make examples out of their best Exafperate. Why art thou then exafperate Hen. viii. 1264263 Ibid. 1 2 67514 Richard ü. 11414 262 examined All's Well. 3 5 292 2160 Henry v. 2 2 516 133 Cymbeline. 5 3 921122 Hamlet. 4 4 1028 116 Othello. 3 31060116 Troi. and Creff. 51884153 Ibid. 4 5 8821/10 Excellence. A. S. P. C. L. Excellence. And the a fair divided excellence, whose fulness of perfection lies in him K.J.12 2 394 2/26 Excellency. It is the witness still of excellency to put a strange face on his own perfec tion M. Ado About Noth. 2 3 1292 22 Othello.2 11052115 Two Gent. of Verona-24 31122 - And, in the essential vesture of creation, does bear all excellency Except not any, except you will except against my love - Why, let her except, before excepted Exceptions to my love - Your coufin, my lady, takes great exceptions to your ill hours - How modeft in exception Truelfth Night1 3 308 225 Two Gent. of Verona. 13 272 3 Twelfth Night.1 3 308 224 Merch. of Venice. 1 3 200 262 Exrefs. I neither lend nor borrow, by taking or by giving of excess Exchequer of words Lear. 5 3 Two Gent. of Verona. 24 - I will be cheater to them both, and they shall be exchequers to me M. W. of Wind. 1 3 Evermore thanks, the exchequer of the poor 963148 301 22 492 11 Richard ii. 2 3 424 239 - Rob me the exchequer the first thing thou do'st and do it with unwash'd hands too Exchange. The allusion holds in the exchange - I am much alham'd of my exchange Exclamation. I hear as good exclamation on your worship Much Ado About Noth. 3 4 136 231 Excloims. Alas the part I had in Gloster's blood doth more folicit me, than your exclaims What man of good temper could bear this tempeft of exclamation 2 Henry iv. 2 1 480137 Excommunication. Only get the learned writer to iet down our excommunication Excrement. Dally with my excrement, with my mustachio Much Ado About Nothing. 34 1372 5 These aflume but valour's excrement to make themselves redoubted Your bedded hair like life in excrements, ftarts up and stands on end Hamlet. 5 4 1024257 Excuse. I will not hear thy vain excuse" -The excuse, that thou doit make in this delay is longer than the tale thou doft ex cufe Give me excufe Why should excufe be born, or e'er begot King John. 4 3 406224 - I'll learn to conjure and raise devils, but I'll fee fome issue of my spiteful execra tions Execute. Work thou the way, and thou shalt execute Executed. Awake till you are executed, and fleep afterwards 3 Henry vi-5 6 632/227 Meas for Meas 4 3 95243 Execution. To the hopeful execution do I leave you, of your commissions The place of death and forry execution - Why one that rode to his execution, man, could never go so flow Executioner. A bawd will difcredit our mistery I would not be thy executioner Executioners. D. P. Comedy of Errors. 51 117 254 Measure for Measure. 4 2 Go thou and like an executioner, cut off the heads of too-fast growing sprays, that look too lofty in our commonwealth - If murdering innocents be executing, why then thou art an executioner Executor. Such bafenefs had ne'er like executor - Delivering over to executors pale the lazy yawning drone Exempt. Be it my wrong, you are from me exempt 5 -D. P. I Henry vi. Henry v. 2 1 5151,16 Richard ii. 1 2 635258 King Jobn. 34 401 216 I Henry iv. 2 4 454219 more Henry viii. 3 2 690233 My lord, do you see these meteors? do you behold these exhalations - I shall fall like a bright exhalation in the evening, and no man see me Exbauf, Spare not the babe, whose dimpled smiles from fools exhaust their mercy Exbibition. Like exhibition thou shalt have from me -We have the exhibition to examine - Subfcrib'd his power! confin'd to exhibition -Duereference of place, and exhibition -Illend my exhortation after dinner A.S. P. C. L. Timon of Ath. 43 821112 Two Gent. of Verona. 1 3 271 5 Midf. Night's Dream. 1 1 1982 9 Exigent. These eyes-like lamps whose wasting oil is spent-wax dim as drawing to their exigent - Why do you cross me, in this exigent For exile hath more terror in his look, much more than death The world's exile is death I Henry vi. 25 553246 Julius Cefar. 5 1 762127 Romeo and Julist 3 3 985138 Exion. I pray ye, fince my exion is enter'd and my case so openly known let him be brought in to his anfwer Exorcifms. Will her ladyship behold and hear our exorcifms Exerciff. Is there no exorcift beguiles the truer office of mine eyes Expelt. Be it of less expect, that matter needless, of importless burden, - There is expectance here from both the fides Expectancy. Every minute is expectancy of more arrivance Expectation. He hath, indeed, better better'd expectation -I will never truft my expectation Ibid. 3 3 985145 to the world, 2 Henry iv. 21 479238 2 Henry vi. 14 577146 All's Well. 5 3 30518 Julius Cafar. 