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THE train of thought which runs through the following Work has been familiar to the Author's mind for upwards of twenty-six years. Nearly twenty years ago, he intended to address the public on this subject: but he is now convinced that, at that period, the attempt would have been premature, and consequently unsuccessful. He took several opportunities, however, of suggesting a variety of hints on the necessity of new-modelling and improving the system of education-particularly in the London "Monthly Magazine," the "Edinburgh Christian Instructor," the "Christian Recorder," the "Perth Courier," and several other publications, as well as in several parts of his former volumes.-Of late years the attention of the public has been directed to this subject more than at any former period, and even the British Legislature has been constrained to take into consideration the means by which the benefits of education may be more extensively enjoyed. It is therefore to be hoped, that the subject will now undergo a deliberate and unbiassed consideration, corresponding to its interest and importance.

In endeavouring to establish a new system of education-although every requisite improvement could not, in the first instance, be effected,-yet nothing short of a comprehensive and efficient system should be the model after which we ought to copy, and to which all our arrangements should gradually approximate. To attempt merely to extend the present, in many respects inefficient and limited system, without adopting those improvements which experience and the progress of society have rendered necessary, would be only to postpone to an indefinite period what must ultimately be established, if society is expected to go on in its progress towards perfection.

In the following volume the author has exhibited a brief outline of the whole series of instructions requisite for man, considered as an intelligent and moral agent destined to immortality-from the earliest dawn of reason to the period of manhood. But it is merely an outline; for the subject, considered in all its bearings, is the most extensive and interesting that can occupy the attention of mankind. Should the present volume, however, meet with general approbation, some more specific details in reference to the subjects here discussed, and to other topics connected with the improvement of society, may afterwards be presented to the public.

Several excellent works have lately been published on the subject of education, some of them recognizing the leading principles which are here illustrated. But the author has, in every instance, prosecuted his own train of thought, without interfering with the sentiments or language of others, unless where it is acknowledged. Some of the works alluded to he has not had it in his power to peruse; and the same current of thought will sometimes occur to different writers on the same subject.— The greater part of this work was composed before the author had an opportunity

of perusing the excellent treatise of Mr. Simpson, entitled, "Necessity of Popular Education"'—a work which abounds with liberal and enlightened views, and which recognizes the same general principles which are here illustrated. But the two works do not materially interfere; and the one may be regarded as a supplement or sequel to the other, both having a bearing on the same grand object.

It was originnally intended to offer a few remarks on classical learning, and on the system of education which prevails in our colleges and universities; but the size to which the volume has swelled has rendered it expedient to postpone them to a future opportunity. For the same reason, the "Miscellaneous Hints in reference to the Improvement of Society," and the remarks on Mechanics' Institutions," have been much abridged, and various topics omitted which were intended to be particularly illustrated.

The author intends proceeding with his promised work "On the Scenery of the Heavens," as soon as his present engagements will permit.

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Pago. INTRODUCTION.-Importance of the object proposed in the following work, and its practicability. Reasons why it has never yet been accomplished. Prospects of future improvement,



PRELIMINARY REMARKS.-Importance of education-subject too much overlooked-deficiency in the arrangements made in reference to this object-desirable that a taste for intellectual pursuits be induced-what should be the grand object of education,



Education during the dark ages-erection of colleges-era of the Reformation and the effects produced by it. Education in the United States of America-in Silesia, Wirtemberg, Bavaria, Prussia, &c.-in France-Spain-Russia-Switzerland,


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STRICTURES ON THE MODE IN WHICH EDUCATION HAS GENERALLY BEEN CONDUCTED Different views of the object of education-absurd practices in relation to it-deficiencies in the mode of religious instruction-summary of the usual scholastic process. Errors and deficiencies. 1. No communication of ideas. 2. School-books not adapted to the capacities of youth-specimens of their contents-immorality and absurdity of some of these selections. 3. Injudicious exercise of the memory-Shorter Catechism, &c. 4. Absurd attempts at teaching Grammar-Mr. Smellie's remarks on this subject. Fastidiousness in regard to the art of Writing. Strictures on the mode of teaching Arithmetic. Various circumstances which render education disagreeable to the young,-want of ample accommodation-long confinement in school-undue severity-hurrying children from one book to another-attempts to teach several branches at one time, &c. Glaring deficiencies in the present practice-attributable to the system more than to the teachers. Miscellaneous remarks,




