Conrad's Western WorldCambridge University Press, 1971 - 455 Conrad's Western World traces the sources of Heart of Darkness, Nostromo, The Secret Agent and some of the short stories related to these novels. As in his highly acclaimed Conrad's Eastern World, Professor Sherry provides an interesting blend of biographical reconstruction and investigation into the originals of the main incidents and characters - Kurtz, Nostromo, Verloc and many of the minor figures as well. It has been possible to show in the study of Conrad's source material a movement away from analyses of personal experience or the narrated experiences of others to a manipulation of material entirely outside the bounds of his own experience. This change reveals also a movement in interest from personal and private dilemmas to wider and more public concerns, and shows Conrad developing a progressive sense of the frightening underside of human society. Finally, Professor Sherry considers the play of Conrad's mind over his source material and traces the development of individual works from the given sources to the completed fiction. This reconstruction of Conrad's original materials and the tracing of their development into literary works of great distinction gives us a unique insight into Conrad's preoccupations and art. |
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Strona vii
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Strona 8
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Strona 40
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Strona 52
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Strona 67
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Niestety, treść tej strony jest ograniczona.
Spis treści
The Fascination of Africa | 2 |
Stanley Fallsthe Heart of Darkness | 8 |
62 | 26 |
Kurtz | 92 |
Henry Morton Stanleythe Yawl Nellie | 119 |
An Outpost of Progress | 131 |
Gaspar Ruiz | 137 |
The Garibaldino | 153 |
The Assistant Commissioner | 296 |
Chief Inspector Heat | 302 |
Verloc | 314 |
A P Kriegera speculation | 325 |
Conclusion | 337 |
A Johannes Freieslebens death certificate | 375 |
B Movement of shipping through Bangala | 376 |
The Informer page | 205 |
An Anarchist | 219 |
The Bomb Outrage | 228 |
The Anarchists | 248 |
Karl Yundt | 253 |
Michaelis | 260 |
The Professor | 274 |
Sir Ethelred the Home Secretary | 286 |
Kleins death certificate | 378 |
The Greenwich Mystery | 379 |
E Two unpublished letters from Conrad to Krieger | 395 |
Notes | 396 |
Nostromo and Decoud | 417 |
443 | |
Inne wydania - Wyświetl wszystko
Kluczowe wyrazy i wyrażenia
anarchist appears Arabs arrived aspects Assistant Commissioner Author's Note Bangala Basoko Belgian Bolobo Boma Bomb Outrage Bourdin called Captain Cervoni character Commonweal Comrade X Congo Conrad's experience Costaguana Coulon Cunninghame Graham Davitt death Decoud derived diary dynamite Eastwick Edgar Wright été expedition explosion fact Falls station February Fenian Ford Garibaldi Gobila Greenwich Park Grenfell Heart of Darkness Hodister Hodister's Ibid incident Inner Station Inspector Heat Inspector Melville ivory Jean-Aubry Joseph Conrad journey Kinchassa Klein Krieger Kurtz Leopoldville letter Lomami London Marlow Martial Bourdin Masterman Matadi Michaelis Mobeka Morning Leader Mouvement Géographique natives Nostromo novel Ossipon Outpost of Progress police prison Professor records reference revolutionary river Roi des Belges Rossetti Samuels says Scotland Yard Secret Agent seems Sir Ethelred Société Sotillo Stanley Falls steamer Stevie story suggested Sulaco Tchumbiri up-river Verloc Viola writes wrote young