2 1 75013 divide thy lips Troi. and Cref.1 3862153 M. Ado About Noth. II 121121 -Oft expectation fails, and most oft there where mostit promises; and oft it hits when hope is coldeft and defpair most fits -The rest that are within the note of expectation already are i' th' court - Fresh expectation troubled not the land with any long'd-for change Thou hast feal'd up my expectation For now fits expectation in the air - And expectation fainted for longing for what it had not All's Well. 2 1 28423 Macbeth. 3 3 375117 K. John. 4 2 4031 28 2 Henry iv. 4 4 499239 Henry v.2 ch 514110 Aut. and Cleop. 36 784245 Expedience. What yesterday our council did decree, in forwarding this dear expedience tickling skittish spirits Prologue to Troi. and Creff 85724 whirls me round Troi. and Greff. 3 2872247 Expediently. Make an extent upon his house and land: dothis expediently As You Like It. 3 1 234144 Then fiery expedition be my wing, Jove's Mercury, and herald for a king Rich. iii. 4 3 659 1 26 - Unless experience be a jewel, that I have purchas'd at an infinite rate M. W. of Wind. 2 2 - Such wind as scatters young men through the world, to feek their fortunes farther 55250 Taming of the Shrew. I 2 257257 than experience to make me fad As You Like It. 4 1 241 162 And your experience makes you fad; I had rather have a fool to make me merry - Than in my every action to be guided by other's experiences , 0, thou difprov'it report Cymbeline. 5896255 Ibid. 4 2 914258 Macbeth. 4 3 382127 Expire. And good men's lives expire before the flowers in their caps ploit of death Richard iii. 4 2 657237 Midf. Night's Dream. 41 1901 3 Exposition. I have an exposition of fleep come upon me starts i' the way before thee chance that Exfound. He has left me here behind to expound the meaning or moral of his tokens Tam. of the Sbrew. 4 4 272 251 A.S. P. C. L. Expound. And to expound his beastly mind to us Express. It charges me in manner the rather to express myself - Mine integrity being counted falf-hood shall, as I express it, be so received W.'s T. 3 2 344148 Expuls'd. For ever should they be expuls'd from France Exquifite. The most exquisite Claudio - Thy exquifite reason - Is your Englishman so exquifite in drinking Cymbeline. 1 7 900/2/26 Twelfth Night. 2 1 313h 55 1 Hen. vi. 3 3 558161 M. Ado About Nothing. I 3 125121 Twelfth Night. 2 3 3161 1 Othello. 2 31055211 Exfuffolate. When I shall turn the business of my soul to fuch exfuffolate and blown furmifes Ibid. 3 3106126 Extempore. Sure the gods do this year connive at us, and we may do any thing extem Winter's Tale. 4 3 356138 Love's Labor LoA. 1 2 151 259 Ibid. 4 2 1591/32 Gymbeline. 11 893 214 wonderfully to ex Extended. Labienus (this is stiff news) hath, with his Parthian force, Extent. Make an extent upon his house and lands - In this unusual and unjust extent Cymbeline. 1 5 896226 extended Afia Ant. and Cleop. 1 2 769159 As You Like It. 3. 1 234143 Twe'fth Night. 4 1 327119 Extenuate. The law of Athens yields you up, which by no means we may extenuate -Cleopatra, know, we will extenuate rather than enforce Midf. Night's Dream. 1 1 176225 intention Extermin'd. By giving love, your forrow and my grief were both extermin'd Extern. In compliment extern Extincted. Give renew'd fire to our extincted spirits Extirp. It is impoffible to extirp it quite As You Like It. 352411/20 Meaf. for Meaf. 3 2 91112 Extirped. Nor should that nation boaft it so with us, but be extirped from our pro vinces Extolment. In the verity of extolment 1 Henry vi. 3 3 558150 Hamlet. 5 21038216 Mid. Night's Dr. 3 2 186217 Extort. And extort a poor foul's patience all to make you fport Extravagant. To an extravagant and wheeling stranger To chide at your extremes it not becomes me Twelfth Night. 5 1 331222 Othello. 111045121 3 Henry vi. 2 2 612245 Merry W. of Windfor. 44 67247 Winter's Tale. 4 3 349242 Troi. and Creff. 4 2 879212 Rom. and Jul. 41 990150 policy, like Time force and death, do this body what extremes you can 'Twixt my extremes and me this bloody knife shall play the umpire Extremities. When extremities fpeak, I have heard you fay, honour and unfever'd friends i' the war, do grow together Extremity. Any extremity rather than a mischief Coriolanus. 3 2 723148 Merry W. of Windfer. 4 2 661 26 Ibid. 4 2 671 If I find not what I feek, thew no colour for my extremity Coriolanus. 41726 1.27 Will youthe knights shall to the edge of all extremity pursue each other Troil. and Creff 45 881257 - Thy tongue may take off fome extremity, which to read would be even mortal to me Cymbeline. 3 4 909157 - Why thou wert better in thy grave, than to answer with thy uncover'd body this extremity of the skies And topextremity - And every thing in extremity Lear. 3 4 948256 Ibid. 5 3 964214 Rom, and Juliet.1 3 971,200 Exult. Who might be your mother, that you infult, exult, and all at once, over the |