HINTS IN REFERENCE TO A COMPREHENSIVE AND IMPROVED SYSTEM OF EDUCATION. General view of what an enlightened education should embrace. Defects in our treatises on this subject. Man's eternal destiny overlooked, &c., SECTION I. On the Education of the young during the period of infancy.-Gradual opening of the infant mind. Manner in which its ideas are increased-rapidity of its progress and acquisitions. 1. Physical education of infants, importance of,-Food of infants; remarks on nursing. Propriety of paying attention to the effects of air and light. Cleanliness-anecdote of a Russian. Clothing of children, simplicity of dress-covering of the feet-directions in regard to shoes, illustrated by figures. Sleep and exercise of children. Attention requisite to direct their pronunciation. 2. Moral instruction of infants. Means of acquiring an absolute authority over them. Plan recommended by Dr. Witherspoon. Anecdote of Mr. Cecil-rule for securing authority-obstacles which prevent mothers from acquiring it-general violation of parental authority illustratedAbbot's "Mother at Home" recommended-anecdote extracted from that work. Importance of attending to truth in the education of children,-truth and falsehood in pictorial exhibitions. Illustrative anecdote from Mr. Abbot. General rules on this subject. Habit of incessantly finding fault with children. Children should feel the consequences of their conduct, and be guarded against vanity and self-conceit. Danger of frightening children, illustrated by an appalling fact. Necessity of harmony in the conduct of parents towards their children. 3. Intellectual instruction of infants. Objects, natural and artificial, which should be presented to their view-mode of conveying a knowledge of the qualities of objects-communication of ideas by engravings. Experiments on this subject, with a boy about two years old. Importance of imparting correct ideas to the infant mind. Maternal associations,




Objects of infant schools. Proper situation for such institutions, and the apparatus requisite for conducting them. Method of teaching vocal music, the alphabet, arithmetic, and the facts of sacred history-figure of the Arithmeticon. Advantages which would flow from the universal establishment of infant schools-increase of useful information-formation of intellectual habits-foundation laid of moral conduct-certainty of success when judicious moral training is attended to. Moral effects of infant teaching, illustrated by examples. Infant schools, beneficial to general society and counteractive of juvenile delinquency. Social habits cultivated with safety. Influence of infant schools on Missionary operations-infant schools in Africa-such institutions ought to be universally established for all ranks. Qualifications of teachers in order to render them efficient. Origin and progress of infant schools,





Introductory remarks-plan, situation, and arrangement of school-room, illustrated with cuts. Idea of a seminary on a large scale. School furniture-Apparatus and Museumsystematic sets of engravings. Description of a new Optical Diagonal Machine, with figures, suggestions to engravers on this subject. Beneficial effects of such schools. School books, and the principles on which they ought to be constructed. Specimens of subjects for elementary books,-objections obviated. Outline of a school-book for the advanced classes, drawn up twenty-six years ago,-capacity of children for understanding judicious selections,-third series of school-book, comprising popular systems of the sciences, &c. Historical class-books, with remarks on the manner in which history should be taught,-propriety of embellishing school-books with engravings-Dictionaries and portable Cyclopedias,



SECTION I. English Reading.-Specimen of lessons for children, and the mode in which they should be taught. Lesson on the Peacock, with an engraving. Lesson on the philosophical toy termed the Sagacious Swan, with remarks. Lesson for the advanced classes-description of volcanos, with engravings. Questions on the lesson. Manner in which such questions should be formed and arranged. Sets of miscellaneous questions. Lessons on objects,

SECTION II. Writing and Composition. Mr. Buchanan's plan for teaching writing on slates, (with a cut.) Professor Jacotot's plan. Specimens of sentiments and statements of facts for copy lines. Mode of training the young in the art of composition, SECTION III. Drawing.-Mode of procedure in learning this art. Fancy landscapes, &c., should be discarded; drawing from the objects of nature and art. Utility of this accomplishment,

SECTION IV. Arithmetic.-Mode of conveying ideas of numbers; the relative value of money; the measures of length and capacity, of time, and the divisions of the circle, (with figures.) Sensible illustration of arithmetical operations, (with cuts.) Illustration of the value of fractions. Miscellaneous hints, SECTION V. Grammar.-Absurdities in relation to this subject; Lord Kaimes' opinion on our mode of teaching grammar. Simple mode of communicating the elements of grammar. Origin of language, suggests the proper method of teaching it. Fundamental rules of syntax; complexity of some of our English Grammars." General remarks, SECTION VI. Geography.-Utility of this science. Deficiencies in the mode of teaching it. Mode of proving the globular form of the earth, illustrated with figures. Mode of conveying an impressive idea of its magnitude. Quantity of solid matter it contains; how many mountains, such as Etna, would be required to form a mass equal to the earth. Diversified scenery on the earth's surface, quantity of water in the rivers and seas, &c. Projections and delineations requisite for illustrating Geography. Maps exhibiting the ranges of mountains; the proportional length and breadth of rivers; comparative size of countries, lakes, and seas; Isothermal charts; charts of geographical Zoology; chart of moral and religious geography, &c.; views of the cities, grottos, &c.; slate globes; delineations of the comparative heights of mountains; wax models of particular countries, &c. Mode of describing countries. Geographical class-books, what they should contain. Directions for commencing this study. Characteristics of certain Geographical class-books lately published in America,

