The Lancashire Witches: A Romance of Pendle Forest, Tom 1Henry Colburn, 1849 - 359 |
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Abbot of Whalley Alice Nutter arms arquebussiers Ashbead beadle beauty Bess chapter-house child convent church cousin cried Alizon cried Dorothy cried Nicholas cried the abbot Cuthbert dark daughter door dunna Earl of Derby Elizabeth Device exclaimed ey'm ey'n eyes Father Eastgate girl hand hath head hill instantly Jem Device Jennet John Braddyll John Paslew knoa Lady Assheton Lancashire laugh look lord lort abbut Master Nicholas Master Potts Master Richard monk morris-dancers Mother Chattox Mother Demdike Nabs Nance neaw Nicholas Assheton observed Pendle Forest Pendle Hill Pendle Water poor Queen rejoined Nicholas replied Alizon replied Hal replied Mistress Nutter replied Nicholas replied Potts replied the abbot ribands Richard Assheton Robin Hood round rush-cart Sir Ralph Assheton Sir Thomas Sparshot squire stone stood strange tall thee Thomas Metcalfe thou voice weel Whalley Abbey whon whot witch wizard woman Worston yo'n young