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Taylorian Scholarship and Exhibition, in French,


EXAMINER pro hac vice:


Lauréat de l'Institut de France.

EXAMINER ex officio:


Membre étranger de l'Institut de France.








Nov. 9, 10 A.M.-1 P.M.

1. Traduire en français :

The science of Politics bears in one respect a close analogy to the science of Mechanics. The mathematician can easily demonstrate that a certain power, applied by means of a certain lever or of a certain system of pulleys, will suffice to raise a certain weight. But his demonstration proceeds on the supposition that the machinery is such as no load will bend or break. If the engineer, who has to lift a great mass of real granite by the instrumentality of real timber and real hemp, should absolutely rely on the proposition which he finds in treatises on Dynamics, and should make no allowance for the imperfection of his materials, his whole apparatus of beams, wheels, and ropes would soon come down in ruin, and, with all his geometrical skill, he would be found a far inferior builder to those painted barbarians who, though they never heard of the parallelogram of forces, managed to pile up Stonehenge. What the engineer is to the mathematician, the active statesman is to the contemplative statesman. It is indeed most important that legislators and administrators should be versed in the philosophy of government, as it is most important that the architect, who has to fix an obelisk on its pedestal, or to hang a tubular bridge over an estuary, should be versed in the philosophy of equilibrium and motion. But, as he who has actually to build must bear in mind many things never noticed by d'Alembert and Euler, so must he who has actually to govern be perpetually guided by considerations to which no allusion can be found in the writings of Adam Smith or Jeremy Bentham. The perfect lawgiver is a just temper between

the mere man of theory, who can see nothing but general principles, and the mere man of business, who can see nothing but particular circumstances. Of lawgivers in whom the speculative element has prevailed to the exclusion of the practical, the world has during the last eighty years been singularly fruitful. To their wisdom Europe and America have owed scores of abortive constitutions; scores of constitutions have lived just long enough to make a miserable noise, and have then gone off in convulsions. But in the English legislature the practical element has always predominated, and not seldom unduly predominated, over the speculative. To think nothing of symmetry and much of convenience; never to remove an anomaly merely because it is an anomaly; never to innovate except when some grievance is felt; never to lay down any proposition of wider extent than the particular case for which it is necessary to provide ;-these are the rules which have, from the age of John to the age of Victoria, generally guided the deliberations of our two hundred and fifty Parliaments.-(MACAULAY, History of England, iv. 84.)

2. Donner l'étymologie des mots normands:-ablet, achieve, acquaint, advance, advantage (expliquer le d), aim, almond (expl. le 7), annoy, approach, aunt, beverage, bugle, bushel, caitiff, cattle, caudle, challenge, constable, covet (expl. le t), curtain, cushion, daunt, dishevel, dress, embassy, emerald (expl. le l), fawn, forest, forge, fray, gaol, gauge, gourd, grant, hostage, impeach, jail, jaw, jeopardy, jewel, laundress, loin, mail, manage, marriage, marvel, mastiff, match, messenger, mischief, mutton, naive, nice, nombles, osprey, oust, pail, palfrey, palsy, peasant, pencil, plenty, portray, power, poy, purchase, pursue, quail, quilt, rampart (expl. le t), retail, retrieve, rout, savage, scout, search, season, sever, siege, sovereign, squirrel, stranger, surplice, travel, trouble, try, usher, vault, viand, view.

Le candidat donnera, pour chaque mot, l'original français ou ancien français, et le primitif latin; il expliquera également les principales difficultés phonétiques.


Nov. 9, 2 P.M.—5 P.M.

Histoire de la Littérature française.

1. Caractériser brièvement la théorie de la féodalité d'après Montesquieu en la comparant à celle de M. Guizot.

2. Qu'appelle-t-on chansons de geste? Pour quelles raisons a-t-on comparé la Chanson de Roland à l'Iliade?

3. Décrire la naissance et le développement du poème épique. L'Enéide et la Henriade sont-elles des épopées au véritable sens du mot?

4. Quel a été le rôle joué par Hincmar?

5. Donner une liste raisonnée des poètes dramatiques français depuis l'an 1500 jusqu'à ce jour.

6. Raconter la querelle de Voltaire et de Buffon.

7. Comparer Grégoire de Tours et Eginhard.

8. Quels sont les principaux monuments de la prose française avant Villehardouin?

[blocks in formation]

Giton a le teint frais, le visage plein et les joues pendantes, l'œil fixe et assuré, les épaules larges, l'estomac haut, la démarche ferme et délibérée: il parle avec confiance, il fait répéter celui qui l'entretient, et il ne goûte que médiocrement tout ce qu'il lui dit: il déploie un ample mouchoir, et se mouche avec grand bruit: il crache fort loin et il éternue fort haut: il dort le jour, il dort la nuit et profondément; il ronfle en compagnie. Il occupe à table et à la promenade plus de place qu'un autre ; il tient le milieu en se promenant avec ses égaux, il s'arrête et l'on s'arrête, il continue de marcher et l'on marche, tous se réglent sur lui: il interrompt, il redresse ceux qui ont la parole: on ne l'interrompt pas, on l'écoute aussi longtemps qu'il veut parler, on est de son avis, on croit les nouvelles qu'il débite. S'il s'assied, vous le voyez

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