SECTION VII. Geology.--Its practical utility. Classification of the rocks and strata of the globe, illustrated with a plate. Specimens for illustrating geological facts; books on Geology,







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SECTION VIII. Astronomy.-Object and utility of this science. Mode of communicating to the young a knowledge of celestial phenomena. Observations on the motion of the sun, and the phases of the moon; the principal stars and constellations; apparent motion of the celestial vault; apparent annual motion of the sun; measures of the celestial sphere. Apparent motion of the planets; experiment which solves the apparent irregularities. Proofs of the Earth's diurnal rotation; of its annual revolution. Mode of explaining the variety of seasons. Manner of exhibiting the phenomena of the planets, and the magnifying powers best adapted to this purpose. Circumstances to be attended to in exhibiting the moon through a telescope. Mode of exhibiting the solar spots. Imperfect conceptions conveyed by orreries and planetariums. Manner of representing the proportional magnitudes and distances of the planets. Mode of explaining a parallax, illustrated by figures. Booka on Astronomy; Burrett's "Geography of the Heavens," &c. SECTION IX. Experimental Philosophy and Chemistry.-Departments of Experimental Philosophy. Mechanical Powers. Experiments illustrative of Hydrostatical principles, (with figures). Simple experiments illustrative of Pneumatical subjects; pressure, elasticity, and compressibility of air; principle of the diving-bell; siphons; effects of the expansion of air, &c. Methods of cutting glass tubes and bending them for siphons. Optical experiments, for explaining the principles of telescopes and microscopes. Description of a diagonal eye-piece. Camera obscura, on a large scale. Phantasmagoria, solar microscope: manner of procuring animalcula. How a compound microscope may be formed from a common telescopic eye-piece. Experiments with concave mirrors. Chemical subjects and apparatus; Books on Natural Philosophy and Chemistry, SECTION X. Mathematics.-General remarks on the plan and order in which a knowledge of this subject should be communicated to young persons, SECTION XI. Physiology.-Inconsistency of omitting this department in a general course of education. Evils which arise from ignorance of this subject. Distortions of the human frame caused by absurd practices. Means by which a general knowledge of the human system might be communicated. Figure exhibiting the thorax and abdomen. Evidences of design in the human fabric. Practical purposes to which a knowledge of Physiology might be applied, SECTION XII. Logic or the Art of Reasoning.-Utility of this subject. Outline of a comprehensive system of Logic. Popular Logic-examples of reasoning with remarks. Subjects for exercising the reasoning powers. Anecdotes of Gassendi, when a boy, and his mode of reasoning with his companions. Analysis of Gassendi's reasoning. Reasoning to prove that, "air exists"-that "all should enjoy a moral and intellectual education." Sources of Error illustrated. Sophisms illustrated. Particular species of false reasoning. Importance of an early exercise of the rational faculty-evils which have arisen from false reasoning. Diabolical reasoning-reasoning by physical force-by torture-by fines and imprisonments-reasoning of persecutors, of mobs, &c. Powerful influence of Gold in producing conviction,

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SECTION XIII. Natural Theology.-An appropriate study for the young. Summary of subjects and facts connected with this study. Other departments of knowledge briefly noticed, Natural History, Botany, Political economy, Vocal music, Domestic economy. Bodily exercises-amusements-and excursions. Female education-illustrious females -energy of the female mind, and its influence in society. Prevailing misconceptions. Reasons for universal instruction,


MORAL AND RELIGIOUS INSTRUCTION. Instruction in the knowledge of the Deity. Mode of illustrating the Divine perfections, exemplified in reference to the Wisdom and the Immensity of God. Instruction in the history of the Divine dispensations-religion to be taught chiefly from the Scripturesdoctrines and precepts of Christianity-propriety of a specific application of Scriptural precepts to the conduct of the young. Moral training particularly exemplified. Manner in which the young should be directed in the study of the Scriptures. Scripture class-book


Defects which adhere to the present system of Sabbath Schools. Qualifications of Sabbath School Teachers. Necessity of their being trained to their office. Departments of knowledge they should study-Sacred History, Ancient Geography, Biblical Criticism, &c. General remarks on Sabbath Schools-practices to be avoided, &c. Books on this subject,



Necessity of such institutions. Subjects to which this class of young persons should be
directed. Pre-requisites to their establishment,











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