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" Lord, save Thy servant; which putteth his trust in Thee. " Send him help from Thy holy place; and ever more mightily defend him. "
The Power and the Glory - Strona 116
autor: Tony Breeze - 2021 - Liczba stron: 131
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The whole duty of prayer, containing devotions for every day in the week ...

Richard Allestree (D.D.) - 1716 - Liczba stron: 166
...with Sicknefs. Lord, if thou wilr, thou canft make him whole '. fend him therefore Help and Health from thy Holy Place, and evermore mightily defend him. Let the Enemy have no Advantage againft him, nor the Wicked approach to hurt him, but be thou prefent with him ; Strengthen his Faith,...
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Ancient and modern Malta, as also, the history of the knights of St ..., Tom 1

Pierre Marie Louis de Boisgelin de Kerdu - 1805 - Liczba stron: 438
...son, Kyrie eleison. Our father, &c. Lead us not into tempta" tion, &c. Save thy servant, oh God ! who putteth his '** trust in thee. Send him help from thy holy place, and from " Sion. Defend him, and let the enemy have no advantage " over him, nor the wicked one approach...
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Liturgiae Britannicae: Or, the Several Editions of the Book of Common Prayer ...

Church of England, William Keeling - 1842 - Liczba stron: 530
...inserted and used for the O Lord, save the King, Penplf. Who putteth his trust in thee. Pfiest. Send him help from thy holy place ; And evermore mightily defend him. Let his enemies have no advantage against him. Let not the wicked approach to hurt him. Instead of the...
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The pathway to piety. Repr, Tom 2

Robert Hill - 1847 - Liczba stron: 306
...hia most precious blood, and be not angry with us forever. Lord, sane thy servant, which p11tteth hia trust in thee : send him help from thy holy place,...mightily defend him : let the enemy have no advantage against him, nor the wicked approach near unto him : be unto him a strong tower against the face of...
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The Pathway to Piety, Tom 2

Robert Hill - 1847 - Liczba stron: 302
...servant, whom Christ hath redeemed with his most precious blood, and be not angry with us for ever. Lord, save thy servant, which putteth his trust in...him help from thy holy place, and evermore mightily defendhim : let the enemy have no advantage against him, nor the wicked approach near unto him : be...
Pełny widok - Informacje o książce

An order of preparation for holy communion, gathered from the Book of common ...

Augustus Kerr Bozzi Granville - 1849 - Liczba stron: 44
...and the glory, For ever and ever. Amen. 0 Lord, save thy servant ; Which putteth his trust in tliee. Send him help from thy holy place ; And evermore mightily...advantage of him ; Nor the wicked approach to hurt him. 0 Lord, hear our prayers. And let our cry come unto thee. — Suffrages in Visiting the Sick. Turn...
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Visitatio infirmorum; or, offices for the clergy in praying with, directing ...

1854 - Liczba stron: 904
...mercy upon us. 0ur FATHER, &c. But deliver us from evil. Amen. MtiitKtpr. 0 LORD, save Thy servant; Who putteth his trust in Thee. Send him help from Thy holy place ; And evermore mightily defend Aim. Mip'ater. 0 remember not the sins and offences of his youth ; Aiirif'-r. But according to Thy...
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The Liturgy Compared with the Bible ... Scripture Quotations and References ...

Rev. Henry Ives Bailey - 1857 - Liczba stron: 870
...soul ; for I am holy : O thou my God, save thy servant that trusteth in thee. Psal. Ixxxvi. 2. 0, 7. Send him help from thy holy place ; and evermore mightily defend him. 6, 7. The Lord hear thee in the day of trouble, the name of the God of Jacob defend thee. Send thee...
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The Cure of Souls

George Arden - 1858 - Liczba stron: 224
...have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Our Father, &c. Amen. O Lord, save this Thy servant. Who putteth his trust in Thee. Send him help from Thy holy place. And evermore mightily defend him. O remember not the sins and offences of his youth. But according to Thy mercy think Thou upon him,...
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The hours of the Passion, including in full the daily office for morning and ...

1864 - Liczba stron: 294
...upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Оur Father. О Lord, save Thy servant. Which putteth his [or hef] trust in Thee. Send him help from Thy holy place. And evermore mightiiy defend him. Let the Enemy have no advantage of him. Nor the Wicked approach to hurt him. Be...
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